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  • Writer's pictureMoments with Jesus

Sensing the presence of Jesus

Dearest Ones,

You cannot imagine how pleased and happy I am because of your devotion and willingness to go forward in spite of opposition and hardships from those who oppose you and want to stop you from going forward in the pathway that I have assigned you. I know that going against the popular current of thinking is difficult and at times very painful, but I have trod the way before you and I walk with you as you go forward at my bidding and for my name's honor and glory. I have much yet to disclose to you, but I shall reveal only what you can understand and accomplish in the short period of time that we have left to get the work done, and as you move forward, the light will increase according to your need. I want you to sense my presence and guidance constantly, but in order to do this, you will need to keep your spiritual eyes and ears open and be sensitive to my slightest whisper. Thus you will grow in your ability to hear my voice and be in constant communication with me. You cannot get through the end of time unless you know my voice and have cleansed hearts that hear and respond and understand. Thus you will be my instruments for the finishing of the work! Lovingly, Jesus.

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