Dearest Ones,
I am happy today to tell you that all of you are progressing forward in your spiritual development and growth in holiness, and I am pleased with your devotion to me and your willingness to go through anything to please and honor me and my cause in the earth. For this you will receive my constant watchcare, support, and the reward that comes as a result of joyful obedience and loving fellowship with me. There is singing and rejoicing by the angels about the throne because the marriage of the Lamb that has been prophesied for ages and is now in progress. Because of this joyful event, I will pour out upon you blessings that are fit for the bride of the King.
Although the condition of things in the world will continue to worsen as I allow the loosening of the winds, in contrast I will bless my people with the dew of heaven, just as I protected and blessed my people, Israel, when the plagues of Egypt were poured out. Do you recall that the Israelites experienced the first three plagues along with the Egyptians? This was purposeful on my part, because they had partaken of the spirit of the Egyptians and needed discipline for this; and also because I wanted their tendrils of earthliness to be broken so they would remember their trials in Egypt and not be tempted to lust after what they had and desire to return when they went through the hardships of being sojourners in the wilderness until they reached the promised land.
So it will be with my people now. You are about to go into the Promised Land, but before you do, you will suffer along with the society in which you live to some extent. But you will not suffer the seven last plagues at all, which are strictly for the wicked who have spurned my love and my grace which was purchased for the human race at such a cost. They will receive the full outpouring of my wrath which is poured out without mixture from the cup of my indignation against sin and those who have chosen it by following my enemy and the laws of his government.
Now go to the activities of your day, but always remember that you are never alone, for I am always beside you, and I am just a prayer away. Do not struggle with your sins and temptations until you are worn out and discouraged, and then come to me for healing and relief when you are at the extremity of your resources. Although I will certainly take you into my arms and wrap you up in my love as the father did to the prodigal son, I would much rather you would come to me at the beginning of your trials so I can prevent you from going through so much pain and suffering. Do you see what I mean? It takes a lot more repair even for me, when you don't come for help until you have wasted your time, energy and resources in battling with the enemy by yourself, and depleting your strength in the enemy's camp.
But now I am finished with rebuking and counseling, and I just want to keep you close to me and under my wings of love, for I never want to see you hurt or confused by anything or by any temptation or trial that the devil may bring across your pathway. Just remember to call upon me at once and receive my help, counsel, guidance, protection and provisions -- in short, my love and constant care for you. If you look to me you have no need for worry, sadness, or perplexity, for I will provide for your every need. Call upon me and I will hear you and pour out blessings for you that will exceed your expectations, and disappoint the devil in his desires to bring suffering and reproach upon my bride. Look always to me and lean upon me, and you will always be kept in the circle of my protection! Lovingly, Jesus.