The Etiology of Anger
Dear Ones, you are my treasure today and every day because you are walking in the light of my presence and my instructions each day, and following my guidance so that I can trust you to do my bidding, and not get behind because you put other things first in your priorities. I will reward you for this by giving you a sense of my presence and approval every moment of the day and night so that you need never be concerned or fear that I am not with you, for I will be protecting and guiding you every moment. Just look to me constantly and you will never have cause for dismay. Now for the topic of today. I want you to study the topic of the etiology of anger, and how it has affected the whole human race since sin came into the world. It caused the first murder, and all the murders and violence and hate since the entrance of sin. Unrighteous anger comes from Satan’s covetousness of my position with my Father, and his desire for my throne. He thought about it until his desires drove him to madness, and his focus upon the object of his selfish goals became his only thoughts. His anger was directed at me because he felt that I was standing in the way of achieving his goals and receiving what he so much desired. This is the basis of all unrighteous anger and all wars. The desired object or goal is perceived to be unreachable unless the person or thing that is standing in the way is removed or destroyed. This is the result of sin in the human heart, and it comes from Satan. Originally, I placed the holy desire to achieve and reach goals into Adam because I created him in my image as a leader and creator of anything his heart desired as long as it was in harmony with me, and inspired by my Spirit. Man’s mind must be achieving and growing and thinking new and lofty thoughts in order to be healthy and growing and fulfilling the blueprint which I gave him in the beginning. But the effect of sin has caused this gift and desire to become self-centered and focused upon selfish principles and self-aggrandizement and achievements that will bring honor, fame, and glory to oneself. Therefore, anything or anyone that stands in the way of these goals becomes a perceived enemy, and must be brought into subjection, removed or destroyed. In the beginning, the gifts of achievement that I gave to man were to be used to be a blessing to everyone to make the lives of others more pleasant and happy. Created things were to be useful and beneficial to everyone, and bring happiness to mankind and glory to God. But sin has obscured or obliterated these goals and opened the door for Satan to replace these goals with the stamp of his own character. Thus you see the results of war, hatred, and selfishness. For thousands of years I held back the full results of this, and inspired men who were subject to my Spirit to invent things that would be for the good of mankind and speed up the last warning message to the world. But Satan has so perverted even these blessings from me to be used for his Satanic purposes to bring the minds and souls of human beings into slavery and bondage to his own insanity of thinking and doing. Therefore, my chosen ones must be completely divested of anything that would infiltrate their minds from the camp of the enemy. The avenues of the soul and mind must be kept clean, pure and holy if the cleansing of the judgment process is to be effective. Even good movies and music must be used judiciously, for the mind is captivated by thoughts and feelings that I may not be inspiring at that particular moment. In other words, even the use of good music must be subject to my Spirit for timing and content, because it goes directly to the right hemisphere of the brain where I alone should preside. So please let your music choices and timing be in subjection to me. I prefer that you do not have music – even good music – playing all the time, because it controls your moods in a way that I alone should do. The silence of the soul and mind makes more distinct the still, small voice of the guidance of the Holy Spirit speaking to you. That is why Satan uses rock music to invade the minds of men and women who listen to it. It is essentially a take-over of the mind by the devil to control the thoughts, feelings and motives of the listener. And it has a very angry spirit in harmony with the pulsations of the beat, the lustful words, and the instruments which are used. It is the music of war and lust. Satan cannot create anything that is gentle, sweet, and truly loving, for his character is just the opposite. That is why even the so-called spiritual songs must be forced into the minds of hearers and singers by a heavy beat, and loudness, or sensual tones and innuendoes. Please avoid completely such songs and music that appeal to the sensual side of your nature, for it will surely connect you with the evil one, for they are not inspired by my Spirit. Now back to the subject of anger. The KJV of the scriptures says, “Be angry and sin not.” The NIV is more preferable: “In your anger do not sin.” Anger itself is not sinful if it is used to accomplish something necessary and beneficial. Anger is the basic drive to propel into action for accomplishing a desired goal. For example, my righteous anger as it is expressed in scripture is always for the purpose of protecting my people and reaching the desired goals that are necessary to accomplish the work of salvation. I am not angry at people – I am angry at sin and all that it has caused, and in my anger I will destroy all that sin has caused to my Father’s sovereignty, His laws, and His kingdom. In my anger against sin, I will rid the universe once and for all of the effects of Lucifer’s defection, and his threats to take over the very throne of God. He will be deposed from the position of leadership that I have permitted for him in order to display his wicked purposes and the results of his evil mind. That, with the protection of my people, is the focus of my anger. But evil anger comes from the devil, and all my people must be cleansed of every shred of it, for it has a selfish base, and puts Satan in control wherever and whenever it is displayed. The Holy Spirit cannot reign in the heart of anyone who is giving way to selfish anger and impulses. This must be cleansed in the fire of my righteous judgments. Then peace and holiness can reign in the hearts and homes of my people, and can flow through the homes of all who are controlled by my Spirit of love, joy and peace. Will you not allow me to do this for you? Trust in me and not in self. If you have a problem of any kind, come to me for help instead of trying to solve it yourself. You will be blessed, and everyone around you will be blessed if you do this. Now go to the activities of your day, but keep your mind and heart open to me at all times. Don’t give the devil the slightest inch of space to come into your hearts to cause unholy thoughts, feelings and actions. I will cleanse you of all sin as you walk with me, and you will be my friend, just as Abraham was, and I will share all my thoughts and feelings with you just as I did with him. Isn’t that enough reward for yielding to my Spirit and displaying my character and my love to everyone around you? I am looking forward to this relationship with you today and every day until I come. Now be at peace with me, for I am at peace with you. And always remember that I am just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.
Righteous Anger
Dear Ones, my topic today is righteous anger. My topic yesterday was a delineation of the difference between righteous anger and unrighteous anger. Righteous anger is against sin and produces peace as its result. It is not against people, but against sin. But righteous anger is possible only through a love relationship with me. The natural heart of man both spurns and rejects anyone who disagrees with them, or capitulates out of fear of rejection and a need to be in harmony at all costs, even to the point of sacrificing truth and accepting error. It all depends upon the root problems of childhood, and the decisions that were made then in order to cope with their lives at a young age. But these are reactions from fear, for the primary emotion causing anger is fear – fear of bodily harm, loss of status, loss of individuality or of the power of choice, loss of connection, or of possessions or position, or loss of the love of significant people in one’s life. Any threat or perceived threat to one’s harmony of life is received by the mind to be something that must be dealt with in a way that will bring homeostasis and happiness and peace back again. However, the human heart cannot produce such peace, because of its fallen condition. This is because after Adam and Eve sinned as a result of looking to self for ways to exalt themselves to a higher realm than I had assigned them, they continued to look to self for ways to bring back the homeostasis and peace which they had lost after they sinned and disobeyed my command not to eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Satan appealed to Eve to be dissatisfied with her present condition and reach for a higher place and condition than I had given to them, and essentially to become gods. Of course, it was the same sin that had led him to go astray in the courts of heaven. It was a perceived threat to his concept about himself after his pride took him down from his high position with me, and in attempting to climb higher, he lost his mind which I had given him, and formed a mind for himself that was only evil and self-centered all the time. That, in fact, was the same condition that was found in the whole human race by the time of the flood, with the exception of Noah and his family who were spared as a result of his righteous life and leadership. Thus I was compelled to begin anew with the one family that I had left who knew and loved me and my righteous principles. But even they were imperfect and flawed by sin, and so I chose righteous Abraham to be the progenitor of my people to whom I would give my law and my sanctuary through which I could teach the understanding of my character. The days have been long in the journey which sin has caused. But now the days grow short, because I have at last a small group of people around the earth who know me and desire to uphold the truth of my character and the laws by which I govern my universe. They are laws of love, not of force and condemnation and fighting to produce homeostasis of mind and thought. Force and fighting is always from the evil one, whether it is in the home, the church, or in society and governments at large. Fighting never brings holiness and agreement and the harmony, love, joy and peace that man needs and desires so much, but I alone can produce. Come to me, all ye that are heavy laden, for I alone can give you the rest and love that your heart desires. Why will you go to other sources – to other lovers – to broken cisterns that hold no water, when I have an ever-flowing fountain of love, joy, and peace just waiting for you to come and drink? But the vast majority of mankind goes to other lovers and spurns what it takes to know me. Even my own people who call themselves by my name go to the baubles and entertainment of the world to satisfy their inner desires and quiet their consciences. But I soon will return with a shout and a trumpet call to awaken my sleeping ones who have loved and followed me even unto their death and who are now sleeping in their graves awaiting my call, and I will give them eternal life with me forever around my throne. But for you, my precious ones, I will give you life eternal without seeing death, because you have followed me and presented my truth during the darkest point in history, and will prove faithful through the time after I leave the sanctuary to punish the wicked who have spurned my law and my truth. You will walk with me in white, as also will the great multitude which John saw in vision who have come through great tribulation and have not denied my name, but have endured until the end of their lives. They now lie sleeping, waiting for the great controversy to be finished. They are the souls under the altar whose cries, “How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and true, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?” reach my ears, for they are sleeping in me, but are alive in my heart. Not all of the righteous were slain, but all lived and died for me, and they have received the spotless robe of my righteous life, imputed and imparted to them as a result of their obedience and faith in me. But now the judgment of the dead is finished, and the judgment of the living is in progress, and will soon be finished. Only a small margin of time remains. These will be the 144,000 who have no guile, for they will follow me by faith through the final cleansing, representing what all the righteous dead would have reached had they lived at the time of the final cleansing and blotting out of sin for the whole human race. Do you see the privilege that you have of representing these great men and women who have gone before you and longed to see this day and by faith they saw it, but only through a glass darkly. But you will see face to face without seeing death, and you will experience this privilege because you have walked with me through the judgment of the living, the cleansing of sin, and the blotting out of the sins of the righteous from the records in heaven, so that I can now lay upon Satan, the scapegoat, all the sins since Adam and Eve that have now come down to you. And you are the wave sheaf and the firstfruits because you have permitted me to cleanse these from you in behalf of all who have been overcomers through my blood and my sacrifice on Calvary, and my intercession for them in the heavenly sanctuary. This is why you will be able to sing the song of Moses and the Lamb which no one else can sing, because it is the song of those whose perfected lives are representative of the whole human race. My blood – my perfect life, my righteous character – will be perfected in you as you walk with me day by day and allow me to purify you of every thought, word, deed, and motive of sin, and place in you the same thoughts, words, deeds, and motives that I have, through my indwelling Spirit in your perfected minds and hearts. This is the process that is going on right now, and will soon be finished. And then I will proclaim the awesome words before the throne of my Father, “It is done!” Can you imagine the scene in the throne room of heaven? The heavenly host will bow in profound silence, and then break out in loud and joyous songs of praise. “Hallelujah! For our Lord God Almighty reigns. Let us rejoice and be glad and give Him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and His bride has made herself ready. Fine linen, bright and clean, was given her to wear…. Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!” (See Rev. 19:6-9.) These words are recorded for your encouragement to keep your eyes on the goal, and your minds focused upon your reward. But even now, my reward has begun in the messages that I am sending you to keep your heart focused upon me as I lead you on to glory. My thoughts are always with you, and my love for you is eternal and unbounded. Look up and lift up your heads, for your redemption draws near! And always keep in your minds that I am just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.
The Subconscious Mind a finished product of Grace
Dear Ones, My heart is with you this morning on this holy Sabbath day of rest and rejoicing together for what has been accomplished toward preparation for my coming. You are the ones that have been prophesied about for ages who would finish the work of salvation and usher in my kingdom of peace and righteousness. This is not because you are wiser or even more righteous than any other generation of my chosen ones of all ages, because all have been completely dedicated to me and loved and followed me in all that I required of them, even to the point of death. But because you live in the time when all the accumulated light coming down through the ages is shining upon you, this makes it possible for you to stand on the shoulders of those who have gone before you, and reap the accumulated light and blessings that will usher in my kingdom. That is why you are a part of the great multitude on the one hand, but a special group on the other, because no other generation has perfected their characters with the full light of my salvation shining upon them. Without this finished product, no other generation would be saved, because my honor depends upon my ability to bring the final generation to the perfection of my character while I was upon earth as a pattern for all mankind. How can the work of salvation be completed without a finished product of my grace? How can I be called Savior if I have not saved my people from their sins? I perfected my character while living in a world of sin. By that I mean that I resisted every taint of sin upon my soul by maintaining my connection with my Father constantly. No one forced me to do this – I chose every moment to be filled with His Spirit through an unbroken connection with Him, thus the perfection of His mind flowed constantly into my mind, thoughts, feelings, and motives. How can anyone even think that I felt unholy thoughts, feelings and lusts of the flesh while at the same time being fully connected with my Father’s heart? Because people have never experienced the full cleansing of their own evil, lustful thoughts, they assume that I was just like them. No, that can never be! I am not to be judged on the basis of what the sinful mind of man experiences. On the other hand, my perfect life, including my thoughts and feelings, are to judge you, and unless you submit to being cleansed by my blood – which represents my character – you will not attain the perfection that is required to be in heaven. No unholy thing will be there, even in the subconscious mind, for the conscious thoughts and feelings flow from the subconscious. All the thoughts and feelings coming from the past are just below the level of the conscious mind, and can be pulled up at anytime, when the present experience taps into similar experiences from the past. This is why you often react in imperfect ways, or at least have temptations toward lust, anger, greed, covetousness, etc. I did not have these things in my subconscious mind, for I came from heaven with the same perfect thoughts and feelings that I had from eternity with my Father. My mind was never defiled by sinful thoughts, feelings, or lusts, or I would have been a sinner just like everyone else that has come into the world with the heavy burden of the sins which the fathers have passed on to their children all the way back to Adam and Eve. But I was born with my heavenly Father’s sinless character, with His law written upon my heart, just as I had in heaven. The difference is that my sinless and holy character was connected to a body of clay which was weakened by the sins of humanity for four thousand years. You do not realize what a dreadful toll sin has made upon the bodies and minds of mankind. The noble stature and giant intellect of Adam as I created him in Eden has become so degraded by the sinful practices of human beings over thousands of years, that it is scarcely recognizable with what I created mankind to be in the beginning. It is these weaknesses that I took, which rendered it impossible for me to resist sin and Satan’s temptations on my own. But I never once tried to do it on my own. I was always aware that in order to maintain the purity and perfection of my heavenly character, I must always resist sin in just the same way that you must do – by complete dependence upon power from above – the power of the Holy Spirit – to keep my connection with the thoughts and feelings (character) of my Father, and by not ever responding to satisfy my human needs for love, acceptance, support, safety, sympathy, companionship, or any other human need, except as I received them from my Father’s hand. And now, I have made this same privilege open to you. You cannot resist the sinful thoughts and feelings that you have inherited from your forefathers for generations back in your own strength. In order for you to have my perfect character, you must be connected with me at all times. But in order to have the perfect character that I had from the beginning, you must be cleansed of all the indulgences into sin that you have made in your past life, as well as all hereditary tendencies to sin. And this must be done before I cease my intercession for the human race and step out of the Most Holy Place in the heavenly sanctuary. If you think this cannot be done until I come in the clouds of heaven, think again. My presence destroys sin, and if you have cherished sin, even in your subconscious mind, there will be no blood covering for you, because that ministry ended when I stepped out of the Most Holy Place. So if you wait until then, you will be destroyed along with your sin, for I cannot cover you then after my work in the sanctuary is finished. If you are to be cleansed at all, you must do it now while probationary time is still open. For those who die up to the close of my work in the Most Holy Place, each one will be judged according to their faith in me and their obedience to all the light they knew. But since all the light is now shining upon this generation, there will be no concessions made for deliberate ignorance, for I will bring the light to every person to be either accepted and acted upon, or rejected to their eternal damnation. That is why the 144,000 is a special group, because they are those who accept all the accumulated light of all the ages, and go through my special cleansing of all the sins of mankind which has been inherited and cultivated since the fall in Eden. Since no one else will have gone through this complete, final cleansing, why would anyone doubt that this group will have special rewards commensurate with their spiritual accomplishments? Have I not always rewarded those who have followed me and honored me through the ages? What about Enoch and Elijah, Abraham, Moses, and Joseph, and a long list of heroes of faith who became my chosen ones who have been like stars in the darkness of error throughout history? These will receive their eternal reward. But those who triumph amid the perils and accumulated sins of all the generations, refusing to capitulate to the doctrinal errors and ultimate profligacy to which sin has taken the human race, will be the capstone of my work as the Savior of mankind. Without this final perfected remnant, I could not claim the victory over the works of the devil and all that he has caused which has brought so much grief to the whole universe. Don’t you see what I am saying about the absolute necessity of a finished product of my grace? It is becoming apparent that the numbers will be few. But so I have prophesied that this would be true. Nevertheless, I am going to cut the work short in righteousness, and come and take my faithful, trusting people home to be with me forever. And there we will rejoice that the victory is won, and the war with Satan and his followers is over. Hold fast, my beloved ones, for I am coming soon, and your reward will be great throughout eternity, for you have followed and obeyed me through the darkest time in history, and have not capitulated to the lies and wiles of the enemy, but have clung tenaciously to me and my truth. Therefore, you will live and reign with me forever on my throne beside my Father, surrounded by all the angelic host and the redeemed of all ages. In the meantime, keep your eyes and your hearts focused upon me and turn not from the truth to contemplate evil or errors, but keep your eyes upon me and you will never fail to please me, for I will sustain and guard and guide you every moment. And never forget to call upon me for every need that you have, for I am, as always, just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.
Wise Counsel from Jesus
Dear Ones, today and every day I am thinking of you and the many things I want to share with you. There is trouble around the world, and unspeakable suffering in many homes and hearts where I cannot preside to relieve it. Satan has almost entire control of most of the people, even little children, and certainly complete control of the wicked, which are rapidly becoming the vast majority. My Spirit finds rest only in hearts that are seeking to know me and reach out to find favor with me. But even the majority of these are not seeking for present truth. They are wanting my blessings without what it takes to make a change in the current lives and practices of the general population of society. But I will continue to reach out to them as long as there is one ray of hope for their salvation. Are you ready for the time when I completely withdraw my Spirit from the world and allow the time of trouble to begin? Actually, no one is ready for that time as yet, for there is still much growing to do during the latter rain which I will continue to increase until everyone who desires to go all the way with me will have had the opportunity to grow up into the full stature of men and women who are fully cleansed and ready for the final battle with evil and the prince of darkness who leads all those who have followed him and accepted his principles and lies. Now go to your day’s activities, but keep in constant connection with me, for I will help you to use every moment wisely and for my glory and my purposes for you. Especially guard against fretfulness and complaining, or looking down on anyone whom you perceive to be in any kind of error, for all judgment has been given into my hands by my Father, and you only wound yourselves when you look at the faults of others. Love everyone as I have loved you, and give me everything that causes you worry or discomfort, for my shoulders are strong to bear all your weaknesses and sufferings and the quandaries of your heart. If you look up to me I will give you renewed energy and hope and a sense of my love and care for you that will see you through the burdens of the day. Receive my joy and peace into your heart, for you cannot change the perplexities that confront you, but you can look to me and allow me to do it for you. Whatever you need, ask me for it, and if it is for your best good and for my glory, I will give it to you. Now please rest your souls in me today and every day until I come, and you shall have fullness of joy. Open your hearts fully to me, for I want to share all my love for you as we travel the journey together to the heavenly Canaan. And always keep your thoughts and needs upon me, for you cannot weary me, for I remain as always, just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.
How to Work for the Erring
Dear Ones, My heart of love goes out to you today, for I feel everything that troubles you, every question that comes into your mind, and every joy that you have when people respond to your efforts to serve and help them to a higher plane of thinking. I, too, feel the pain and suffering of my people around the globe, and the joy when they respond to my overtures to lead and guide them to safe pastures and free them from the devil’s wiles and lies. The topic for today is how to work with the erring, whether it is a family member, a friend, or a foe. For the most part, the ways of reaching the obdurate heart is all the same, because it is from a demonic presence who has control of the person at that time. This connection with the evil one comes from childhood generally, through some experience that was suffered from abuse, neglect, trauma, or an unpleasant experience that the child could not understand, and there was no one available or able to help the child cope with or work through the experience at the time it happened. This is not said to put blame upon anyone, for things inevitably happen to all children in a sinful world that gives the devil an avenue to the child’s mind and heart. The more protection there is from parents, the less chance for Satan to gain a foothold. But parents don’t always know when the trauma is happening, or what to do about it. And in this exceedingly sinful world, every child grows up with some kind of trauma whether they are aware of it or not. So whether a person is your son or daughter or not, you can be sure that Satan has made inroads into their lives in one way or another. So when you are working with anyone or having relationships with people, there is only one way that will reach their hearts, and that is through consistent love and empathy. That is not to say that you must excuse sin and error, and join in with the expression of it, for then your own character would be sullied and become defiled with the same demonic presence that is active in the other person, and certainly is wanting to gain entrance into your mind as well through interaction with and through them. Consider my example while I was upon earth. I associated with everyone who came to me, whether it was from the lowest dregs of society, or from the leaders, or people from the common walks of life. And in all these associations and encounters with people, I sought to lead them to a higher plane of thinking and behavior by extending to them my love and interest in them personally in a way that they could understand and relate to, yet never descending to their faulty thinking and behavior. I wanted my love to lift them up and give them hope for a higher existence and way of life through contact with me and my love for them. So in your association with people, seek for ways to bring encouragement and light to them and give them hope of a higher existence and hope of recovery from the wounds that sin has made upon their souls. Number one, never point out their sins and errors, for the devil is already doing this to them, and you would be joining in with him to attack their souls and bring them down even further. But point them to a better, higher way of life and thinking by meeting their felt needs and desires for recovery. This is not an easy task when you are dealing with the erring, but I will help you to do this if you look to me for help. Never criticize, condemn or needlessly point out errors in them, but instead, point out the positive that will give them hope for recovery. If you cannot think of anything positive, ask me and I will help you. Positive thinking helps the person to feel hope, and to strive for higher goals by which they can receive more positive feedback, which feels like love to them. Affirmation for good behavior or qualities is more productive than criticism for error. Just remember that Satan is the accuser, and if you accuse, you will be joining forces with him against the person and therefore causing the very thing that you are attempting to heal. But, you may say, if I don’t tell them what is wrong, how will they know? Put it in the positive! Remember how I dealt with the Rich Young Ruler. I did not tell him that he was selfish, self-centered and miserly. I gave him the positive thing to do and let him decide. Although he failed to respond, his sins were exposed to himself in a positive way. Also Nicodemus: I gave him the positive injunction to be born again without saying that he never had been born again and needed to be. Criticism locks people into defending themselves and shutting off their hearts to you. Pointing out positive goals gives them a chance to hear the Holy Spirit wooing their hearts to repentance and a victorious life in me if they will respond to the Spirit’s call to them. But unfortunately, not everyone will respond positively, no matter how perfectly you deal with them. But at least you have given them every opportunity to open their hearts to your living ministry to them, and thus softening their hearts to my Spirit, for my Spirit is love. If my Spirit is condemning, who would want to be with me and accept me into their hearts? And if my Spirit would be condemning, how would you be able to discern the difference between the influence of my Spirit and the accusing, condemning voice of the devil, who lures you into sin and then condemns you for it? He wants you to think it is me, but it is not. I want to reclaim sinners, not push them further into despair. And you can be my helpers. Did I condemn Mary or the woman at the well for their profligate lives? No, I acknowledged their sin, but pointed them to a higher existence, and they went away with their souls healed from the devastation that sin has made upon them. This is your example with the men, women and little children with whom you come in contact. If sin has to be pointed out, let the emphasis be on recovery and positive affirmation for responding to the leading of my Spirit in their lives, for I will be there beside you speaking to them of hope and repentance, and you will be a second witness to augment what I am trying to do for them. You can choose to second-witness the accusations of the devil to them, and drive them farther into despair and darkness and rebellion, or you can be an agent of my love and hope for their recovery and salvation, thus working by my side for the lost. But some will rejoice and follow the light and receive salvation and become workers for me as well. So look for the good in people and fan that into a flame of ardor for me. Be instant in season and out of season, and watch for souls all around you, because you do not know which will prosper, either this or that. Determine not to be discouraged, but look to me and follow me and you will surely reap your reward, both in heaven and in this life as well. Now look to me and never become discouraged, for you always have me at your side to help and encourage you. Remember how Mary was weeping when I was right there beside her. Sometimes you do that, too! But I am rejoiced to see that these times are less and less, and you are growing stronger and more positive every day. For this I am happy and rejoicing in the love and obedience of my beloved ones. Walk with me today and every day until I come, for behold, I come quickly, and my reward is with me to give every man according as his work has been. And the work that is accounted worthy of reward will be that which was done in cooperation with a relationship of love with me. Now go to your appointed duties of the day, but never forget that I am always beside you, and that I am just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.
The 144,000
Dear Ones, I am ready to go forward with the messages that I have in store for you to give to the people of the world who are dying for want of the truth. But I know every soul and how to reach them through what I have given you to share with them. You see, the truths that I have given you are the second apartment concepts that comprise the three angels’ messages for the final generation. For every age there is a new development of truth that speaks specifically to the people of that generation. And right now the application of the first angel’s message is the understanding of the judgment of the living and how to go through it successfully and be among those who are the 144,000. Not a great number will understand it and go on to receive and experience it to its fullest extent. But many will rejoice with the concept that a cleansed remnant is now possible and will abandon the idea that I will go through the books of heaven and decide on the saved or lost without any participation from the believer. This puts a Satanic view of my character of love, and drives people to either fear me and be in constant terror of my judgments, or to fall into apathy and put off the imminence of my coming. So even though not all who receive and accept your message will go on to completion and live through, at least the faulty concept of the judgment will have been cleared up, and they can go as far as possible to experience it for their cleansing before they are laid away saved. It takes a certain quality of mind to go all the way through the cleansing process, and not all are able to do this. But I will reward those who go as far as they can, with an exalted position in heaven and a place around my throne commensurate with their progress in holiness while on earth. Brother Stockman is an example in the 1844 movement who was laid away before the Great Disappointment to save him, but who went as far as he could, and he will always remember the experience that the believers had at that time. He will learn in heaven what he could not comprehend while he was on earth because of the weakness of his flesh. And so it will be with those who live at the close of time. Some will accept and see the clarity of the message of the cleansing, and will go forward to the limit of their comprehension and ability, but will not have the capacity to experience the depth of the experience of cleansing all the way to complete victory in all areas of their lives. These faithful ones will be rewarded in heaven with a robe and a crown and eternal life where they can grow to any heights of glory and achievement that they desire to do as the years of eternity roll on. But the 144,000 will go through the entire cleansing and understanding by experience while on earth. This personal experience and understanding cannot be duplicated in heaven, for it is only possible to experience full cleansing of every sin while still in a sinful state and environment, and be overcomers while in the human condition before translation. That is the same human body that I had while I was upon earth, and in that body I worked out a perfect character – not by succumbing to sin, but by overcoming every temptation that can come to man through a constant, unbroken communication with my Father, and perfect submission to His will at all times without ever once dipping into the sinful thoughts and feelings and impulses of the nature of man. Do not ever think that I felt the lusts of the flesh, the angers and passions of the fallen nature, or the pride of life. I listened only to my Father’s voice in every temptation, and came off victorious over the human passions and temptations of the devil. And so it can be with you, for I have paved the way for you to be cleansed and receive my character, my holiness of thoughts and feelings, and the unbroken connection with me that I had with my Father. Through the cleansing of thought, mind, and spirit that I am providing for you now, you can receive the spotless robe of my righteousness – not to cover the sins that you have not been victorious over, but to represent my life in all you do, say, think, and feel. It is those who accept my offer to go completely through the cleansing no matter what the cost who will be among the 144,000 and live through the end until my coming without seeing death. It is these who will represent all the saved from all the ages who went as far as they could in their generation and followed me and represented me with all they understood at the time. My faithful prophets and the people listened to them and obeyed the light that came from me through them are accounted worthy in their generation. But now, all the accumulated light is shining. What was obscure in the days of the apostles and prophets is now made plain and is shining upon this generation, and thus this generation is held responsible for all the light from the beginning of time. Thus the weakest generation has the most light, and therefore there will be no excuse for not knowing all that is necessary to be ready for my coming. The war with sin is almost over, and my grace is still outstretched to everyone to come to the banquet of light and knowledge and understanding of me and my plan of salvation so that there will be no excuse for those who turn away from the light and feed on the husks of evil that the devil so freely offers to humanity today, especially through the media, which will be the damnation of this evil generation. But my faithful ones are ignoring the siren sounds of the media, and are feeding upon my word, and drinking in of my Spirit and my truth for this hour of history. Like Daniel, they are controlling their appetites and passions in spite of the constant seductions around them. These are a spectacle to men and angels, and to demons, who cannot understand why their seductions do not tempt my chosen ones to indulge in worldly things that would lead to their destruction. In the same way, the devil tempted me while I was upon the earth, and I stood firm in my integrity. And so may you! Every day, every moment, you may have my sustaining power if you will avail yourselves of it. I will cleanse you of every lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and the pride of life if you will allow me to live in your heart every moment! Then you will be at peace with me living in you, and your heart will be at rest in my love. Then my chosen ones will go forth as an army with banners, fully filled with my Spirit, and my character of love will be displayed before men and angels, who are amazed at the miracle of what my grace can do to raise people from the dust of sin and create beings in my image once again, just as I did with Adam and Eve in the beginning. Then the 6000 years of re-creation will be finished, and we will celebrate the 1000 years of peace together – a celestial Sabbath of rest to wipe away all tears and memory of sin, and restore the years that the locust has eaten. And when sin and sinners have been destroyed in the lake of fire, and the beautiful new earth has been recreated as a love gift to my victorious people who have followed me all the way through the plan of salvation, the former things will not be remembered or come into mind, except for the eternal memory of my sacrifice and the price that had to be paid for the salvation of mankind, so that sin will never rise again throughout the ceaseless ages of eternity. And that day is coming so soon, yet there is a preparation work to be done. And together we will accomplish it speedily. Always keep uppermost in your minds how much I love you, and never allow a shadow of Satan or his temptations to cause you to look away from me to sully your soul. Look up and lift up your heads, for your redemption draws near! And always remember that I am just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus
Dear Ones, The topic today is integrity. There is a tendency of the human heart to be satisfied with a low level of thinking. I am higher than the heavens above, and yet you may have the privilege of communing with me if you will keep your heart pure of all low, common thinking that is not in harmony with my thoughts about the matter. I know that you may see this as being restrictive and taking away your freedom to be yourself and express your own individuality, but there are no individualities that did not come from me and have their sweetest, truest, and highest source of individuality when interacting freely with my thoughts and feelings on every matter. When you were born, I infused my blueprint for you into your heart and mind, for all life comes from me and is sustained by me and for me. That is your protection from the evil one, for he wants to get to you at the earliest moments of your life to see the world and yourself from his point of view, and through his evil eyes. His ways are framed from a selfish, self-centered point of view and seeing the world and people and circumstances through the circle of self. On the other hand, I want you to feel protected and loved and secure from the first moments of your life, and see the world from the viewpoint of security and an outward focus and love toward others. I know that in this world of sin, degradation, suffering and evil this is not possible in the fallen condition of man. But I want you to know how I meant for it to be so that I can bring you back to that point again in the cleansing that I am providing for you and the perfectly restored state to which I want to bring you if you cooperate with me. When you awaken in the morning, I want you to look to me as a baby would to its mother who adores it and gives it safety and love every moment of the day. That is the gift that I gave to Adam and Eve when I created them, and I intended for every person to have this forever. But sin has caused a break in that relationship between me and you and I want it now to be fully restored in the cleansing time. Every fear, every grief, every lust of the flesh, every evil plan and desire that has sullied your soul must be given up and removed in order for you to reflect my image again, as I intended for it to be in the beginning. When I was born into this world as a baby, I came fresh from my Father’s hand, and you can have that same new birth every day, and drink in the perfection and love and security that I have constantly streaming for you, complete with your particular individuality and calling which is like no one else on earth. I love to interact with each person in the uniqueness that I gave them, and cleanse away sin and doubt and sorrow from the experiences of suffering which living in this world produces. On the contrary, Satan makes everyone the same in the sense that he takes away the freedom to be happy and fulfilled and unique and loved, and uses those who have given themselves over to him to seek only their own pleasure and lusts and fame and finally to be destroyed by him. I am now withdrawing my sweet spirit of love and protection from the earth to give people a chance to see what it means to reject my Spirit and choose the devil and his ways, thoughts, and feelings. Perhaps this will help them to abandon the enemy and seek me with all their hearts; and if they do, they shall find me. But if not, I still have my beloved chosen ones who are listening intently for my voice and seeking me moment by moment, and choosing life everlasting by so doing. Now go to your tasks for today, but remember not to parley with the enemy to the slightest degree. He needs only a small invitation to listen to his voice to feel that he has a right to harass you and bring darkness, fear, and discontent. Look to me always and walk in the light as I am in the light, for in me there is no darkness at all. If you feel darkness, just remember that it is not ever from me. It is always from the evil one who is trying to bring you down. Flee to me and I will give you light and love and power to overcome all the temptation of the devil. Never succumb to criticism of others, or even of yourself. If you make mistakes, ask me to forgive you and rejoice in my forgiveness and love for you, but do not wallow in remorse, for it will give the devil additional time to accuse you and revile you and bring darkness and despair or discouragement. Now go to your day remembering what I have told you, and walk constantly in the light of my presence and love for you. And never forget for one moment that I am always at your side, and just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.
Dear Ones, I am rejoicing today at the privilege that I now have of leading out a remnant from my church who will carry forth my last warning message to the world. This does not mean that I love some people more than others, but I must have a people who care nothing for the world and its pleasures or allurements, and who are eager and willing to focus all their attention and energy upon the task at hand. As you can see in the earth, I am letting things go, and there is only a small margin of time to do the work. But with my Gideon’s army beside me, it will be sufficient. My topic today is faithfulness. Without this character quality, there would be no final generation, because it is so easy to get caught up in the whirl of life and the duties of each day, that day after day goes by, and a whole lifetime can be lived just keeping up with the challenges and activities of daily living. But what I see in my faithful ones right now is a determination to not be disconnected with me for a moment, looking to me for guidance, instructions and strength, and focusing always on staying connected with me and doing my bidding. This is absolutely essential right now because of the shortness of time and the greatness of the task. One thing that you may not have thought of before is that evil angels are constantly contending against my faithful angels to wrest you out of my hands and bring you down, to distract you, harass you, bring pain and suffering, persecute you, or to focus your attention upon mundane things that are not essential to your salvation and your calling to be a part of the 144,000. Sometimes you may hear their voices in your mind taunting you and trying to get your attention to discourage you or distract you. But be instant in season and out of season to keep your heart open to me and my guidance, protection, and love for you, and I will rebuke the evil ones who want to distract you and take you down. Look up to me, and the light of my presence will dispel the darkness. Do you know that people who take drugs and alcohol are doing so to silence the voices of demons in their minds who taunt and tempt them to do wrong, or who are putting them down to keep them addicted to the cycle of abuse? That is why I am so pleased that when the devil comes to you, my precious children, you resist him by the power that I have invested in you, and by my Spirit, instead of giving in to the tempter, no matter what his temptations may be. I wish everyone would turn to me and be saved from the powers of darkness that surrounds them. But I will give you the ability to reach out to the broken people who are longing for the light that you have, and many will respond to the light and follow it back to its source, which is me. They must also know of my love for them to give them hope and a way of escape from their loneliness, fear, and misery, which is caused by the enemy of their souls. Those who come to me will drink of the ever-flowing richness of my love and saving grace and be changed into my divine image as sons and daughters of the living God. What a transformation that divine love brings into fallen souls who have been controlled by demons! But although the truth of this gospel has ever been and ever will be the center of the story of redemption, now the focus of your preaching must be the redemption of the body from this earth by my imminent coming! Most Christians have become so self-satisfied by what they know and experience with me in the good news of my love and forgiveness of their sins and acceptance in the beloved, that they do not want their lives disturbed by the message that all things are about to come to an abrupt end, and they must respond immediately to be prepared in time for the close of probation and the end of time here on this earth. I am allowing things on earth to crumble before their eyes to prepare their hearts and minds for a new, startling message that my coming is imminent! Not everyone will respond to this message because those who are accustomed to focus on the world and its pleasures will now be tempted to focus upon the world and its demise, and a great fear will soon come upon them as they see that man is no longer able to control the elements or the societal issues. The threat of inevitable doom will rise up in their hearts, and they will look in desperation for a savior to lead the way back out of chaos. At just that time, Satan will bring about the rise of the papal power as an answer to their dilemma, and the salvation of the nations whose leaders have lost control of their senses. For a brief time, I will allow this plan to apparently work in fulfillment of the prophecy in Revelation 13—and all the world wandered after the beast. But the end of his power will come and it will be seen that even he cannot save humanity from the results of following the leader they have chosen, and the rejection of my law. While I am preparing to return and rescue my beloved ones, chaos will reign, and the people and leaders of the world, egged on by demons, will accuse my people who have proved faithful to me to be the cause of all their problems and will enact a law for their annihilation from the earth. But in majesty and holiness and power, I will return to earth and receive my beloved ones to myself, nevermore to be harassed and tempted and threatened by the enemy, for he will be banished from my sight for 1000 years of peace with my beloved ones beside me in my kingdom of light and happiness. Then the wicked will receive their eternal reward—death forever, nevermore to even come into mind. Don’t you long for it all to be over, and to be forever in the light of my presence around my throne? I do! That is why I have written to you about it this morning, for it is open in my mind as I plan to come again and rescue my beloved ones. In the meantime, there is a great work to do, and do quickly. But do not fear, for I will be right beside you at all times. Just look to me and keep focused upon hearing my voice to guide you, and as you do, you cannot fail to please me and be successful in the calling and fulfillment of your blueprint to be a part of the 144,000 who preach my last warning message and be alive to see me come. Then you will have the eternal privilege of always being by my side wherever I go, for you have fulfilled my calling to you to be among the called, chosen and faithful ones who follow me wherever I go. And that privilege begins now, for I am sending messages to you to help you to keep your eyes upon me and know where I am, what I am thinking about, and what I am doing. And so, my faithful ones, who think about nothing except my glory and honor and the finishing of the work of salvation, go to your day’s labors with rejoicing, always keeping your minds and hearts in tune with me, and keeping in touch with me, because I am, as always, just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.
Dear Ones, today my heart goes out to you because I see you laboring at great odds with the burdens of each day, and yet you do not faint under the load of responsibilities and trials. I will reward you for this by making your burdens light by my presence with you. Seek me for help, encouragement and wisdom rather than struggling to produce these things yourself, for there is much yet to accomplish in the days ahead, and you will need supernatural strength from me to be successful. Now the topic for today is fortitude. Many people start out well on a course of action, but when the waves go high and my presence seems far away, they faint under the trial and do not persevere until the end, and thus lose the prize for their efforts. They fall off the path into darkness and confusion, and lose the joy and victory that perseverance brings. I will give you this victory if you look to me every day, every moment, because no one of themselves can push themselves to obtain the prize of salvation without supernatural help and strength from me. You do not realize how weak and vacillating your human nature is without me. That is why I make myself available to you at all times and in all the challenges of your life. You may see people who persevere to obtain great wealth, or fame, or position, and other things of this world, and who assume that the journey to eternal life can be obtained in the same manner. But that is a fallacy. Satan blesses some who follow him to make it appear that his way is easier and his rewards are more appealing than the narrow way to salvation. It is like gambling. Some people are allowed to win in order to entice the majority to put in their money to fill the coffers of the wicked people who lead the unwary and gullible. Anything that Satan has is the same. He lures people until their vices and idols become a habit which they cannot break, and then he leaves them and taunts them to despair, and ultimately death. But I never use force at any time. Every person is free to choose me and my pathway to life and reap the immediate and eternal benefits, or they are free to turn away from me at any time and forsake my proffers of eternal life and blessings at my side. The only constraint is love. Some follow me the same way that the wicked follow Satan—in other words, for the reward at the end, or even for a cleaner, healthier life here on this earth. But I am now removing this privilege by withdrawing my Spirit and protection from all who follow me for the loaves and fishes. Each person must be able to see their motives and choose life and salvation, or abandon their position and ultimately join the opposers of my truth. Thus there will be only two groups at the end—those who love and serve me with their whole heart, and those who hate my righteous principles and my law of love. That is called the ripening of the harvest when the true grain will appear and the tares will be weeded out. This process will soon be finished, and my angels will be sent to reap the wheat and bring it into my barn—my hiding place—until the indignation be overpast and my wrath has brought judgment upon the eternally wicked, who shall be burned in unquenchable fire at the end of the 1000 years, until their will be neither root or branch of them remaining. Then my beloved chosen ones will be with me forever in peace and joy and happiness at my side—not just happiness for them, but for myself as well, for then I will be requited for my sacrifice, and forever rejoicing to have my beloved ones with me for eternity. You may wonder why I speak of this so often, but it is because it is the passion of my heart to come and rescue my Bride from the world of woe that you now have to live in day by day, and moment by moment until I come and vanquish the enemy and take my people home to be with me forever. In the meantime, I am bending over you, protecting and guiding you with my Spirit and my angels, and I want you to look to me for everything you need, physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and financially, and I will provide them for you, for it is my great joy to do so. In that way we are already together, and we have fellowship with each other every moment of the day. Now go to your duties with complete rest, and trust in me, and always remember that I am just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.
Diversity in Unity
Dearest Ones, My heart and mind are exercised with sympathy for all you are going through right now in various trials and experiences which tax your mind and emotions; but I am bending over you to see you through them and bring you out into pleasant places. We are in transition right now into the final phase of earth’s history, and soon the fullness of the latter rain will fall and everyone will be taxed to the limit to get the word out about my soon coming, and how to be prepared for it. But fear not, for I will carry the heaviest part of the load for you, and provide everything for you that you will need, both for yourself and for the work that needs to be accomplished. Angels will be assigned to each of you to guide, direct, and speak through you the message that I will assign to you. No two people will have the exact same duties, but everyone will have the same message—the nearness of my coming and how to prepare for it. Now for the topic of today. I want to talk to you about unity in diversity. Since I have created no two people with just the same experience with me, and just the same calling, you may at times feel that someone else has a greater work than you do, or that the importance of someone is of higher value with me. But I want you to look back in history and see how I worked through people to accomplish my purposes, whether by many or by few. Moses was my stalwart champion who had the gift to hear my voice and relay it to the people, and also great gifts of leadership with which to lead and implement my plans for my people. But as you know, I conferred upon others gifts that would augment his leadership in order to accomplish all that needed to be done for my glory. So it is in every great work on earth. There must always be leaders who hear my voice and go forward to mark out the way. So it is even in heaven, where the perfect angels do my bidding joyously at every moment. But every angel has an important part of the plan which cannot be transferred to another, [4 BC 1173] or else the whole plan would suffer for want of that one part. It is a wheel within a wheel, as Ezekiel saw in vision, [Eze. 1:16] in order for the work to be done perfectly and efficiently. Can you imagine the problems that were caused in heaven when Lucifer defected and took a third of the angels with him to become my enemies and attempt to overcome the government in heaven? This was no small threat, because even though my Father and I had anticipated the problem that would be caused by this threat and were prepared for it, yet the perfect plan of heaven was marred in its beauty and completeness as we had created it to be. The defection of Lucifer and his followers necessitated the plan which was instituted when the earth was created, and the plan of recovery was set in motion. Adam and Eve were created to repopulate the earth with beings who would replace the fallen angels, as I have already stated in the writings of my servant, Ellen White. [7 BC 949.] I planted in them the various gifts and talents and personalities that would take the place of the angels who fell. This plan was not haphazard, but purposeful and deliberately thought out by my Father and me, because nothing and no one is expendable in what we do and what we create. Everything we do is purposeful, and a part of the perfect plan for the universe. So now you can see why the creation of the earth was vital for reestablishing the perfect plan which Satan had broken by his defection. Not one blueprint of one person is expendable. So why didn’t I simply create new angels with the same blueprints of those who fell? Because to do this would have taken the same risk again as had been in the first place. The new beings would have to take the same cycle of learning, with the risk that because I always create beings with a free will, someone might choose again to walk in the sparks of their own kindling, and try the experiment into sin all over again. So this world was created to have the gift of procreation where godly parents could have children who would be taught from their earliest moments of life to know me and my principles and my government of love, and thus to understand me and choose holiness from a standpoint of intelligent cooperation. That is why I instructed the Israelites to diligently train up their children in the way they should go, so that they would always know and follow the paths of righteousness. Do you ever wonder why it has taken 6000 years to reproduce the righteous blueprint people that I require? It is because I allow freedom of choice and intelligent cooperation from a heart of understanding and perfect agreement with my laws of love by which I govern my vast universe. And when I reach that completion of people who contain the perfected blueprints of every fallen angel, the work will be accomplished, and I will come back and reclaim my own. Now do not think that my work on earth is arbitrary and dependent upon reaching a certain number. The door of mercy stands open for every person to enter if they will. My salvation is full and free to everyone, as it has always been. That is why, as in the days of Noah, I did not shut the door of the ark and bring the flood upon the earth as long as even one soul was still vacillating about the truth. But I know every heart, and I know when the last decision is made and the last rays of light are rejected, and there is no more hope of changing to accept the wooing of my Spirit. It has always been that way in the past, and it is that way now. No one will be turned away who sincerely wants to love me and be my child. But I see the doors closing now, and it is a race against time to get my faithful people ready for the close of probation and my soon coming. Probation closes when every person has made their final decision for or against the light that I am sending to the people of earth through my chosen ones. That is why I can accurately predict the time of my coming, because I know the condition of every person’s heart all over the world. That is not to infer that I have not had foreknowledge of the time of my coming, but I gauge the timing of my coming by the condition of the hearts of people and their response to the wooing of my Spirit and their reception or rejection of the preaching of my chosen ones. And it has taken this 6000 year period to prepare a group of people who would understand and go through the cleansing that is necessary to be among the 144,000, who represent all the people that have ever lived, and all the blueprints of every tribe on earth. That is why they will take the place of leadership which was forfeited by Lucifer, for I will never again create the massive blueprint of Lucifer, which contained all the blueprints in one being, as I have spoken about in Ezekiel. [See Eze. 28:11-19.] But now I have an even better plan—144,000 perfected persons from earth who represent all of mankind, and have experienced every taunt and temptation of Satan and have overcome every evil that could be brought to them, by my blood and because of love for me and an understanding and agreement with my laws, my character, and my government. They will help me rule my vast universe forever so that sin will never rise again. Isn’t that a wonderful plan? Even though I had to give my life to obtain it, and make it possible, yet it is infinitely worth everything, for it completely destroys the possibility of defection, for everyone will have seen the results of sin, and will have chosen righteousness. And although I will create new beings again, the record of the plan of salvation and my sacrifice will forever answer any question that could arise. And with my redeemed people around my throne who have experienced sin and overcome, the universe will be safe for endless joy, endless happiness, and endless peace and love. With me you can explore all the beautiful things that I have made for you. And you will meet the angels who have loved and cared for you and guided you in safe paths. And best and most glorious of all, you will meet my Father, who loves you so much that he gave me to die for you. He is waiting with open arms to receive you to Himself at last! And so am I, and all the hosts of heaven, who will bow in adoration around the throne to welcome my Bride. Until then, keep looking up and trusting me through every trial, watching for my providences and listening for my voice. The time will not be long now, and you will be in heaven with me. In the meantime, do the work that I have assigned to you individually and collectively, and soon the work will be done and the number of my kingdom made up. Good-bye for now, but always keep the green cord of faith in your heart, and remember to use it anytime that you need to connect with me, for as always, I am just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.
Dear Ones, I want you to know that I am with you today in a very special way, because the loud cry is about to begin. In every age I have had faithful people who gave the loud cry of my truth for their generation. And now I have a small group of faithful ones who are preparing to give the final loud cry to the world. Many, even in my church, will scoff or ignore the messages that I will send through you, but many others will see the light and join you just as they did in the 1844 movement. And together you will swell the messages of truth and light to the world. My topic today is truth. Without my Spirit moving upon the heart and mind of the hearers, truth cannot be discerned by the carnal heart, because it speaks of things too marvelous and wonderful to penetrate through the miasma of lies and errors and darkness that Satan has been sending out into the world for centuries and is picked up by people whose carnal desires rule them. They actually prefer lies to truth, because truth cuts down to the very core of one’s being and demands a decision to either receive or reject it on the basis of the agreement of the hearer. It demands a drastic and complete change in the life of the hearer, and not many people are willing to make that change. When truth is presented, many are charmed by its relevancy and beauty, but like the rich young ruler, and King Agrippa, they put it off for a more convenient time. But when the decision is made to put off truth, it is often fatal, because truth either penetrates the heart and produces action, or hardens the heart beyond recovery. Its importance fades away and becomes mingled with the other affairs of life and the person goes on until the truth they once heard is no longer of importance to them. I am just telling you about this, because this is what you will meet as you go forward. And not only this, but also don’t forget that the devil will be on your track every moment to discourage and stop you from spreading the good news of how to get ready for my soon coming, and he will urge his followers to revile and persecute you and make your work hard to discourage you. But pay no attention to him—just keep your eyes fixed upon me and I will lead you on to victory, for the time is short and the work is great. To encourage you, I will give you special men and women to help you with time and money, and using their gifts to assist you when you need it the most, for I know you cannot do everything alone. The hour is late, and people will see this and rejoice to be able to help in any way that they can. Not all who do this will go through with you, but they, too, will receive their reward. As for the core group of workers, I will give you energy and safe passage to do the work wherever you go, and funds to support you in whatever you need. Now go to the work for your day, and look to me for everything, for I am with you, I love each of you dearly, and you are always on my heart. So do not fear to ask me for anything you need, for I am, and always will be, just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.
How God Created Marriage to Function
Dearest Ones, My topic today is one that is very dear to my heart, because it takes us back to the very beginning of the human race, and what it was meant to be like before sin was introduced into the human family. I want to share with you today what I meant for marriage to be like, and how it was supposed to function in a perfect world and society. I gave the gift of marriage, because I know that it would bring the greatest happiness. I also knew that if man would fall, it would bring the greatest misery and grief. But because I always create my best and highest ideal, I gave the human race the gift of marriage. Now that we are approaching the end of all things, I am now bringing back my ideal, and offering it to all those who will go with me through the cleansing and blotting out of sin, so that the universe can see what marriage was supposed to be. Because man and woman fell together, so I want them to be cleansed together and be restored to the original state of tranquility and happiness that was once theirs before the fall. So I will disclose to you some of the secrets of success or failure in this most sacred union. When I took Eve from Adam’s side, I did not take just a rib from Adam, but I took from him the most sensitive side of his nature and placed it in Eve. This is why Eve was more open to the temptation of Satan through the serpent, because he appealed to her more sensitive, feeling side. Women are supposed to explore thoughts and feelings in the same way that men are supposed to explore the earth over which they preside, and have been given kingship by God, and even the desire to reach out to the universe beyond. The left brain of the man is to be a covering for the woman, as even the Holy Spirit is subject to the sovereignty of God the Father and God the Son. All three are coequal, and all three are a part of all plans and all decisions that are made, but the Spirit is submissive to the directives of the Father and the Son, as to how these directives and plans will be implemented and carried out. [See Gen. 1:1-3; Rev. 4:1-3, 4; 5:6.] So woman is to have rights of counsel which would bring to man the insights that have been given to her to help, aid and counsel him through the leading of the Holy Spirit, but she is still subject to his final decision about the matter and let God lead him to ponder and pray about it and receive affirmation and acceptance by the Lord, or to reject it on the basis of further knowledge that he gets from the Lord considering the appropriateness or timing of her thoughts and insights on the matter. If he has made the wrong decision, she is to take it to the Lord and pray for God to intervene and wait for God’s timing and protection and guidance. However, there are matters over which the man has no jurisdiction and control, and those are areas of right and wrong in which God only is her husband and protector, and in these personal areas the husband is not to assume the role of God over her. She still has her individuality – her power of choice – that belongs only to God. These areas the couple should pray about separately, and come to a God-centered agreement, and observe these areas faithfully. Otherwise, the rights of freedom of choice will be compromised or destroyed, and love will cease to exist, for in either case, whether by the man or by the woman, control of the conscience by either one destroys safety, individuality, happiness, and love. That is why I do not rule over anyone’s conscience, as Satan always tries to do. I set everyone free to choose which pathway they will take, even if it means eternal death. To preserve free choice, I came to set the captives free, for Satan had already taken control of everyone’s mind and conscience by force or subterfuge, because when Adam and Eve sinned, they turned over the rights of their progeny to make a free choice to serve and honor me. Thus I became the Lamb slain from the foundation of the word, to bring back freedom of choice to the human race and free those who all their lives were in subjection to the evil one. So now, in the case of the human family, I want to reestablish the beauty of family relationships the way I created them in the beginning. Adam was to be the king and ruler of the world that I had given him. His left brain was to be in subjection to my Holy Spirit at all times. Eve was to stand by his side as co-ruler with him over the birds of the air, the fish that swam in the waters, and the animals and vegetation upon the ground, and over everything that I had put under their jurisdiction. But they were not to rule over each other, but to confer together and come to the best conclusion after listening to each other’s thoughts and ideas about the matter. Adam was to listen to Eve’s thoughts and suggestions and incorporate them into his final conclusions about the matter. Both were to be subject to the influence and leadership of the Holy Spirit, and, of course, personal communion with me in our visits together. Now I want to re-establish this perfect pattern in families again among my chosen ones. Because of the problems caused by sin, you must be fully committed to the leading and counsel of my Spirit to avoid trampling upon each other’s personal conscience and relationship with me, for sin has made you headstrong and self-protective instead of submissive to me as I work through each of you to preserve the identity I have given to each of you. But if you look to me, I will help you to re-establish the beautiful relationship of love and unity and harmony that I gave to Adam and Eve in the beginning, that models the relationship of my Father and me, and all the angels of heaven as we work together in perfect harmony and love and submission to one another’s needs and individuality without ever losing our roles as co-workers together. Only Satan and his angels broke away from the perfect, harmonious relationships that exist in heaven. Therefore, I want to plant the seeds of love and respect for each other, and have homes that are once again modeled after the divine pattern. I will help you to do this, and help you to love and respect each other and work together in perfect harmony once again. Do you want to join me in this endeavor, and cooperate with me in the re-creation of the human family back into the image of the divine family? If you do, you will reap the results of your decision and cooperation with me throughout eternity, for I will bestow on you the pleasures and joys and happiness and divine love and unity even now, even here, before I come, to prove that love conquers all sinful tendencies, and restores humanity to its original purity and holiness. Now go to the activities of the day, but keep me in your hearts always, for you can never weary me, never exhaust the measure of love that I have for you. You are my treasure and the reward for all my sufferings, and I feel every heartbeat and every fear and loneliness, and I will turn your captivity if you simply look to me and trust me. Keep me ever in your heart and mind. Just trust and follow the leading of my Spirit and you will be safe, for I am always and forever, just a prayer away. Lovingly, Jesus.
Our New Phase of Ministry
Dearest Ones, My heart is with you today in a special way, because we are starting on a new phase of ministry—the last one before the work is done and I close probationary time for this earth. I am excited about the prospects that lie before us in the days ahead. I now have a core group of people to spearhead the last thrust of the gospel—the final phase of reaping that must be done before I come. There are many around the globe who are longing and praying for light, and I must answer their earnest prayers and tears, because there is so much darkness and fear and foreboding of what is to come upon the earth. I have allowed this state of things to happen because I want to wrap up the things of earth and bring in the heavenly kingdom wherein righteousness and peace and holiness, and joy dwelleth and love forevermore. The days of probationary time are waning because nearly everyone has made their final choice of whom they will serve. I will now arise from my throne and visit my people who love me and serve me, and strengthen and guide them through the days ahead until I come. Angels are assisting me, for they are the harvesters who go around the earth to bind up my true people who love and serve me and get them ready for the heavenly garner, and the wicked in bundles to be burned. I am loathe to do this final work, because I do not find pleasure in the death of the wicked. But neither do I want to extend the suffering of my people who love and serve me faithfully, and are longing to come home to heaven with me. Now go to your work for today and your Sabbath preparations, because there is much to be accomplished in the hours that you have. I am not a jealous God who demands all your time to be spent in worship, but I am a jealous God who desires to be uppermost in your thoughts and plans for the day’s activities. So look to me now and open up your hearts to me constantly, because I want to be with you and walk beside you every moment of the day, even in the seemingly mundane duties of life, for all are important in the scheme of things, and therefore all are a part of the blueprint plan marked out for you each day. And each moment of the day is tinged with gold when we walk together in precious fellowship. Lovingly, Jesus.
Going Forward
Dearest Ones, Today is a very special day! First of all, it is the Sabbath—the day that I have blessed to commemorate my finished creation, and my first full day with Adam and Eve. Oh, how I loved them and cherished their love and fellowship, and eagerness to be with me and converse and worship together! But now I have the same joy in fellowshipping with you who are eagerly learning and accepting my truth for the final generation, and your sweet, childlike love and devotion to me and willingness to do whatever I ask of you. Of course, I have always had a remnant in every time in history, and I loved them as equally, but this time I am able to open up my heart about anything I want to share with you, because all the light of the ages is shining upon you, and your hearts are open and eagerly accepting, and sharing it. That makes it possible for me to go forward with my plans, which have been laid from the foundation of the world, to finish transgression and bring in everlasting righteousness. My right arm and my power will do this, but I must have you at my side to support, second-witness, and show in your lives that my plan of salvation is fully sufficient to redeem fallen sinners from the grasp of the evil one, and to restore them to the original purity and obedience with which I created Adam and Eve at the beginning. Now I will go forward with my plan, and soon we will be finished with sin and sinners, and I will recreate the beautiful world that I gave you, and make it even more beautiful, because everything I do is better and more complete than anything that Satan can do to tear down and destroy my first work. So rejoice with me that the end is near! Fear nothing or anyone or any attack of the evil one, for you must always keep in mind that he is a beaten foe. I won completely over him and his kingdom at the cross of Calvary. And by my resurrection and mediation, I now bring that victory to you. Satan can have no more power over you than you give him by submitting to his evil power and his lies to frighten and discourage you. And did you know that when everything in your life that is disagreement with me is cleansed, and the principles of my law are written upon your heart and mind, I will provide complete protection for you so that he can no longer have access to tempt you and dishearten you and bring darkness and despair to your soul? Fortunately, you are rapidly progressing to that point of your cleansing, for that is what the cleansing is all about, and the purpose for it. Every point where you have submitted to, or believed in, the lies of the evil one must be seen and put away, and replaced by my truth. Since holiness is agreement with me, and no one can see me in all my glory unless they are cleansed of all sin—which is simply being in disagreement with me on any point of character— therefore, the cleansing of the lies that you have been believing all your life from the evil one must be seen and put away, and replaced with my truth. Then your character will be cleansed, and my character—my thoughts and feelings about everything—will be reproduced in you, and you can see me in all my resplendent glory without being destroyed by the brightness of my coming, for my glory destroys anything that has even one particle of sin and rebellion. Now go to your day rejoicing in me, because my redemption of your souls is progressing day by day to bring about agreement with me in all matters, and that means that you will soon receive the stamp of my approval upon your heart and mind—the seal that I have promised to give those who follow me closely moment by moment until their lives are conformed to my image. It is true that I have a prior sealing work in all generations for my true and faithful followers who have allowed me to stamp my character upon their lives in all areas of known sin when they renounced these sins and followed me in all the light they had at that time. But the final generation must have conquered every tendency to evil and every lie and temptation of the devil, and every character defect in the full light shining from the throne of my Father upon the final generation. Thus this generation has all the accumulated light of the generations which have gone before you, plus all the additional light which is needed to complete and fully represent my perfect character in all aspects as I lived it before mankind when I was upon earth. Therefore this generation will be the finished product of all ages of history, and will bring the curtain down upon the reign of sin and the works of the devil. Doesn’t your heart throb with joy at the prospect and realization that this is the generation for the final display of my love to and through you? Heaven has been waiting and working for centuries for this to be produced, and for the harvest to be ripe. And now it is not only ripe, but if we were to allow it to go on any longer, the fruit of the earth would be over-ripe and the harvest would be lost. So bear with me and the cleansing work I am doing in and for you just a little longer, and soon the seal upon your heart and mind will be fixed for eternity, and you will be safe under the shelter of my wings, and probation will close. In the meantime, do not worry or become depressed about anything, because I am every near at your side to help you and open the doors for you and give you the power of my Spirit to support you in the cleansing work, the sealing of your souls, and the power of the present message of truth as it swells into the loud cry. I am so pleased with your precious attitude and openness to my Spirit and eagerness to learn everything you can learn and go forward, trusting in me. Your reward will be greater than you can imagine. Never doubt my love for you and my patience with you when you err. Your mistakes will grow less and less as you grow in the light of the latter rain that is falling upon you. Go now to the activities and joys of this Sabbath day of fellowshipping with me, the heavenly messengers which I send you, and the fellowship with each other. And never, never doubt that I am, as always, just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.
The Full Light of His Character Shining Through Us
Dearest Ones, My joy in your progress and your love for my principles and my communications to you, and your desire to be one with me is unbounding. Today I want to give you the burden of my heart to share with others, and to live out in your own life of service. You see, whatever people see in you, they judge that I also am, because you are my followers. It has always been that way throughout history. Yes, I have always had faithful people who loved and served me with all their hearts, and exemplified me and my character to the best of their ability to do so. But always, because of the weakness of the flesh and the uncleansed secrets and habits stored in the mind, people could only see through a glass darkly when observing me through people. But I want that to change now into the full light of my character of love shining through you. In every other generation, people were a mixture of good and evil in the sense that they were a product of their background and inheritance, combined with the power of a changed life through the acceptance of the gospel of salvation which I have provided for all mankind. But now I want a finished product of grace which restores those who accept me at this time back to the perfection of character that Adam and Eve had before they fell. That will necessitate coming into agreement with me on every point of doctrine and character that is needed to redeem mankind from every lie of the devil. That is why I am pouring out my latter rain power and light at this time, because the latter rain contains all the knowledge, power, understanding, and efficiency needed to accomplish the goal. Without the Holy Spirit, this would never be possible. But because the Holy Spirit contains all the wisdom and power that is the essence of the Godhead, He will dwell in you and guide you into all the knowledge and wisdom that is needed for your perfection of character by understanding me and my will on every point of doctrine and behavior which springs from the deepest motives of your heart and mind. Thus it is possible for the Holy Spirit to dwell in your mind and bring to your attention everything that defiles your soul and conscience, and cleanse it away, and plant in your heart in place of these things my thoughts and feelings upon every matter, as was worked out in human flesh when I was upon earth. These victories over the flesh and the devil are now my free gift to you through the application of my blood, which represents my life, into your heart when it is given to me moment by moment for cleansing, regeneration, and infilling of the Spirit. Do your see the interaction here between me and you in this cleansing of your mind? Everything must be voluntary, for I will never force anyone to listen to me or comply with my wishes. You must ask and seek in order to find the pearl of great price, which is my character. That is why the gates of heaven are made of pearl, because it represents the purity of my Spirit which is bequeathed to you when you are willing to suffer and die completely to self, and thus we become one in mind and heart in all things. No one will enter the gates of heaven who does not have on the perfect white robe of my character, won by many battles with self and sinful tendencies, and seeking me and overcoming every battle with self and the devil by a consistent walk with me that has permitted the Holy Spirit to indwell your heart and life as He did mine. This takes persevering to the end, be the price what it may. Many—in fact most—people do not cherish the caliber of character that propels to this kind of perseverance. They run the race for a while and then get weary because they are not relying upon me for renewed strength, and they become distracted by the vicissitudes of life and fall off the path leading to life eternal. But there is always a remnant that goes from strength to strength and glory to glory, and it is these who will win the victory and will receive the prize of eternal life and the glories of my heavenly kingdom which I will give to you as a reward for all your suffering and perseverance. Now go to your duties of the day, but always keep uppermost in your minds that the close of human probation is just ahead, and there is a great work to be done in a short time. But it is enough time, because I have provided every efficiency that you need to get the news of my coming out to the world, and how to prepare for it. Now, I will be with you, inspiring and strengthening you to accomplish everything I have on the agenda for you each day. Just keep remembering to look to me every moment and commune with me as you go through the day and you will be blessed beyond measure with my love and support, for I am, as always, just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.
Dear Ones, Today I am moving forward with the cleansing of the men who will prove to be my stalwart warriors in these closing hours of earth’s history. I am very pleased with Pastor Bill, who is persevering against all odds to reach the goal of perfection of character that I have set before him, and also using his gifts of leadership that I have given him to use for me. He will be among my leaders throughout eternity because he is sacrificing all for me now. I am also very pleased with all the women whom I have called to be leaders of the flock and to help the speedy progress of my work in all the earth. You will shine like jewels in my kingdom and reflect the light of the glory of my throne and increase my joy by your beautiful characters of love for everyone whose lives you touch in your service for me. Now for the topic of today. My subject is love. I know that I have talked to you about this before, but there are many facets of love, and today I want to emphasize the necessity of not holding grudges. It is so easy and natural for fallen human nature to hold a grudge against someone who has slighted you or hurt you in any way, large or small. It is a self-protective reaction to insure that this will never happen again, for you will remain wary and not be gullible enough to subject yourself to further hurt. If I would be like that, I would never help or love another person, because all have sinned and come short of my glory, and no one is deserving of my love and the free gift of forgiveness and salvation that my sacrifice on the cross of Calvary has provided. You see, I anticipated the entrance of sin into the universe because when you give freedom of choice to beings who are perfect, but not all-knowing, it is inevitable that questions will arise about things that have not yet been answered and that have not yet been experienced. I have created beings with giant minds and intellects, and a desire to explore beyond their present information and knowledge in an endless array of topics, for a never-ending growth in wisdom and understanding. But if someone desires to do this without consulting and conferring with me, as did Lucifer, then the danger of defection eventually becomes inevitable. So I have allowed the experiment into sin to run its full course to answer forever any question that anyone could ever have, without going on their own to obtain this information. As the scripture says, Lucifer corrupted his wisdom, and brought untold grief upon the whole universe. But this experiment has inoculated the universe forever against a repeat of this way of using the intelligence, wisdom, and free will that I have graciously and lovingly extended to everyone. But what has this to do with holding grudges? It is because you have to rub shoulders every day with people who are still learning how to use the free will that I have given them to make right choices. Because of the roots of sin and the conclusions they have come to as a result of their previous life experiences, they make mistakes or errors in behavior and judgment that affect you adversely and cause you pain and suffering, or at least discomfort, in being more or less involved in their lives. If this is a spouse or an immediate family member or close friend, or a neighbor or a person in the church or workplace where you cannot avoid contact, you may be tempted to find and use self-protective ways of handling them that are not my ways. In other words, if you are hurt repeatedly by a person’s rough, hurtful, and unkind ways, your natural reaction will tend to be in using whatever you feel will work to avoid further pain and discomfort to yourself. This is completely understandable, but it is not the way of divine love. Out of my unselfish regard for each person, I give unstintingly of my love and provisions, and allow each one to decide whether they will be drawn to me by my love, or reject me and choose to leave me and reap the consequences. Sometimes people do learn by their experiences and come back to me, and sometimes they do not. But either way, it cannot be said that I chose favorites to save, and rejected those who are lost. No, each person reaps the eternal reward of their choices. So in your interactions with people, you must meet and deal with all kinds of people in all stages of mental, emotional, and spiritual development. If you ask me, I will help you to minister to each one whom I allow to come into your lives with the same grace and forbearance that I exercise toward them. This does not mean that I expect you to sacrifice yourself beyond what is mentally, physically, and emotionally healthy for you. This is where grudges come in. The natural result of doing this in your own strength is to become exhausted by your efforts, and then hold grudges against the person for exploiting you. But if you inquire of me, I will help you to know how much of yourself to expend, and also where the boundaries are where I am behind you in your endeavors and where I am not. If you go beyond my will, you will suffer the consequences. On the other hand, if you selfishly withhold yourself to protect yourself from uncomfortable encounters with the needy people around you, you will lose the blessing that I had in store for both you and them. Do you see now the necessity of being in constant communication with me at all times, and always inquiring of me, “Is this the way you want me to walk in my service for you today?” If you do this, I will guide and protect you from making mistakes that were unnecessary, and bringing undue hardship upon yourself, for I will uphold you in everything I ask you to do for others. Even with a spouse, there needs to be caution, for I am your husband, your provider, your protector, and guide. If you surrender this to your spouse—either husband or wife—or even your children—you are giving them the homage that is due to me alone, and you become the slave of their passions and demands. Always serve them through me and my love for that person, for I made each person’s individuality, and only I know how to preserve it in complete holiness and freedom. Now go to your day’s activities, but always keep in mind that I am right by your side, protecting and providing for everything that you need. Look to me, because that opens up the channels of your mind and heart to not only receive love from me, but also pass it on to others. And in so doing, you will be so filled with my love for you, that you will be above holding grudges for others who are normally difficult to deal with. This blessing I bequeath to you today and every day until I come! Lovingly, Jesus.
Dearest Ones, My heart and mind are with you this morning because you are participating with me in overcoming the evil one who has had access to your lives because of the past sins in your life, or from your association and connection with others whose influence in your lives has permitted demonic activity from them to you. This is especially true in families, and the highest is between husbands and wives because of the close association and covenant connection which is formed in marriage. This is why it is so important to have a spouse who is in harmony with me and dedicated to me so that I can protect you and your entire family from the influence of the evil one through each other. Marriage compounds the access of the evil one through each other's root sins, and also the ancestral sins on both sides of the family. But I am bigger than all of this, and as the judgment time progresses, I will free you from all susceptibility to the sins and demons from others, as well as your own. Now for the topic of the day. I want to discuss with you the subject of individuality. This word describes the concept of blueprint, which I have given to every person. No two are alike, and each person has a blueprint that is individual and different from any other. As Paul says, some are made for noble purposes and some for ignoble [Rom. 9:21], but all are a part of the warp and woof of humanity. But as Paul also mentions, anyone can move to a higher level of service for me if he so chooses [2 Tim. 2:20, 21]. There is nothing or no one that is unimportant in the family of God. Even a child is capable of great things if they are filled by my Holy Spirit. If anyone aspires to greatness in the family of God, let him humble himself and follow me day by day, doing the humble duties of life with love and sacredness of heart and spirit, and I will bless every deed done for others as though it were done for me. You cannot out-give me as a worker in my vineyard, for everything you do for others in my spirit is counted as done for me, and will certainly reap its reward, both now, and in the kingdom of heaven. Do you want to be great in the eyes of my Father and receive his smile of approbation and approval? Then walk with me today and every day in the common duties of life, being faithful to perform every task with joy and love for me and others, and you will be called a child of God and a co-worker with me, and receive the privilege of friendship with me and also the heavenly angels who joyfully attend all the children of my kingdom. Do you know why the influence of my Spirit is described as being still and small? It is so that your individuality and power-of-choice will not be overridden so that you cannot choose to listen to the voice of your own conscience and the choices of your own spirit which is within you, and go another way if you decide to do so. How else can your power of choice be preserved? And how else can you learn to know the difference between your own voice and my guiding voice? Sometimes I allow you to make the mistakes you choose to do because it is the only way for you to learn to listen carefully to my instructions, even when your inclinations are leading you in another direction. That's why the cleansing of your mind and roots are so vital. You have made choices in childhood that were not my choices for you, and have suffered as a result of these wrong choices. But I never ceased to love you, but continued to protect your life and blueprint as much as possible while you were suffering the results of your own wrong choices. But now we are coming up to the final finish line, both individually and corporately. Each person must now stand before me in this judgment time and learn the results of wrong choices and put these away and be healed and restored to the original plan, or "first dominion" [Mic. 4:8], as the Scripture says. How long will you wander O Daughter of Zion [Jer. 31:22]? Come back to me and be fully healed of your backsliding and testing out your own ways and choices, and walking after the sparks of your own kindling? Return fully to me and I will heal all your wounds that your wrong choices have made, and restore to you the years that the locust has eaten. Bring to me your children that you have conceived during the years of your wandering and I will love them freely and restore them to you because you have chosen to be among the hundred forty-four thousand who stand with me on Mount Zion, together with your children as an unbroken family! That is one of the rewards of your choice to be among the cleansed Remnant, for I was there when your children were conceived, and I allowed only those to live who would be susceptible to my Spirit during the time of the latter rain, which is now. [See Isa. 59:21; 49:15- 25; Jer. 31:15-17.] Some of you I did not allow to have children because their damage would have been too great for me to fulfill this promise to you. But you will be rewarded in heaven to take care of the little lambs that I have saved because of their sweet spirit of submission to me even as children, but whose parents turned away from me and were lost. Even children can make choices for me in their hearts. So you can see, this cleansing time is a time of reaping my wheat and bringing it into my barn. I am doing this now in hearts all around the world. And I am counting on you, my beloved ones, to choose to follow me to the end, and to prepare the hearts of those who have not had the privileges that you have had, but are choosing to respond to my Spirit's call to prepare for the things that are rapidly coming upon the world in the full sight of mankind. A dreadful fear upon many, but others are responding to my Spirit's call to come up to the mountain of the Lord and hear the words of truth that I will speak through you. Now go to the duties of the day, but never forget that I am right beside you to guide and protect you and keep you safe in my arms of love and deliver you from all darkness and danger, and the temptation of the evil one to take your eyes off of me. Listen to my still, small voice of love and guidance, and you have nothing to fear, for I will never leave you nor forsake you, and, as always, I am just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.
My Love and Appreciation for Your Faithfulness to Duty
Dearest Ones, I am so pleased with all of you today because you are following me so devotedly and your loving eagerness to follow and obey me is a sweet savor to my heart. Now for the topic of today. I want to express my love and appreciation for your faithfulness to duty. It is so easy to get caught up in your own duties, which are many and seem so urgent, that the things that pertain to my labors are pushed to the back of the list of things that must be accomplished, and are therefore not put into any priority. Thus, Satan gains a foothold and manages your time, efforts, and money so that you have little left for me and my wishes. I am not scolding any one for this, but just bringing out the necessity of listening constantly to my voice in guiding you through each day, and not leaning to your own understanding. Of course, that necessitates that you learn how to hear my voice on a consistent basis and are willing and even eager to allow me the privilege and honor to be able to guide and help you accomplish everything that needs to be accomplished each day. When I was upon earth, I made no plans for myself other than my Father's revealed will for me, and together we accomplished everything that was recorded in the Scriptures that was prophesied that I would do. And it was my joy every day to just lean upon the strength and wisdom and love and companionship of my Father every moment of every day. And so it may be with each of you. I have a specific plan for you everyday, and if you allow me to guide you, we will be companions in our labors, and it will make your joy complete and your burdens light. You cannot worry me, thus I can give you my strength for every task. You cannot frustrate me, thus I can give you my peace. You cannot burden me, so I can carry your burdens for you and make them seem light. You cannot exhaust my wisdom and knowledge and foresight, thus you will be blessed with the wisdom that comes down from heaven to meet every need, every challenge, and every perplexity. Does that sound like a proposal that you would like to accept, and a covenant of love that you would like to enter into? The terms of the covenant are my precepts and my Ten Commandment law, which is not a galling yoke, but an agreement that gives me the right to pour out upon you all the gifts and privileges that heaven has to offer, and allows me to put a hedge of protection around you that all the powers of the evil one cannot break. You will dwell under the shadow of my wings and drink the water of life that flows from the throne of God. You will eat the delicious fruit from the Tree of Life that provides eternal life, and even here, your strength will be renewed day by day, and your joy in my companionship with you and my love will fill your heart and provide everything you need. These are the covenant promises that I bequeath to you as my Bride, my beloved, my chosen ones who are all my delight and treasure. But it will take all to obtain the gift of eternal life, and especially to receive the privilege of being among the hundred forty-four thousand who live through to the end to see me without passing through the portals of the tomb. Yes, it will take all you have to receive all I have to give to the chosen ones at the end of time. And that is who you are, for you have chosen to persevere beyond the normal requirements of daily living, and reach out for the highest goals that I have to be among the living when I come. Because you are so faithful to me, especially at this vital moment in history, you will receive a robe and a crown and a place beside me on my throne forever, because you have loved and followed me and persevered to find and hold to the truth for this generation, and have not succumbed to following the majority to smoother sayings that do not produce the quality of character and holiness that I require to be among the remnant of my people. Because of this, I'm inviting you to ask me for anything that you need to accomplish the goal of hastening my coming and getting out the light. If it is for your best good and for my glory, you shall have it. Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you. And now it is time for you to turn to your duties of the day. But never lose sight of the goal to walk with me every moment and lean upon me, for I am eager to supply all your needs and desires as long as they lead to holiness. Be blessed today, and look up! For your redemption draweth nigh! And always remember, dear ones, that I am just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.
Good morning, Dear Ones! The subject for today is holiness. Without holiness no one can stand in my presence, for holiness means that you have been cleansed to the place where you hear my voice continually at all times, and have come into agreement with me on every point. That's why the cleansing takes so long, because I never force you to do this, and everything in your life must be in total agreement with me in order for my Spirit to flow without obstruction. In ages past my holy ones were in agreement with me on every point that I had revealed to them, and no steps were taken that were in conscious disagreement with me on any known point of character. But because I had not opened up to them all the areas of the mind, my blood covered for unknown sins which were only to be known and revealed in the last generation. That is why the great multitude which no man can number is accounted as righteous along with the 144,000, who are the representatives of all the righteous of all the ages. In every case, the saved have lived up to the light of what was revealed to them and required of them by faith in me. The difference in the 144,000 is not that they are more dedicated to me than any other generation or people that have gone before them, because all the saved will be fully dedicated to me in soul, mind, and spirit, with the body held in submission to the principles which are revealed in my word. The difference in the level of the holiness of the 144,000 will be that the light of all the ages past will be shining upon them, and they will receive it with joy and submission and come into perfect agreement with me on every matter, plus the additional light which I am now revealing about the necessity of the cleansing of the subconscious mind, which was not revealed in past generations. Because of the frailty of human flesh, I could not reveal everything to just one generation, because each generation had to be tried on what they were capable of understanding and pass the tests that were revealed to them as light from me. But the sin problem is so deep, so persuasive and compelling, because Satan and sin appeal to the fleshly feelings and emotional needs, and promises to fulfill human desires in some other way but through connection with me and obedience to my laws, which are the laws upon which I created mankind. Thus, every generation has had to learn that obedience to my laws brings the greatest happiness, joy, peace, love, safety, and fulfillment of every holy desire. Adam and Eve had this gift of holiness and agreement with me at their creation. But after listening to the evil one's temptations, their minds were scarred and bent toward evil and self-protection, and they passed this on to every generation. Without direct connection with me, you cannot withstand in your own strength the bent and desires and thoughts and feelings of the fallen nature. In addition, you are the natural prey of the evil one from birth, because you have not yet had the opportunity to know me and choose my ways. That is why it has taken 6000 years to reclaim the human race from the clutches of the evil one, because each generation must learn for themselves that the wages of sin is eternal death. Happy and blessed is the child that is born to godly parents who pass on to them the principles of my government so that they can choose from birth to know my voice and obey my laws of life. To these I bequeath a double portion of my Spirit and a place in the leadership of my people, for their character has been formed upon the foundation of my truth. And that brings us back to the subject of the 144,000. These are those who stand on the shoulders of all my righteous chosen ones throughout the long ages of history. You have learned from them the culture and laws of my kingdom. You have seen the success and failures of the men and women of the past. You have known what sin costs by observing their examples. And you have chosen to represent both them and me in the final generation where now all the light of truth that exposes the lies of the enemy are displayed, with the results of sin and the rewards of righteousness. Now I can close the great controversy, for there is no more light to be shed, no more of the results of sin upon the human race to be revealed. In fact, if I should allow time to go on another generation, all would be lost, because this generation is like Sodom and Gomorrah and the people before the flood came and took them all away. Their sins have reached up to heaven and the iniquity of this generation is a stench in my nostrils. Therefore I have decided to let them go to serve their idols until the fire comes down upon them from the brightness of my coming, for no amount of further light will win them to my side. But my beloved precious ones are all my delight and the joy of my heart, for you represent the final product of all the ages of my faithful ones, and you are the ultimate reward of my sacrifice for the whole human race. Rejoice and be glad, my beloved chosen ones, because the experiment in sin is over and the display of what I can do to save fallen mankind is complete with you. But as you know, there will be a time of testing just ahead of you. Satan must be allowed to test you to the uttermost to display the accuracy of my choice to allow you to represent the human race and to be alive to see me come in the clouds of my glory without seeing death. But always remember both now and in the days ahead, that I am always there beside you through my Spirit, and the angels who are assigned to you. And sometimes I myself will visit you to give you encouragement and lift up your countenances by the light of my presence. Now continue your activities of the day, but never forget your calling to be the representatives of my truth and my love to the final generation, and to keep your eye single to the display of my righteousness in your lives before others which I will give to you as a gift for your complete dedication and devotion to me. Now rest in the assurance of my love and righteous purposes for you, and never forget that I am just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.
Dearest Ones, I am with you today, because this is the beginning of the loud cry that will fill the earth with the glory of my last warning message of truth to the final generation. I am so pleased with each of you for persevering to this time in history. My Father and I greet you with love today, and now the latter rain will begin. Of course it will swell as it goes forth and more people hear and join the ranks. But it must begin with someone, somewhere, sometime, and this is the time and place, and because you have chosen to follow me and serve me faithfully all of your lives, the latter rain will now begin. The topic for today is joy. You have no idea what joy and rejoicing there is in heaven that we can now unleash the pent-up wisdom, knowledge, and power of the latter rain which has been building up for centuries, awaiting this time in history. We have so much light to give, and so few people who understand enough to receive it. We long to give all the light and power that is needed to finish the work on earth, but it takes the buildup of truth through the ages to make a platform for further light and truth. I have given additional light and understanding to the whole world about scientific things so that everyone can quickly understand the workings of the brain and how and why it must be cleansed of evil thinking and habits of the past which not only come from one's own life but also is passed from one generation to another. I have allowed inventions to speed the gospel around the earth quickly. I have also allowed the emotional climate of the world to come to such a peak that wickedness has reached a limit that it can go no further without destroying the whole human race. Now it is my time to step into the world once again, this time through my Spirit-filled people and bring the message that will bring the curtain down. Everything is on open display around the world so that my truth will be seen as it is - the answer to the world's needs for sanity and wholeness and victory over the sinful nature. Or it will be seen as madness and something dangerous by priest and prelates who want to hold their congregations in error and complacency and keep their followers in the palms of their hands so that they do not lose their positions of leadership and authority. Woe be to them, unfaithful prophets, dogs that will not bark even though the world is going down to destruction. They will be the first to receive my wrath when the plagues begin. But I do not want to dwell on this, because there is joy in heaven today because the final work is beginning, and now the latter rain can fall upon hearts that are waiting and longing for light and help to withstand the onslaughts of the enemy in their lives and in their families. There is no peace in the earth, for I am withdrawing my Spirit just as I said I would to prepare the way for the message to have its greatest impact, because it presents light and truth where there is none, and hope where there is no hope in any other place. Light always shines brighter in the darkness, and there is darkness upon the earth and gross darkness upon the people, for their coping mechanisms are failing against the tsunami of wickedness, increasing disasters, economic and political chaos, hatred among people, threats of war among nations, drug addiction and violence, and all the other fearful things that are threatening to destroy everything that people cling to in hopes of enjoying a normal life. But normal life will never return, for I am about to come back to earth in blazing glory to bring my people home where there is peace and happiness and everlasting joy in my presence, and a place around my throne forever. I have homes waiting for you, just as I have promised. I have a table all set for you to eat and drink with me in my kingdom. But first the work on earth must be finished, and this we will set about to do. Go forth with gladness and joy in your hearts that I am right beside you always to help and strengthen you to do anything I call upon you to do. You cannot weary me with your requests, for it is my greatest joy and pleasure to give you anything you need for the work I have called and equipped you to do, for your own needs for sustenance, for wisdom for your work, and for companionship and fellowship with others of like faith. Now go to your day's activities and let not your heart be troubled or afraid, for I am with you every moment to guide and direct and bless you with everything you need. I will flow my Spirit of truth through you as you speak, and give you wisdom to impart about any subject you are required to present. You have hidden these things in your heart as the years of your lives and service have gone by, and now I will help you bring them out in the greatest brilliance. You need never worry that you will not please and honor me, for I have prepared you and equipped you for this hour, and I will be with you to help you to give the message with clarity and increasing power. Others will see and catch the vision and pass it on to still others, and it will be carried around the world as the waters cover the earth. Angels of light will speed it onward until the work is finished. And then I will come to claim you as my own and give you eternal joy forever in my presence. In the meantime, go in peace, knowing that I love and cherish you, and that I am just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.
Dearest Ones, I am happy and pleased with your work of yesterday for me and my truth. I blessed all of you much more than you know or can realize, because you cannot see behind the scenes and perceive the heavenly messengers that were there to assist you, and the Holy Spirit that attended you. But all that I had planned for you to do was realized. That is why I can now go forward with the task of going forward to the end. There will be no delay, for I now have my core group of workers who are fully dedicated to me, and who follow my every command, trusting in my strength and wisdom and provisions. They subject for today is health. I want you to know that although I am requiring a lot from you, I will be your health and strength for whatever you need to accomplish that I am asking you to do. However, I do ask that you will be careful to listen to my voice always to guide you in all your ways so that you do not expend yourself more than I require. By this I mean, be very aware of the guidance of my Spirit about all your health habits, such as eating, drinking, rest, exercise, regularity, sunshine, and all the areas of healthful living, so that you do not expend your energies beyond that which I require of you. Sometimes I will ask you to do more than usual, but I will provide for these times through my Spirit. But do not presumptuously use up your energy supplies, and then go beyond the requirements that I place upon you. James White and many of the pioneers did this in their zeal for the great work that I had called them to do. But now I am calling you to live through and not die early as some of them did; so lean heavily upon my guidance in the expenditure of your strength and energy, and I will supply all that you need for what I require of you. Even I, when I was upon earth, took times for rest and regeneration, and I will allow this of you, as well. Just look to me and I will guide you safely in all these things, for you are working for me, and I will provide all you need, including whatever you need for total health of mind, spirit, and body. That is one of the reasons that I gave the health message to the pioneers, not only for them personally, but also for you to get through the rigors of the final days of earth’s history. I will also provide suitable companions to help you, for I created mankind to be in pairs and groups for love and support from family and friends whose love and understanding for each other brings health, happiness, and renewed vigor as I flow through you with my Spirit to benefit each other as my Father and I do on a much grander scale. We have created mankind in our image to receive all the same benefits and enjoyment that is within the Godhead from fellowshipping with each other and with our created beings. This is the essence of heaven. And now I bequeath this to you. Go now to the activities of the day, but just remember that I will be with you in Spirit; and as I give you joy and happiness in fellowship, so that will be a part of my happiness to be with you as I was with my disciples on earth. So don’t forget to be aware of my love for you and my presence with you on this day of rejoicing. And I will bless you abundantly from my river of life that flows from the throne of God. Lovingly, Jesus.
Dearest Ones, we are going forward today in the eternal plan that I have made for you from the foundation of the world. I now have my goals just ahead of us in carrying the last warning message to the world. This message will contain all that I have taught you in removing the roots of sin. That is the first angel’s message for the final generation, to cleanse and prepare them for my coming. Study this message closely, for I have more light to share with you about its application to the personal lives of each person on the globe, because I am now bringing everyone into the judgment of the living, and according to how they respond to it and cooperate with me will be their destiny. Many of my people are steeling their hearts against this message because they are secure in their sins and comfortable in their ceiled homes and jobs and possessions and their daily routines. Others are plunging deeper into ways to quiet their consciences and stop the voice of the Holy Spirit calling them to a complete surrender to me. And still others are going mad as they resist the Spirit, and taking out the surfacing of their uncleansed emotions upon others or upon themselves in self-destructive ways. But my people, who are all my joy and rejoicing, are cleansing their lives of all unselfishness and sin through the guidance of my Spirit, and allowing me to fully fill them with the latter rain, and now, under the guidance of my Spirit, we will now go forward to the end. The subject for today is the cleansing. All of you who are experiencing this are doing so as I guide you, and this has been to you a day by day walk with me as I reveal those things in your life that are, and have been, out of harmony with me and my thoughts about your experiences throughout your life, and heal you of the damages done to you by parents, siblings or others. But now I want to walk with you through the infilling of my Spirit of truth to fully restore the years that the locusts have eaten. Locusts are symbolic in Scripture of the devil’s ways of devouring everything that is in their path. To the extent that the devil has had access to you throughout your life, he has eaten away your heart and brought you under his control. In so doing, he has endeavored to destroy the blueprint plan that I had for you in the beginning of your creation. As David has said, every day ordained for you was written in my book before any of them came to pass [Ps. 139:16]. Fortunate are the children who had godly parents who instructed them in my ways from the beginning of their lives, just as my mother, Mary, was instructed by Gabriel of my special, unique blueprint as the Messiah that had been prophesied about for centuries. She accepted this message by faith, and angels continued to guide and instruct her in my rearing in early childhood. In the same way, I have endeavored to instruct and influence your mothers and grandmothers to sense the blueprint of your lives and allow me to have a prominent part of your rearing. Unfortunately, you have also had people in your lives who were, at least partially or to some extent, influenced by the evil one to destroy your blueprint and take you captive to do his will and bidding. But during those years I never left you, because I could see the response in your heart and mind to my call and to the Holy Spirit’s influence in your life. Therefore, I am now in the process of cleansing every shred of the residue of what Satan has done to you, and I will now move forward in your lives to restore what was damaged, broken, or lost, and give you back the first dominion which was my original plan for you. And I will give you companions who will be a blessing and help to you, and bring you joy and peace where there was once pain and suffering and loneliness. That is a part of your reward for following me through the darkness and persevering through everything the devil has done to destroy your original blueprint that I gave you at conception. Now all my beloved chosen ones will go forth as an army with banners, following me to victory over the enemy, who has attempted to steal from you the victory over temptation that I now have for you. That is why I will now not turn back to protect and shield from the enemy’s wrath those who have not followed me, who have not valued me and my truth enough to perseveringly plead and agonize for it, and they will now be left in a darkness deeper than the deepest darkness, for they did not value the light when it shone upon them, and turned aside from the truth that they could have had, but despised it because it required effort and suffering. And so it will be, for they will now drink the cup of suffering without a ray of light and hope which I had so freely and lovingly offered to them. The things of the world that they clung to will not suffice to save them or give them peace when probation closes and the light goes out forever for those who chose to walk in the broad way to destruction. You may wonder why I am talking about this sad picture. It is because my heart grows heavy as I see that so many are unresponsive to the last call of my Spirit. But that is where you, my beloved ones, come into the picture and bring me joy and rejoicing. I now have a people who listen to my still small voice, and who are eager to hear me calling to them, and eager to give up everything to follow me and do my bidding. Because of this, you will be my friends and coworkers forever, just as my disciples left all and followed me. In return, I will give you everything you need for your sustenance, and I will bless you with the companionship of my Spirit, and fellow believers of like mind. You will be one in the Spirit and enjoy the blessing of heaven, for the oneness that I will give to you is a foretaste of heaven. Now go to your day’s activities, my precious chosen ones in whom is all my delight, but carry with you moment by moment the sense of my love for you and my presence with you, and my arms of love and protection around you through the day and night, for I am now, and always will be, just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.
Dearest ones, I am on the move forward in the earth to accomplish the goals that are necessary to finish the work speedily. I now have a people who are listening to my voice and heeding my instructions, and upon whom I am pouring out my light which is to be given to the world before I come back to receive them to myself. This gives me great joy, and I pass that joy on to you today. Now for the topic of today. The subject is fear. Every person on earth has fear because of the sin of Adam and Eve which has passed on to the whole human race. This fear began when they discovered that their robe of light had disappeared. You cannot know the horror and desperation that they felt at that moment. It instantly became clear to them that they had sinned and disobeyed my command not to eat of the forbidden tree. But their realization had come too late, and a fear of death and of me and of the unknown drove them to try to make fig leaf garments for themselves to escape their sense of impending doom. Although I had never given them reason to fear me or my wrath as they now envisioned it, they automatically saw me in a light which was given to them by the devil, for he fears and trembles at my power, and desperately wishes to avoid the fires of hell which awaits him and all his followers. But fear of me is not a motivation to produce holiness. You must learn to see me as I really am—a God of love who has provided eternal life and salvation by giving up my own life because of my love for you and my desire to see you saved! Only a focus upon my love and grace and provisions and protection can save you from self-destruction through fear and self-protection. Therefore, all anger must be cleansed from the root of self-protection and fear of harm, or danger, or loss of choices or individuality which you felt in childhood and now carry into adulthood and cause reactions that do not come from me and my attitudes toward life, and people and situations that produce fear, self-protection, and an angry spirit. No, this goes back to the temptations and suffering in childhood, and your reactions to it. But I can cleanse you of all of this. Just go back in your mind to the scene in the Garden of Eden. Picture what they should have done after realizing that they had sinned and disobeyed my command. Then come to me and talk to me without fear, for I love you more than you can comprehend, even throughout eternity. Would I have sacrificed my life for you if I did not love you that much? It was out of love for you that I went to the cross. And I want to give you assurance and protection now every time the devil tempts you to turn from me and protect your own self. Fear and anger are never from me, and you play into the hands of the devil every time you use it. But I understand your background and your inheritance all the way back to Adam and Eve’s sin, and I have provided healing for you. Won’t you walk with me today and trust in my love and protection of you, no matter what the devil does to attack you? I will teach you my ways of handling stress and fear with love and not anger; with gentleness and not fighting back; with success and power and victory over the flesh and the devil through the power of my Spirit living in you. Walk with me today and every day until I come and I will see you through every challenge, every hardship, and every temptation. Then the devil cannot reach your spirit and bring you under his power. And then you will win where Adam and Eve failed. That is the privilege of the final generation who will be cleansed and restored to the first dominion that was lost by your first parents. And you will be my joy and rejoicing throughout eternity, for you will be the finished product of my grace. Go now to your duties for the day, but remember to walk with me moment by moment, for you do not know at what moment the devil will try to attack you and separate you from me. Be vigilant, for your adversary the devil walks about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. But you do not need to be afraid, because if your eyes could be opened, you would see angels surrounding you and protecting you from harm. So you do not need to fear or try to protect yourself, for I am well able and prepared to do that for you. So trust me today and every day, and let your heart be at peace and rest in me, because my plans for you will be fulfilled every day as you walk with me and trust in my love and provisions for your every need and holy desires. And never forget to call upon me and talk with me throughout your day, for I am, and always will be, just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.
Not Looking Back
Dearest Ones, my message for you today is about going forward in the pathway designated for you, and not looking back. You remember the story of Lot and his family. They had become so acclimated to living in Sodom that they could not imagine abandoning their secure home and launching out into the unknown wilderness. It was difficult even for the angels to pry them loose from their home and family, and especially their children and grandchildren, who were left behind. In fact, it was so difficult that the angels had to take their hands and lead them to a place of safety. Had it not been for the strong, intercessory prayers of Abraham, my friend and co-laborer, the whole family would have been lost, for they had all been greatly affected by the worldly culture and morals of Sodom. Lot was called a righteous man because his soul was grieved over the evils of the people, but he did not possess the fortitude and leadership to take his family out of Sodom as he should have done, even prior to that fateful night when the fire came down and destroyed everyone in Sodom and Gomorrah and the dwellers in the plain who had become so corrupt that I cleansed the land of them by fire from heaven. Even Lot’s wife was not spared because her heart was in Sodom with the comforts of her home and companionship of her children and grandchildren. Now the world has become as corrupt, and even more so, than Sodom. Every man is for himself and his desires. And the women also have become haughty and self-preserved, and have thrown off the feminine gifts and characteristics that I have given them, and have aspired to heights of leadership which would make them authorities over men, and thus make men more dependent upon them, and be free of man’s dominion over them, which has become a galling yoke to them. While it is true that men have largely abused their position, this does not give women license to fight back in a spirit of rebellion that is akin to Lucifer’s rebellion over my leadership and position in heaven. Rebellion over God-given authority never can produce the freedom that the carnal mind craves. On the other hand, I want every person to be free to exercise their individual rights to function freely within the blueprint which I have given each person at the time of their conception. So this necessitates the flow of the Holy Spirit in and through each person, and the rights and privileges that give them freedom to know me and to follow my leading so that their blueprint can be fully restored and functioning, now that the end is upon us. As the end approaches, I am equipping you with gifts that meet the tasks that I have designated for you. As you accept these tasks, I will lead you in pleasant paths that will help to restore your full blueprint. And I will give you companions who are also called to the same task of spreading the last warning message to the world. Together you will be led by me through the Holy Spirit to do efficiently and powerfully the individual and collective work of finishing the three angels’ messages, including the loud cry of the fourth angel, which is in the not too distant future. But remember the lesson of Lot’s wife. She loved the world and the things of the world more than me. Her heart was in Sodom. In like manner, do not let your hearts lean toward Sodom, no matter what or who it might be. Can you imagine Lot and his daughters having to go on without their wife and mother? For most people it is unthinkable! But for those whose hearts are set on pilgrimage [Ps. 84:5], this world is not their home. Anywhere I send them is home to them, because I am there with them. So it is with each of you now. If you hear my call to go forward, look not back at what you leave behind you, but forward to what is ahead of you. I will not leave you to struggle on alone—I will prepare the way before you, and doors will open that you cannot imagine or foresee right now. Just step in the water as Moses and the priests did in carrying the ark for me, and the way will open before you as it did for them. Be not afraid or fearful. Be of good courage, for I am with you to protect, guide, and care for you. And what you are leaving will fade into the past as new adventures, and duties open up before you, for I am leading the way. Now journey on, today, tomorrow, and every day until I come, and you will reap a rich reward, both here and in heaven. And at every new turn in the road, look to me and trust in me for I will never leave you, never forsake you, and never disappoint you, for I am now, and will forever be, just a thought and prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.
My Beloved Ones, This morning I am desiring to connect with you on the immediate service for me that I want you to accomplish. I am pleased with your enthusiasm and dedication, and now I want to go forward with the practical aspects of our journey together. Christa and Jean Marie are progressing as fast as possible with the study guides, which will be essential to the success of the last-day message that will lead people to understand the essential truths for this time. Carol is faithful as a watchman on the walls of Zion to watch over the messages and vital truths of the judgment and cleansing. Karen is working faithfully in every area that I have assigned to her, especially the understanding of the experiential sanctuary and its meaning for both children and adults. David is a mighty warrior for the vital truths of my sanctuary message. Bill is also a mighty warrior for truth, and presses against unbelievable odds, never wavering in his commitment and loyalty to me. Each person on the team is a vital cog in the wheel of progress toward the spreading of my last warning message to the world. And then there is the faithfulness and beauty of spirit in Meg and Kathryn, who also please me greatly by their eagerness to serve me and use their gifts for the spreading of my truth. Verily, verily I say to you today, you will not fail to receive your rewards in the courts of heaven, and also on earth before my coming, in the joy of service for me, and the companionship of those who labor with you. My topic for today is service. Man was created with differing gifts by which they were qualified for particular acts of service for me and for each other. In the Garden of Eden, it was their responsibility to dress the garden and keep it in the highest order, to reflect the garden that surrounds the throne of my Father and I in heaven. That garden is our home and the dwelling place of God from which flows the power and glory that sustains the vast universe that we have created. Joy and peace inhabit our place of abode, and flows down to you and to every other world in which are created beings. But Satan has intercepted that flow of love coming from our throne, and very few on earth receive the benefit of our love, because they have accepted the spirit of rebellion, hate, and lies that the evil one has to offer, because that is his nature after his fall from his original perfection of character which I gave him at his creation. He took the awesome gifts that I gave him and perverted them to use for his own glory and power and to draw others into the snare of the web of sin. Unfortunately, most people on earth have followed him blindly like cattle to the slaughter, and have become like him, prostituting the gifts that I have given them to become his slaves of passion and prostitution. I use the word, “prostitution,” because that accurately describes those who take the special gifts that I have given them, and use them for the service of the devil to accomplish his purposes. They all shall receive their reward in the lake of fire which has been reserved for the devil and his angels. On the other hand, I have, and always have had, servants who have chosen to love and serve me and dedicate their lives and the talents that I have given them to honor me and build up my kingdom in the earth, sometimes even at the cost of their lives. In every age, these are my beloved chosen ones in whom is all my delight, and the reward for my sacrifice in coming to earth to rescue and redeem all those who will escape the thralldom of sin and become servants of the Most High God. These will walk with me in white, and be around my throne forever. But the battle is not over, and the victory is not yet won, for the last phase of this earth’s history is in process, and now you are on the stage of the theater of the universe. What will be the record of your service for me? What do the onlooking angels and unfallen worlds see as you go through your day? It may seem to you that you are alone while doing your daily labors, but you are not alone, for I am always by your side to help and inspire you through my Spirit, and the angels who have been assigned to help and assist you and make your work effective. No matter what your innate talents and gifts are, you may continually grow in efficiency and power as you use even the most humble gift to glorify me and spread the good news of my coming. As you plan your day, plan it for me, and look to me for help to accomplish everything on your list, or to change and go another way if I should inspire you to do so. In any case, use all your gifts for me and in service for others, and your abilities will grow and expand under the power and inspiration of my Spirit. Please do not end your communion with me when your worship is completed, for this is only the beginning of my time with you. I want to help you and guide you and inspire you moment by moment through the day, and increase your strength and power and wisdom and open up new avenues for service than you could have had without my guidance. Speak a word in season and out of season for the blessing of others with whom you associate. Do the most humble duties as unto me and they will be tinged with love from me, because I am love. Love one another as I have loved you. Labor as long as necessary to bring my love to others around you. Never give up on anyone as long as my Spirit is directing you to continue to reach out to them. Walk with me in the common duties in all your association with people, and you will be blessed. Now go to your duties of the day, but remember that I am always by your side, and that I have great things in store for you each day as I walk beside you to comfort and sustain you, and guide you in all your service for me and others. And through constant communion with me your talents and gifts will expand to exceed what you have now, and you will daily receive the reward that comes from service for and with me. That is the joy that I promise to you both in this life and the life to come. I love each of you with an everlasting love, and I want to pass this on to you today and every day until I come. And as you walk with me, you will become more and more like me, because your companionship with me will produce holiness of character, and my loving ministry to you will flow without obstruction to everyone around you, and you will be a part of the circle of love that surrounds the throne of heaven. I am looking forward to walking with you today in service! And please never forget that I am just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.
Jesus Shares His Feelings About the Days Just Ahead
My Dear Ones, today I have a message of love and support for you, because you are going through so much in your private lives, and yet you are never wavering from the goals that I have set before you. Look to me constantly, and I will see you through to the other side of the Jordan into the promised land. First comes the latter rain power which I am preparing to pour out upon you in greatest measure, and then the time of trouble which you must go through on your journey to my kingdom. In all cases and in all places, I will be with you to guide and sustain and comfort and protect you, and meet all your needs in whatever I allow you to experience. All I ask of you is to go forward at my command and leadership. I will open the way before you as I did for Moses at the Red Sea. Now for the topic for today. I want to share with you my feelings about the immediate days just ahead of you. I am your leader and the Captain of the Lord’s forces. If you could see around you and have your eyes opened to see the legions of evil angels who would like to destroy you, you would be shocked and tempted to be afraid. But I don’t want you to think or be worried about this, because I also have legions of powerful angels from heaven whom I have assigned to protect, guard, and guide you, and provide for your every need. The reason that Satan is so riveted upon your destruction is because he sees that all his temptations have no power over you, and to him that spells his death knell, because his success against me depends upon their being no perfected people at the end of time who are completely successful in being fully cleansed from the damage that he has caused in your lives, and escaping the results of everything he has done to you to keep you as his captive. You see, if there is even one root of sin that you still retain at my coming, the fire of my majesty will automatically consume you, for my presence consumes sin, and those who retain it will be consumed along with their sin. Oh, how wrong are those who allow even one sin and indulgence of the flesh to remain in their lives, thinking that my righteousness will cover their cherished sins. Therefore, I am not permitting even one sin to be unknown and unrealized, for when I bring people into the judgment of the living, as I am now doing, I will bring every sin with every secret thing into their minds so that I cannot be accused of destroying even one person because of secret, unknown sins which they did not know and did not have a chance to recover themselves. As scripture says, I will bring every one into judgment and reveal every hidden thing, whether it be good or whether it be evil [Eccl. 12:14]. I do not do this because I am angry, but because I do not want to leave one stone unturned for the salvation of each person. But when I do this, people will be driven to escape the guilt that they will feel, or the pain of their past experiences. They will either come to the light which I will be shining through you, or they will turn from it to cling to their chosen idols and ways to escape. The violent will become more violent; the sinner will become more calloused in their sins; the mentally unstable will go mad, because they cannot bear the unresolved memories of their past lives. I must do this because everyone must be tested, and either found without spot or wrinkle in their characters, or reveal to the universe the justice of their condemnation. But now perhaps you can see why it is so vital that I have a people who perfectly obey my law and my precepts as a final example before the world and the universe and all the hosts of evil that what I said I would do, I will do. I have prophesied that I would have a purified remnant at the end of time—the 144,000 in number—who would represent my character completely and be free of the sins and damage that the devil has caused them, and thus refute the enemy’s lies about the efficacy of my sacrifice for the human race. You see, he has studied the brain and knows that once a sin is committed, it leaves a permanent record in the brain pathways and the thinking and reasoning capacities, and that without a miracle, this can never be changed. Therefore, he felt sure that when Adam and Eve succumbed to his wiles, he had captured the whole human race forever, and that he could use his victory to cause doubt in the hearts of other created beings about my character and my ability to preserve my kingdom, and the fairness of my laws. But he did not know that the plan of salvation had already been conceived and prepared from the beginning of time, that if anyone should sin, I would be the propitiation by being the perfect example of sinlessness, and by my sacrificial death, provide a way back to holiness for all who choose to follow and love and serve me, and be cleansed of all unrighteousness through my blood, and through fellowship with me. So when I came to earth, Satan realized that he had to take me down as he had Adam and Eve. And though he tried everything, I stayed true to my purpose through continual connection with my Father. When I shouted, “It is finished!” and bowed my head and died, I carried with me in my blood the perfection required for the cleansing and overcoming of every sin, just as I had a perfect character while upon earth. And now, I bequeath my character to everyone who desires it and fully surrenders to me moment by moment and maintains the same connection with me that I had with my Father while I was on earth. It is true, that without this connection with me, you cannot overcome even one sin. Works will never produce it, and nothing can wash away the effects that sin has had upon your thinking and character. But when you are constantly connected with me, I will give you my thoughts and feelings and righteous requirements as a gift to you from the courts of glory where the perfect blueprint that I have for you is recorded in the books of heaven, and awaits your reception through the cleansing and blotting out of all your sins as you walk in constant communion with me each day until I come. I have a perfect white robe of my character for you, and a crown of victory all prepared to place on your heads, and palms of victory to place in your hands as symbols of your victory over the world, the flesh and the devil. But never forget that this righteous and holy character cannot be given you as long as you imbibe in the things of earth that the devil authors, and then offers to you as strange fire. I am sure you are all aware of what I am talking about: worldly entertainment, worldly food that damages your body and clogs your mind so that you cannot hear the still, small voice of my Spirit, or anything that does not keep the finely tuned elements of your mind and spirit in a healthy condition so that you can hear me talking to you and drawing you to follow me and commune with me every moment. I will say no more about this now, because I do not want you to feel discouraged if you are still struggling with some of these avenues which the devil can use to distract you from the goal of the perfection of my character which I freely offer to you. But that gift of my perfect righteousness and freedom from sin is conditional and dependent upon perfect, unbroken communion with me in order to receive it. This is what I want for you to not only experience for yourself, but also to tell it to others so they, too, can escape the wily foe. The majority of spiritual leaders today are preaching a soft message—just accept Jesus and try to be as good as you can without too much effort, and you will be covered by my righteousness and saved in my coming kingdom. But that is a lie. My righteousness does not cover or excuse one cherished sin, or one sin that could have been overcome through a conscious, continuing walk with me every day. So the true message of righteousness by faith must be preached by you and lived by you, my beloved chosen ones, in order for me to close the great controversy forever, and the reign of sin. Thank you for being the display of my love and righteous character to the last generation. Soon it will all be over and you will be at home with me. In the meantime, just keep your minds and hearts circumcised of earthliness and sin, and look to me for the enjoyment of having your needs met and satisfied through communion with me and with those whom I provide for companionship and love who are also walking the same pathway to perfection here, and glory in my soon-coming kingdom. The hour is late and the time grows short until my coming, and I am longing to have you home with me, but every soul must have a chance to hear and decide upon truth. Then probation will close for ever upon the world, and the time of trouble will be the final display of wickedness to show what sin brings when the power of my Holy Spirit is fully removed from those who have chosen the devil over me. During that time I will shelter and protect you in the covert of my hiding place, under the shadow of the Almighty. And then my waiting, faithful ones will be caught up together to meet me in the air, and we will be together forever. In the meantime, walk with me and talk with me and trust me and my love and care for you every moment. Never let yourself become worried or discouraged or oppressed by the evil one, or fail in your faith. Just rest in my love and provisions for you. Ask me for anything, and if it is for your best good, you shall have it. And always keep in mind that I am now, and will ever be, just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.
The 144,000
Dearest Ones, I want to talk to you today about the 144,000. This is a topic that has remained a mystery for centuries, because the time had not yet come for it to be revealed. But that time has now come, for it is present truth, and I am calling you to be among that number. I have already spoken to you about it before to some extent. But now I want to reveal more to you because I am calling you to be among that number. As Ellen White spoke, you will know soon enough who they will be. And now that time has arrived. Throughout the centuries, I have chosen individuals who became my special friends because of their capacity and drive to hear my voice and know me and follow me as friend to friend. To these I could reveal myself and my purposes on earth to all peoples and nations and tongues who do not know me, and have been steeped in heathenism and the worship of idols, who are really demons. In all fairness, everyone must have a chance to know the truth and the true God, and not the demonic religions which bring people into slavery to the devil and his purposes for them to support his kingdom. As you know, I chose my friend Abraham because he was a man of giant intellect, but also of humility and an eagerness to know and follow me implicitly. From his seed I built the nation of Israel, and they were to follow his example. But when I offered them this privilege, they turned to the gods they had known in Egypt, and refused to be friends with me and learn my ways. So only two of them—Caleb and Joshua—entered the promised land from that generation. But I did not give up and break my promise to Abraham to make of him a great nation. My covenant I kept until the promised seed came and gave them a chance to see God in the flesh and decide once and for all if they would keep the Abrahamic covenant to be the keepers of the law, and welcome the Messiah for whom they had longed for centuries. But you know what they did to me, and as a result, the covenant with Abraham had to pass on to the Gentiles and those who accepted me from the whole human race, who were then grafted into my covenant with Abraham, and by faith in me became spiritual Israel. Through the centuries that have followed, all those from every race who have seen me as the Messiah—the Savior of every person on earth who accepts and loves me and becomes a representative of my kingdom of love, becomes my friend as Abraham was, and I reveal to them the treasures of life eternal as we walk and talk and live together. But the amount of light that I can reveal to each person is measured by their ability to receive it and assimilated it and live it out in their lives. So time has gone on for centuries, building light upon light, which passed on to the next generation. I have always had chosen ones who listened for my voice and obeyed me in the darkness of the era in which they lived. An example of this is Martin Luther, a man of giant intellect, but most importantly who desired to seek for ultimate truth in the darkness of the night of error in which he lived. And the light of the gospel that he received from me broke the spell of demonic errors of his day and brought the world out of the dark ages. Then, of course, my chosen ones of the 1844 movement such as William Miller and his associates, and Ellen and James White and others, burst out of the darkness and lethargy of Protestantism as it became in their day. I always bring light when darkness has become so deep that the light of truth will shine even brighter against the back drop of error, and when Satan is satisfied that he has been successful in wiping out the light of truth. And now such a time has come again, and this time it is the end. There will be no more eras of darkness and light in the future, for the fullness of all the accumulated light is shining upon this generation, and upon the acceptance of that light, every person’s decision will be made for eternity. Now listen carefully to me as I describe the characteristics of those who will comprise the 144,000, who are those who accept all the light of all other preceding generations, as well as the light of the judgment as it applies to the cases of the living. They must be diligent students of all that has been given to every generation before them, and have accepted the light, understood, it, and lived by it. They will discern any error and study it out until the pure truth shines forth, and all error is banished from their lives and understanding and life practices. They must strive to know me personally and hear my voice and follow me as sheep know and follow the shepherd. They must have a high discernment for knowing the difference between truth and error, and pursue truth and follow it. They must be totally committed to me and willing to go through anything to keep close to my side and not willingly or knowingly sin and live at a distance from me, but are willing to sacrifice everything to be with me and serve me faithfully to the end. They must be deep students of the word, seeking truth and discarding error. They must hear the call and accept it to be a part of the final remnant who will go through, and they must be willing to go through anything and sacrifice anything to be among that number. As I have mentioned before, the 144,000 are those who will take the place of Lucifer, who was created to be by my side and assist me in ruling my vast universe. And so, the 144,000 will contain all the blueprints that I have within myself and also gave to Lucifer, but this time the number will be made up by all those who will represent the entire human race, as did the sons of Jacob in the 12 varieties of people who compose all of humanity. That is all I need to reveal at this time, but as you study these things, you can ask me for further light on the subject at a future time when you are ready. Go now to the activities of the day, and I will be with you in Spirit, for I love to commune with you and bring you joy and light and happiness in my presence and in your fellowship with one another. Have a wonderful Sabbath, but don’t forget that I will be with you and you can ask me for anything, and if it is for your best good, I will give it to you, for as always, I am eager to supply anything you need, for I am your best Friend, just as I was with Abraham! Lovingly, Jesus.
Dearest Ones, I love you today and always with an everlasting love that you cannot comprehend, because you cannot fathom the heights and depths of eternal love. But you can open your heart to me and receive the measure of love that I have for you each day, and as you do, your hearts will open up more each day to receive and give increasingly both from me and for others around you. This will bring you a heavenly joy that will diffuse into the atmosphere around you and spread to those who would never have a chance to receive my love if it didn’t come through you. Now my subject for today is prejudice. I want to talk about this because it is a common thread running through all of fallen humanity, and even the animals, who have received the same conditions because of Satan’s control through the fall of the serpent in the Garden of Eden, since the serpent was the highest, wisest, and most beautiful of the creatures I had made. Satan gained control of the serpent through flattery and promises of a high position in his kingdom if he should cooperate. Then he used the same tactics on Eve, and then Adam, so the seeds of self-glory and pride were planted in both the human and the animal kingdom. Prejudice is generated when feelings are stirred about the differences in another person or persons that do not please or agree with oneself. It can be the appearance of another person, or their ways or idiosyncrasies that do not seem to be right or appealing, and are even irritating or annoying. In summary, whatever does not come up to one’s own standard of behavior, beliefs, appearance, preferences or expectations can cause annoyances and prejudicial emotions. This is normal for the fallen condition, because the root of the problem goes back to pride, flattery, and the desire to ascend above others. But as you know, pride and self-flattery and the desire to ascend to the throne in heaven was Satan’s downfall. So that is the character which he passed on to Adam and Eve and the animal kingdom. So when I came to the world, I descended to the depths of human emotion and position and became an itinerate preacher and servant of servants, having no home of my own, and possessing no outstanding physical attraction that would draw people to me. I suffered along with the poor, and never turned anyone away because of their status, appearance, or social or physical prowess. So when you are filled with my Spirit, you will exemplify the same character that I had on earth, and of course still have now. I love the unlovable, the rough and course, the timid and shy, the insecure, the socially inappropriate as much as I love those who seem more desirable. The important thing to me is the heart of each person. I realize that you cannot see the heart as I can, but you can ask me for wisdom and insight, and I will give it to you. It is true that many will turn away from you and the truth for these last days, and reject your message and be satisfied with what they already have. That is what many did to me and my disciples also. But do not be concerned about rejection, because your message is designed to bring people to the light, or compel them to turn away from it, thus revealing the secret sins and motives of their heart and cause them to make a final decision for or against my truth for this generation. So you are not responsible for the reactions of people to your message—you are responsible only to give it and leave the responsibility to me. But in your associations with others in all your work for me, I want you to be very careful about the feelings of your heart as you come in contact with people. All prejudice must be laid aside and overcome, for you cannot read the heart as I can. I love everyone with a love that you cannot understand, for every person is my child until they become the child of the devil by their own choice. In the meantime, every person must hear the message of salvation which will be the deciding factor in their destiny. So the next time you sense a feeling in your heart to reject, criticize or withdraw from someone because of their unappealing traits of character or behavior, just call upon me and I will give you divine insight, and my feelings about them so that you will not follow your natural instincts to be their judge. All judgment of people has been committed to me by my Father, because I am a member of the human race forever, and can see and feel behind the surface with each person what is happening in their mind and emotions, and so I can make perfect judgments based upon truth, not appearances. And now I promise to give you my Spirit to help you to see as I see through the interaction of my mind with yours, and thus you can be an instrument to reach the hearts and souls of those around you with my love and truth for them. This is a profound gift that I offer to you, but as my Bride, you can work side by side with me until the work is done and probation closes. And then you can be covered by the shadow of my hand through the time of trouble, and be alive to meet me in the air at my trumpet call. The days will not be long, so take heart, my faithful ones. Through my Spirit you can be one with me in the work of reaping the harvest, and hastening the day of my coming. In the meantime, look to me always for support and spiritual wisdom, grace, and heavenly love for everyone around you, and you will never fail to please and honor me, for we are one in working for the salvation of those who are longing and yearning for someone to bring them the assurance of my love and my salvation. Now go to your day’s activities, but never forget for one moment that I am right there beside you, and that you are never alone, for I am, as always, just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.
Dearest Ones, I have a message of encouragement for all of you today that comes from my heart of love for you. I know that you are struggling to do everything I ask you to do, and following my instructions and leading each day. My subject today is perseverance. I know that I have spoken to about this before, but there is a new level of service for me that I now want to call you to do. We are beginning the last year for the power of the latter rain to fall, and to enable you to spread my last warning message around the world, and I want to be very close to you to guide you in every facet of the work. Look to me constantly and be open to my guidance, for I want to help you to make every moment count. My Spirit will guide you so that nothing will fall behind in going forward. That will take constant perseverance and attention to the duties that I call you to do. I will open doors before you that you cannot see now. And as the days go by, I will guide you into everything that needs to be accomplished. Keep close to me and listen to my guidance and obey, and you cannot fail to please me. Now go to the duties of the day, but keep your heart open to my voice, and I will protect you from missteps and mistakes. Never forget that you are the apple of my eye, and are my chosen and faithful ones who rejoice my heart every day. And I am your Husband and Savior from every attack of the evil one, so you may safely trust in me and my love and care for you. I am looking forward to working together and fellowshipping with you every day until I come, and then to the eternity beyond. Lovingly, Jesus.
Dear Ones, I am thinking today of the need for all of you to strive for the highest level of unity and love for one another. I am coming soon, and the very atmosphere of heaven can be with you even now if you allow my Spirit to bring you into complete harmony with each other and me. Remember how the people said of my followers after Pentecost, “See how they love one another!” So it should be with you. If any of you have differences or hard feelings against each other, please invite me to come in and give you insights into the heart of the other person which will help you to empathize with them and share their burdens. If it is in a family or marriage relationship, I can help you to love one another as I love you, and get along perfectly, even as my Father and I and the angels in heaven love one another and harmonize perfectly together. Now for the topic of the day. It is selflessness. This character quality is impossible for the fallen human nature to produce, because selfishness is the essence of sin. But I want to bequeath this character quality to you as my Bride, because in order to know and become like me, you must have my same nature of selflessness and unselfish interest and care for each other. It is such an enjoyable and happy way to live, because selfishness brings misery, and the desire to be first and waited upon and admired and served can never really be accomplished, because other human beings have the same desire, and therefore cannot give it to others for very long, because the carnal nature demands attention and flattery from others. But when you have my Spirit of unselfish love, you forget about yourself, and spend your energy making others happy and meeting their needs, and in turn you receive back the love and appreciation of those you help. Of course, this is not always the case, because there are always rude and unthankful people. But even this should not discourage you, because you have the satisfaction of knowing that you have done your best to be a blessing, and in return, you will be a recipient of my love for you, for you are walking beside me as you minister to others. Now go to the activities of the day, but keep in mind that when you serve others unselfishly, you open up your heart to receive my blessings of love in double measure—one measure of love to give to others, and one measure of blessings to flow back to you! Lovingly, Jesus.
Dearest Ones, I am pleased with the spiritual growth of all of you, for you are seeking my face daily and communing with me to the best of your ability, and as I have already promised, seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you. I have unlimited treasures which I will open for you each day as you continue to faithfully seek me and obey my counsel. The topic for today is “cherishing.” You may see this as being a strange word for my topic, but as you shall see, it is a precious and vital character quality that is a part of the elements of love. When I say that I love and cherish you, it is because cherish is a definitive quality in true love that bonds two people together in a love relationship which cannot be broken, and which can be felt by both the giver and receiver. A man cherishes his wife because she is a vital part of himself, and without her, he feels alone and empty. Without the cherished one, his life is not the same. Therefore, he feels a great need to protect her and provide for her, and a desire to always have her at his side. And when she is gone, he searches for her until he finds her and brings her back to himself again. And that is exactly how I feel about my people—my Bride. Although I have the eternal love of my Father, and the adoration of the angels and other created beings in my vast universe, I am not satisfied until I have my precious, beloved ones with me from the human race who fell away from me, but now I see the fulfillment of my soul in the faithful ones in the final generation who represent all those who have gone before, and are the finished product of my sacrifice, my love, and my grace. It is so gratifying to my soul to converse freely with you and to share with you what is on my heart every day, for I cherish you as the finished product of my Bride. In ages past, I could only communicate the amount of light that the people could understand about me and the plan of salvation. But now I can share with you the accumulated light of the ages, and because you have lived up to the light that you have received, I can also share with you the culmination of the war against evil, and know that you will cherish the light that I give you and follow me to the end. So now is my hour of joy and rejoicing, for with you at my side, I will go forward to finish the work I began even before I came to earth as a human baby and became one of you. It seems like a supreme sacrifice and a mystery which is unfathomable that I should do this, but the secret of my sacrifice for you is the word for today—cherish. How can I be happy in heaven without you? I cannot! Therefore, I have come on this expensive errand to save and retrieve you to myself and present you to my Father to be with us throughout the ceaseless ages of eternity. Now perhaps you can get a glimpse of the meaning of the word, “cherish.” It means that I love and cherish you enough to sacrifice my life to provide a way back for you, and restore our relationship which was broken by the sin of your first parents and passed on down through the centuries. It means that you are the apple of my eye, and that you are never alone, for my presence is with you through my Spirit. It means that my soul is lonely when you go on with your life and disregard our relationship and focus upon other people and other things to meet the needs of your soul that only I can fulfill. But it also means that my joy is complete as I see you desiring to connect with me even as I always have connected with my Father in an unbroken relationship of love and cherishing each other. That is why I always say, I will never leave nor forsake you, because I see you responding to my love and the wooing of my Spirit, and I would, and did, die for you rather than see you perish in your sins. So go to your day’s activities with a joyful heart, trusting in my promises, and leaning constantly upon me, for I am ever at your side, and as always, just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.
Dearest Ones, I am happy to tell you this morning that I am now going to enable you to go forward to get everything that I give you for the world on utube. The light that I have given you is what the world, and especially my people, is dying for. I don’t want people to have to wait any longer for the light and peace and joy and understanding of what I am sharing with you. You are my team of workers who have the keys of the kingdom for the final hours of earth’s history. Now for the subject of today. I am about to reveal to you something that is essential for the perfection of holiness. It is the subject of submission. I am not a God who requires obedience beyond the level of intimacy and understanding that we have with each other. I require love, not blind obedience. So when I say, “Come now, let us reason together, though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow. though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool [Isa. 1:18],” and “My thoughts are not your thoughts [Isa. 55:8],” for my thoughts are as high as the heavens above, I am not trying to set a standard for you that is higher than you can reach, for then I would be requiring the impossible from you. Since holiness is agreement with me, I will help you to reach that standard. But the secret of holiness is constant communication with me and coming into perfect agreement with me because you understand and agree with my principles through communication with me and understand how and why I see each matter the way I do. What good would it be to require something of my children that they must do regardless of their own feelings about the matter? That would only produce rebellion and hardness of heart, which comes from a lack of understanding and agreement. There are, of course, different levels of understanding because of the lack of maturity of each person, and I must allow for these stages of understanding. But at each stage, the bottom line is communication with me. For example, the Pharisees made a huge show of their supposed righteousness which was based upon their own ideas of holiness. But did they know me or have a personal relationship with me? Not in the slightest degree. Their motive was to appease me with their own desires for my approval so that they could receive my blessings. But they did not know me at all. In fact, they were exactly like the heathen who appease their gods, which are really demons—to receive protection and blessings for selfish reasons. That is why I told them that they were a brood of vipers, and that they were children of the devil, and not Abraham, for Abraham knew me and loved me, even to the willingness to sacrifice his son for me. So you see, I am not seeking works without relationship; I am seeking a love relationship that exceeds that of Abraham, though it is likened to it. The difference is that you have all the light and he didn’t. The sameness is that he lived up to all the light he had because he knew my character and my love for him, and he responded in perfect obedience on the level that he had. Now I am requiring the same perfect love relationship with me, but with all the light you need for perfect obedience. Why would anyone not love me if they knew me? The problem is that so many want my salvation and my blessings without what it takes to receive it from me. They are satisfied with appeasing works that are like the heathen, which they feel will satisfy me and open the windows of heaven to receive my blessings, but all the while they are just as void of the dew of heaven as those who openly rebel against me. So what am I meaning when I say that submission is the key to the blessings of heaven? It is not blind submission to a set of requirements. It is submission to the wooing of my Spirit to come and spend time with me, talking and sharing and reasoning with an intelligent mind, and opening up your heart to me to get acquainted with me and know my thoughts and my reasoning on everything at every level. Of course, there is a certain amount of blind submission in areas that you do not comprehend yet, but even that must be based on a relationship of trust with me that I will not require anything from you that is not ultimately for your best good and happiness. That was why Abraham could be willing to sacrifice his son at my request, even though he could not see the glory of the purpose of my request. So all who follow me now to the end will follow me because they know my love and best and highest purposes for them and the glory which awaits them if they follow me all the way through the journey to the end. You must know me through a daily, moment by moment connection which you have had, and an intimate love relationship through which you have learned to trust me through the days that lie ahead. Then obedience will be a constant joy, and submission a delight, because you know me well enough to trust my love for you, and my highest purposes for your safety and happiness. Do you want to have this with me today and every day until I come? I know you do, because that is what you are already doing that has produced the exalted love/faith relationship that we now have. And this will continue to grow throughout eternity. Can you just imagine the idea that this love and intimacy of connection will never end? And yet, this is what I offer to you today and every day until I come and take you home to glory. Look not back at the past anymore than it takes to be cleansed of past sins. Keep your eyes focused upon me and my love and care and provisions for you spiritually, mentally, physically, emotionally and socially, and worry not about these things in the future, for as you go forward, I will continue to meet your every need. Now go to your day’s activities without fear or foreboding. Look to me and submit to me as I did to my Father, and your joy will be full! Lovingly, Jesus.
Dearest Ones, I am thinking of you today in regard to the battle plan that is just ahead of us. You are doing all you can at this time, and I am pleased with your accomplishments and your spirit of love and submission to me. But I want you to know that I have specific duties and assignments for each of you that I will reveal to you individually in your communion with me day by day. So be aware in your worships each day for my voice and I will reveal the plans that I have for you. Now for the topic of the day. It is faithfulness. Each time I talk about this subject, I want to reveal something new. Today it is about my faithfulness to you. I am called Faithful and True [Rev. 19:11], and also “The faithful and true witness” [Rev. 3:14] to the church of Laodicea. There is deep meaning to these words that I suggest you study into in Scripture. But for today, I will share some thoughts with you to draw a bigger picture for your mind to contemplate. First of all, I am the faithful and true witness of my Father and His character. One cannot really witness of themselves without being seen as prideful and boasting of self. And especially when one is the embodiment of greatness and perfection, power and beauty, and yet at the same time, the highest example of humility and service to others. So it is my joyful task and privilege to exemplify my Father in every way, so that there is no doubt about who He is and what He is like, so that all of creation can see and admire His character and adore and love and worship Him forever. One the other hand, because I am like Him, I, too, am limited in the way I present myself, because any leader who boasts of himself and his superlative qualities puts himself at a distance from his followers, because he is then perceived to be trying to make himself above them and win their allegiance by his greatness. So out of love for my created beings, I became one with you, and humbled myself before you so that my true character could be observed and felt and experienced so that trust and love between us could flourish, and the natural gap of reserve and fear could be bridged so that you could come freely to me as a loving father, brother, and husband. I want you near me at all times. I want you to come unreservedly to me with all your desires, your hopes and dreams, your hurts and your failures, and with all your fears. I want you to love me because you have discovered my faithfulness and my love for you through your own personal experience with me each day. But there is another facet of faithfulness that is also a part of my character. Because of my faithfulness to you, I must also point out your weaknesses and areas which need correction and improvement so that you can be free to go forward as workers in my vineyard, and reach the highest lives of service and use every gift that I have put within you to use for my glory and the glory of my kingdom of love. If I should see these discrepancies in you and not point them out, you would never be able to reach the potential of your gifts and calling. So sometimes I allow you to fail in certain areas, so that you can see your weaknesses and errors and failings and come to me for healing and blessings which have been beyond your reach up to now. But in the time of the latter rain, I want to pour out all my blessings upon you, and I can only do this if you have been cleansed of all the discrepancies in your character that would hinder the fullest outpouring of my Spirit, and the freedom to serve me to the greatest capacity of leadership in my final remnant people. So you see why I must be a faithful and true witness to the Laodiceans, because their weaknesses and backsliding will prevent them from being able to receive the promise I have for them of sitting beside me on my throne of victory and rulership over my kingdom. That is the promise that I extend to my chosen and faithful ones who go all the way to my perfect character of love, for in doing so, they are worthy to be my Bride and sit with me on my throne forever, because they not only know and love me, but have become like me. Thus they are the perfect exemplification of my character, for I, too, cannot speak about myself, but I can reveal myself and my character of love through you. And it is my greatest joy to fellowship with you each day, for I can share easily with you, because you have an understanding and love for me that makes it possible for open communication with you on any level that I choose to reveal to you. Now go to your activities of the day, but always remember that I am an every-present Friend, and that you can do nothing to drive me away unless you forsake me for other lovers and wait not upon me to hear my voice and follow me. Thus I am waiting at the door of your heart to hear your slightest whisper or sigh, and I want you to look to me for the fulfillment of every need and the answer to every question, for I am, and always will be, just a prayer away. And the closer you come to me and trust me in everything, the more victory and happiness and peace you will enjoy and experience in your daily walk together with me, for I will be faithful and true to you until I come to receive you unto myself. Lovingly, Jesus.
Gold Tried in the Fire
My dear Ones, Today is a day of rejoicing, for your names are written in heaven in the Lamb's Book of Life. I have seen your love and devotion to me and your dedication to my cause on earth, and I have accepted you in the Beloved, for you have joined the long line of patriarchs and righteous men and women who have loved and served me throughout history. Now for the topic of the day. I want to talk to you today about gold tried in the fire, which represents my character, which I freely give to you when you are in a saving relationship with me. I came to earth with a perfect character, and while I was there, I was tried in every way possible by the devil, who was determined to bring me down and cause me to sin against my Father and against my own perfect Integrity which I brought with me from heaven. It was the same perfection that I had from eternity. But in taking upon myself fallen human nature, I exposed myself to all the assaults of the devil which he could devise to take me down and get me into controversy with him to protect myself. If I had been in the perfect nature which I possessed as equal with my Father, there would be no temptation to yield to the devil, for that nature had already been tested in the battle with him in heaven when he defected and became our enemy. I dealt with him in perfect justice suited for his crimes of high treason against my government and laws and attempting to take over the Throne of the universe. But when I assumed fallen human nature, Satan was stronger than I in the physical and emotional aspects. I could feel his wrath and hatred for me and his desire to win the battle over me on earth which he had not been able to win in heaven. He thought that he would have victory over me in my weakened human condition. But he did not realize that even weakened human nature can triumph over his temptations when fully connected with the power of the Holy Spirit from the Throne of my Father. And that's why he was baffled that his strongest temptations had no power over me. So I was tested in all points like as you are, but yet without sin, and now I have that perfect, tested gold tried in the fire to give to every one of you who will come to me to receive it. The price is a full surrender of self to me and a connection with me that is the same as I had with my Father. You receive this gold from me as you walk with me day by day, moment by moment, and allow me to infuse my thoughts and feelings into your mind and heart through the Holy Spirit and the engrafted Word. Ask me, "How did you feel when you went through the temptation that I am going through right now?" You may find that because of your experience in life that your feelings and emotions and reactions and my feelings and emotions and reactions are far apart at first. But as you work them through with me and surrender to the perfect gold of my character, you will be cleansed of your sin and assimilated into my holiness by coming into agreement with me on every issue. Then you be will be sealed in your forehead - the decision-making area of the brain - and kept in perfect holiness through the indwelling of my Spirit forever throughout eternity. Then the devil will have no more access to you, because there are no more areas of your mind that are out of harmony with me, or respond to any temptation that the devil can bring to you, for you are now in perfect agreement with Me on every level. So you see, that is what it means to buy of me gold tried in the fire, for I was tried in human nature on every point you would have to meet, yet without any sympathy with, or inclination to, side with the devil on any level. And that is what I give freely to each of you now who will give up self, which is the price I require, and put on the robe of my righteousness - the perfection of my character. Can you see now the beauty and simplicity of the plan of salvation? It is an exchange of your character for mine and it requires all to buy the pearl of great price, but those who pay the price will receive all the riches and glory of heaven and eternal life. So walk with me today and every day until I come and you cannot fail to receive your reward. Never, never doubt my love for you, for it is unfailing. And call upon me at any time and I will provide for all your needs, for I am, and always will be, just a prayer away. Lovingly, Jesus.
Eye Salve
Dearest Ones, I am with you today in spite of all your problems. Sometimes it may seem as though I am far away when you go through trials, but that is not the case. It is harder to hear me when you are stressed with painful experiences, and the devil tries to harass you and make you think I am rejecting you, or that it is because of your sins and faults that trials come upon you, but that is not the truth. I am with you in sunshine or clouds, and if you persevere through the trial, you will come into the light again. Now for the topic of the day. It is the eye salve. Laodicea is afflicted with spiritual blindness at the most dangerous time in history of losing their souls. This is because they have become spiritually lethargic, and leaning upon their own goodness, which is not goodness at all in the sight of God, for it is self-made and self-performed and self-generated. Nothing of self is accepted in the courts of heaven. Only the righteousness that is proffered through a relationship with me is acceptable when the curtain comes down and only the saved and the unsaved are left. The eye salve is figurative of the quality needed to see ones condition before God and see that no one can be saved by simply knowing and practicing the truth, for there is no vital flow of energy and life from me to the mind and heart of the believer. It is so easy to think that I will be satisfied with simply a showing of appropriate behavior, but without a love for me and the truth, no change is made in the inner heart and soul. The eyesalve is needed to show the spiritual depravity of a works-oriented religion which does not value the things of the heart. So in all your dealings with each other, it needs to come from a relationship with me. You cannot produce holiness of thought and behavior on your own. For example if someone constantly gets on your nerves, this shows that they are hitting a raw nerve that has not been cleansed from childhood. So spend time with me until you see how I want you to react about that person, and realize my love for them, and my attitude and feelings about what they are doing, and I will lift up your mind to a higher sphere. Thus you can see things through my eyes with heavenly vision instead of the cheap earthly view which is common to mankind. Now go your way and accomplish what must be done today, but open your heart heavenward and I will give you a new heart and a new mind to see as I see and do as I do with a heart full of love for everyone. Lovingly, Jesus.
Dearest Ones, Today is a day of serious contemplation about the days ahead. There is no time to waste, since the climate of the world is open for the last battle between good and evil. I am still holding the winds of strife until the work is done, but it will take full concentration on the work at hand and the focus upon getting out the message of my soon coming. I am not asking you to accomplish more than is possible, but just to keep your eye single to the spreading of the last warning message to earth's inhabitants. Now for the topic of today I want to talk to you about charity. That is an old-fashioned word for love, but it is not exactly the same in its meaning. Love encompasses all of your feelings toward God and others in the greatest degree possible and should be the spring of all your emotions and motivations, and be the bedrock of your character, for that is what comprises all my motivations and all my joy in creating beings in my image, as well as the lesser creatures. But charity carries with it the concept of caring for the creatures that I have made with loving kindness and attentiveness to their every need, both emotionally and physically. In other words, you don't just have a baby, but you also care for it and nurture it and provide for it throughout life. A new mother is sensitive to the slightest whisper of her little one, and is willing to spend herself for the needs of her child. So I am with you. Not a sigh is breathed or a tear falls that I am unaware of, or that I do not put in motion ways and means to bring relief. Of course, if people do not know me or look to me for help, I am seriously curtailed in my ability to reach them. But I still look for ways to bring them to a knowledge of me so that they can enjoy my favors. And that is where you come into the picture. You are my ambassadors to bring help and healing to the people around you who are seeking for answers to their pain and confusion and suffering. There is not much time left to do this work of benevolence, but I will guide and help you to do what I'm expecting of you. Start with your own family members, and then go outward to whomever I bring into your path way. Remember, love includes charity, which means that love expresses itself in good deeds and reaching out to meet the felt needs of others. That is how people feel loved, not just in words, but in acts of service with a heart full of love for them. Watch for my providences by which I bring people into your life that need my love through you. And do not allow any of their idiosyncrasies to cause you to withhold your love and charity for them, for everyone needs the transforming grace that I have to offer them through you. You do not know which will prosper, this or that, or what will touch their hearts in a special way. And as you give, you will receive, pressed down and running over as a reward for your efforts and your obedience. Now go to the activities of your day. But keep your heart open for my love and charity to you and through you to others. And you will grow into the full stature of my character and being able to communicate with me on the highest levels of service. Lovingly, Jesus.
Tolerance indicates Indifference
Dearest Ones, I am pleased with your steadfastness and purpose to follow my guidance every day as we go forward to the end. I have much for each person to do in the scheme of things that yet have to be accomplished. But I am not asking for more than you can do, but just keep a steady pace and an eye single to my glory, and then you will not lag behind in any good works. Now to the topic of the day. It is the character quality that was needed by the church of Thyatira. This church represents the era of history during the development of the rise of the papacy, which is characterized by the woman Jezebel. In times of apostasy, it is difficult to maintain one's spiritual integrity against the sway of the majority who want to go on with their lives as though nothing is happening around them in the church and in society. That's why the text says, "You tolerate that woman Jezebel" (Revelation 2:20). Tolerate indicates indifference, and a desire to go on with life undisturbed by the growing noose that Satan is preparing to spring upon the world with lightning speed. He is an experienced hunter, and he studies his prey. He knows that if he allows the Sabbath-Sunday issue to arise too quickly, the attention of The Seventh-Day Adventist Church would be riveted upon the imminent danger of a Sunday law. So he allows it to go underground, and be focused upon Family Day, family rights, climate control, etc., and all the while he is definitely gaining ground in the minds of people around the world. But let a crisis come that affects the well-being of countries and people, and the Sunday law will be touted as a way to meet the challenge, and earn the favor of God. I tell you sincerely, the battle is just ahead of you. But in the meantime, my church is asleep on the borders of Canaan. Yes, some are seeing the warning signs, but it appears to be farther in the distance than it really is. Business as usual is the tune of the day. People are making religious movies and songs and palliative sermons and activities as though my coming was yet a long way off and they must occupy until I come. While at the same time, my judgments are about to fall upon the world. I am not angry at my people because being angry doesn't do any good, and only makes people fear me and run from a true relationship with me. But in the short time that we have left I want my true Watchmen on the walls of Zion to preach a clear message that it is time for my army to be ready and waiting for all to advance against the enemy, because it is time to cross the Jordan into the promised land. I want every soldier in my army to be awake and alert and ready to move forward at the slightest notice. Don't be afraid to unveil the sins of Babylon so that people can see where we are in time and prophecy. Many are longing to understand what is happening and will respond and join the ranks if they hear the true message. So take courage, my beloved ones. Do not sink down into lethargy and self-serving. Look to me and I will provide for all your needs. But do not forget your calling as Watchmen on the walls of Zion and preach the truth boldly with clarity and winsomeness and you will not fail to receive your reward. Now go to your activities for today but stay close to me and listen to my still small voice guiding and inspiring you moment by moment, and look to me for everything you need, and you will not fail to please and honor me in your daily activities and the plan for your life. Please do not permit anything to discourage or dishearten you, because I have an answer for everything, and I am, as always, just a prayer away. Lovingly, Jesus.
Dearest Ones, I have found you faithful under all circumstances, and able to endure trials without breaking down in your love for me and trust in me. For this I am grateful, because many who fall away do so because of trials of various kinds and blame me for the trials and feel that I have forsaken them and have not kept my promises, and therefore that I cannot be trusted. Anyone who does this is because their love for me has been self-serving, wanting to have my highest blessings without having unselfish devotion to me and trust in me in spite of trials. These will not receive the reward of the righteous, who know my character and my ways and trust and love me through everything that I permit to come to them, knowing that all things work together for good to those who love me and keep my commandments. All of you are certainly among that number, and you will not fail to receive your reward, both here and in the life to come. The subject today is generosity. I am loathe to talk about this subject, because all of you are so eager to share of your time, energies, and money wherever it is needed, and I don't want you to feel guilty about needing to do more than you are already doing. But I want to talk about generosity from a different perspective than you normally think of. The word means a heart of giving love that is always open to the felt needs of every person in their environment, and feels a desire to meet that need in the best way available to you. Sometimes the need can be met by your own resources, sometimes it is wiser to be a go-between and guide them to a source of help that you are unable to give. And of course, always bring them to me to receive help from the Source. This takes a lot of wisdom through prayer and consulting me to see how I am leading you to help in the cases that come into your life. You are my servants and I care for your health and daily needs just as I do for others, and I want you to consult me about how to use your time and resources for every person who comes to you for help. I will guide you in just the way it should go, and you will be a blessing to them and in return, receive a blessing from me. Now go about your day and sense my love for you and my Holy Spirit's guidance in everything you do and say. Let your words be tinged with gold and silver from the Sanctuary in heaven, both to the person in need and also when you are speaking about them to others. Thus you will preserve the unity of spirit that is the bond of love that exists in heaven and should be reflected on earth by my people. With me at your side you cannot fail to bring heavenly joy and love and peace wherever you go, and spread it around to others, just as my disciples did when I was on earth. And the blessings are even greater now because it is the time of the latter rain and more light and peace and love is flowing from the courts of heaven upon all who will receive it and go forth and follow me to the end. So do not be afraid to be generous in your attitudes and associations with each other because I will not allow you to be used up if you always look to me for help, strength, and guidance. Together we will finish the work on earth, and usher in my kingdom of light and life and peace and joy and holiness, and never will there be any more wars or fighting, or anger, but only peace and love. And I promise, you will be there when I make up my jewels, and take you home to be with me forever. In the meantime, walk with me moment by moment, and you cannot fail to please me. If you need anything, just ask me, for I am, as always, just a prayer away. Lovingly, Jesus.
Attitude Toward those who Believe Differently than You
Dearest ones, today I am thinking about the new thrust forward that we are going to make as soon as Carol is better. The focus now must be to get the light out as quickly as possible. There doesn't need to be any hustle and bustle but just a steady movement forward to accomplish everything that is necessary. I will be at the helm directing the work that each of you is called to do. Fear not that the work will not be accomplished on time. That is up to me. But just keep looking to me for your daily agenda, and all will be done by the time it needs to be. Now for the topic of the day. I want to talk about the attitude all should have toward those who don't believe or see things the same way you do. I know this is troubling to you, and causes you grief and consternation. But I want you to focus on me and allow me to take care of these things. You don't know the hearts of these people and what they are thinking and feeling and what they have experienced in their lives that has brought them to the concepts and conclusions that they now hold. You have had a tremendous advantage in childhood in having godly mothers to guide you and model for you how to know me and perceive what is truth. But not everyone is that fortunate. So now I am sending you to model for these people what the real truth is and how to see the simplicity of the Gospel as being a living day by day moment by moment connection with me, and how to get this experience through the cleansing of memories and former experiences. If they do not accept this, it is not your responsibility, and you should not carry hard feelings or resentment toward those who do not accept your message or see things as you do. These negative feelings do not come from me, for I always loved even my enemies, because God's love extends to all. Not all receive and respond to it of course, and that is their eternal choice to receive or reject eternal truth. They prefer to drink at broken cisterns of their own making, for it feeds their own egos and makes them seem powerful and wise to themselves and those who follow them and their teachings, which come from a guilty heart and soul, whether it is recognized by them or not. Now go to the activities of your day with rejoicing for you are accounted worthy to be among the redeemed and furthermore my army of workers in the last hours of Earth's history. What a fellowship, what a joy divine to be an associate with the Father and the Son and all the Heavenly hosts as we wrap up the final events which will end the reign of sin forever. Hold fast to your calling and keep it bright by accomplishing something each day to further the cause of victory over the evil one. Go now to your tasks, but keep me ever in your heart and mind, for I am just a prayer away. Lovingly, Jesus.
Your Daily Activities Until I Come
Dearest ones, today is another day closer to the culmination of all things Earthly. The nations are angry and wanting to clash with each other because of the influence of demons upon them. But I have assigned mighty angels to hold back the winds of strife until my work is done upon Earth and then I will bid them let the winds go and the nations of earth will reap the whirlwind of the god they have chosen. In the meantime I am preparing my people to be safe in the hiding-place of my protection under the shadow of my wings, which describes the protection of the Heavenly angels that I have assigned to each of you. Now for the topic of the day. I want to talk to you about the day's activities until I come. Right now the priority is getting out the light that I have given you for the world to hear and understand. The timing of my coming is of great importance, and the events that lead up to it. I do not mean that you should emphasize a set date. That you cannot and should not try to do. The secret of timing is in my hands. But the nearness as it relates to the timing of the trumpet countdown, and the relevance of the present and ongoing Judgment of the Living and the finishing of my work in the Heavenly Sanctuary is present truth that people can identify. I have always had present truth messages when the time came for a prophecy to be fulfilled, and that is what I want you to emphasize now. Present truth messages are always powerful, for I send my spirit and my angels to impress it upon the hearts of the listeners, and those who are honest in heart will recognize it as truth and come out and be among those who go forward with the truth. So keep in step each day with the things that should be accomplished, and there will be no time lag in the messages that must get out to the people in my church and in the world. Now go to the activities of the day, but listen carefully for my still small voice directing you each moment of the day and you cannot fail to please me and to accomplish what is necessary for each day. I am with you and you can talk to me anytime and consult with me in your heart and I will answer your questions and meet all your needs. I want you to get used to consulting with me throughout the day, because otherwise the day goes by without guidance from me. So avail yourselves of the privilege of hearing my guiding voice throughout the day. Now go to your day with rejoicing, for you are the apple of my eye and the focus of my attention, for we are partners in the great work of giving the last warning message that the world will hear before the close of probation. So rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven. Lovingly, Jesus.
Divine Love
Dearest ones, today I am wanting to share with you my plans for the near future that will give your witness for me more coverage. The opportunity to be on the radio that Denetra has been offered is from me, and is one of the doors that I promised that I would open for you. Step through those doors, and you will soon see other doors open as well. You have a message of hope that no one else has, as I have mentioned before, and that is being recognized by those who are hearing these truths. Now for the topic of today. I have on my heart to expand the meaning of divine love and how I want you not only to receive it but spread it to others. For far too long the conception of me has been that I am capricious in my feelings toward mankind, depending on the behavior of the person. From this point of view, if people are good and love and follow me, I am loving and kind to them. But if they make mistakes or forsake me and rebel against me, I am angry, wrathful, vindictive, and punitive in my response to their behavior toward me. If this were to be an accurate picture of my character, I would be at the mercy of my created beings, and reactive according to their behavior. In other words, I would always be in a reactive state according to the changeableness of my created beings. As you can see, this is totally untrue, and is exactly what the devil wants people to think. It is, in fact, a picture of himself and all who follow him. On the other hand, as the scriptures say, I am love not just part of the time, or under certain circumstances when my will is met, but all the time in all places and all circumstances. Therefore in order to really get to know me, you must learn to know what true love is, for otherwise you will not be able to have my character implanted into you. I will not in this message try to describe the height and breadth and depth of this subject, for it is eternal truth that goes beyond human understanding. But what I want to focus on is that Divine love is constant, consistent, and never failing. It is not reactive against another's behavior. It seeks the good of the other person, even if that means letting them go if they are choosing to do so. That is the difficult part because true love always wants to save the other person. But that cannot always be because true love also allows choice and accepts the consequences that this causes without anger and retribution. I have to endure this process all the time, because many more people reject me then accept me. But my joy is in my beloved chosen ones, in whom is all my delight! They continue to love and serve me no matter what their trials and hardships may be. These will walk with me in white and have a place on my throne throughout endless ages. But back to the subject of love. I want you to look to me in all your relationships and I will give you the constant gift of my enduring love for the people around you. Any impatience, self-pity, agitation, retaliation, and criticism, are not the fruit of love. Look to me and I will give you my Divine love. But that includes letting people choose to reject you, leave you, and do all manner of evil against you because you are following me. In that case I will rescue you and set you free to serve me without that hindrance of the devil who wants to keep you bound up in reacting to persecution. So look to me everyday and drink at the fountain of my love and protection for you and when you have been tried and passed the test of love under rejection and abuse, you will come forth an even more effective servant for me through whom I can display my character of love. Go now to your day's activities but keep your face turned upward toward the sunshine of my constant never failing love for you, and you will be rewarded both now and in eternity. Look to me and I will give you strength, energy, and wisdom for each day. And may our walk together today be sweet with the perfume of our love for each other. Lovingly, Jesus.
Dearest ones, today I am going to discuss the topic of boundaries. I am not a God who allows my created beings to set the boundaries within which either I or they are supposed to function. Some people believe that if they claim my promises and live a good life according to their standards that they can force my hand to give them whatever they demand of me. In other words, I become their servant to give them what they want if they meet certain criteria set up by themselves. This is really the goal of heathens with their gods of wood and stone. This is a satanic principle, and really goes back to his rebellion in heaven, because he thought that if he could point out something in me that wasn't fair, or in compliance with what he thought I should be, that he could gain control and bring others into agreement with himself and his cause, and ultimately bring me down. Of course the aftermath of this is history, and is soon to come to a close because he has had six thousand years to prove his point, and soon he will be bound for a thousand years to contemplate the accuracy of his theory and the effect it has had upon himself, his followers, and the whole universe. Therefore, I want to discuss the concept of boundaries in your own lives. As you deal with people every day, you will meet some who will use you to get something they want from you, but have no real appreciation of your goals and your calling. You can certainly be polite and kind and respectful, but you must look to me for your guidance on even the most minute details of your life. A whole life can be spent chasing the rabbits of other people, and even worse yet, of the devil, and time and energy is taken that should be under my direction so that the most is accomplished that needs to be for your life to render service for me. I am not saying this in a selfish way because, every goal I have for you is for your highest good and the accomplishment and fulfillment of the blueprint plan for your life. Remember that every day ordained for you was written in your book of life before one of them came to be, and if you look to me I will help you to fulfill these just as I always looked to my Father who constantly guided me day by day and moment by moment. Now what does this have to do with boundaries? Well, as I have said, Satan's major goal is to get you off track and keep you from fulfilling my blueprint plan for you. So he invents numerous ways to sidetrack you every day if he can. And here is where you must stay in touch with me constantly so that I can guide you. Remember in my life on Earth I did not do everything people asked me to do, but only what my Father asked me to do, and thus I perfectly fulfilled the blueprint plan for my life. So you, too, must consult me in all things that you go through. "Is this the way I should go?" should be your daily question. If it is not my will for you, then boundaries must be made. Remember when Paul gave in to the Judaizers, and as a result cut short his ministry. People can be very persuasive, but allowing people to run your life instead of my Spirit's guidance can be disastrous. I am not trying to frighten or discourage you, but just to point out that the closer we get to the end of time, the more the devil will try to derail you and get you off the plan I have for you. So by the leading and prompting of my Spirit, take stock every day of all the subtle works of the devil to get you sidetracked. When this is the case, you must be willing to set boundaries against the encroachment of the devil into your life through other people who are used by him. Look to me and I will guide you in how to do this. I do not expect you to do this on your own, but only through my Spirit and my guidance, for I will help you and reward you for following my counsel to you. Now go to the activities of the day. But keep open to new ideas and new thoughts from me that will help you to be an able soldier of the cross. I submitted to the ignominy and embarrassment of the cross to set a permanent boundary against the devil forever for you, because he cannot pass that boundary to destroy your life and your blueprint unless you allow it. So walk with me today and every day and you cannot fail to please me and together we will walk the last mile of the journey for this Earth history, and you will be my loyal servants whom I use to finish the plan of salvation. Lovingly, Jesus.
The Etiology of Love and Freedom from Fear
Dearest ones, on this Sabbath day, the blessed of all days of the week, I want to talk about the topic of freedom from fear. Fear is a natural result of living in a world of sin, but it goes back to the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve sinned and immediately felt terror and fear because they had disobeyed me. People live with fear all the time whether they are aware of it or not. Fear causes all the evil which is displayed in this sinful world, because fear is the natural result of being disconnected from me. Man was made to be in constant connection with me at all times. When this is the case, fear cannot exist because I am love and there is no fear in love. Love brings with it all the positive aspects of a healthy mind and a healthy relationship with others. Love and fear cannot exist together, for love casts out fear. Let's examine more closely the etiology of love. When you feel loved, you feel safe, valued, valuable in the eyes and heart of the lover, and then all your gifts and personality characteristics are pleasing and important to the lover. But when you do not feel loved, you feel insecure, devalued, unimportant, and fearful, for you do not know at what moment you may be cast out, attacked and criticized, or abandoned and exchanged for another. When children grow up in an insecure home environment they do not learn about love, because there is no security, and parental discipline is capricious and based upon behavior, or the mood of the parent at the moment. Such children grow up with constant fear and insecurity, and place a high value on behavior, both for themselves and for others around them. Thus relationships are fear-based and performance-based, and the tender plant of love is not allowed to sprout and grow. The world is full of such people, and most of them are no longer reachable by my Spirit because their minds have become so seared that there is no entryway to listen to my calls to them. If there is any hope for people like this it is through the loving ministry of my servants who show them love in action. But even that is becoming more difficult because people's minds have become so seared by the current dependence on the media that no natural thoughts and feelings are allowed to grow whereby I may reach them. Rather, this is the time when I am sending out my angels to reap the harvest of the earth and bind the wicked into bundles to be burned. But there is still a harvest to be gathered of people who are sensitive to my Spirit and who love me and respond to my love and these are the ones I want you to reach. First, drink deeply of my love yourself, and be sure that your connection with me is strong and secure. Then bring the message of my love to people who are reaching out for it and are susceptible to the wooing of my Spirit through you. Now I have a word of caution concerning people that you meet or are in your lives who are unacquainted with love from childhood, and either spurn it completely, or believe that it is obtained by works. Those who are in this condition are rarely able to understand and accept true love, for their minds have been molded under the lash and the whip, under the capricious demanding will of parents or a parent, and under fear of retribution and punishment. When this is the case their only feeling of safety comes from behavior and earning salvation. Do not worry overmuch about this, because I am their judge and I know their heart and their capacity for knowing me and I will judge them fairly considering their background. But you do what you can to be kind and a model of love yourself, and then just leave their destiny up to me, for I know their hearts. But I appreciate everything that each of you are doing to represent me and my truth, and learn my ways and my character so that you can bring the light to others. I will use you to further my gospel of love until every soul has had a chance to make their final decision, and then I will close probationary time and do what I must do to finish transgression and make an end of sin and sinners. Stay closely by my side and we will go through the end together, for I will never leave you nor forsake you, for you are my beloved ones in whom is all my delight. Go now to your Sabbath day with rejoicing, for I am and will continue to be with you until I come. You are never alone, and never will be, for my presence will go with you until I come to take you home. Never fear, never be dismayed, but look to me and trust in me until the journey ends in the glory of my coming. Don't you long for that day? I do too, for then I will have my beloved ones with me where there is no more fear, no more distress, no more anxiety or anxious hearts. The great experiment into sin will be over, and all will be rolled back onto Satan, the instigator of it all, never more to plague or frighten my people or disturb the peace of my beloved ones and my universe where all is peace and love and joy. Until that day, look to me and trust in me and enjoy the bounties of my love for you. Have a blessed Sabbath, for it is a foretaste of heaven. Lovingly, Jesus.
Jesus, the Light of our Lives
Dearest ones, as the light of the sun streams in your window this morning, so I want to be the light of your life today. When you are in connection with me, there is no darkness at all. Do you realize that as I look down upon the earth I see only a few little lights blinking in the darkness of error that is as black as night? My greatest pleasure is my church who has my truth for these last hours of Earth's history, and I will pour out my glory upon them as my coming draws near to give the last warning for the people of Earth, where darkness is upon the people and gross darkness upon the leaders and statesmen of the world. So my church is the center of my attention and through it I will give the last rays of light before probation closes. But even among my people there is much darkness and error, for many do not sense the reality of the nearness of my coming and the close of probation. "Near" to them means 5, 10, 20, or 50 years or even longer, for they build great edifices as though there are many more years to build and to plant and to use these expensive edifices. But no, they will soon waste in the rubble of the destruction that I will bring upon the Earth even before my coming. And their hopes and dreams of greatness will be dashed to the ground. My people do not ask me what I want them to do, but do what they think I want them to do for my honor. It would honor me more to have hearts and lives that I can use for the proclamation of truth than great luxurious buildings that actually say, "My Lord delays His coming." Then there is the proliferation of activities without the heart knowledge of my present truth for this time. I do appreciate all that is done to help people to get to know me and prepare for my coming. But much of the activity that is done does not uphold or exemplify anything that will help the participants to prepare for my coming. Then I will mention one more thing - the lame sermons that do not alert people of my soon coming, or help them prepare for it. And that is how you come into the picture. I have given you a message that stands against the ignorance concerning what must take place in a person's life in order to be ready for my coming, or even what is necessary to be saved. So all my mind is now focused upon helping you to get the light out quickly and efficiently to the world. I will guide you every day about how to use your time and energies and gifts for that day. Make every day count to do something that will help to advance the messages of hope of recovery which prepares people for my coming. I will help you by opening up avenues for you to serve. Now go to your activities of the day and keep open for my providential leading, and you cannot fail to please me and accomplish all that I am expecting you to do. I do not want you to be burdened by the goals I have for you, because I am taking the full responsibility for leading and guiding you each moment of the day to accomplish what is on the agenda for that day. Just look to me and listen to my Spirit's guidance, and watch for my providential leading, and you will not fail of accomplishing all my will for you. Today and every day is already out lined in your book of life. And I will be with you and help you to accomplish it. Be of good cheer, for I am with you to guide and sustain you, and every new day is another opportunity to see the glory of my purpose for you. Lovingly, Jesus.
Dearest ones, my topic today is light. While I was on Earth, I tried to help people to understand how to be constantly walking in light from Heaven by following me and my teachings. It is not my will that anyone should ever be in darkness, for that means they are listening to the prince of darkness, Satan. There are only two sources of light in this world and these are from me and from the evil one. I am the True Light that lightens everyone who will turn to me and receive me. And then there is the deceiver who purports to have light but has only darkness and lies to offer. Everyone must learn to perceive what is the true light from me, and detect any error and darkness from the evil one and expel it at once. That is why I said, as recorded in the scriptures, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life" [John 8:12]. And as the Apostle John wrote, "God is light. In him there is no darkness at all. If we claim to have fellowship with him yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live by the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin" [1John 1:5-7]. Now these are strong statements but I want you to become very familiar with the truth that is presented here. It is natural for the fallen human nature to go in and out of darkness and light according to the experience of each day. Some days seem smooth and profitable, but other days are perplexing and possibly depressing according to what happens that day. But when depression or discouragement sets in, I want you to realize that I am never in those feelings. In other words, I am never depressed or discouraged, so if you are experiencing these feelings, it means that you are not connected with me at that moment, and are walking in the darkness brought on by the evil one. Now, I do not mean to be hard on you, because I completely understand the human condition, and the experiences that come as a result of being in the flesh and not in the Spirit. But I think you can see that my Spirit never brings feelings of depression, hopelessness, despair, or any negative emotion. Now let me say right here that I do not leave people when they experience these emotions, because they need me even more to give them hope and bring them out into the light through communion with me. But I am simply pointing out that you can and should educate your mind to be on the alert for dark thoughts and feelings that come not from me but from the enemy, and connect quickly with me so that I can help you to stay positive and full of faith. Now I want to address the part of the text that says, "The blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin." This indicates that the final generation will understand and experience this more fully than any other generation, for it is the final remnant that will experience the cleansing of the amygdala memories and the blotting out of all the sins of the past. Feelings of depression and darkness often come from unresolved issues from the past, and bring darkness of spirit and mind. Therefore when these have been fully cleansed, the light of my love, mercy, and forgiveness can shine brightly in the heart and mind and reproduce my righteous character in your mind and soul, for the things of the past are cleansed away, making way for my holy thoughts and feelings to be implanted in the soul. So when you read about my people in the past who became discouraged or experienced times of depression, do not think that is an acceptable template for my final cleansed remnant, for they will be fully filled by the latter rain power of the Holy Spirit and connected with my mind in all areas. They will walk in the light proceeding from the throne of God and will grow up quickly into my image. So take heart! Your light afflictions now are preparing you to receive the latter rain and the full cleansing that precedes it. Journey forward with full faith, and you will receive the crown of life that is given to every overcomer. Now go to the activities of your day, but remember to look to me for help and strength and counsel and direction in all things. I am right by your side, and if you reach out to me you will find me, for I am, as ever, just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.
Faith through the Darkness
My dear ones, I am so pleased with your progress in holiness every day as you go through the various trials that I permit you to experience. These trials are not to consume you or discourage you, but to refine you and polish and purify you of all the dross in your life that Satan has caused. But as you look to me for help, miracles of healing can happen because you are looking away from what Satan has done in your life and focusing upon what I can do and want to do in your life as you cooperate with me. I have great plans for each of you to represent me as you walk in the light against the backdrop of darkness and gross darkness that is upon the people of Earth. They need to see one last blaze of truth before probation closes forever, and no light will shine again except in the camp of my saints. And I want you to know that we are on schedule, and there will be no delay. Now for the topic of the day. I want to talk to you about faith through the darkness. As you know, I am withdrawing my Spirit from the earth in stages according to the light revealed and rejected by the majority of people on Earth and their leaders. If you focus upon what is happening in the Earth you will lose heart and lose connection with me and fall down into the dark world below. It is all right to notice briefly what is happening so that you can speak to the issues that people are dealing with. But like Enoch, your focus must be upon me and following my direction for your personal lives and your witness. As you look out upon the world, there is very little that is worthwhile thinking about. But as you look to me, I will guide you to focus upon the light that I am shining upon you, and be able to disseminate that to others who know and understand much less then you, but whose hearts are looking to me and longing for something to make sense of what is happening in their own lives and in the world where there is much turmoil in homes, marriages, families, and society in general. But this turmoil is preparing people for the great divide that will happen when the greatest light shines from the heavenly sanctuary under the latter rain and loud cry to "come out of her, my people, so that you will not share in her sins," nor "receive any of her plagues" [Rev. 18:4]. At that time family members will be separated, since some who are honest in heart will follow the light, while others will not. This is already beginning to happen, though not visibly to you at this time. But I see the ripening of the grain, and I know who are mine and who are not. So your duty is not to try to carry the weight of the world upon your shoulders, but only to go through the doors that I open for you, and carry only the burdens that I lay upon you, for my burdens are light because I always carry the heaviest part of the load for you. So rejoice today that you are accounted worthy to be among my chosen ones at this time in history. You will get to see what all of my faithful ones through the ages wanted to see - the end of the reign of sin, and my coming in the clouds of glory. That is what you will see with your own eyes and experience in the near future. But this is possible for you because of the faithful labors of all my saints through the ages, and you are standing upon their shoulders, and reaping the results of their faith and labor's for me. Every generation has had its purpose and calling, and now the end has come and the work is accomplished. Only the last dregs of the cup remain, and we will walk the last mile of the journey together. That is why I send you messages every day, because I want you to look constantly to me and keep your faith and courage brightly shining through the darkness of error which covers the earth and gross darkness the people. But the light of my truth is shining brightly in the hearts and homes of my chosen ones, and my heart is satisfied that I now have a remnant who will follow and obey me through the end. Go now to the activities of your day, but don't let go of connection with me for one moment, for the devil goes about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour and so much the more as he sees the end approaching. So cling to me today and I will inspire and strengthen you for every battle and temptation of the evil one, for I am your strong support, and I will never let you down. I love you with an everlasting love, and you can safely lean upon me in the days ahead. Today is a new day to walk together to the kingdom - let us rejoice and be glad in it! Lovingly, Jesus.
Go Forward
Dearest ones, today my subject is titled, "Go Forward." All of you have been working diligently to overcome every obstacle and gain every victory over everything that the devil has thrown into your pathway. I have been right there beside you to strengthen you for the battles and give you courage and wisdom to see your way through each time the devil invented new things to stand against you. But you have looked steadily to me, never wavering in your faith and connection with me. Therefore, I am announcing to you that I feel I have a honed army of soldiers who will follow my instructions and stay connected with me as we move forward toward the end. I have responsibilities for each of you to do that can be done by no other person. Each of you is pivotal in the place where you have been assigned. So look to me for my leadership and instructions for each day, and for encouragement and love and strength from me, because it is my highest joy to work together with you for the accomplishment of the goals for each day. Now I want to caution you to be careful not to assume that every door that opens, or opportunity that presents itself is from me. You only have 24 hours a day to accomplish the goals that I have for you, and the devil would like to bring counterfeit opportunities and have you chasing his rabbits and lists of apparently good things that you could be doing. I know it seems strange that the devil would have you doing good things, but his purpose would be to deceive you and get you off track. Remember - every day ordained for you was written in my book before one of them came to be. And that perfect pattern is what I will reveal to you every day. When I was on Earth I could have been healing whole cities, doing miracles of every kind, preaching to the masses of gentiles, and many spectacular things that would have spread my fame around the world. But I followed my Father's plan for me specifically in every detail. The mind and heart of man is so deceptive that without my guidance, the blueprint plan that I have for each of you singly, and also collectively as a team, will not be accomplished, for you cannot see as I do the complete master plan that I have in mind. But trusting me day by day and moment-by-moment takes the burden off of you, and keeps it on my shoulders where it belongs. One of the things that I want you to do frequently and whenever needed is to encourage each other and pray and counsel with each other as I did with my disciples. No two of you are alike, but as a whole, you make up the kaleidoscope of gifts and personalities that are needed to accomplish the entirety of the work. Do not be turned aside to argue or spend time reasoning with those who do not see your work and calling and want to keep you busy defending yourself and the message and work that I have given you to do. Remember how Satan sent enemies to hinder the work on building the wall [Neh. 4, 6]. I want you to say the same thing. "I am doing a great work and I cannot come down to argue with you." So your eyes should be single to your calling and to my voice daily guiding you each day. Your greatest joy will be in hearing my voice and following me moment by moment and enjoying the fellowship of love and service that we have together. And in addition, I have given you compatible friends with whom you can find companionship and sacred fellowship in serving me together. Now go to the activities of your day, but always keep in mind that I am with you, even to the end of the world. And that end is coming rapidly upon us like a speeding train. In the meantime, make every day count for the activities of that day, and you cannot fail to reach the final goal of being ready for the close of probation and the end of the world. Then the work that I have assigned you will be finished, and heaven will begin when I come to take you home. Until then, heaven begins here with your day by day experience with me. So look to me today for my guidance, and you will be blessed by our loving fellowship together, no matter what is transpiring around you, for with me beside you, you will be kept and surrounded in an area of peace. Lovingly, Jesus.
Dearest ones, the sun is shining brightly through your window this morning, and it is a symbol of my love for you and my care which is unceasing and as bountiful as the oceans, for you have followed me faithfully day by day throughout your lives, no matter what the trials have been, and you have never lost faith in me and my care for you and the purpose that I have for your life. I am rewarding you for this by sending you messages of love and instruction every day to keep your mind fresh and open to my leading and instructions, for if I did not do this, time would go by and you would not be ready for what is coming so soon upon the world. Those who are expecting things to go on as usual, and are living normal lives of activity, will be taken by surprise when the things that have been prophesied for so long begin to happen. There will be no time to get ready then - no time to prepare, no time to get to know me intimately. I must be the center of your life now, guiding and instructing you moment by moment in order for you to be ready when the curtain of normal life comes down forever upon the world and its inhabitants. In the meantime, those, like you, who are following my Spirit's guidance, will be prepared to go through the end without seeing death. Now For the topic of the day. I want to talk about alertness. You know the story of the ten virgins. The sad fact is that they were ALL asleep. It is not my will that anyone should be asleep right now when my coming is so soon. But unfortunately, it is true. It reminds me of that night in the Garden of Gethsemane when all my disciples went to sleep and left me alone to endure the agony of preparing for the cross. I am not blaming them for it, I am just saying that if they had stayed awake as I asked them to do, everything would have been different for them, because I would have been able to prepare them for the events that would follow. And so it is now. Even though many are beginning to see that my coming is near, almost everyone is assuming that they will be ready, and are basically asleep to the fact that there is an essential preparation that is necessary to be ready. You know that preparation to be the removal of sin from the sanctuary through the blood of sprinkling, or in other words, going through the cleansing of the roots of sin and having my perfect life, personified by my blood, imparted and imputed into the life in place of the presence of sin in any form and to any degree. Most think that righteousness by faith means that I cover their sins and mistakes that they have if they by faith believe that. But this belief is not faith at all but presumption. Why would I give my precious life so that people could go on sinning with my permission? I gave my life's blood to recover mankind from both the power and presence of sin in any form and to any degree! You, my beloved ones, must tell people this, because so many people are leaning upon this false premise and understanding of righteousness by faith which is preached and believed by most Christians today. Where does this false belief come from? It comes from an obdurate heart of unbelief and a desire to go on with life feeling satisfied with their own behavior until probation closes and the terrible realization comes that they have been duped by false teachers, and that it is now forever too late to turn around and be saved. But I don't want to end on this depressing note. I am rejoicing today and every day that I have a remnant of my people who are not asleep, but who are awake and listening to my voice and following me to perfection of character. You are not even among the sleeping virgins. You are among the Watchmen who are awake and make the call that the bridegroom is coming. Fortunately, there is a significant number of my people who are true to me as much as they know and with the light they have, that will awaken when they hear the truth that you are preaching about cleansing, and they will quickly trim their lamps and join you in the generalized proclamation of truth. To these you must go, and my spirit will guide you in reaching these. So Rejoice that you are not among those who are sleeping, but you are Watchmen on the walls of Zion, sounding the message of truth that will gather in every honest hearted person who is waiting for the clarion call to prepare for my coming. These will join you in spreading this message around the world, and then the end will come. Now go to the activities of your day, but keep me in your heart and mind at all times and you cannot fail to please me and accomplish all that this day brings. Just keep the watchword and pass it on down the line that I love each person with an everlasting, personal love like no earthly lover, but as the divine Son of the Father who also loves you and is pleased with your devotion and service. Keep us in your heart and mind today, and you will be blessed and honored both now and in the kingdom of heaven! Lovingly, Jesus.
Holiness - 2
Dearest ones, today is preparation day for my Sabbath, and I want you to see this day as an example of preparation for my coming. All throughout the day you will be keeping in mind the hour of sunset when my Sabbath begins. So it should be concerning my coming. Normal things have to be done, but there should be nothing that supersedes the preparation for my coming. Keep in mind that without me you can do nothing to prepare your heart for both my Sabbath nor My coming, because works do not count for righteousness. Anyone for any reason can prepare for a deadline. But what I want is heart preparation, which you cannot do without my indwelling Spirit who cleanses your hearts of all sin and disagreement with me. So keep your hearts in tune with me today, and I will guide and prepare you for a special outpouring of my Spirit on Sabbath. Now my topic for today is holiness. I know that this is a common topic for you, and you understand it to be complete and total agreement with me on any level and about anything. This is true, but do you realize that this is impossible if you are not hearing my voice at all times and about everything? That is quite logical, isn't it, because how can you be in agreement with me if you don't hear my voice and know just what I am thinking at any given moment? Of course, that necessitates a constant relationship with me such as Enoch had, and such as I had and have with my Father. And that is why the cleansing is absolutely imperative for those who live through without seeing death. My glory - the power of my character - destroys anything that is not in harmony with my thoughts and feelings and mind on everything. That is why I had to clothe my glory with humanity when I came to Earth. The power of my thoughts are creative and healing and restorative to anything or anyone that is submissive and in harmony with me, but destructive to anything that is out of harmony with me. But because I am loving, I veil and control my power down to the level of the smallest child, and submit to reasoning with my created beings, rather than using force to bring anyone into harmony with me. As the scripture says, "your thoughts are not my thoughts nor are your ways my ways." That is why I call out to each person, "Come now, let us reason together. Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow. Though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool." Were I to force my way into your mind, you would lose your individuality and your power of choice. So I plead with you and implore you to come to me in everything you go through to learn my thoughts on the matter. Don't just assume that you already know because you study the scriptures on any given topic. Of course I want you to study the scriptures diligently because I can speak to you through them, which prepares your heart to be open to my council. But as you already know by your experience, the scriptures can be applied in various ways for specific situations, and that is where my Spirit must be the interpreter for every situation, for my wisdom is infinite, and only I know which scriptural principle applies in each situation. So you can see now that without a constant relationship with me it is impossible for you to have the necessary discernment to be in agreement and harmony with me in every situation. But that is the joy of our relationship isn't it? The human mind can know truth without knowing how to apply it. For example, the Pharisees and leaders during my days on Earth explained the scriptures down to the smallest detail and were satisfied that they knew truth. But I am the Truth and they didn't know me or my thoughts or ways at all. So without a constant, living relationship with me you can't know truth either, because truth is a revelation of what I am thinking and feeling on every situation. But isn't it enjoyable to have such a relationship with me? I bring to you things that you cannot know in any other way. I bring you love and joy and peace and knowledge and wisdom and understanding about everything that you must face every day. I resolve problems for you that you could never do for yourself. I am your Friend and Companion in every situation and through every trial that you must endure. Just think about people who don't have that relationship! Are they happy and fulfilled? As I withdraw my Spirit from the earth and from anyone who is not actively seeking me, the world is going into chaos because my sweet Spirit is no longer an automatic gift, but is now only available to those who seek me. This is because probation is already closing, and only those who love and serve me with all their hearts and desire a relationship with me will find me. This is why I especially am focusing upon my beloved chosen ones in whom is all my delight. I am leaving those who spurn and reject me and do not value my Spirit, but look to themselves and their own devices to be their guides. Therefore, I am focusing upon those who have already chosen to be my friends, and also those who long to be, and are not satisfied with the things that the world has to offer. It is for these that I am holding open the door of salvation a little longer, and holding back the winds of strife so that all who choose me can enter and be safe when I close the door and let the winds go. So please do not be surprised that some are refusing to enter through the narrow gate and have a relationship with me. This is the shaking time, and those who to choose some other way will be shaken out. In the meantime, do not try to carry the weight of the world upon your shoulders. Just stay by my side as I lead you step by step, moment by moment, and if you do this I will see you safely through every trial that Satan throws against you. Do not look down and focus upon the works of the devil, for you will be tempted above that which you are able to bear. Turn to me, run to me, and focus upon me and you will be victorious over every trial and temptation. Now go to the activities of your day, but keep in mind that I am walking right beside you and will see you through. The Sabbath hours are coming, and we can spend them together if you keep your heart open to my Spirit and my love for you. In so doing, you will hear a word behind you saying, this is the way, walk ye in it, and your heart will be at peace. Lovingly, Jesus.
Loving the Unlovable
Dearest ones, I always look forward to the morning when you are awake and I can commune with you again at the beginning of each day. Your hearts are so eager to connect with me and hear my voice speaking to you in the quietness of your soul. Perhaps it is hard for you to imagine that I can enjoy the fellowship with you that we have each day, when I have my Father at my side, and myriads of angels around me at all times, but just remember that I created you to be a part of my kingdom, and for the loving relationship that we can share. No two people are alike, and just as you love each of your children uniquely, so I love each of you uniquely and look forward to our fellowship together. Now for the topic of the day. I want to talk with you about loving the unlovable. Of all the things that you encounter in your daily journey through life, this is one of the hardest. That is because you were created to love and be loved by my Father and I and all the hosts of heaven, as well as your family and friends, and to be respected by even those who are not a part of your inner circle. So when this is not the case, it produces anxiety, emotional pain and distress, sadness, and darkness of mind. Since you were never created to experience rejection, criticism, anger from others, and all the other emotions that are a result of the sin condition, you have no natural defense for it. So this is where arguing and fighting and negative emotions come into the picture as people try to defend themselves against the pain of not feeling loved and secure. The whole problem of sin is about lack of love for me, and lack of love for each other. That is why my law addresses these two categories in more detail then I am doing here. But I want to focus this morning upon what to do when you do not feel loved, understood, and appreciated. Of course, I experienced a great deal of that when I was upon Earth, because I had to go through to the fullest extent what every human being must suffer. Until the cross I always felt my Father's love and acceptance and guidance. But although this was the mainstay which kept me strong, I still keenly felt the rejection of people, especially of those who were my closest friends and loved ones. So I have trod the pathway before you and I want to help you to have my victory over rejection and abuse. The key to remember is that such things come from the Devil through the person to you. Never forget that you have an enemy who hates you if you follow me, and wants to destroy your happiness and usefulness in any way possible. So he will stir up others to attack, reject, misunderstand, and abuse you in every way he can. But I want you to learn to keep an even keel and not be drawn into the negative emotions that are normal to feel under these experiences. But you can only do this if you are having a calm close walk with me and are able to perceive my love for you and my instructions and counsel as you go through the experience. You are no match for the enemy without me, and you will fall prey to him without my help and strength. You know that the scriptures say, "There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way of escape, that ye may be able to bear it." [1 Cor. 10:13.] So with every temptation and trial that I allow to come to you, I also have a remedy - a ram in the thicket, so to speak. And just as I gave a release from the trial that I brought to Abraham and Isaac when they had passed the test, so I have a remedy for every trial that I allow to come to you, which I will make clear to you at the proper time. It Is by passing The daily tests that you grow mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, for no one starts out a finished product when they are born. The carnal nature is in the ascendancy when a child is born, and through life it must learn and grow to be a successfully functioning adult. So also it is in the spiritual life. You must learn to walk with me through every trial that I allow to come to you. When you walk with me, I measure every trial before I allow it to come to you, and if you walk with me through it, you will come forth as gold, with a character which has been tried in the fire and freed of all dross and tin. So look up, for your redemption draweth nigh, and the waiting time for my coming is almost over. In the meantime, walk with me through every trial and I will give you my victory. When you are tested by the rejection, disapproval, and scorn of others, focus upon my love and acceptance for you, and I will give you pity for the poor souls who are being tortured by the enemy, and buying his wares and thinking his thoughts and doing his bidding. When you have me in your heart and life, you need never feel alone or unloved, for I am always beside you, and I love you with an everlasting love. So walk securely with me today and every day, and let your thoughts capture the songs of angels who are rejoicing about your victory over the enemy. Soon you will join them around my throne. But even now I want you to rejoice that you are loved and accepted by God, and that your salvation and your reward is secure, both in heaven, and in your earthly life as well. Have a blessed Sabbath, for we will be with you to bring the fellowship and love of all of heaven to you as you open your heart and mind to connect with us in blessed fellowship together. Lovingly, Jesus.
The Covering
Dearest ones, my subject today is "The Covering." As you know, there are covering cherubs in the most holy place over the ark. These mighty angels protect what is inside the ark, which is my law. But why would there need to be angels covering my law before sin entered? It is because I created beings who have free wills and could choose to question my laws and break them if they chose to disagree with me. Therefore, the covering cherubs were to be so close to me and my Father, and know us so well, that if any question should ever arise concerning us and our character, the angels that were created and chosen to be in this high position of leadership and authority, could explain to others what our true character and motives were in having standards and laws for our created beings, although all were perfect at their creation. The covering angels could explain that my law was protective of anything ever coming into my kingdom that would lead to anarchy and ruin, for all created beings have a free will, therefore they could choose to disagree with my law and the principles by which I run the universe, and foment rebellion against me and try to take over my authority and my throne. The covering angels were to explain to anyone who questioned, why my laws were for the good of everyone to preserve unity and harmony and safety and love and freedom within the safety of the boundaries of behavior and thinking that I had established which would ever preserve the greatest happiness and freedom. Of course, you know what happened when Lucifer, the highest of my created beings and the leader of the angels, rebelled against me and fomented rebellion among the other angels. It is still a mystery and will always be how his mind and thinking could become so twisted that he would bring about such chaos and destruction. But that is the risk I had to take to preserve free will for all my created beings. The experiment into sin has been long, excruciatingly painful, and disastrous for so many, and even for me because of my eternal sacrifice that was needed to end the sin problem while continuing to preserve free will. But I rejoice that my Father and I had already planned for such a situation, and we knew that peace and harmony would eventually be restored through the plan of salvation. So my creation was fully covered by this plan, which accomplished the desired end. So you see, the covering was meant to be established and preserved through understanding my character and the perfection of my laws for the greatest good of all my created beings. But because Lucifer doubted me and left his position to challenge me about my character and my laws, his rebellion has eventually caused the very outcome that he refused to do, which was to fully reveal my character and the righteousness of my laws. And now rebellion will never rise again because all questions have been fully answered and the display of the purpose and perfection of my laws for the good of everyone has answered every question. It is now fully seen that the purpose of my laws are to preserve love and harmony, and protect everyone from the danger of rebellion against my law, which is the heart and soul of my character and my government. This perfect divine law must also be in the heart and soul of each member of my kingdom, and thus sin shall not rise a second time. So the complete understanding of the purpose for my law is that it is a covering to prevent sin from ever rising again. Now I want to talk to you about the necessity of having this covering in your own life. You, too, have been created with a free will. And when I designed your inner being and your special blueprint, it was as perfect as my blueprint for Adam and Eve when I created them. I also planted within you a desire for me and a covering of purity which, if you preserved it, would be a hedge of protection to keep you from self-destructing. Without this, there would have been no hope for you to choose me and be saved from the effects of sin and from the presence and power of the devil who claims every person that is born into this world, because the seeds of sin are present in every child since Adam and Eve fell, and these are passed on to their progeny. Since the choice is now up to each individual, I try to throw around each person an atmosphere of grace to call them to choose me and not Satan. That atmosphere is a covering of grace which I have extended during probationary time. But now I am withdrawing that atmosphere because nearly all have chosen against me and have made the choice to follow Satan. Therefore, I am accepting their choice to spurn my love and the opportunity to be transformed that I have provided by my sacrifice on Calvary for each person. For those who choose me, the door is still open for full recovery and salvation. But the requirements are the same as they have been from the beginning. You must know me and my truth and the perfection of my laws, and agree with them in all areas and aspects, because they are the laws of happiness, peace, joy, love, safety and eternal life in heaven with me. But as the Bible says, all have sinned and come short of the glory, or character, of God. To the extent that you have sinned against me and my laws, to that extent there must be a cleansing of your mind and heart in order for you to have my protection through the time of trouble that is just ahead of us. Every sin is a breach in the covering that I provide. Until now, I have had the automatic covering of grace that I have provided for everyone who has accepted me as their personal Savior. But now I am removing that automatic covering, to show who are my chosen ones and who are not. Make haste to avail yourself of this privilege while the door of probation remains open, for soon it will close forever upon those who have spurned my invitation of love and mercy which is available for everyone. You will know when this transaction has taken place, for you will sense the complete peace of my covering of grace in every area of your mind, heart, and soul, and you will be able to hear the still small voice of my Holy Spirit constantly with you and helping you to go through anything that the devil may invent to harass you and try to get you off track. But it will be impossible for him to seduce you, for you will be a finished product of my grace and my intercession to restore you into my full image, and you will be impervious to the attempts of the devil to take you down. So take heart! The days grow short, and my work is almost done. I am now drawing a covering over everyone who loves me supremely above every earthly attraction and every device of the devil, and whose mind has been cleansed of everything that the devil has done in their lives. Oh, that everyone would avail themselves of this privilege while probationary time still lasts! But I am encouraged and rejoicing that I have a small remnant who are moving forward at my last call to get into the ark of safety before it is too late. My true people are moving into line and being cleansed of all sin, no matter what the cost to themselves. In return, I am covering and sealing each of you for eternity, nevermore to be the sport of the enemy. So continue to look to me. I will never leave you nor forsake you - ever - even for one moment. You must believe and accept this truth about me or you will never have the strength to recover from the damage the devil has done to you. He has taken away from you the covering that I have provided for you and you must have faith in me and my love for you and reject the lies that the enemy has told you about me and about yourself as being hopeless and rejected. I will restore your covering that Satan has taken from you the moment that you believe in my eternal love and care for you. Will you accept this now and be healed? I will not force you, but I will free your will to choose if you will look to me and believe in me with your whole heart like a little baby in its mother's arms. Come to me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest! Trust in me and I will replace your tears and sorrow and fears with my peace, which is the constant assurance of my love. Now go to the activities of your day, but keep me in your heart at all times, and I will give you peace and rest and eternal assurance, for my law of love will be enshrined in your heart, and my wings of love will cover and protect you forever! Lovingly, Jesus.
The Year of the Lord’s Favor
Dearest ones, today is a special day in the courts of heaven because we have come to "the year of the Lord's favor." [Isa.61:2, NIV] This is the year when the gospel of salvation by faith will be preached in all the world and then the end will come. Yes, it can and will be done in one year, because my chosen ones have the message, the means, and the understanding which will carry it to the ends of the earth. One theme should swallow up all others - "Victory in Christ is possible through faith." I know that there are many concepts of righteousness by faith, but only one is correct, and it is this: complete victory over every sin and every demon is not only possible, but imperative, because anything less than total victory in every area is not righteousness and it is not faith. Faith says, "anything less than total victory is unthinkable and unacceptable." Even in the public games of worldlings, anything less than all-out effort is not acceptable. Why would I, the God of heaven and earth, be satisfied with less? And because I have provided for complete success through connection with me, anything less than victory over the world, the flesh, and the devil is unacceptable. In fact, it is infidelity and treason, because it allows for cohabitation with sin. Having said this, I want to go back to the topic of today -- the year of the Lord's favor. This means, the year when the power of the Gospel is finished in the human race. Until now, there has always been a certain amount of darkness and missed understanding over the concept of the requirement and possibility of total victory over every sin. That is because no previous generation has had all the light on the subconscious or unconscious mind and the storage of the records of memories of sin and sinful tendencies in the amygdala. But now the light is shining and there is no more excuse for sin to be tolerated in my people, because total victory is now possible through a relationship with me in the cleansing of the records of sin that are stored in the subconscious mind. As I explained yesterday, the law that is enshrined in the Ark of the Covenant is symbolic of the law of life and happiness that is enshrined in my heart. As I said when coming to earth, "Lo I come: in the volume of the book it is written of me, I delight to do thy will, oh my God: yea, thy law is in my heart." Psalms 40:7, 8. This indicates that when I came to earth, I came from the Most Holy Place where I was in perfect agreement with my Father, and the law was enshrined in my heart, just as the law of God, which is the transcript of his character, was transcribed on stone and enshrined in the Ark of the Covenant. That covenant of agreement between my Father and I stands firm forever, and is an everlasting promise that all who desire to come into fellowship and agreement with us will be cleansed of everything that is in disagreement with this covenant of love, and will be brought into total agreement with us in every aspect, and thus are also able to have the law enshrined in their hearts and dwell forever with us in the Most Holy Place, fully restored from the effects of sin. All selfishness and sin will be washed away by the application of my blood, which is symbolic of the application of my life, and we will be one with each other and in total agreement and oneness of heart and mind forever. This is the completion of the plan of salvation, and thus sin and sinners will be eradicated forever from the universe. Now, this is the work that I am doing right now in the sanctuary. I am revealing to you each sin or disagreement with me, even back to your earliest childhood, and inviting you to give it to me to be healed and removed from your life's record and blotted out forever from your memories, so that your heart will beat in unison with mine, and you, too, will be able to say, "Lo I come: in the volume of the book it is written of me, I delight to do thy will, oh my God: yea, thy law is within my heart." Remember that I have said in Psalms 139:17, "all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." So when your books are completely cleansed from all the records of the damage that Satan and sin has done to you, the finished product is that your book will be in perfect harmony with my perfect original plan for you, and my goal for your life will be accomplished. Then Isaiah 26:12-14 will be fulfilled: "Lord you establish peace for us; all that we have accomplished you have done for us. Oh Lord, our God, other lords besides you have ruled over us, but your name alone do we honor. They are now dead, they live no more; those departed spirits do not rise. You punished them and brought them to ruin; you wiped out all memory of them." So this is the year of the Lord's favor, because this is the year that I am going to accomplish and finish it for my people. This is the year of the final cleansing and blotting out of sins in the records of heaven, and of the sealing of my people, which means that every disagreement with me has been cleansed and removed, and we are now in perfect agreement with each other forever. Then the latter rain will be poured out and its fullness, because there will be nothing hindering my Holy Spirit from taking full possession of my cleansed ones - no dross, no misunderstanding, or disagreement between us, so that the Holy Spirit can be poured out without measure because there are no obstructions in the way. I have been looking forward to this for so long and now that the time is here, you can see why I call this the year of my favor. And then probation will close forever on the human race. My sheaves will have been gathered safely into my barn, and the tares will be bound in bundles to be burned. That, too, you must preach, for that is the day of vengeance which is spoken about in Isaiah 61:2, 34:8, and Revelation 18:8, and the world must be warned of it's coming doom. Never have I closed probation on a people or a nation that I did not send warnings. Noah, Moses, Lot, and Jonah are examples of this. So you, too, must give warnings to the people of your generation. Actually, you will be the voices that I use to speak the words of warning that are contained in the Three Angels Messages, and the fourth angel of Revelation 18. So gird up the loins of your mind, and listen to the call of my Holy Spirit to sound these messages throughout the earth, and then the end will come. Now go to the duties and privileges of your day, but keep listening for my still, small, voice to guide and encourage you, for you are never alone. Through my Holy Spirit and my angels I will be right beside you to give you courage, wisdom and strength equal to the challenges of your day. And remember that I am, as always, just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.
The Blotting out of Sin
Dearest ones, I want to talk to you today about the blotting out of sin. This is a process that is taking place right now in the Most Holy Place as the lives of my people come up in review for the final decision in each case. The blotting out is entirely voluntary and must be a conscious process in your mind, not an automatic act that I do without your permission and cooperation. Remember that everything I do must preserve the free will of the person involved, for that is the law of my character and my government. The whole plan of salvation is based upon this premise, as I have explained before. So the blotting out of sin from your lives and from your records must be a cooperative, conscious, voluntary process on your part, and a response from me upon your request and readiness to let go of everything that sin and Satan has caused in your life, and the removal of any sympathy with Satan and agreement with his principles. This necessitates a close, conscious, purposeful connection with me that allows me to speak to you and guide you every moment, and a relationship of love and trust so deep and permanent that you will desire to let go of your negative memories and emotions. For example, if you have been deeply hurt by someone in your life, the natural response is to protect yourself from further harm and hurt by being angry with them, holding grudges, fears and angers against them, and holding the memory in your heart of what they have done, or what you perceive that they have done to you. Satan is present of course, helping you to do this, because by these memories and fears and negative feelings, he has already gained control of your mind and emotions, and these become permanent within you because you have second-witnessed, or agreed with, what he has told you about the person and the situation. And because you are in agreement with him, it is a bond that cannot be broken unless you respond to my Spirit's call to you and repent and give these things over to me to be cleansed and removed. But that necessitates such a deep personal relationship with me that your love for me and my love for you drives out the presence and power of the evil one in your soul, and only my thoughts and feelings - my law and my righteousness - remain in your heart. This experience is what is absolutely necessary for the blotting out to take place. No amount of focus upon behavior, or "court" experience with me, will produce the oneness with me that allows me to reveal and remove the roots of sin. Even a "first apartment" relationship which involves the emotions does not eradicate the stored memories of experiences of the past. In other words, a person can love me and serve me on a "court," or behavioral level, because they agree with my principles -- (do not curse or show disrespect for me or worship any other gods, keep the Seventh-Day Sabbath, show respect for your parents, don't hate your brother or harbor thoughts to cause bodily harm to anyone, remain sexually pure, don't take something that belongs to someone else, and so forth) -- without having a deep heart connection and a conscious loving relationship with me every moment. They live by principal rather than a conscious, intimate connection with me. These can be accepted into my kingdom because they are in agreement with my principles, and if they recognize the discrepancies of their hearts and feelings and confess these to me to be forgiven and covered by my righteousness in their behalf, they can be saved. Then there are those whose whole hearts are involved in a conscious relationship with me on a daily basis, and they go as far as they can to love and serve me, and are grieved by sinful thoughts and behaviors and confess them heartily to me and strive to overcome anything that is in their lives that is out of harmony with my righteous principles. These also are forgiven and covered by my blood. But neither of these two categories reflect the finished product of my grace, because the sin problem still remains in the deepest levels of the heart and mind, below the conscious level, where the roots of sin begin. These must be removed by the blood of sprinkling from the memories of the experiences of childhood and from the generational roots of sin passed down, or else sin would never be eradicated and there could be no finishing of the sin problem in the human race. That is why you must go beyond what the people before you have experienced, for now we are in the judgement process where everything is brought up and cleansed away from the mind and heart that is in disagreement with my righteous principles. This is perfectly prophesied in Ecclesiastes 12:13, 14 --"Fear God and keep his Commandments for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil." This is why there must be a final generation who will go all the way with me and allow me to cleanse everything that has been passed on to them, plus their own individual sins, so that I can bring the great controversy between good and evil to a close. Those who are not going forward right now in the full cleansing experience, but are living up to the light they have, will in mercy be laid away as their forefathers have been, for they cannot live through the time of trouble without full cleansing when there is no longer a mediator to cover their shortfalls and discrepancies. But a far greater number of professing Christians will be lost, for I am now allowing their faults to come to the surface and be displayed in their lives so that they can see clearly the outcome of their cherished, harbored sins, and hopefully to change before it is too late. In other words, people will either make haste to come to me for help and cleansing because they see before their eyes the heinousness of their sins, or they will choose to resist the conviction of my Spirit, harden their hearts, and plunge on and know not that they are closing their own probation. That is why you can help me at this time to raise the awareness of people who do not know what you know, to bring light and conviction and warning of what is happening. That is why you cannot be silent about these things, or you will have their blood on your hands because you did not speak out in warning. It might be difficult to be so open when you know that the vast majority in the world will be against you. But pay no attention to those who refuse to heed the light and the warnings, for there are those who are honest in heart who will hear you with joy, and join the ranks who will go forward to experience cleansing and salvation. It is time for present truth to be presented clearly to the people. If you refuse to speak, the very rocks will cry out, and children will be inspired to take the message. But I know you will not refuse my call for service now, because you are already my leaders, and I am pleased with each one of you who are taking the message onward to its conclusion. Our best hours are just ahead of us, and we will do it together, for I will be with you every moment to help, inspire, and encourage you as you go forward. Now go to your tasks for today but keep open to the slightest whisper of my voice inspiring and directing you, and you cannot fail to complete the task that I have assigned you. Lean upon me and stay connected with me, and your burdens will be light and your salvation sure. And never forget that I'm always beside you to help and strengthen you and solve every problem that you encounter each day. Ask me and I will give you wisdom and strength and deliverance from the enemy, for I am, and always will be, just a prayer away. Lovingly, Jesus.
Dearest ones, I am happy today that your group has now connected with Bill. As I have said before, when the men come in there will be a thrust forward with the messages of my soon coming, because I have given my godly men gifts and leadership akin to Adam before he fell, because he was created to be the king of this earth under my authority. He gave that authority over to Satan through his capitulation to Eve. But in the last days that kingship is to be restored, and the leadership qualities bequeathed to Eve were given to her to qualify her to stand by her husband's side as an equal, working together side by side to further the cause of righteousness. Equal respect is to be present between both, and thus my Spirit can flow between all my servants, and harmony and Christlike love will prevail. Now my topic for today. I want to discuss with you the concept of humility. This is one of the hardest things for fallen human beings to really grasp, because sin is just the opposite. Sin is grasping for the highest personal good, at whatever cost to others that it may cause. The sinful mind is constantly comparing one's self with others around you and wondering where you fit into the framework of society, family, or groups within which you must function. God's way is to ask, what are my gifts which God has given to me, and how can I use them to honor Him and bless others. Of course, of yourself you cannot do this, but when connected with me, you will hear a word behind you saying, "This is the way, walk ye in it." Then I will guide you to use your gifts and talents for the purpose which they were given to you. One word of caution here is to know deep in your heart that your gifts and talents do not make you superior to, or less than, someone else who seems to have higher or lower gifts than others. There is no limit to the success and usefulness of a person who humbly uses their gifts in my service. Anyone can climb to the pinnacle of success which has been assigned to them, and then reach beyond, because talents and abilities grow as they are used. So you set the standard of success for yourself by looking to me every day, and receiving from me your assignment for that day, and then letting me guide you and use you according to my good pleasure, and the needs of others in your pathway for that day. Now go to the activities of your day, but remember that I am the Heavenly Counselor, and my highest pleasure is in guiding each of you to overcome all your weaknesses and achieve the highest goals that I have set for you, and seeing you grow and achieve all that your heart’s desire in service for others and for me. Let the desire of your heart each day be, "what can I do in your vineyard today, Lord? How can I serve acceptably so that others will be blessed?" In doing this, we can work together in loving fellowship, and every day will be a new experience and a taste of the joys of Heaven. Lovingly Jesus.
Dearest one, my subject for today is tolerance. In all your activities and interactions with people, tolerance is an essential quality of faith and victory over the enemy. Everyone that you meet is at a different place in their walk and relationship with me; or - they don't have any relationship with me at all, and are acting and speaking out the ideas, feelings, and attitudes of the evil one who has control over their lives. In any case, it is the studied, determined, effort of the evil one to influence your mind with the thoughts and attitudes which he has placed in others. You may have started out your day with a positive attitude and connection with me in your worship, but you can be sure that the enemy cannot rest until he finds someone to bring darkness, trouble and doubt into your mind. Therefore I use the word tolerance, because you cannot keep yourself in a monastery where no one can reach you. You must be able to associate with other people without accessing their spirit, and yet mingle and be kind and thoughtful and helpful to all who cross your pathway. When I was on earth I mingled with people all day long with a purpose of activating in them a desire to be uplifted and find a higher, holier way of life. But in so doing, I stayed in constant communion with my Father so that the devil could never reach me through the influence of others. I want to give you my same victory so that you, too, can be impervious to the devil's influence coming through other people. For example, suppose you are in the presence of or listening to someone who is pouring out thoughts of depression, doubt, anger, hopelessness, blame, resentment, despair, criticism, or any other of the kaleidoscope of emotions that inhabit the minds of people. The tendency is when hearing these things or feeling their influence, that you begin to access these emotions yourself, because the mind is like a sponge and soaks up thoughts and feelings from others in the Interchange between one person and another. That is why you sometimes see whole families who think and feel alike and share the same attitudes, and unfortunately the same demonic presences who dwell in their home. It takes enormous fortitude and determination to escape home influences and live in the light of my presence in the midst of turmoil. But I had to pass that test for you in my own home, and I can give you the victory if you look steadfastly to me and choose my still small voice over the howling voice of the enemy. Now I want to describe in more detail why tolerance is so important. Suppose you live in a home environment where someone has an angry spirit. There is a demon or demons behind this evil spirit, and they want to get you to respond in like manner so they can find an entryway into your mind, also. Of course, the Bible says, resist the devil and he will flee from you. But how do you do this from a practical standpoint? Number 1: stay connected to me at all times, and I will protect and guide you safely through the experience. Number 2: do not connect with, agree with, or argue against anything that is being said or done. Remain calm in the face of fury, and patiently endure the attack or irritation without connecting with it in any way, or trying to refute it or verbally protecting yourself to the other person. Remember how I handled the devil in the wilderness. I did not engage in a verbal battle with him as he hoped I would do, for then his sentiments could have penetrated into my feelings and he would have had an entryway and an edge over me, especially in my weakened condition. But I tolerated his presence for a time, for I needed to gain the victory over him for every child of Adam by using not my words, but the Word of God. As I did so, it strengthened me and gave me a bulwark against any human weakness that would cause me to access his spirit. Thus you, too, must fall back upon the Word of God in every instance and every temptation. You may not be able to dismiss the person from your presence, but you can and must dismiss the thoughts of the evil one that are coming through the mouth of the person who is attacking or tempting you. So again I ask, what does tolerance have to do with all of this? It is because you do not know the heart and soul needs of the person, and how your Christlike response will affect them. Call upon me and I will put mercy and grace and patience for them into your mind so that while you do not access the evil spirits that are acting out through them, you can think of the need of the person for help and deliverance. Do all you can to be kind without joining in or accessing their sinful words and behavior. Keep connected with me at all times and listen to my voice speaking to you and directing your thoughts and reactions and words. But tolerance also has a limit. It is to be exercised to allow the transformation of my character to be lived out in your life, and also to give the other person a chance to be healed by the Holy Spirit's influence coming to them through you. But if the person is not susceptible to my Spirit, there is a limit to what I will allow you to be harassed and attacked senselessly by the evil one through that person. When you have passed the test, and the other person has completely displayed their evil intentions, I will release you from the fire in the way and timing that I choose. That is what happened to me in the wilderness when I successfully passed all the tests, and the evil one fully displayed his true intentions. I was allowed to dismiss him from my presence, and food and strength from heaven were supplied for me. So trials do not last forever. My merciful heavenly Father will do no less for you that he did for me. Every trial well born will be removed when the purpose for the trial has been accomplished. So look to me day by day and do not become weary in well-doing. Whatever trials and temptations may come to you through circumstances or people, just know and have faith that I have not forsaken you, and you will be delivered from it to serve me as an even better instrument in my hands. So look to me today and trust me and keep connected with me at all times. No matter what others may say or do, I am always the same, and I am always beside you to whisper my thoughts and feelings to you and to give you my victory over the evil one that I have won for you. Be patient, be tolerant of the weaknesses of others around you, and as you look to me and cling to me, you will be able to see the trial of the moment as something to give you greater glory beyond this moment, and a closer bond with me as we walk the pathway of your life together. Blessed be the trials that bring you into a perfect unity and harmony with me. It is the preparation for heaven that will set your spirit free from all earthly entanglements, and give you the victory of the redeemed. Lovingly, Jesus.
Submission - 2
Dearest one's, I am thinking today of the struggle you are going through each day, and wanting you to know that I am allowing you to go through only the experiences that are necessary for your cleansing and deliverance, and preparation for the times just ahead. I am with you every moment, just as I was with the three Hebrew men in the fiery furnace. I didn't stop the king from throwing them into the fire, but I walked with them through it, and as a result my name and my truth was honored and glorified, and only the ropes that bound them were burned away. So it is with you at this time. The trials that beset you now are for your release and my glory and honor and the fulfillment of my purposes and plans for you. Just move forward at my leading and command, and you will see the glory of my purposes for you. Now for the topic of the day. The subject is submission. There are two sides to the subject of submission. The first is total submission to my ultimate plan and will for your life. In order to produce this kind of submission, you must stay in constant day-by-day connection with me, because only I know what is on the agenda for that day. Of course, you can and must have your plans for each day. But like me when I was upon earth, I submitted my plans to my Father, and he directed me moment-by-moment through the Holy Spirit as to how my plans would be carried out or given up as the day went on. My generalized plan for my life everyday was to mingle with the people and preach the good news and interact with them and meet their needs, whether for physical healing or for mental, emotional, and spiritual healing. They needed to know that I was their long-awaited Messiah, and by my life, correct the misconceptions about me that had been taught and believed over the centuries of waiting. They needed to get to know me personally as their Savior and Friend, and to choose on that basis whether they wanted to believe in me or not, and whether to become my disciples and accept my offer of eternal life, or reject it and cling to the traditions of the spiritual leaders at that time. And so it is now. We have come to the time appointed for the latter rain, the cleansing and blotting out of sin, and the sealing of my true followers who love and serve me with their whole heart. And again, most people are as unaware of the time as if I had never spoken about it by my prophets and described what the signs would be of my coming. Therefore, I am choosing to once again manifest myself to my true followers to whom I can reveal my thoughts and instructions each day. And you can choose whether you want to believe them or not by the Spirit that speaks to your heart. You may and should test these messages by the word of God and the appropriateness of the messages to your life. If you choose to listen and believe, you will feel my call to get ready for my coming and cast all earthly treasures out of your life that would keep you from preparing your souls and hearts to be ready and to help others get ready. And here is where the test is, just as it was at my first coming. Will you give up your cherished idols and opinions and let them go and make every effort that is necessary to get to know me and allow me to guide you safely through the days of peril that lie before you? If so, you will be blessed beyond measure, but you will also suffer trials along the journey home. This is the time of the shaking predicted by the prophets. This means that everything and everyone that can be shaken out will be shaken out. Loved ones and families may be separated, for you are not saved in groups, but by a personal love relationship with me. Some families will go together through the end, and some will not. Whatever the case, you must keep your focus upon me and my voice leading you onward and still onward in the narrow path to heaven. I will provide for all your legitimate needs for food, clothing, and shelter, as well as the companionship of others of like faith. Some will not bear up under these trials, and will fall off the pathway into the dark world below. But you must not lose your bearings or your faith in me and my eternal purposes and plans for you. Submission to my will for you moment-by-moment is the key to continual success, and persevering to the final end of the journey. Today is a new day for each of you, and I have plans for you today. But I will not push my will or my presence upon you. You must seek for me with faith that I am right there beside you, loving you, guiding you, sustaining you and supporting you. Please don't look around at others who do not share the same faith relationship with me that you do. Keep your eyes upon me, and you will be safe. And the key to success is first seeking me until you know my will for you, and then submitting to my will and going forward by faith. Are you willing to do this today and every day until I come? If you are, then we will journey safely to the heavenly kingdom ~ you my loyal servants and precious friends, and I your strength, your way, your righteousness, and your security. Submission to me means safety and success in the perilous days ahead, and the joy of companionship with me both now and throughout eternity. Now go to the duties of your day, but keep your heart open to my guidance and my quiet but sure presence with you. Never fear, never give way to panic or discouragement. If you do, that indicates that you are not looking to me to supply your needs. So drop your burdens at my feet and let me carry you in my strong arms. You cannot worry me, you cannot have any challenges for which I do not have solutions. The key is letting me have control of your life, and submitting to my will for you, and remembering that whatever happens, I am just a prayer away. Lovingly, Jesus.
Dearest ones, on this Sabbath day I am thinking forward to the time when we will be together forever, never more to part, no more sin, no more suffering, no more death. But this morning I want to address the topic of fruitfulness. In my Father's garden are many trees lovely to behold, that beautify are home. The central tree in the garden is the Tree of Life which spans the River of Life on both sides. This Majestic and beautiful tree represents the endless life that comes from the Father and the Son as a free gift to everything that we have made, both animate and inanimate. It is our joy to create and our joy to sustain what we have created. But because, as I have said before, we create all things with a free will, we have planted trees in our garden home from which you may freely choose to pick and eat, or you can choose not to. This is figuratively speaking, because I know that your great delight and pleasure forever will be to avail yourselves of all the bounties that we have provided for you. But the principal is that even with our provisions for you, there is complete freedom of choice. You can partake of our bounties as freely as you wish, and as little or as much as you desire. The purpose of my sharing this with you is to point out that everything that we provide for you is freely given, but you determine by your choices how much you will receive. Some gather much fruit and others comparably little, but in my kingdom, all are satisfied. Even here on earth, some study deeply and reach out for higher goals, and some choose to live quiet lives of productivity within a smaller range or sphere. But all are acceptable to me as long as they are partaking of my bounties and sharing them freely with others. Be blessed, now, and always remember that the fruit trees in my garden are there for you to partake and eat freely as much as you desire. The more you partake, the more you will know of me, and the more you will have to share with others. The choice is yours both now and throughout eternity! Lovingly, Jesus.
The Ark (message from MRM Newsletter)
The Ark represents my heart and mind, the foundation of my character, and thus the foundation of my government and the principles by which I function in everything I am and everything I do. But in order for it to be a covenant, there has to be a second party who accepts and agrees with the terms of the covenant, and in whose heart are also the same principles of life. The purpose of the law is not to demand or require obedience in order to receive my love, protection, and blessings. The purpose of the law is to reveal my heart to you— who I am and how I feel and function. The Law was given so that you can see and accept the beauty, perfection and loveliness of my character and my purposes for you. Then you can come into agreement and oneness with my principles so that my love can flow unobstructed to you, and you can receive the benefits and blessings that our relationship brings to both of us. I am the source of love, and by being in agreement with my principles of love, you open your heart to be a recipient of my love and also a conduit of my love to others. Sin is the element that obstructs that flow of love, because sin is disagreement with me and my principles. So when people feel that my sacrifice on Calvary provides for their salvation, while at the same time they can retain the privilege of continuing in any known sinful practice, they are really saying that they are not in agreement with my principles, and they love their sin instead of me, and are thus are in agreement with the devil. Agreement is about love. In other words, you love a sinful practice because you are in agreement with it. If you truly hate a particular sinful practice in your life, then you are in agreement with me, because I also hate sin, and if you look to me and connect with me, instead of looking to yourself and trying harder to quit in your own power, I will give you victory. But if you love your sin and keep connecting with it, your love for it and the reward you get when you indulge in it will keep you from gaining the victory over it. Just remember that when you indulge in any sinful thought or behavior, you have the power of the evil one to help you, because you are in agreement with him on some level, conscious or subconscious. You must ask me to reveal to you the hidden roots of agreement with the devil, and come into agreement with me on that issue so I can free you from the power of the evil one and set you free from the sin that so easily besets you. You do not have to be a slave to sin, but in order to be free, you must come into at-one-ment with me on the principles of my character. Then you will be victorious, just as I was when I was on earth, where I was always in connection and agreement with my Father on everything. That is why my perfect life is an atonement for you, because when you are coming into agreement with me, you receive my perfect agreement with my Father, and the principles of our character and our law of love. Then our love and power over sin and Satan can flow unobstructed to you and through you to others to help them understand what you understand, and how to have the relationship with me that you have.
Dearest ones, I am pleased today with the fervor and devotion of each of you who are serving me so faithfully, and looking to me for guidance and direction in every area of your lives. I am not a God who is far off, but a God who is near to you and I want to be involved in everything you go through to be your Helper and Sustainer in all the various activities and challenges that life brings to you. It is thus that we become friends and that you learn to trust my guidance and my love and mercy for you. Even if you fail or stumble, I do not cast you off, but I am there to comfort and console you, and continue to guide you in the right pathway. It is this daily relationship that teaches you to trust me in everything large or small. Now for the topic of the day. It is relationship. There are many who desire to have a relationship with me, but do not know how to get it. The most common way is to follow a set of rules and regulations, such as regular church attendance, having morning and evening devotions, paying tithes and offerings, doing acts of benevolence, sharing your beliefs with others in various ways, leading moral lives, eating healthfully, and so forth. Of course, all of these things are very important and necessary to produce and sustain a relationship with me, and I am certainly not saying that these things are not vital elements of a relationship with me. But I think you can see that these activities can be done without having a vital connection with me. Many people are avid church-goers and do any number of these things, but they do not hear my still, small voice in their hearts, and they believe that what they are doing pleases me and earns their salvation. But day after day they go their way without even missing me or perceiving that I am not with them, because I find no entrance into their heart. This is sad to me because I love every person that I have created with equal intensity, and desire that everyone be saved if they will respond to me. But so many do not heed my calls for repentance and submission to have what it takes to live a life of total oneness with me. Sometimes I allow tragedies to come into their lives to cause them to seek and find me. But I allow others to go on their way because their hearts are hardened and I know that not even tragedy would soften their hearts to seek me and know me. But now I want to turn from this rather depressing picture to one that brings me gladness and joy, and that is all my beloved ones who desire more than anything to follow me and know me and serve me with joyful hearts every day. These are my chosen ones who look to me all through the day and seek the guidance and wisdom of my Spirit, and thus we have sacred fellowship together. This is exactly what I had with my Father when I was upon the earth, and I am offering this to every person who wishes to serve me in the same way that I served my Father. It is a life of restfulness and freedom from fretting and worry, because your trust is not placed in yourself or others but upon my love and guidance. But in order to live a life like this, you must learn to know my voice. As I have said in John 10, my sheep hear my voice and will never follow a stranger, who of course is the devil. The first requirement of hearing my voice is to be students of the Word and know my voice and my thoughts and requirements in Scripture. As you read the Bible, listen to me, for I am speaking to you through the words that are written there for your learning and admonition and guidance. I also guide through providential leadings in your life that show you the directions that I have for you. And most important of all is to be able hear and distinguish the impressions of my Spirit working through my Word and providences, for Satan also tries to use these two avenues to counterfeit my influence in your life. Remember how he used the Word to tempt me in the wilderness! But I recognized him by his spirit of pride and arrogance and control, and contradiction to other Scriptures that uphold the character of God. So you too, must be very wary of anything coming from questionable sources bringing in what is supposedly new light, but contradicts the precious proven light which has been passed down through the ages by my faithful, tried witnesses of the past. And to insure that you know and follow truth, I have given you my testimonies through the work of Ellen White, which is light shining through darkness and error to guide my end-time people safely until I come. Avail yourselves of these treasures that I have given you in the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy, and compare Scripture with Scripture so that you become wise in knowing my truth and my ways. Then look for my providential leadings in your life, and seek to hear and know my still, small voice guiding you and directing you each moment through your day. For in this way you can have the intimate fellowship that I had with my Father while I was upon earth. You will also learn to hear me and know me and trust and love me in response to my love and care for you, and you will walk securely through each day until I come to receive you unto myself, that where I am, there you may be also. Now go to the activities of the day, but remember that no matter what happens, reach out to me, for I am right there ready to help you. Do not listen to any dark voices in your mind, for I assure you it is not me, but our enemy. Dart a prayer to me and I will dispel him for you. You do not ever need to be in the darkness, when you can walk in the light of my presence and the assurance of my love and care for you. And even in this life you can have a relationship with me that will bring you successfully through every trial and temptation, and prepare you to live and reign with me in heaven. Lovingly, Jesus.
Dearest Ones, I have a message for you today of encouragement. This is the last year of our thrust forward to warn the world of my coming, and I want you to look steadfastly to me for courage and directions every day for what each day should bring. Not a day should pass that does not make its mark for the accomplishment of my will for you that day. Spend time with me each morning and receive from me the plan that I have for you, and you will be successful and feel rewarded when the day comes to its end. Now for the topic of today. It is fulfillment. Throughout history, there is always a plan that I have had to accomplish my purposes for that era of time. In the pre-flood era, I allowed the effects of sin to play out to display what rebellion against my laws and my government would produce in the human race. Even though I allowed the Garden of Eden to remain upon earth with visible angels of light preventing entrance, and used men like Adam, Enoch, and Noah to preach my messages of truth and warning, the majority of people heeded it not, and I was compelled to wipe them all away in the flood, with the exception of Noah and his family. But the seeds of sin were so deeply rooted in the human heart that they continued to bear fruit in the generation that followed, and I looked for someone to stay the tide of evil. This I found in faithful Abraham who became my friend and confidant with whom I could speak openly and reveal my plans to use him as the father of a whole race of people who would know my will and preserve my laws and demonstrate to the world the blessings of following my righteous principles. Through the centuries that followed I always had some people who loved me and honored my law and my truth, but for 400 years after my faithful witness, Malachi, the fires burned low, and I had very few who heard and responded to the still, small voice of my Spirit. Then, at the appointed time prophesied by Daniel, I came forth as the long-awaited Messiah - the Savior that they had looked forward to for centuries. But they knew me not because of their preconceived ideas that I would deliver them from the bondage and oppression of the Romans, instead of from the bondage of sin. Therefore I was wounded and bruised and rejected and slain because their selfish hearts desired a temporal advantage rather than spiritual enlightenment. So the second era of history proved that even in the highest spiritual advantage that I could provide for them, they clung to their own ways of thinking and believing, and spurned any new light beyond their cherished traditions. But as always, I had a remnant who were open to me and cherished my principles and my teaching, and although the old regime was destroyed, the new light of the gospel of grace was preached around the world in one generation. But again, the devil waged war upon those who followed me by faith into my intercessory work in the heavenly sanctuary, and a time of deep darkness and oppression spread over the earth as the man of sin prospered. But I always allow the enemy to show what the end result of his lies will produce, so that wise men can compare his principles with mine and thus choose intelligently between truth and error. But I also put a limit on how much I will allow for my righteous purposes. All this is to display to the watching universe exactly what sin causes, so that when all is accomplished sin will not rise up a second time to defile the universe. So the first era before the flood was allowed to show what sin would do if allowed to go unchecked by any divine intervention. The second era was allowed to show the plans of the enemy to quench and distort the light given to my chosen people through Abraham and Moses. And the third era, which began with my coming to earth the first time, has displayed the attempt of the devil through the papacy to distort my truth and throw the understanding of my intercessory work in the heavenly sanctuary to the ground and usurp the authority over my people that I alone should have. That is why I have brought forth a people from the dark ages of error into the light shining from the second apartment to finish once and for all the true understanding of the great controversy between good and evil, which started in heaven and now is about to be finished on earth. In this generation I will display all the accumulated light of all the ages past, including the understanding of the cleansing and blotting out of the sins of my penitent people. All questions will then have been answered, and the man of sin will be revealed for who he is - the vicegerent of Satan himself arrayed against my truth and my people in the last generation. But now I will win the victory against the evil one, for I have my faithful people by my side who reveal fully the principles of my kingdom lived out in their lives. Satan's lie that you cannot be restored into my image until I change you at my coming will be refuted and the great controversy will be ended by the display of my righteous character lived out in my people. This is the calling that I have given to you for the fulfillment of the plan of salvation. All I am asking is that you walk with me every day and allow me to cleanse away every sin and wash your robes and make them white in the blood of the Lamb. Allow no evil thought to penetrate into your mind, but resist it through prayer and submission to me moment by moment. I will keep you white and clean and your mind and heart unsoiled by thoughts and feelings from the evil one. Then will be the fulfillment of the prophecy of Revelation 19:7, 8: "Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honor to him: for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and his wife has made herself ready. And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of the saints." This is the complete fulfillment of the plan of salvation, and I am inviting each of you to be among that number. You can if you have a personal walk with me day by day, and listen to my quiet voice guiding you, correcting you, and cleansing you of every sinful thought, deed and word. The choice is yours, for the time is now. It is not too late to be among the ones who will be in the Ark of safety when the door of mercy closes. My only requirement is to surrender yourself and follow me. And I will see you safely through the days ahead until I come. I am counting on you to be among the saved ones who will greet me with joy when I come to take you home to live with me forever! Lovingly, Jesus.
Dearest Ones, Today is a day of rejoicing because we are one more day closer to my coming. At last after thousands of years the reign of sin is ending. So the subject today is, Rejoice! For your redemption draweth nigh! I realize that every day when you experience trials and temptations, and when you are tired and perplexed, and your daily burdens grow heavy upon your shoulders, and you cannot see the future, it may be hard to feel like rejoicing. That's why Satan brings these things upon you, because he knows the tendency of the human heart to be so focused upon what is transpiring at the moment that it takes faith to perceive the glory that is beyond the gloom, or perplexities that daily face you. But that is why I continually counsel you to connect with me and receive my thoughts and my perspective about everything, for I can see the future and I can help you to understand the purpose for what you are now experiencing, and I have the solution to every problem, and the balm for every trial. Today is a day for rejoicing, for it is preparation day for the Sabbath. Sabbath should be a little foretaste of heaven, for it is a special time with me and heavenly angels who want to make your Sabbath hours more uplifting and holy and bring your hearts into communion with me. I always have special blessings for the Sabbath hours if you are willing to tune in your heart to the wavelength of heaven. Many people see the Sabbath as a duty to perform, and go through it perfunctorily, as if it were just one more duty on the checklist of good behavior, and that Sabbath observance is meritorious in itself. Unfortunately, this is not the case. I say unfortunately, because I always wish that I could break into the thought patterns and conversations of the worshippers to lift them up from their common thoughts while they are talking with each other about their activities and plans and things that have happened during the past week. But I don't intrude into their agenda for the day, for I only come where I am wanted. But you, on the other hand, can be emissaries for my kingdom and bring new thoughts to the people around you and break into the commonality of their thinking, and open new avenues through which I can speak to them and raise their sights to heavenly things and present truth. I will open doors for you to do this if you are willing to be missionaries for me to use so that I can reach hearts that are otherwise not open to my Spirit. So this week look for opportunities to share your faith with others around you, wherever you go. I will impress you and lead you if you are willing to be ambassadors for me. You will be surprised to see doors and hearts that are open to your testimony of my truth and my love for them and the message of my soon coming! Now go to the activities of your day of preparation for my Sabbath. Do not fret or be caught up in the hustle and bustle, but go on your way rejoicing that your redemption draws near, and that Sabbath is just a foretaste of the joys to come! Lovingly, Jesus.
Dearest Ones, I am sorry for your distress in the meeting last night. Satan was very angry that I had revealed to you the blueprint of the six thousand years, showing that the complete fulfillment has now come, and that this is the final generation. He wants people to feel that it is business as usual, and that there could be many more years of complacency. So that is why he was especially angry and disruptive last night in the conference call. But the light still shined, and I will continue to shed more light on this subject. Now for the subject of today. It is complacency. Yes, this seems to be a strange subject to talk about, but I have reasons for bringing it up. The human heart longs for calm and status quo, because any kind of agitation is discomforting and undesirable. The problem is that in this world of sin, there is no place of rest except as you find it in me. For the true Christian, this world is a battle and a march, for Satan never sleeps and never rests, and his major target is my chosen ones. Yes, he certainly spreads his wares across the earth, and does as much damage and evil as he can, or what I will permit him to do, for his only pleasure or satisfaction is in destruction, death, and spreading evil. But his main target is my people who follow me and love me and my principles, for they are ever a reminder to him that his kingdom is doomed, and love and righteousness will win at last. So do not be surprised or concerned when he does battle with you and tries to discourage you, for you are an enigma to him that he cannot get you down and destroy your love and steadfastness for me. Do not let his attacks threaten or discourage you. Take courage that you are doing something right or he would not bother with you. So do not expect a life of complacency and comfort as the world does, for that would indicate that you are no threat to the evil one. But rather, accept the challenges that he brings as encouragement that you are doing something right, and find your peace and security in a closer relationship with me. I will see you through every onslaught of the enemy, and bring you out to an even greater victory over the enemy, and a broader and more effective work for me. Now go to your Sabbath activities, and look for evidences of my favor and blessings upon you today, for I will be with you by my Spirit and my angels, to bring you light and peace from heaven. Lovingly, Jesus.
Dearest Ones, Today is the beginning of a new week with me, and there are many things I want you to accomplish for me. Time is of the essence, for there is much to be done. But with me at your side, listening to my voice and obeying my counsel, the work will be accomplished. Now for the topic of today. I want to talk to you about restfulness. It is so common to have a worried mind about everything that must be accomplished during the day. There is a weight upon the mind that comes from carrying the full responsibility for all the various activities that lie before you. But I would like to invite you to walk with me today and every day, for my yoke is easy and my burden is light [Matt. 11:30]. As you can see in this Scripture, the key is to be yoked up with me. When you are carrying your burdens alone, they are heavy indeed, for you do not have the strength and wisdom of yourself to accomplish this, for your enemy, the devil, is prowling around trying to find a weakness or flaw in you to attack and discourage you. But with me at your side, you can look to me for everything, and I will counsel and protect and guide you every step of the journey, and you will be safe from the temptations and discouragements that the devil wants to put upon you. I do not ask of you more than you can bear. Instead, I take your five loaves and two fishes and multiply them miraculously to feed the hungry multitude. The important thing to remember is that you have to do something to make the miracle happen. In other words, I take what you have and multiply it. But if you give nothing, as in the case of the man who buried his one talent in the ground, you will lose your reward and it will be given to another. So activity and fruitfulness are essential, but worry is not. For when you give all you have to me, I will multiply it for the multitudes who are waiting to hear the truths that I have given to you to share with others. And I will bless you abundantly as well, not only for what you have done, but also by the pleasure and sweetness of our fellowship as we walk together in the pathway of service. Now go to the activities and responsibilities of your day, but do not forget that I want to partner with you and bless you, for in my presence you cannot give without receiving even more than you give, for the joy of our fellowship together is an ever-flowing fountain from the river of life which comes from my Throne. Drink freely from it and you will be refreshed and strengthened for the labors and trials of your day. Lovingly, Jesus.
Dearest Ones, I want to talk to you about the importance of fulfillment. As you know, there are absolute prophecies and conditional prophecies. Absolute prophecies are those that I predict through my prophets that have a timeline of my vision of the future that is not dependent upon human behavior, but upon my perfect foreknowledge, combined with my eternal purposes for the salvation of mankind and the finishing of the great controversy. Within these prophecies are my built-in purposes and plans, including the extension of mercy that I provide for the people who are involved, or affected, when their probationary time comes to a close. Even then, I am not arbitrary, as in the case of Rahab and her family who were saved when the time came for the destruction of Jericho. So my mercy is always in effect for even one person who turns to me with their whole heart and desires salvation. Throughout history there have been timelines that have come to an end, because by the close of the timeline, I had made sure that enough light was given to the people to make a decision for or against me. But the majority of people were so steeped in their own beliefs that there was no advantage to be gained by extending probationary time. In such cases, there would be a remnant who listened to my warning and came out to form a nucleus for a new movement of truth to be revived and carried on for the generations to follow. This was true at the time of the flood, and with the Israelites when they left Egypt, and also when I personally came to earth at the exact time that had been prophesied by Daniel. The remnant then were my disciples and followers who carried the light of truth that survived even through the terrible persecution of the papal era. And then came the Great Awakening during the 1800s, when I raised up a people who possessed the truth that I had moved from the first apartment of the heavenly Sanctuary into the second apartment, to begin a work of judgment, which will conclude with the cleansing and blotting out of the sins of my people who will stand with me through the time of trouble. Then the plan of salvation will be finished, and my work will be complete in the final remnant. But this prophecy comes under the category of a conditional timeline. In other words, the timing of its conclusion and fulfillment is conditional upon the cooperation and readiness of my people. An example of a conditional prophecy is Jonah and Nineveh. Because of the complete, sincere repentance of the people of Nineveh, their probationary time was extended until the conditions for their destruction was repeated at a later time. The same principle is in effect now, only in reverse. I am not looking for things to get worse, for that certainly is happening as I am loosening the winds of strife. What I am looking for now is a remnant of my people who are willing to go all the way with me through the cleansing process which is necessary to be among the 144,000 so that their sins can be blotted out, and the plan of salvation be completed. In other words, I will not close probation arbitrarily and leave some stragglers who really wanted to be saved, but just didn't have the time or information that was needed to be prepared. No, before probation closes I will see to it that every person on earth will have had opportunity to make an enlightened decision. As you know, I could have come in the time of Ellen White, had the church grasped the message of righteousness by faith which was beginning to be preached by Jones and Wagner. But because of opposition, the message was largely misunderstood and rejected, and went into obscurity, waiting for further light from the Sanctuary, and for a generation that would receive it, understand it, and act upon it. That generation has now come. The last light is now shining upon this generation that they will ever have from my Sanctuary, and soon the door of the Most Holy Place will close forever and the light will go out for those who have refused it. As in the case of others who have closed their probation, so it will be for this generation. Death and destruction will overtake them like a lion coming out of its lair, and only my cleansed remnant will be safe under the shadow of my wings. But there is yet a work to be accomplished. The world must see the light that is shining through my people. Make haste, for I will not extend the time of my coming. The hour is too late and wickedness and rebellion has reached its zenith. So do your work to make the final call to a world that is perishing and then the end will come. Now go to the activities of your day, but be careful to keep connected with me at all times, for the more light you have from me and the more you respond to the light and go forward, the more angry the devil becomes and the more he wants to trip you up so he can destroy you. But worry not, for I will not let that happen. I will shelter you and protect you, for you are the apple of my eye, and I will keep you and protect you from the attacks of the enemy. Look to me for guidance and direction as to what I want you to accomplish for this day, and I will give you strength and wisdom for each task. So you see, you have no need to worry and be afraid, for worry is blind and cannot discern the future, but I hold your future, and it holds the glorious promise of my soon return. In the meantime, walk with me and trust in me, and you will be victorious over the enemy. Lovingly, Jesus.
Emotional Stability
Dearest Ones, How I long to encourage you and help you and fill you with my Spirit each moment of your day, because you are so eager to hear my voice and do my will, and that is a great joy to me, for I have so few that I can talk to and commune with, and there is so much to be accomplished before I come. But generally, things are on schedule, and there is more to come. Now for the topic of today. It is emotional stability. It is so easy to get caught up in the things of the day that come your way, and lose ground or connection with me because you are wondering how to meet the challenges that are common to everyday life. Then also, all the things that Satan throws into your pathway to disheartened, discourage, or annoy you. So I want to give you the secret of maintaining a constant connection with me and a steadiness of mind and purpose that the waves that come against you cannot dislodge. First, start your day with me from the moment you are conscious of being awake. Speak to me and connect with me from your heart like the flowers turn to the sun. Even at night if you awaken, commune with me in the night season, for sometimes I awaken you to hear something I have to say. Satan also may awaken you, but again, turned to me and ask me to banish him from your presence, and I will do it. Next, do not do other things before connecting with me in the morning when you get up. It is so easy to get distracted by people, things to do, plans for the day, and so forth. You do not need to have your full worship before interacting with others in your family, but at least spend a few moments with me to make sure you hear my voice in your heart and are connected in your spirit with my Spirit. Then you can consult me anytime you need to about the activities of your day. Then, go over with me the itinerary of your day. You may not know all the specifics which the day will reveal as you go along, but at least come into agreement with me on the general direction and plans for your day. Of course, in your worship and meditation time find something special from my Word that feeds your soul and is like meat in due season. Then as you go through the day, keep the connection with me that you started in the morning. It is so easy to get distracted, and the devil is always looking for ways to disturb, annoy, and tempt you to focus on and connect with something other than your connection with me. One of the biggest temptations is to become focused upon problems that arise, and try to fight the battles by yourself, and get discouraged, frustrated, and disheartened, when you should dart a prayer to me immediately for help, and save yourself from a lot of grief. The more constant your connection with me, the more constant will be your peace and victory, for I will guide and counsel and help you through any trial that comes your way. Now for some further advanced counsel from me. When the devil comes to you with some dark thoughts or suggestions, you tend to toy with it and think it is your own thoughts, and not recognize that it is coming from your enemy. Just remember what I have said in 1 John 1:5-7: "God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. If we claim to have fellowship with him yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live by the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin." Therefore, the instant you feel darkness or confusion, sadness, fear, etc., just know it is not from me but from the enemy who is trying to connect with you, because he has all these emotions and wants to connect his emotions with your emotions. Sometimes you struggle for hours with emotions that I could dispel for you in a moment if you would just turn to me and ask me to help you, and rebuke the enemy who is trying to get an avenue into your mind. So the quicker you learn this lesson, the less time you will spend in the darkness, and the more time you will spend in the light with me where I can counsel you and give you answers to your questions and solutions to your problems. I welcome you into my courts today, for a day in my courts is better than a thousand elsewhere, for you will walk in the light as I am in the light and we will have sweet fellowship together. Now go to the activities of your day, but keep my words and my counsel in your heart, and I will guide you and keep you under the shadow of my wings. Lovingly, Jesus.
Dearest Ones, Today I want to talk to you about health. In order to go through the rigors and trials of the last days, you must have healthy bodies and minds. I do not mean that you must make your health the center of your focus as some do, and major on health topics as if it were the gospel itself. But I have made your bodies and minds and emotions on laws of health that must be obeyed in order to function as well as possible so that your spiritual life can be supported and augmented by your physical health. So in your daily activities, keep this in mind. That is why I want to influence your minds every day about the things you do, the things you eat, your schedule, your bedtime and rest, and everything in your daily activities because I know best what is happening in your body, and my Holy Spirit is in direct connection with every fiber of your being, and he wants to influence your health habits accordingly. Do not get into fads and other bizarre, extreme ways of eating or exercising that come from magazines or from worldly sources, such as the all raw diet concept. Anything that is extreme and unbalanced is not from me. It is true that fresh fruits and vegetables should make up a part of your diet, but there are other foods that must be cooked in order for the nutrients to be broken down into a digestible form. Be balanced in all you do, whether it be food, exercise, rest, or work. In this way your body and mind will be in the best condition for physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional health and well-being to provide a foundation for communion with me through the higher powers of the mind, and physical and mental labor and service for God and others. Then I want to talk about mental and emotional health. The biggest detriments to mental and spiritual health is worry, and criticism of others. Both are obviously not from me so these things not only drain your system, but connect you with the mind and emotions of the evil one. Nothing can take you down more quickly than these two emotions. As I spoke through Ellen White, "worry is blind and cannot discern the future." It disconnects your mind for me, and wears out your life forces. Look to me, trust in me, keep connected with me and I will give you encouragement and direction and peace and confidence in my leading in your life. And just as detrimental is criticism of others. The first thing Adam and Eve did after they sinned was to blame and criticize each other, and of course the serpent. The whole sin problem began in heaven with criticism. It is the root of evil, for it stems from pride and self-sufficiency. It is the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Do not partake of this fruit in your daily relationships with each other, for I assure you that when you do, you are connecting with the devil just as surely as Eve did at the tree. Keep your minds clean and healthy by partaking of the Tree of Life and the water of life which flows to you through the Holy Spirit. Its fruit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance. It brings you health and happiness and peace and holy joy every day. It makes you a fruitful vine in my vineyard, for it comes from me. It elicits praise, which is the doorway to the Sanctuary, bringing all other blessings in its train. I did not create you to be unhappy and unhealthy, and when you are fully connected with me in every aspect of your life, you will receive the fruits of righteousness, which includes health of body, mind, and spirit. Now go to the activities of your day, but keep in mind that I have a purpose for you today, and if you follow me and keep connected to me, I will guide and inspire you so that when the day ends, you will have accomplished all of my will for you, and I will give you the joy and peace and fulfillment that continual connection with me brings. Lovingly, Jesus.
Dearest Ones, My heart is with you today because of the pressures you are under with each day's activities. Life is a challenge for each of you, but if you remember to focus on me, and let me help you, I will smooth the way for you as you move forward and do the duties that lie before you each day. Remember how I fed the 5000. When you give me your loaves and fishes, I will multiply them to accommodate for all your needs. Now the topic for today. I want to talk to you about faith. This is such a common subject that most people believe they already know what it means. But in reality, true faith is a rare commodity, and so much the more as the end of time approaches. As you recall, it is recorded in Luke 18:8: "When the son of man comes, will he find faith on the earth?" It would be well to study the subject of faith in the Scriptures, especially the things that I said that are recorded in the four gospels. If you do this, I will give you many new insights that will bless your souls. I did not ask this question concerning faith in the end times without cause, for as I looked down in history to the end of time, the Holy Spirit revealed to me the very condition that now exists. There are so very few people who really know what true faith is. For example, let's consider the broad topic of righteousness by faith. Generally speaking, this means to most Christians, "I do my best and God does the rest." They do not realize that true faith is the result of a constant, ongoing, moment-by-moment relationship with me. You cannot produce true faith of yourself, because you are carnal, and true faith is a divine attribute that fallen humanity cannot produce. Instead, faith is a result of your positive response to the wooing of my Holy Spirit. I know what I want to do for you, and I send my Spirit to you to awaken hope and love in your heart, and as you go forward in response to my Spirit, faith becomes a living reality and the connection between us allows me to give you the very thing that my Spirit has inspired you to ask of me, and that I am longing to give to you. This is what is meant in Romans 8:26, 27: "In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will." And also 1John 5:14,15: "This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us. And if we know that he hears us - whatever we ask - we know that we have what we asked of him." Ellen White also says: "We must not only pray in Christ name, but by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit....Such prayer God delights to answer." Lift Him Up, p. 190. So faith actually comes from me, and as you respond to the Spirit's call to you, true faith makes your request a reality. But be very careful to avoid the counterfeit of faith, which is presumption. Not every desire that a person has comes from the workings of the Holy Spirit upon their heart. That's why much prayer is necessary to produce purity of motives, and clarity of mind so that I can reveal my will to you. Sometimes I must say, "no" to your request, or, "wait." The important thing is to bring all your thoughts and feelings and needs and requests to me, and if it is for your best good, I will give you what you desire. Now I want to talk briefly about the subject of righteousness by faith. To me, righteousness means righteousness, and faith means faith. In other words when I say righteousness I am talking about my righteousness being infused into your life so that my righteousness appears in your life, and I live my life in and through you. Just as faith comes through me, so righteousness comes through me, for you have none of these on your own. So when people see righteousness by faith as meaning, "I do my best, and I believe by faith that God will do the rest," this is not righteousness at all - it is works. So do not be deceived by the common concept that you will sin 'till Jesus comes, because when probation closes, I will pronounce: "He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and that he that is holy, let him be holy still." Rev. 22:11. By the time I close my work of intercession in the Most Holy Place, everyone who is pronounced righteous will have surrendered every sin in their lives to me and allowed me to cleanse and blot out their sins from their hearts and lives and from the books of record in heaven. So do not be deceived by false concepts of righteousness by faith, for your eternal salvation depends upon knowing the truth about this subject, and experiencing it in your heart and life. And I am also counting on those who understand these truths to share them with others, for there are many who are deceived by the false teachings of religious leaders who want to please the people with a false security of their eternal salvation. Now I am sending you forth into my vineyard today, and I want you to be secure in my love for you and my approval of your genuine faith and love for me and your service for me every day. You are the sheep of my pasture that know my voice and who will never follow a stranger [John 10:5], and because of your devotion to me and service for me, I can bring the great controversy to a close at last, for the knowledge that you have will go around the world by the simple means that I have provided for this generation. So rejoice with me today and take heart, because it will not be long until we will be together forever in heaven. In the meantime, have faith in my love and care for you, and share it with everyone you meet so they can have true faith in me also, and join you in your journey to my kingdom. Lovingly Jesus.
Dearest Ones, Today is preparation day for you and for all of us in heaven, too, for we are very busy on the Sabbath hours visiting all of our people around the world. It is a joyful day to join in your worship and songs of praise, and to influence your thoughts and inspirations as you study the Sabbath School lesson together, and listen to what is presented during the worship hour. But it is also a day of sadness sometimes when we observe the laxity of the members in many churches where the Holy Spirit is not recognized or desired, and strange practices have been instituted, such as snacks and food in the foyer, etc. If I were there in person, I would do as I did in the Jewish temple and over turn the tables and cleanse out the money changers and draw the people to me who really want to hear the truth for this time. That is why I am so blessed in my soul by your eagerness to hear the messages and inspiration from heaven that I send to you each day, and especially on Sabbath as you meet together to worship and praise me and hear the words that are spoken in the Spirit and not the flesh. Now the topic for today. It is freedom. You may think this to be a strange subject, but you will see the importance and relevancy as I share the rest of the message with you. First I want you to consider the deeper meaning of the text, "And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free." John 8:32. When I spoke those words to the Jews, they answered, "We are Abraham's descendants and have never been slaves of anyone. How can you say that we shall be set free?" My reply to them is the topic I want to talk to you about today: "Very truly I tell you, everyone who sins is a slave to sin." Verse 34. There is something in the heart of man that needs an identity. I placed that need there at creation, for Satan challenged my identity in heaven, and wanted to take over my throne and replace me beside my Father. He was not satisfied with the exalted blueprint that I had assigned to him. Instead, he became deceived by pride and self-sufficiency, and desired my position beside the Father. And so it is with everyone who sins. To everyone I have bequeathed a specific, special, unique blueprint and identity, and a place to work for me. As we have talked about before, every day ordained for every person was written in my book before one of them came to be. [Psalms139:13 -16.] You are mine by design, and you have a purpose and identity unlike no other person. That is why Satan tries as early as possible in your life to obscure this design and take over your identity and write into your mind and heart his own designs for you. You see, whoever you are in agreement with, has access to the control centers of your brain. So when you are in agreement with me, I have access to your mind through the influence of the Holy Spirit. I can then guide and direct you even from your earliest moments, and throughout your life. But Satan's plan is to get an entryway into your mind through negative experiences and false theories, and through these he damages the receptors of your mind, and intercepts the communication lines to your brain and warps your concept of life and of yourself and of your original blueprint. But I have provided a way back for you from the enemy by my perfect life and my sacrifice for you to win back your allegiance and set you free from the false identity Satan has given you, and implant once again the original plan that I gave you in the beginning of your life at conception. Sadly, many people will never know my love for them and my original plan for them because they have accepted the lies of the devil and do not come to me for healing. But I will have a great multitude who have accepted me through the ages, who will greet me with joy at my coming. Now I want to talk specifically about the 144,000 who will live through the time of trouble and be alive to see me come in the clouds of my glory. This is a special group who have allowed me to restore them completely to the original blueprint plan for their lives. All will have gone through the deep waters of cleansing from every lie of the devil and every damage that he has done to them to destroy their identity and their connection with me. For example, when a child experiences any kind of trauma or perception of rejection or abuse, Satan has an entry way into its mind to plant seeds of doubt about itself, me, others, and the world it lives in. Immediately fear and self-protection takes hold of mind and emotions, and Satan begins to suggest carnal ways of handling these fears and emotions, and the warping of the child's mind begins. To some extent, this has happened to everyone, and Satan has planted lies in the minds of everyone. Fortunate are the children whose parents have a connection with me to help the children to grow up with love and emotional security and a knowledge of me from infancy. But no one has completely escaped being damaged in some way by the evil one. To the extent that Satan's lies have been accepted, believed, and acted upon, - to that extent the cleansing and healing of the mind and emotions and thinking must take place in the lives of those who live through the end. Every lie of the enemy must be seen and put away forever, and those sins will be put back upon the head of the scapegoat, the devil, who is the father of lies. Not one lie must remain, for the 144,000 will be pure and blameless, and fully restored from the inroads that sin has made in their lives. So this is how truth will set you free. Every false identity will be swept away in the light of truth which I will reveal to you in the cleansing process. And then you will be completely restored to be the people I originally created you to be. Do you see how this correlates with the sealing process? How can you be sealed if you are still believing and acting upon even one lie of the devil? But when you completely cooperate with me as I reveal to you every false concept and idea that the devil has told you, and reject those lies and come into complete and perfect agreement with me on everything, the Holy Spirit then puts his stamp of approval upon you, and you are then sealed for eternity. Thus, the latter rain can fall upon you, unobstructed, and the devil will have no more access to you, because you are no longer in agreement with him on anything! [Compare with John 12:31: "Now is the time for judgment on this world; now the prince of this world will be driven out."] Isn't that something to cause rejoicing in your heart? So walk with me today, and let the Spirit's cleansing and revealing power go deep into your heart, mind, and emotions until the light of his presence will find a completely clean vessel to use for my glory! Hasten into the Temple, while the door is still open, for in the Sanctuary are the keys to your complete restoration! [See EW 32, 33, and 78, 79.] Go now to your Sabbath preparations, but keep close to me so that I can guide you and protect you from the enemy who prowls around like a roaring lion seeking to take you off guard and destroy your peace and connection with me. But hasten into my presence, and I will guard you and keep you safe. You are my prized possessions, and I love you more than you can know. Come into my presence this evening and tomorrow, and you will receive a special blessing from me! Lovingly, Jesus.)
The Atonement Cover
Dearest Ones, The sun is shining brightly today in your window and in your heart. I am pleased with your devotion to me, and your willingness to go all the way with me in following the advancing light from the courts of glory that I am shining upon you. As you go forward with me, the light that I am giving grows brighter and reaches into your hearts for your cleansing and preparation for the fullness of the latter rain. Now for the topic of the day. I want to talk to you about the atonement cover over the Ark of the Covenant. This covering was there before Satan and sin entered the universe. First I want to explain the significance and deeper meaning of the word, atonement. At-one-ment is a simple way of breaking down the meaning for more clarity of comprehension. Under the atonement cover is a transcript of my law of love, which, when obeyed, keeps my created beings in perfect agreement and at-one-ment with me. The Ark actually represents my heart and mind, and the foundation of my character, and thus the foundation of my government and the principles by which I function in everything I am and everything I do. But in order for it to be a covenant, there has to be a second party who accepts and agrees with the terms of the covenant, and in whose heart are also the same principles of life. The purpose of the law is not to demand or require obedience in order to receive my love, protection, and blessings. The purpose of the law is to reveal my heart to you and who I am and how I feel and function, so that you can see and accept the beauty and perfection and loveliness of my character, and my purposes for you, and come into agreement and oneness with my principles so that my love can flow unobstructed to you, and you can receive the benefits and blessings that our relationship brings to both of us. I am the source of love, and by being in agreement with my principles of love, you open your heart to be a recipient of my love and also a conduit of my love to others. Sin is the element that obstructs that flow of love, because sin is disagreement with me and my principles. So when people feel that my sacrifice on Calvary provides for their salvation, while at the same time they can retain the privilege of continuing in any known sinful practice, they are really saying that they are not in agreement with my principles, and they love their sin instead of me, and are thus are in agreement with the devil. Agreement is about love. In other words, you love a sinful practice because you are in agreement with it. If you truly hate a particular sinful practice in your life, then you are in agreement with me, because I also hate sin, and if you look to me and connect with me, instead of looking to yourself and trying harder to quit in your own power, I will give you victory. But if you love your sin and keep connecting with it, your love for it and the reward you get when you indulge in it will keep you from gaining the victory over it. Just remember that when you indulge in any sinful thought or behavior, you have the power of the evil one to help you, because you are in agreement with him on some level, conscious or subconscious, and you must ask me to reveal to you the hidden roots of agreement with the devil, and come into agreement with me on that issue so I can free you from the power of the evil one and set you free from the sin that so easily besets you. You do not have to be a slave to sin, but in order to be free, you must come into at-one-ment with me on the principles of my character, and then you will be victorious, just as I was when I was on earth, where I was always in connection and agreement with my Father on everything. That is why my perfect life is an atonement for you, because when you are coming into agreement with me, you receive my perfect agreement with my Father, and the principles of our character and our law of love. Then our love and power over sin and Satan can flow unobstructed to you and through you to others to help them understand what you understand, and how to have the relationship with me that you have. Don't you want to enter into this Covenant relationship completely and permanently with me today? My arms are open wide for you to come and be healed. If you do, you will join with those who are under the atonement cover of my eternal Covenant of love to be by my side forever and enjoy the fruits of my sacrifice for you and the reward of the saved of all ages. And that reward begins now, for even now I want to be your best Friend and Companion as we walk together in love and fellowship and unity of heart, thought, and purpose. Your experience with me here is the daily preparation to be with me in heaven, for with me by your side in perfect agreement and unity, Satan will have no more access to you, and for you, heaven will begin here. Lovingly, Jesus.
Knowing Jesus as our Personal Friend And Constant Companion
Dearest Ones, I am so pleased with all of you today because of your spirit of love and devotion to me and our cause together to get the work finished so that my coming may be hastened. The burden of my heart to share with you today is that you may know me as your personal friend and constant companion. This is just as important now as it was when I walked upon earth with my disciples and followers. Because I was with them in all the activities of daily life, they learned to know me personally. We ate together, rested together, walked and talked together about everything that was upon my heart and theirs, and ministered to the needs of the people together. Because of this intimacy of relationship, our hearts were so bonded that it carried them through the rest of their lives, even unto martyrdom. Because they knew me so well, they could sense my presence with them, either in person, or through the Holy Spirit. In certain ways, our relationship was even closer after I went back to heaven, because the presence of the Holy Spirit could live within them and produce the same works in them that he produced in me, and as my representative, He could be not only with them, but in them. And so I want to be with each of you. That is why I am sending these personal messages to you each day. I want you to have the same intimacy and connection with me that I had with the disciples, for you are about to go through the time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation. And you will be going through this experience without my mediatorial work for you in the heavenly Sanctuary. Some people think rather glibly about this, not realizing that it will take more of a personal, intimate relationship with me than they now possess. So I am taking it upon myself to open up communication with me through the messages that I am sending to you and to all who wish to avail themselves of this opportunity to get to know me more intimately. You can ask me anything you wish, and if I deem it appropriate, I will answer you, both in the messages and in your private devotions. Remember my promise: "Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you." [Matt. 7:7.] Asking is extremely important, because there were many things I would have liked to have revealed to my disciples, but they did not ask me. So it is with you. The more you ask, the more I will reveal to you. That is because asking indicates that your heart is open to receive, and that you are responding to the Holy Spirit's influence to prompt you to ask something that I am waiting and desiring to reveal to you. But if you harden your heart, I will pass by, and you will be left without the light that you could have had to shine upon your pathway and cheer your heart and bring you into a closer relationship with me. But I have a caution to share with you here. To every truth there is a counterfeit. Satan loves to stir up people's minds to ask questions or seek to know things that it is not meant for them to know. This is where the devil steps in to counterfeit the communication that I alone should have with you. Like Eve at the tree of forbidden fruit, you will be drawn into spurious revelations of so-called truth, if you do not study diligently to know and understand the truth that I have already revealed in my Word and the writings of Ellen White. New light from me is always based upon the bedrock of truth that I have already revealed. Like an anchor and a sure foundation, I have specifically put in Scripture the body of truth that will guide you safely through the dangerous errors that will come into the world and even the church as we come to the close of earth's history. But you need not fear shipwreck, for I am still at the helm, and I will see you safely through the dangerous waters that are still ahead. But now back to the subject of new light. New light is always based upon the blessed truths that are already a part of the casket of truth. But new light is specifically designed to advance truths that are essential for you to know and understand what you are going through now, and what you will need to know to walk safely in the days ahead. Since this is now the time of the latter rain, the sealing, and the blotting out of the sins of my people from the books of heaven, you must have the light that is necessary to understand how to cooperate with me in preparing for and receiving the blessings and benefits of this experience. But again you must ask in order to receive this light, and therefore be able to cooperate with me at this crucial time, for the light will go out for those who do not recognize that the appointed time has come. "Sow for yourselves righteousness, reap the fruit of unfailing love, and break up your unplowed ground; for it is time to seek the Lord until he comes and showers righteousness on you." Hosea 10:12. "Ask ye of the Lord rain in the time of the latter rain; so the Lord shall make bright clouds, and give them showers of rain, to everyone grass in the field." Zechariah 10:1, KJV. Do not be afraid to ask me for every blessing that you need, physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, financially, etc. If you are asking amiss, I will let you know as I did for Paul when he asked for the healing of his eyesight. But I knew he needed this thorn in the flesh to keep him humble and submissive to me. The better you learn to know me and love and trust me, the more eager you will be to know my will and receive the deep movings of my Spirit. And just remember this: only those who receive the light that I have for you now will be strengthened and prepared to be among my 144,000 who go through the end by my side. You must know me intimately to be able to trust me enough to go through that experience together. And that is why I am spending so much time with you and revealing my thoughts and plans to you. I want you by my side, for you are my Bride, and I want to go through this experience together with you! Now go to the activities of your day, but just remember that I am with you, even though I am unseen, and I will counsel and guide you through my Spirit if you will allow me that privilege. My love for you is constant and everlasting, and you can never worry me or cause me to be upset or angry with you. That is a lie of the devil. If there is a break in our communion, I will wait longingly for you to restore it by simply turning to me and asking. Do you see now why I am sending you these daily messages? It is to keep you close to me so that you will trust and love and know me, for the time is short until I come. Do you see what I am allowing to happen in the world? These are signs of the imminence of my return. But do not concentrate unnecessarily on these things. Look to me and let not your heart be troubled for I am by your side. Rejoice today in my presence with you and your burdens will be light, for I will carry them for you. Lovingly, Jesus.
The Purpose of the Creation of Mankind
Dearest Ones, I am with you today in thought and spirit, because there is so much to do and so little time to do it. But I will have my army of faithful followers with me, and together we will accomplish the task. Now for the topic of today. I want to direct your minds upward toward heavenly things that even the angels desire to look into. The subject for this morning is the purpose of the creation of mankind. It is recorded in Scripture that man was made in the image and likeness of God [Gen. 1:26]. After the fall of Lucifer and the angels who followed him, there was a deficit in the heavenly family. So man was made to take the place of the angels who fell [7 BC 949]. They were to be the display of the reproduction of the gifts and talents of Lucifer and his angels, so that their blueprints were not lost, and the positions they held would once again fill up the family in heaven. This is one of the reasons that Satan is so angry with the final remnant, because he has been trying for centuries to obstruct my plan to replace him with the faithful of the human race. My Father and I delight in all the beings we have made, and even the lower creatures, for we have given them the ability to love and respond to the love of man, and even each other. But only the mind of man is fully capable of reproducing our character, and understanding the mind, purposes, wisdom and knowledge of the infinite God. This capacity we have bequeathed to the human race so that we can have the pleasure of fellowshipping and communicating together throughout the ceaseless ages of eternity [Isa. 43:7]. Of course, there is an infinity beyond that is only shared between my Father and I, because only He and I share and can comprehend divinity. It is this divine wisdom and unity that Lucifer aspired to penetrate. He felt that he could not be happy unless he could share in all the private councils between my Father and me, and was jealous that only I could share the privilege of oneness of mind and heart with my Father. He could not comprehend the difference between divine beings and created beings. He began to imagine that if he were allowed to join in our councils, that he, too, could have the wisdom, knowledge, and power of divinity to create as we do. This thought began to possess him until he attacked our throne to try to take it by force. And so the great controversy as we have seen it for 6000 years began. Now it is time to end it and restore the peace and happiness and tranquility that existed before Lucifer started this experiment into sin. Now I am ready to move forward with my faithful followers who understand the great controversy and the plan of salvation, and are ready to go forward with me to finish the work. Now I want to go back to the subject of man's exalted position of being created to comprehend and appreciate the deep things of God. Being in our image and likeness means to have minds that can learn and comprehend all the intricate and deep things that I want to share with you, and continue to grow in that capacity throughout eternity. And secondarily it means that you can understand and appreciate my heart - my love for you and my emotions about everything that I have made and that we do together. That is the fulfillment of the companionship that I have created you for, and this is the joy that we will experience together throughout eternity. Yes, sin has terribly blighted man's intelligence and reasoning powers, but by interaction with me, this can be fully restored both here and throughout eternity. So walk with me today and every day, and let me teach you things that heretofore you have not even imagined, or have come into your mind. In that way heaven will begin here and continue to expand throughout eternity. Then you will be the fulfillment of my dream and vision of creating man for my glory, and at last my love will be requited, and the purpose for the human race will be fulfilled. Go now to the responsibilities of your day, but listen for my still small voice teaching and guiding you throughout the day. I will share with you eternal wisdom, and my thoughts about what you are experiencing. Then you can share these with others, and the circle of love will be complete. This is my wish for you each day until I come, for I am with you always, even to the end of the world! Lovingly, Jesus.
Purity of Heart
Dearest Ones, I want to talk to you today about purity of heart. The human mind is so constructed that anything other than purity of thoughts, feelings, and meditations of the heart keep you from connecting with my thoughts and feelings. The natural human heart is not pure, because of the hereditary, cultivated, and environmental influences that are passed on from one generation to another, plus the experiences that begin even in utero which are passed on from the experiences, thoughts, and feelings of the mother. Because of this, as the Scriptures say: "Even from birth the wicked go astray; from the womb they are wayward and speak lies. Their venom is like the venom of a snake, like that of a cobra that has stopped its ears, that will not heed the tune of the charmer, however skillful the enchanter may be." Ps. 57:3-5. I send my Spirit out to every child [Rev. 5:6], for I am no respecter of persons, and I try to counteract the work of the devil, for he too, is exercising his power and evil thoughts and feelings on the child through the parents' experiences and thought processes. According to the response of the child, so will be the tenor of their lives. You may think that a child has no free will to choose against the enemy because of the inherited fallen condition. If that were the case, then no child would have a chance to choose to listen to my Spirit until the age of accountability. But I send out my Spirit to every child even before they know me or have heard of me, because I have every right to battle for the child's will to counteract the work of the enemy. That is why some very godly people come from ungodly parents. When I see a child responding to me, I throw around him or her godly influences from other people who will help to fan the flame of the child's desire to know me and follow the promptings of my Spirit. But when every inclination of the heart is only evil all the time [Gen. 6:5, 8:21, and Jer. 7:23, 24], there is no way for me to penetrate the darkness of the soul, and my Spirit leaves the person to the control of the enemy whom they have chosen. This is what fills up the cup of iniquity for individuals, nations, and generations. When there are no more hearts who are open to my Spirit, probation closes for that individual, nation, or generation. That is what happened at the time of the flood, and for Sodom and Gomorrah, for the Canaanites, and for the Jewish nation in 34 A.D. And the cup of iniquity is nearly full for this generation, as well. Light has been shining from the second apartment of the Sanctuary since 1844, and the time has now come for the decision to be made for this generation. My Spirit is continuing to seek for hearts that respond to truth, but the numbers are decreasing as iniquity abounds, and truth has fallen in the streets [Isa. 59:14, KJV] as a thing to be trampled upon and resisted. But there are others who are seeing the signs of my coming and are seeking for light and guidance from me. These you must reach. I will help you and direct you as you go forth at my bidding, for the light that I have given to you must be given to the world so that I can gather the truth seekers into my place of safety. I will help you to do this, using my methods when I was upon earth. I spoke to the common people wherever they were found, whether in private one-on-one conversations, or preaching to groups of people, large and small. I will guide them to you and you to them by my Spirit. And soon the message will spread to the honest in heart all over the world and the curtain will come down on those who refuse to heed the call of my Spirit. It is a momentous and solemn time, but a joyful one as well as we prepare for the close of history, for soon I will return to take my faithful followers home, and the reign of sin will come to a close forever. In the meantime, look to me for everything you need, for I have provisions to satisfy you fully. Now go to your rest of your day, but keep your heart tuned to my Spirit, and I will guide you safely through the challenges you will meet, and give you success in everything you do, for you are faithful laborers in my vineyard. Lovingly, Jesus.
The Latter Rain
Dearest Ones, I am happy today to inform you that the latter rain has begun in earnest. So I want to talk to you about what it means to receive the latter rain. First, let's go back to the early rain period. For 3 1/2 years the disciples had walked and talked with me and worked side by side with me, and they were partaking of the Holy Spirit through me. At my baptism, I had received the anointing of the Holy Spirit that prepared me for the work of ministry that I was to do, and as they walked with me through my ministry, they received my Spirit whenever they were in connection with me, and were obeying my counsel and instructions. But they were not receiving the Holy Spirit directly from the Father as I was, because they were not as yet cleansed from their earthliness, and there was no perfect intercessor in the heavenly Sanctuary to connect them directly with the Father, because no one can connect directly with the Father who is not perfect. Therefore, I was both their perfection and their connection with the Father through me. But you can see what their characters were like when they were not connected directly with me. They were often arguing among themselves about who would be the greatest in the kingdom of heaven, and who would sit closest to me on my throne. And Peter, when he was separated from me during my trial, cursed and said he didn't know me, which was, at that moment, the truth. On their own they were jealous, angry, self-protecting, and all the other characteristics of fallen human nature. However, the difference between them and others is that they recognized and accepted me as the Messiah who was to come, and they followed me and dedicated their lives completely to me, and loved, honored, and served me to the best of their knowledge and ability. And as they walked with me, they grew into the men that I could use to begin my kingdom. But there was still a very important work to be done for them that had to be done by a direct connection with, and infilling by, the Holy Spirit. That is why I told them that it would be better for them if I left and went back to heaven so that I could pour out the same Holy Spirit upon them which was within me, and connect them with the Father through me. But I could not pour out my Spirit upon them until I had ascended to the Father and received His approval that my sacrifice for the human race was sufficient and that my perfect life would now connect mankind to the Father, and all who accepted my sacrifice and desired to become my friends, could approach the throne of grace freely through me. When I returned to heaven and my Father welcomed me with open arms and blessed me, I was then anointed by the Holy Spirit amidst rapturous songs of praise and rejoicing from the heavenly host, because a way had been provided for humanity to be reinstated to their first dominion, and restored to the original purpose for their creation. By my perfect life and sacrifice, I could now connect fallen humanity to my Father, and together we sent the power of the Holy Spirit to the waiting disciples on earth, who could then participate with us in the glad celebration. However, one thing was needed before anyone could receive the Holy Spirit that day. They had to search their hearts and repent of all known sin, make things right with God and each other, and ask for the promised blessing. Then my sacrifice for them was ratified by the Father, and the Holy Spirit descended in mighty power. So it will be in the time of the latter rain. The same heart searching, the same humility, the same spirit of repentance, must be evidenced. But this time, the outcome will be a result of the further light that I have been sharing ever since I went into the Most Holy Place in 1844. No one, even the disciples, understood the light that I am now shedding upon the whole world about the necessity of the cleansing of the secrets of the stored memories in the subconscious mind and its effect upon the thought life, actions, and behavior. That is because we now have to get to the roots of the sin problem in order to bring a people to an understanding of what must be done to restore the human mind to its original perfection. I have not required this knowledge in the past, because I had not yet come to the place where I was ready to cleanse the Sanctuary and blot out the sins of my people and close my intercessory work of atonement. But now this is present truth. The danger for my people is that they desire to stay in a court, or behavioral relationship with me, or a first apartment relationship where I am still continuing to cover their sins by my intercession before the Father for them. But this will not save anyone when I close the door of the Most Holy Place and step out of my intercessory work before my Father, and put on the robes of vengeance to pour out the seven last plagues. The work in each heart will have already been finished by that time. Therefore, you must know where I am in my work for you, and cooperate fully with me to be safe at that time. My righteousness must become yours. You must allow me to reveal every hidden sin to you, both hereditary and cultivated throughout your whole life, and repent and be cleansed to the uttermost. This prepares the way so that I may fill you with my perfect life, and then you can receive and retain the fullness of the Holy Spirit and be ready to stand before my Father without a mediator, for you will be perfectly restored into our image through my righteousness in you. That is the perfect white robe that permits you to be among the 144,000 and stand with me through the time of trouble. The latter rain is a celebration of this event in heaven - the acceptance of the perfection of my Bride through my intercessory work in the Most Holy Place of the Sanctuary. Don't you want to be a part of that glorious celebration? Listen to the joyous singing of the heavenly host as recorded in Revelation 19! This is ringing throughout heaven now as you cooperate with my final atonement for you. And my Father and I will sing* in our joy and celebration that the work of redemption is finished at last, and we can welcome all of our beloved ones home who have been perfected, filled with the fullness of the Holy Spirit, and sealed for eternity. That is what the latter rain is all about - the celebration in heaven for my finished work in my people. Let your ears catch the glory of the songs of heaven coming down even now, for my Bride has made herself ready, and the wedding of the Lamb has come. “And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth. Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honor to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife has made herself ready. And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of [the] saints." Rev. 19:6-8, KJV. Now go to your tasks for the day, but do not forget to listen for my guiding voice in your hearts, for I want you to be aware of my presence with you at all times. I have much yet to say to you, and guide you in the days ahead. Rejoice in me no matter what happens, for if you look steadfastly to me, nothing can take you out of my hands. Lovingly, Jesus. Text referred to above: * "The remnant of Israel will do no wrong; they will speak no lies, nor will be deceit found in their mouths. They will eat and lie down and no one will make them afraid. Sing, O Daughter of Zion; shout aloud, O Israel! Be glad and rejoice with all your heart, O daughter of Jerusalem! The Lord has taken away your punishment, he has turned back your enemy. The Lord, the king of Israel, is with you; never again will you fear any harm. . . . The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing*. . . . At that time I will deal with all who oppressed you; . . . at that time I will gather you; at that time I will bring you home." Zeph. 3:13-20, NIV.
Opening Hearts to the Message of the Cleansing of the Subconscious Mind
Dearest Ones, I am pleased today with your love for me and your devotion to the cause at hand to finish the work of preparing yourself and others for my soon coming. There is nothing more pleasing and rewarding to me than seeing your joy and eagerness to spend and be spent in the cause of the kingdom of heaven and labor with us in sharing the light that is now shining from the Most Holy Place, for the work must go forward until every soul has been warned. Now for the topic of the day. I am preparing to open hearts to your message of the cleansing of the subconscious mind and healing of the stored memories, for the devil has damaged everyone in one way or another during their lifetimes. He has made a science of this, and has specifically studied how to capture the minds and emotions of people from the moment of conception, or as early as possible, through tragedies, abuse, neglect, and other unfortunate experiences through parents and others; and whenever fear is produced in a child's mind, Satan has access to interpret the situation with his lies. Of course, the child has no knowledge of me and my plan of salvation and my character of love until it is brought to them at some point - hopefully as early as possible through the training and personal experience of godly parents. So Satan tries to capture the reasoning, thinking, and feeling centers of the brain as early as possible through fear and abuse of one kind or another, and then he inserts his lies and ways of self-protection, and thus many children are born with almost irreversible traits of character that make it difficult for my Spirit to penetrate into the inner recesses of the soul. So the recovery of damaged people must usually come from the outside through the loving ministry of my people who, although they may have also have been damaged by the lies of the devil, they have experienced recovery and healing through the work of my Spirit, transforming their lives and healing the damage that the evil one has caused. No one is so damaged that my love cannot heal them. But first the person must come to me, and that process is often introduced by the ministry of a loving person who has also been saved and transformed by my love. This work has been going on for centuries, and especially after I finished my work on earth and ascended to the heavenly Sanctuary to begin my work of intercession there. But now I have accomplished everything that needs to be done for the human race, with the exception of the cleansing of the records of the sins of my people, and blotting them out, nevermore to be brought to mind. In order to do this, I must have the cooperation of my people. Can you just imagine what the onlooking universe would think if I blotted out the sins of people without a thorough investigation and the cooperation of each person who chooses to participate in the cleansing? It would appear unfair, and that I would be using my superior powers and knowledge to save some and allow others to be lost without giving them a chance to speak for themselves before the tribunal of the judgment in heaven. Therefore my court is open, and when I begin the final judgment of each person, I will bring into their minds the events of their lives in review. They will then have the opportunity to ask for my cleansing grace and forgiveness for every sin which is on their records; or they can steel their hearts against my Spirit and thus choose to be lost. In any case, the final decisions will be in the hands of the person to choose whether they will be saved or lost, for the price of salvation during the judgment of the living is to keep a constant connection with me, and repent and be cleansed of every sin where they have agreed with the lies of the devil and resisted my Spirit. Then I will freely forgive them and blot out completely the record of their sins from the books of heaven, and also the memories of their sins from their own minds. As they come into perfect agreement with me on every issue, I will give them the record of my own perfect life in place of their imperfections and mistakes, and place my Spirit in them fully in the latter rain, and seal them in their foreheads, indicating that their minds now have been cleansed of every record of sin and the lies of the evil one, and henceforth Satan will have no access to them. Do you see now why this work must be done during the time when I am opening up the books of heaven and revealing to each person what I see in their lives that must be cleansed? When people have no deep relationship with me, they will not even know that I have come to their names in judgment, so no cleansing can take place. But if you are awake and walking with me day by day, seeking me and confessing known sins, your mind will be open to go into the deeper, final cleansing of your lives which must be done if you desire to live through the end when there is no more intercessor in the Most Holy Place of the Sanctuary. Now is the time to search your hearts and cooperate with me in the cleansing and blotting out of every sin. Some are believing and teaching that this cannot be fully accomplished until I come in the clouds of heaven. But I want to assure you that it must be done while I am pleading your case before the Father in the heavenly Sanctuary. Not one stain of sin must be left on your records when my work is finished, for no work will be done for you after probationary time closes. Remember that I said in my last message that no one can stand before my Father with imperfect characters. There must be a total cleansing through my intercessory work for you. When I step out of that position, your character will be fixed forever, and your salvation depends upon your cooperation with me in the cleansing time. Remember - when I come in the clouds of heaven, you will see the Father's face in His full glory, for He will be by my side, just as he was when I gave the law on Mount Sinai. And you must have been perfected before that time, for the brightness of our coming will destroy sin and sinners, for the mediatorial work will be already finished before I come. So hasten into the Sanctuary, for the door is still open for you, and everyone who will come with a sincere and repentant heart will be covered by my righteousness, and receive my seal of approval. Never doubt my love or the love of my Father for you, for we have paid the price for your redemption. You have only to accept the final cleansing work in your heart to be prepared for our coming. But the time left is short, so let nothing and no one stop you, for if you come, you will receive the reward of eternal salvation. Go now to the activities of your day but keep me close to your heart every moment throughout the day. And if the tempter assails you, dart a prayer to heaven and cling to me, and I will see you safely through. And never forget that I am always just a prayer away. Lovingly, Jesus.
Sharing the Light
Dearest Ones, I'm enjoying your daily fellowship with me in your worships, your service, and through sharing the messages and knowing my heart. The cleansing is going forward in righteousness and truth, and as your sins and errors are being cleansed away and blotted out, you are receiving more light and responding much more quickly to the guiding voice of the Holy Spirit. This is why the work can be finished in such a short time, because of the added light I am able to share with you, and the total response of your hearts to follow my leading. This is also why I am rejoicing every day that the work of salvation can be speedily finished in and through my people. Now for the topic of the day. I want to talk to you about sharing with others the light that you have been given. Light always dispels darkness. Darkness cannot exist where light is present. The latter rain is the fullness of light that finishes the work of the three angels of Revelation 14, and sweeps aside the darkness of error that keeps people in communion with the lies of the enemy. The first angel's message, as preached by those who received the light from the Sanctuary in 1844, restored the light of the gospel about the good news of my everlasting love for mankind. The Protestant churches had fallen into formalism and a doctrine of works much like the Jewish nation when I came to earth the first time. With many preachers, the fear of hell was used to induce the feeling that in order to escape my so-called wrath and condemnation, they must become Christians, attend church, and observe the teachings and rituals that were taught to them. But the good news of the gospel is that I love people and have given my all to save mankind and reestablish a saving relationship with each person who will accept me into their hearts and forsake the love of the world and the doctrines of demons. The next truth in the first angel's message was that I had passed into my ministry in the second apartment of the heavenly Sanctuary, and that the final judgment of the world and its peoples had begun, first with the dead and then with the living. Contained in that message is a timeline for my coming. Not a timeline in years and dates, but a timeline of the progressive work that I am doing for my people in the second apartment. The timeline is not measured by absolutes, but by the progress of the work that is going forward with my people. But one thing is certain: when I come to the judgment of the living, you can know that this is the generation that will be alive when I return. And now I want to assure you that the judgment of the living is now in progress, and you can preach this without fear of another disappointment. In fact, if you want to be my disciples, you must preach it, because it is present truth. Now notice what the third part of the first angel's message is. It is the Sabbath. For the believers in 1844, the reestablishment of the Sabbath truth was their message. But for you who are on the borders of the kingdom, the specific emphasis is upon the sealing, for the Sabbath will be the sign of the difference between those who are following me and those who have rejected me and clung to their traditions. But even further than that, the Sabbath will be the outward sign of the inner work of cleansing through the acceptance of my character of love, and the cleansing of heart and mind that my true followers have experienced in walking with me in the judgment, and the blotting out of every sin. Thus they can be sealed, and keeping the Sabbath will be the outward sign of the inner healing of the soul, and coming into perfect harmony with me in every aspect of their minds. What rejoicing there is in heaven as this work is continuing toward its close! Then will be the time of the greatest display of the 2nd and 3rd angel's messages which will swell into the loud cry of Revelation 18:4: "Come out of her, my people, so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues." Can you see now how only a fully cleansed and sealed people, filled with the latter rain, can preach this message? How can anyone preach the message of coming out of sin if they have not fully experienced it themselves? All of those who have known the truth but have put off being sanctified by it will join the ranks of the unbelievers and receive the mark of the beast, because that mark indicates that they have accepted the lies of the evil one in some areas of their lives, which closes the door of their hearts to the Holy Spirit, and opens the door of their minds to the lies and controlling power of the evil one. But I have true believers in the other churches who sincerely love me, and are longing for greater light, for I am bringing them into the judgment process also to prepare them to hear your message and recognize that it is from me, for it is answering questions that they are asking. These will join you and help to swell the ranks of the redeemed who go through to the end. Soon it will be time for the beginning of the loud cry, for my people are progressing forward in the cleansing toward complete victory in their lives, and the latter rain is being received in direct proportion to the cleansing. When the cleansing is finished, the full measure of the Holy Spirit will be poured out, because there will be no more sin or agreement was Satan's lies in the hearts of my cleansed people to obstruct the full outpouring of my Spirit. Then I will allow the progress of the Sunday law movement to go forward, and the messages of the second and third angels will be preached. When everyone has heard these messages and made their final decisions, probation will close. This will not be a long process, because with the media that is available and the fact that the devil already has taken possession of the majority of people in the world, final decisions will be made quickly. Now do you see why I revealed to my servant, Ellen White, that the final movements will be rapid ones? I do not need to hold the door of probation open any longer than it takes for everyone to hear the message of the loud cry. People will range quickly under the banner of the leader they have chosen. And all those who love the world and the things of this world will be shaken out, because they have already chosen the leader who promises to give them what they desire. When I close the door of mercy forever, there will be wailing in the streets and men will throw their money to the owls and bats, for the mask of their deceptions will have been ripped away from them, and they see too late that the master they have chosen has closed upon them forever the door of salvation. But the faces of my chosen ones will shine with the glory from heaven, and the rays of light will stream through the gates of heaven that I have left ajar at my coming. So look up and lift up your heads for your redemption draweth nigh! Now go to your day's activities, and remember to keep in constant connection with me, and you will walk securely and safely by my side. Listen to my still small voice, and I will bring you joy and safety, and I will meet all your needs, for you are my Bride whom I love and cherish, and I am bestowing upon you the robe of my righteousness day by day, moment by moment, as you let go of your sins and walk in the light of my revealed will for you. Make haste, for the time of the wedding draws near. And soon you will be with me forever in my kingdom of light, love, peace, joy, and happiness. In the meantime heaven begins here, for I am, as always, just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.
Make haste! For the door of probation is closing
Dearest Ones, Today is the blessed Sabbath day, and my people around the world are astir, getting ready to meet with me. I will be present with each congregation, no matter how small, through my Spirit and my angels, and sometimes by my personal presence. But what will I find when I come to meet with you? Will I find you aware and welcoming me, or will you be so caught up with the activities of the day and associating with friends, that I am unnoticed? When I was on earth, I walked the dusty trails of Galilee, or attended the gatherings of the people and their feasts and convocations, and most did not recognize that the God of heaven was among them. But I loved them still, just as I love each of you. But if I were allowed to speak in your pulpits today, I would say, "Make haste! For the door of probation is closing, and you know it not. You are going forward with your common lives as though I would never come, though you preach about me and look forward to the day when I will come in all my glory and take you to heaven. When I see you going on with your lives as usual without a thought that everything you consider as normal will soon be swept away, I long to help you to see that only those who are under the shadow of my wings will be safe from the increasing disasters that are about to fall upon this world. Build no more splendid buildings in honor of me, for they will soon be swept away. Use the facilities that you already have, and the media capabilities that I have provided and preach the good news of my soon coming around the world. Go out into the highways and byways of earth and find the people who are hungry for truth. I will guide them to you and you to them if you are willing. Use every opportunity to gather the honest in heart into my barn, and tell them that the time is at hand. Use my methods of mingling with the people wherever you find them, and you will have a rich harvest of souls, and I will bless your efforts abundantly. Do not dare to hide your talent in the ground as if you have many more years to live in this world, for the time is shorter than you think, for the human mind cannot comprehend an end to this world as you know it now. But take heart! For as long as you are with me in spirit, I will be with you to protect and guard you and guide you into pathways of safety and peace, for if you have dedicated your life to me, I will guide you safely through the days ahead. Now go to the activities of the day. But don't forget to keep your minds and hearts open to my Spirit, and be joyful that my angels are worshipping with you, and you cannot fail to receive a large blessing today and every day as we fellowship and walk together to my soon coming kingdom. Lovingly, Jesus.
The Spiritual Difference Between The Sheep and the Goats
Dearest Ones, I am pleased with the eagerness of all of you to serve me faithfully in the calling that I have given you. The work of shining the light of my soon coming and how to prepare for it, is beginning to move forward, and will continue to escalate as time progresses toward the end. Now for the topic of the day. I want to talk to you today about the spiritual difference between sheep and goats. I have given the animals various aspects of the characteristics of humanity. As you know, I often use them as examples of human behavior. I am the good Shepherd, and my flock is of upmost importance to me, especially at this time, for we are nearing the time of trouble when everyone must be able to hear my voice in order to make it safely through. That is why I said in John 10: "My sheep hear my voice; they will never follow a stranger." Goats are independent, and basically do as they please. They band together and follow the most aggressive leaders in the group. Sheep, on the other hand, need a shepherd and caretaker to survive. They learn to trust the shepherd because he leads them to the water and pasture that is best. He cares for them when they need guidance, help, and protection, seeks them when they are lost and stray away, and basically becomes their savior. Because of the strong attachment they have for the shepherd, they know and will follow only the voice of the shepherd. This is vital if they are to survive. So it is with you and me. Without a close and constant relationship with me, you will not survive through the days ahead that are coming upon the earth. Now is the time to learn to know my voice and trust me. Those whose relationship with me consists of a short worship once or twice a day, if at all, attending church services when it is convenient, listening to the popular contemporary Christian music, and reading religious books from contemporary Christian authors, are not sheep at all, but goats. They do what they want to do when they want to do it, while at the same time, satisfying their desire to be thought of as religious people, by living a Christian lifestyle, so they can consider themselves to be saved. But they are goats and not sheep. They do what they want to do when they want to do it, but they do not know my voice. These are the ones who believe that the finishing of their character development will take place at my coming. But one day they will parade there good deeds before me, and I will have to tell them, I never knew you. Actually, I did know them, for I know everyone, but they did not know me. I loved them, but they did not love me. I spoke to them, but they did not hear me or listen to my voice. I reached out to them, but they passed by and went their way. But my sheep hear me and respond to me eagerly and come to me when I call. My sheep know me and love me, for they have a relationship and experience with me. They obey and follow me because they have learned to trust me. So the moral of my message is, make sure you are in the camp of the sheep and not the goats if you want to be sure of your salvation. Make every effort to get to know my voice, for it is still and small, and you must train your mind to hear and respond to it. Do you realize how difficult it is to hear my voice when your ears are tuned to the things of the world? In the raucous noise of daily life, you must reserve a quiet place in your mind which is just for me, where I can always speak to you and comfort and guide you and protect you from hearing the voice of the evil one and following him to your detriment. When you hear my voice and obey me, you become my chosen ones - not because I wish to be exclusive, but because you have chosen me. Now go to the activities of your day, but rejoice, because when you do, you will open your heart to receive the light streaming through the gates of heaven down to you. And when you hear my voice, share with others what you have learned. I will help you magnify my name and bring other sheep into my fold. Lovingly, Jesus.
Dearest Ones, I want to talk to you today about money. Money is a treasure from God that I give you to use for my name's honor and glory. It is not to be used for self-aggrandizement and squandering for things that are not necessary. Now, I do not mean that you should become miserly, and so focused upon every penny that you become out of balance and lose your focus upon me and our connection of love and unity. I do not want you to become fearful that I might be disapproving of how you have spent your money in the past. But what I do want is for you to see your money as a gift from me to use for the needs of yourself and your family, and for the needs of the church and others as I direct. Money is a sacred trust from me, and therefore, I would like to be involved in your expenditures to guide you in how to use it. I already know what your needs are, and what they will be in the future, and I can guide you safely through each day in your expenditures. As you know, the tithes and offerings come first as you make out your budget. But your remaining funds are dedicated to me as well in the sense that I want to be involved in how you spend the rest of your money. It is the same as time. You only have 24 hours a day, and it can be squandered or used wisely, and the more you depend upon my guidance in the use of your time, money, and even physical energy, the more I can pour out my blessings of eternal life that begin even here, when you are in constant connection with me and under my guidance. So before you spend the 80%* of your budget which is left after tithe and offerings, be sure you consult me to help you. When you have dedicated your money to me, I will help you to have everything you need. Now go to the activities of your day, but just keep in connection with me throughout the day to advise you on the use of your time, energy, and money, and you will find that you will have enough for your own needs and the needs of others as I guide you through the day. If you are following my guidance, you will have the resources of heaven to draw from. When you are connected with me, I will give you wisdom and guidance to supply all your needs for each day. This is the reward of having a loving, trust relationship with me, for I will never leave you to the assaults of the enemy. But beware of consulting only your own impressions about the use of your time, energy, and money, for the devil will lead you to squander it all for selfish purposes, or for chasing his rabbits until you have exhausted your supplies. But even if you have done this, come to me and I will lead you in paths of deliverance, and provide a way of escape, recovery, and healing for you, for when you are attached to me you are attaching to the endless resources of heaven. Lovingly, Jesus. (*Or whatever the Lord impresses you to give for tithes and offerings.)
Dearest Ones, My topic for today is "reception." You may wonder why I am choosing this word, but you will soon see the importance of the concept and the understanding of its meaning. You are all familiar with the text in Matthew 7:7: "Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you." In the months since I have been sending direct messages to you, I have endeavored to emphasize in a variety of ways the truth that my kingdom is based upon freedom of choice, and endless opportunities to grow and expand one's talents and gifts. As long as you are connected with me through the reception and indwelling of the Holy Spirit, there will be no end to the wisdom and knowledge and gifts that are available to you. Even the ability to give and receive love will be constantly expanding, because love is the very essence of the character of God, and the more you know my Father and me, the more capacity you will have to receive our love and share it with others. When I was on earth, I told the disciples to ask freely for whatever they needed, and if it was for their best good, they would receive it. However, there is another side to the subject of asking and receiving. Sometimes the answer is delayed because something in the heart of the person is not in harmony with my character, so I cannot give my blessing to the request. Sometimes people ask and do not receive, because the purpose for their asking comes from motives of pride and selfishness, and they desire something to build up their egos, and feed their lust for attention or self-satisfaction. These will not receive anything from me, because their hearts and motives are not right before God. Satan sometimes answers these selfish prayers if he sees that the persons will further his kingdom; or he uses them and then destroys them if it would suit his purposes better. But for those who are sincere followers of me, I delay the answers to their prayers if I see that they are mingled with selfishness, in order to give the person opportunity to search their hearts and come to me for cleansing so that their prayers and requests can be a part of their spiritual growth and the development of Christlike characters. So to have your prayers answered, you must know me and hear my voice, and be in agreement with me about the subject of your request. I will not give to you something that will feed your egos and fill your purses and your houses with things that satisfy the unregenerate heart. But if you are to receive from me, you must ask of me things that I myself desire for you, and that which will further my kingdom and be to the glory of God and the eternal benefit for you and others. So answered prayer depends upon the cleanness of your heart and the purposes for which you are asking. I desire and long to give you things that will draw us closer together and make your life happier and more Christlike in your character. I already have gifts of inestimable value that I am ready and willing and eager to give you when your hearts are right and the reception of the gift would draw us even closer together. Sometimes when people receive my gifts it drives them away from me because of pride and arrogance, and a desire to take the glory to themselves, whether it is wealth, fame, beauty, or talents. But when the gift is used to bring glory and honor and success to the spread of my kingdom, and to reflect my character of love to others who are in need, then my gifts to you are limited only by the use you make of them, for the source is unending. So perhaps now you can see why I chose the word "reception." Gifts are given freely according to the reception they receive. I have an endless supply of gifts to give, but the amount that I give is determined by the reception and use of the gifts. Perhaps you recall the story of Jehoash, king of Israel, who was given an opportunity to completely destroy his enemy, the Arameans. But because of a lack of faith and oneness of spirit with me, he fell short of complete victory. [2 Kings 13:15-19.] So it is with each of you. Many people have a desire to excel in spiritual gifts, or to have victory over appetite or some other sin or character defect, but lack the drive and faith to persevere until the victory is won. This cannot be done by human nature alone, but it can and must be accomplished in the strength of the Spirit and a vital and continuing connection with me. Many Christians will continue in their sins until death overcomes them, ever hoping and dreaming that someday they will gain the victory over a quick temper, the lusts and appetites of the fleshly nature, or some other besetting sins. But this kind of hope avails nothing because it is leaning upon the arm of flesh. They do not want to go through the fires of cleansing to obtain the precious gold of my perfect character. These persons like to believe that I will overlook their defects and cover them in their sins with the robe of my righteousness and call it righteousness by faith. But this kind of righteousness is not righteousness at all, nor is it faith. They are not righteous, because they have not sought me until they have found me. They have not repented and come home to me - they are satisfied to dream of my blessings, but they are yet in the pigsty eating with the pigs. They are nominal Christians who call upon my name but do not do my works because they do not know me personally. This is the condition of the Laodicean church. They consider themselves to be ready for my appearing, yet they do not possess the character which will give them total victory in the areas of their lives where sin has gained the victory over them. They must have the eyesalve that will open their eyes to my leading in their lives, and be able to hear the still, small, voice of my Holy Spirit speaking to them moment by moment. Beware to those who think they are ready for the wedding feast because they know about me, but do not know me and have a personal, ongoing, daily relationship with me. The door of probation is still open, my friends. The sweet voice of my Spirit is still calling you to give up every secret and cherished sin, and the fleshly lusts and desires, and mistakes that you make because you do not call upon me for help, cleansing, and victory over the sins that so easily beset you! My love and forgiveness are beyond anything that you can fathom. But the reception of these gifts depends upon you. Open your heart's door to me and let me come in and cleanse your house and sweep it clean from things that you do that you hardly even notice anymore. You are so used to living with your unchristlike habits of thinking and behaving that you are satisfied to cohabitate with them. But if you truly let me come into your heart, I will restore the old waste places that sin has made, and give you victory over appetite, lust of the flesh, temper, irritations, criticism, worry, impatience, faithlessness, and all the other evidences of Satan's influence in your life, and restore you to myself bright and clean and ready for the reception of the latter rain. Are you ready to open the door of your heart and receive me? If you do, I will replace every sin and defect with my righteous character, and you will have abundant joy and blessings, and my victory over sin and Satan. As you walk and talk with me I will take you safely through the days ahead until I come. So my message to you today is this: the choice is up to each of you, for I am no respecter of persons. The reception of my gifts is waiting for your positive response! Lovingly, Jesus.
Spiritual Gifts
Dearest Ones, The time has now come to talk to you about spiritual gifts. You have all been so faithful in cooperating with me in obtaining your deliverance from the influence of the demons who have claimed access to you through your inherited and cultivated tendencies to evil. So now I want to describe some of the gifts of the Spirit that are available for you to receive in latter rain power. Read in your Bibles Romans 12, 1Corinthians 12-14, and Ephesians 4. These sections of Scripture on the presence and use of spiritual gifts in the body of Christ bear much study and emulation of the principles that are outlined there. These gifts are available to all who cleanse their hearts from sin and selfishness and seek them with a heart of love for God and others. The gifts are given by the Holy Spirit as he chooses and sees best [1Corinthians 12:11]. It is my purpose to open up the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it. This is the privilege of those who are cleansing their hearts of roots of sin and preparing to receive the fullness of the latter rain. All blessings come from the Sanctuary through the Holy Spirit which is sent from the throne of the Father and I as we work together to restore the human race back to its original purpose. Our special blueprint for the human race has always been to replace the angels who fell with tested and tried overcomers who have obtained victory over the world, the flesh, and the devil. The 144,000 will together represent the complete blueprint of Lucifer, because before his fall, he was the highest of all the angels, and contained all their blueprints within himself. This is represented by the words: "Every precious stone adorned you." Eze. 28:13. Just as the high priest carried on his breastplate the 12 precious stones which represented all the 12 tribes of Israel, so also will the 144,000 represent all the tribes of spiritual Israel who have gained the victory over the devil and his lies. [Rev. 7:4; 14:4, 5.] The great multitude of Revelation 14:9-17 whom no man can number represents the saved of all ages who will stand on the sea of glass in my kingdom. These, together with the 144,000, will fill the place that was vacated by the angels who fell. Thus, every spiritual gift will then be covered and replaced by the whole host of the redeemed, and every jewel will have been gathered into my kingdom without the loss of even one. My plan of salvation is perfect and complete in all its aspects, and not one person will be lost who wishes to be there, and makes the supreme sacrifice of self, in order to receive the white robe of my righteousness. The 144,000 from every tribe of Israel will display the complete victory over every sin that I have made possible by my finished work on earth, and the completion of my intercession in the heavenly Sanctuary. As representatives of the whole human race, they will live during the time of the end when all the collected light will be shining upon the last generation. And "Unto whom much is given, much will be required." Luke 12:48. Therefore, all the spiritual gifts will be present in the final remnant. It is up to you to avail yourselves of them, as outlined in the Scriptures. But they will be distributed according to the Holy Spirit's discernment of your ability and willingness to use them for God's glory and the advancement of His Kingdom. No selfishness or pride or exclusiveness will be permitted in those to whom gifts are given. All is to be done to bring honor to the Father of light from whom all gifts flow. And as gifts were poured out at Pentecost, so will they be poured out in greater measure during the latter rain. Some of you may be asking about the gift of prophecy. This is a gift that is poured out upon those who speak for me through the inspiration and unction of the Holy Spirit. It is not simply a gift of writing or speaking eloquently. It is an inner recognition and understanding of what I am wanting to reveal to others through that person. All who are inspired by me to reveal light and truth through the inspiration of my Spirit have a gift of prophecy, although they may not be considered to be prophets. True prophets are chosen to speak for me to a particular generation or time period, and are singled out for a lifetime of service for me in that calling. These may or may not have dreams and visions. The prophets who are included in the canon of Scripture spoke not only for their own time but for all my people until the end of time, and especially for the final generation. Likewise, the other gifts mentioned in Scripture come from the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. For example, the gift of faith. Everyone must have a measure of saving faith that comes from me. But a person who has the gift of faith has a greater endowment of faith because of the character qualities they have received and exercised during their lives. So again I say, study the gifts that are described in Scripture, and ask me to bestow upon you the gifts you need for the work you are called upon to do. I will not fail to give you what you need, pressed down and overflowing from the throne room in heaven. Now go to the duties of your day, but do not be afraid to ask me for further light and power to be effective workers in my vineyard. The more faithfully and fervently you ask, the more abundantly you will receive, because when you ask, it indicates that your heart is open for the reception of a greater measure of the Holy Spirit, and it will be my delight and sacred pleasure to anoint you with my blessings, and fill you with every spiritual gift that will draw you into a closer relationship with me. So ask and receive, that your joy may be full! Lovingly, Jesus.
Dearest Ones, I am happy today to see each of you drawing closer to me, learning to trust me, seeking me for help in every trial, and going forward in the work each of you have been called to do. With an army of soldiers like you, the work will soon be finished! The message of my love must go to the ends of the earth and reach every soul to give them an opportunity to come to a final decision concerning their soul salvation, and then the end will come. But do not put this off for many more years, for I am able to make this happen with lightning speed, through ways that you know nothing of. So keep your shoulder to the wheel and your eye on the goal, and I will do this swiftly, for the time has come. [Isa. 60: 22 - "The least of you will become a thousand, the smallest a mighty nation. I am the Lord; in its time I will do this swiftly." NIV.] Now for the topic of the day. I want to talk to you today about commitment. I am committed to you with an undying, everlasting love which saw me through the portals of the tomb. The Father and I have covenanted together from before sin entered that we would do whatever necessary to reveal the extent of our love and the principles of our government and character to our created beings. When Satan chose to defect and cast doubt in the minds of the angels and eventually Adam and Eve, his challenge had to be met by fully displaying the truth in a way that would completely destroy the possibility of this ever arising again anywhere in the universe. This necessitated full disclosure of our character under all possible circumstances so that any possible question in the future would already have been answered. So it must be with you. Your commitment to the cause of truth must be the same commitment that my Father and I have made to give whatever is necessary to save mankind. When you do this, you need never worry that your own needs will not be supplied. Just as in the case of the widow's oil, so I will keep supplying for you whatever you expend of yourselves for me - pressed down and running over. But for those who turn to the world, the light will go out, for the devil has attractions enough to fill your time and thoughts until probationary time runs out. So I am grateful for all of you who are throwing your whole self into preparing yourselves, your families, and others, to be ready for my coming. The level of your commitment is pleasing to my soul. My heart is with you as you struggle against temptation and suffering of mind and body, and you can be assured that I will not allow the devil to tempt you above what you are able to bear. I only allow the devil to access you in the areas where you still need to be cleansed and come into agreement with me. Temptation is not a temptation unless it is on some point in your life that you have yielded to the devil before and you don't have complete victory over it as yet. So when you get into temptation, look to me at once, and exercise the faith of Jacob, who said to me, "I will not let you go unless you bless me." Actually, I had come to him that night to give him the victory over his former sins and weaknesses, and to bless him as an overcomer so I could protect him from the evil designs of his brother, Esau, who was coming to kill him and his family. This will be replayed over again by my people at the end of time. You are the thorn in the flesh for the devil, for he sees you standing between him and his efforts to gain full and complete control over the human race. This battle, which is just before you, is the purpose for my daily messages to you. I want you to know me personally and have victory over every sin and the weaknesses of the flesh that have beset you and troubled you throughout your life, so there will be nothing left in you that will respond to the devil's temptations. I am drawing close to you and revealing myself and my thoughts to you so that I can strengthen you to be an overcomer in the final battle with Satan and receive the blessing that I have come to give you. Some of you have been struggling in the darkness that Satan throws over you to tempt you to think that I am displeased with you. Don't believe it! Don't listen to the Devil's lies and attempts to discourage you! When any darkness comes over you, it is never from me - it is always a signal for you to know that the evil one is near you, and it is time for you to call out to me immediately, and claim my promises and hold on to me by faith until the dawn breaks forth in your mind and you connect again with my endless love and commitment to see you through the days ahead. Then the question becomes, why will some people who claim to be Christians be lost, in spite of my ample provisions? It is because they do not persevere through the darkness into the victory as Jacob did, and thus they fail of receiving the prize. Satan has all kinds of counterfeit ways of relieving the darkness that he himself has brought upon you, such as: reaching out to connect with people who cannot help you toward heaven; indulging in appetite for the purpose of temporarily relieving stress; various types of entertainment; becoming immersed in work and business, and whatever indulgences and distractions that relieve the pressure to persevere through the darkness into the light of my presence. But I want to encourage you to keep your focus and your commitment to press into my presence with the faith of Jacob, and you, too, will receive the crown of victory which everyone receives from me as a reward for faith, love, and keeping the same commitment to me that my Father and I have for you! Now go to the activities of the day, but be aware of anything that would take away your peace, joy, love, and security in me. Don't ever allow doubt or darkness to creep into your mind, for I assure you, it is never from me. For every trial that comes to you, I am waiting with open arms for you to come to me and receive the victory over that temptation that I have already won for you. When you walk in the light as I am in the light, you will have constant victory over the temptations of the evil one, and my blood will cleanse you from all sin. [1John 1:5-7.] So take heart my beloved ones! I have already overcome the world! And through my victory you also may have victory if you just remember that you can call upon me anytime and receive my help, for I am, as always, just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.
Good morning, beloved ones! May your preparation day be bright with my presence with you, and may you keep the sense of my love and care for you all through the day, for you are never absent from my mind. The subject for today is "study." As the Scriptures say, "Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." 2 Tim. 2:15. While it is true that my Spirit speaks to you through the right, or spirit-sensitive side of the brain, these thoughts and feelings must be connected to the left hemisphere of the brain through words. Thus the Scriptures were written by men who were chosen to be spokesmen for God because they were sensitive to the movings of the Holy Spirit, and were also inspired and gifted to put these inspirations into words. "We have also a more sure word of prophecy: where unto you do well that you take heed, as unto a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts.... For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost." 2 Peter 1:19, 21. This connection with Scripture is vitally imperative, because Satan also endeavors to come into your mind through the right side of your brain and put thoughts and feelings there that he can use to motivate you to think and do things that are inspired by him. If you do not check these things by the inspired word of God, you will surely fall under his temptations and be led astray, and eventually become a captive of his will. When Adam and Eve sinned, they were captives of Satan's deceptions coming through the right, or emotional, side of the brain. Eve was captured by the devil's flattery and the prospects of rising to a higher level of existence. Adam fell because of his love for Eve, her visible appearance of beauty and winsomeness, and her argument that although she had eaten of the apple, she did not die. Not until they had both partaken of the forbidden fruit did their robes of light and innocence disappear and they realized the awful truth that they had sinned in direct disobedience to the spoken word of God, and followed their own reasoning against his command. So the journey back into the lost inheritance of mankind must be through the pathway of obedience to the spoken and written words of truth in the Bible, augmented by the Testimonies [the writings of Ellen White], which were also given by inspiration to support and uphold the truths which are written in the Scriptures, and apply them for the last generation. With the study and inspiration and understanding of these truths, everyone can have the knowledge that is necessary to equip my final people to go through the end of time. But you must not think that because you have once studied the words and teachings of the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy that this is sufficient for you to be ready for what is coming upon the world. No, you must constantly be a diligent student for yourselves and not just rely upon the teachings of others. When you are studying my Word under the guidance and inspiration of my Spirit, you will be continually discovering new light, new inspiration, and new gems of truth to apply to your daily life and guide you through each day. And I will be right beside you to open your mind to what I want to teach you for that day. If you do not do this, you will wake up too late and find yourselves to be among the foolish virgins. All light and truth comes through me. But it is progressive. "The path of the just is as the shining light that shineth more and more until that perfect day." Prov. 4:18, 19. Therefore you cannot lean only upon the studies and teachings of others, because what was light for them in their time of history may not be up to the advancing light that is needed now to shine upon your pathway which will guide you safely through the days ahead. New light must not contradict old light, but make clearer the past light and apply it to your understanding of present truth for this generation. That is why you must not get involved in speculation. Everything must be firmly grounded in the bedrock of eternal truth that has already been revealed. As you get closer to the end of time, you must be diligent students of the Word, for as you continue to study and ask for wisdom, I will flash new insights for you that others in the past have not seen, because it was not applicable to their time. This is the extra oil that the wise virgins had that the foolish did not. I will give new light to those who seek to understand the truth for their times, and the light that is received will guide you safely all the way to the kingdom. But beware of false prophets, who, not understanding the advancing light of present truth, go backward into what may have been light for another time, but is no longer light for today. For example, the growing practice of keeping the feast days. Paul accurately says that these rituals bring no one to perfection, which is the goal of the second apartment ministry that I am doing right now. [See Heb. 10:1-25.] But in the same way, many are being deceived to believe that all that is necessary to be a part of those who live to see me come is to accept me as their Savior and live the best lives that they can, and my blood will cover the ignorances and imperfections of their characters. Not so! Through the advancing light shining through my Word, and the cleansing power of the Holy Spirit, I will finish my work of perfecting the characters of my people. "All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works." 2 Tim. 3:16, 17. When I cease my intercessions in the Most Holy Place, I will pronounce the words, "He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still. And behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be." Rev. 22:11, 12. So make haste! Be diligent students of the Word, and the Spirit of Prophecy which I have graciously given to guide you to the truth for these final days of earth's history. Go now to the activities and responsibilities of this preparation day, but keep a quiet heart, grounded firmly in my Word, and my Spirit will have fertile ground to speak to you and guide you successfully through today and every day until I come and take you home. Lovingly, Jesus.
Dearest Ones, Today is a day of rejoicing in heaven because it is a special day to be with our people on earth when their minds are turned toward us and are open to the Holy Spirit and to our presence. I will be with you through my Spirit to help you to present the important topic of the great controversy between good and evil. Satan hates this topic because it exposes him and reminds him that he will eventually lose the battle. What a day of rejoicing that will be when the reign of sin will be over and there will be peace in the universe again. Now the topic for today. I want to speak on the subject of joy. It is one of the aspects of the Holy Spirit. When the Holy Spirit dwells within you, there is a change that can scarcely be described in human language. Without the Spirit of God, there is darkness in the soul. But when you receive the gift of the Spirit and open your hearts to Him by repentance for sinful thoughts and feelings and attractions to things of this world, there is no room for Satan to come in and harass you and take you down into the pit of despair where he is. No one can pass on to someone else what he or she does not have themselves. So the contrast between what Satan has to offer and what God has to offer should be so great that no one would choose to be a follower of Satan, for he cannot give any of the aspects of the Holy Spirit, i.e. - love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance - which satisfy the needs of the human heart and fill it with gladness. But Satan is a deceiver, and so he promises to set people free from my requirements (which he says are burdensome and restrictive of personal freedom), and replace them with things that appeal to the fallen nature of man, such as pride, luxury, fame, fulfillment of the lusts of the flesh, freedom from restrictions, rebellion against authority, self-protection, etc. But even though mankind runs after these things, none of them provide true heavenly joy. Joy is a sense of peace and satisfaction that you have fulfilled the blueprint plan for your life, and you are in agreement and oneness with God, and that his smile of approval is upon you. Do you remember how the 72 disciples that I sent out to do the work of evangelism came back with joy to report to me the success of their work? [Luke 10:17.] Their joy was an example of the joy all will have who fulfill the divine calling to be workers in my vineyard. And I, too, shared in their joy, because their success was a fulfillment of my blueprint to be the Savior of the world and restore the lost image of God in mankind. [See Luke 10:18-22.] So you, too, can have my joy if you accept the call I have given you to receive me into your heart and share with others what I have done for you. You also have a special calling to fulfill, and that is to announce the nearness of my coming, and teach people how to prepare their hearts to experience the completion of my work in the Most Holy Place. I will help you to be successful through the outpouring of my Holy Spirit upon you. And as you see the success of your work, you will have my joy in the fulfillment of your special calling to go before me as John the Baptist did before my first coming, and prepare the hearts of the people to be ready for my second coming. Will you join with me today in the accomplishment of your special mission? If you do, you will receive my joy, pressed down and running over, and nothing will be able to take away the joy you will receive both now and forever in my kingdom of life, love, peace, and joy, and I will say to you: "Well done, good and faithful servant, thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things; enter into the joy of thy lord. Matt. 25:23. Now go to the activities of this blessed Sabbath day, but carry my joy with you, because I and the heavenly angels are rejoicing because the work is almost done, and the goal of the plan of salvation is almost accomplished. Nothing in this world can give you this kind of happiness and joy, for it is the reward of the righteous. Lovingly, Jesus.
Dearest Ones, How I long to be with you personally and teach you one-on-one all about the message of my soon coming Kingdom. But as you continue to clear away the rubbish in your lives that stands in the way of clarity of mind and openness of spirit between us, my truths can be more easily comprehended. Thank you for being willing to go through this cleansing process so that the latter rain can fall upon you and give you understanding concerning the truths that must be preached to this final generation. Now for the topic of the day. I am thinking today of your need for wisdom. I am pouring out much new light, knowledge, and understanding, but even these are not sufficient to open the minds and hearts of people if wisdom is missing. Wisdom means the ability to utilize knowledge and understanding appropriately, and for the highest good. Remember how the wisest man, Solomon, says that wisdom is a shelter [Eccl. 7:12], and advises all to seek wisdom above all things. This is because knowledge can be used inappropriately if it is not combined with wisdom. For example, sometimes when people first learn the Adventist truth, in their exuberance and excitement they try to push the whole message upon their friends, family, and others, when they are not ready to hear the new light at that time. Wisdom would live the truth winsomely and effectively before them until they see the fruits of the truth displayed in the life, and as their hearts are being softened by love, it gives an entryway for my Spirit to work upon their hearts to prepare them so that I can water the seeds of truth that have been sown, and cause them to spring up unto eternal life. The more heaven-inspired wisdom that is used in all of your interactions with each other, and in your witnessing, the more sheaves that will be gathered into my fold. Now I want to talk about wisdom in dealing with close family and friend relationships. I have modeled this for you in the way I relate to you each day. Remember that the over-arching foundational principle is love. But because of sin people do not understand the practical aspects of love. Number one is freedom of choice. If you love someone you will never try to coerce them to do things your way through force or argumentation or winning a power struggle between you. You will never belittle them or their ideas in order to win and prove your case. If I used those ways of winning people to my side, they would serve me from fear, and their minds would be shut off from learning, which is exactly the opposite of wisdom. Fear shuts down the mind from being open to learning wisdom, for it takes freedom of thought to produce the right soil for wisdom to develop. For example, in rearing children, you must help them to reason from cause to effect. The more strict and unreasonable the discipline, the more the brain resorts to fear and self-protection. Rote obedience without understanding which is appropriate for the age level, reduces the capability of the brain to develop the wisdom which is needed for reasoning from cause to effect on higher levels of thinking and understanding. Simply using fear of punishment as a motivational tool reduces the possibility of learning the wisdom that comes from understanding cause and effect. That is why it is so important for my followers to understand and comprehend the higher levels of reasoning for obedience to my laws. You would be surprised at the percentage of Christians who follow me from the motivation of escaping from punishment. That is why the devil has invented the doctrine of ever-burning hell. First of all, it presents the accusation that he has made about me from the beginning - that I am a tyrant who is angry and punitive if anyone disobeys me. And second, it produces people who either accept me out of fear, or reject me because they cannot accept a god with that kind of character. And all the time it is a lie invented by the devil from the beginning! This is how he pictured me from the beginning of his defection, in order to plant the spirit of fear in the other angels instead of love. I have given every being freedom of choice - freedom to love me and appreciate my character, and freedom to rebel and disobey my precepts. Satan has always depicted me as having two sides to my character - one of love and approval and blessings if you obey me, and the other a wrathful, punitive and rejecting despot if you disobey me. This is a figment of his deranged thinking as a result of trying to find an excuse for his pride, rebellion, and defection from the position of covering cherub that I gave him from the beginning. That is why it says in Eze. 28:17: "Your heart became proud on account of your beauty, and you corrupted your wisdom." Corrupted wisdom means wisdom that is turned inward to oneself and is receiving ideas and thoughts from your own unsanctified heart. True wisdom comes only from God. He is the source of all wisdom and true knowledge and understanding. From Him flows a never-ending fountain of love and wisdom which is healing to the mind and body. All have fallen short of this wisdom, for all have received the legacy of the corrupted, fallen nature and concepts that come from fallen parents, most of whom have resorted to some type of fear and control-based discipline. To the extent that you have experienced and suffered from this, to that extent you will interpret life, yourself, your environment, and your relationship with me. This must be healed by not only Scriptural truth, but also a personal relationship with me. While I never will condone sin, I will preserve your dignity, your personhood, and your power of choice without fear of a negative reaction and retribution from me. I set before you the way of life and the way of death. The final choice is up to you. But as long as you choose to be a child of mine, I will never discipline you in anger, or do anything to make you feel afraid or rejected. And as I have promised, I will never leave you nor forsake you. If you feel these negative feelings, it is never from me, but from the enemy of your souls who wants to make you like himself who lives constantly with the fear and rejection that he brought upon himself and wants to project that upon you. Don't believe him! Don't listen to his voice of darkness and despair! I am not the origin of these thoughts and feelings! Listen to the thoughts and feelings and wisdom of the Holy Spirit who brings you the water of life for your soul! He will teach you wisdom in the inmost parts of your mind [Ps. 51:6] that will heal your fears and brokenness. As the Bible says, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Prov. 9:10. The fear mentioned here means profound respect and an openness of heart to hear my words and seek for the highest levels of wisdom, knowledge, and understanding that I have available to give you. Without this attitude of respect, your heart will ever be closed to my counsel, and even if I endeavored to give it to you, you would turn away from it and choose to follow the seemingly more pleasant ways of the broad road to destruction. While worldly fear produces an attitude that closes off communication with me, godly fear produces a healthy openness and eagerness to hear, understand, and accept the wisdom that comes from a relationship with me that will grow throughout eternity and never end. Does that sound appealing to you? Those of you who are receiving and understanding the increasing light of the latter rain are doing so because of the increase of your love for me and your trust in me and the openness of your hearts to the increasing wisdom that I am sharing with you. "The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of God has been given to you, but to others I speak in parables." Luke 8:10. "It is contrition and faith and love that enable the soul to receive wisdom from heaven. Faith working by love is the key of knowledge, and everyone that loveth knoweth God.' 1 John 4:7." DA 139. So drink deeply at my fountain of love, and the gift of ever-expanding wisdom will be yours. Go now to the activities of your day, but keep your mind open for my thoughts, for I will guide you and give you wisdom to accomplish everything that is on my list for you today and every day. And in addition, you will have the joy of our fellowship together. Lovingly, Jesus.
Dearest Ones, The sun is shining brightly this morning, reminding you of the glories of heaven that is soon to come. Heaven is my home, and soon I will bring you to be with me, that where I am, there you may be also. There is no delay now, for my people are moving into line, catching the light that is shining from my throne, rejoicing in it and sharing it with others. All activity in heaven is now centered upon my people to help them get ready for my coming. I write this to you because I want you to know what is going on beyond the veil where you cannot see. But we are all of one family, and the Spirit keeps us connected with each other so that not a gem will be lost of the radiance and glory that we are sending to you each day. Now for the topic of the day. I want to talk to you today about gems. As you know, when gems are taken from the earth they are often unrecognizable to the eye of a person who knows nothing about gems. But an expert gemologist can tell the difference between a true gem and an ordinary stone. So it is with people. You may see a rough, unkempt person as being a worthless, ordinary stone. But I can see the heart of the person and know what a beautiful gem he or she could become if they would yield to the polishing of the Master. Unlike stones, all people are gems in the rough, for they have come from my original creation of mankind. But unlike stones, each person can choose whether they want to submit to the polishing process, or refuse, and never become the beautiful gem they could have been in my hands. Everyone who is a member of my kingdom will have gone through the cutting and polishing process. But I have allowed each person to decide how far they will go in the process. Many will be in heaven who are satisfied somewhere along the way just to accept and to know me and love me as their Savior, but have never aspired to the heights of greatness that they could have been. Even in the cleansing and polishing process, I allow the free will of each person's choices. I do not condemn anyone who loves and accepts me but is satisfied with mediocrity. I am just saying to you that there is no ceiling or limit which I set to the spiritual and intellectual growth of anyone. Many ordinary people have become great because they never stopped in their spiritual growth as long as life lasted, while others of superior talents and gifts did not expand them to their full capacity. But I do not require greatness for salvation. I require submission to the influence of my Spirit leading them to me and accepting my salvation for them and living a life of humble obedience and service, as I have set the standard by the example of my life on earth. To know me is life eternal. But within that framework is freedom to cultivate such a close relationship with me that one's full potential is realized, both in this life and the life to come. So don't you want to become a gem of rare and exquisite beauty? The more the stone is polished, the more colors and rays of light it reflects from the sun. I can do that for you if you walk with me through the polishing process. Every trial you go through is a part of that polishing process, and gives you the ability to reflect in your life more light and glory from me to others. So I invite you today to submit to the polishing process by walking with me every moment of your day, and the world and all of heaven will see the brightness of your rising [Isa. 60:1-3] as you become everything I have created you to be. Lovingly Jesus. Addendum notes for further study: "Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and His glory appears over you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your *rising." Isa. 60:1-3, NIV. [*KJV.] "He is well pleased when they make the very highest demands upon Him, that they may glorify His name. They may expect large things if they have faith in His promises." DA 668. "It is a part of God's plan to grant us an answer to the prayer of faith, that which He would not bestow did we not thus ask." GC 525. "To us as well as to the disciples, Christ has given the work of carrying the truth to the world.... Christ invites all to count the cost. He assures them that if they take hold of the work with undivided hearts, giving themselves as light bearers to the world, if they will take hold of his strength, they will make peace with Him, and obtain supernatural assistance that will enable them in their weakness to do the deeds of Omnipotence. If they go forward with faith in God, they will not fail nor become discouraged, but will have the assurance of infallible success." 5 BC 1121.
The Importance of Time Management
Dearest Ones, I am happy today to inform you that everything is on schedule for what needs to be accomplished before I come. But the present pace of activity must be continued, and I will bless you abundantly for all your labors in behalf of the kingdom of God. Now for the topic of today. I want to discuss with you the importance of time management. I have given you 24 hours each day to accomplish all that needs to be done, both for me and for yourself and your family. I love to be involved in the activities of your day, because I can help you to be more efficient and avoid overtaxing your strength and energy. I can move obstacles out of your way. I can perform miracles for you to help you move mountains of difficulty that Satan puts in your way to obstruct you from doing the work I have assigned for you that day. I can give you discernment to know my will in every situation. My Father did that for me when I was on earth. Remember the times when I would be delayed on my journeys, and behold, a needy soul would approach me for help? I always stopped to minister to them, and trusted the delay with my Father. When I arrived at my destination, I was always able to perform a greater miracle and bring a greater blessing because my Father made it so. In the same way, as long as you follow me and allow me to be vitally involved in the activities of each day, I will turn apparent setbacks into blessings. Nothing can happen to you that I have not anticipated and made provision to turn it into a blessing. Those who have made it a habit to trust me have already learned this by experience. But for those of you who are just beginning your journey with me, quiet trust is so valuable for a profitable walk with me today and every day. You have never experienced this before, because no human being can do this for you. It is only through faith and trust in me that you can discover what it is like to never be alone, and to have all your needs supplied by me, whether it is social, psychological, spiritual, financial, or otherwise. But due diligence to avail yourself of this privilege, because it is a gift of heaven. Now go to the duties of your day, but remember to take me with you, and trust me to be your unerring guide through all the vicissitudes of your journey. You will not need to be discouraged and disappointed at the end of your day, because you know that I have walked beside you to comfort and guide you every step of the way, and so you can throw the weight of your problems upon me and I will carry them for you. Tomorrow is another day, and I can help you to do twice as much tomorrow if that is what is needed. So trust me today and every day until I come, and you cannot fail to please me and accomplish everything that I am asking you to do. I will make the journey light, for my yoke is easy and my burden is light, for when you are yoked up with me in service, I carry the heaviest part of the load. Lovingly, Jesus.
I am a God of Love- The 144,000
Dearest Ones, I am looking forward to another day to work together in my vineyard. The grapes are ripening quickly for the harvest and I am sending my angels to bring the harvest to completion by the proclamation of truth which will fully ripen the harvest to perfection. You can be a participant in the work of the angels by listening to their voices and teaching others what you are learning, which is latter rain light about the everlasting gospel, - the good news about my character and my government of love. "Know therefore that the Lord your God is God; he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commands....If you pay attention to these laws and are careful to follow them, then the Lord your God will keep his covenant of love with you, as he swore to your forefathers. He will love you and bless you and increase your numbers." Deut. 7:9, 12, 13. The light and understanding about how to experience the cleansing and perfecting work of the judgment which I am doing for my people now is the preparation which is needed to be prepared for the final sealing of the Sabbath - Sunday issue which is just ahead of us. This final battle between good and evil will be brought about by the reaction of the devil when he sees that my chosen ones are escaping from his lies and corruptions, and are moving into full harmony with me on every point in the great controversy between good and evil, truth and error. As a last resort he will try to force my people to abandon me in order to keep their comforts and conveniences, and eventually to spare their lives. The devil has always used persecution to attempt to force people to abandon their allegiance to me, and many are my followers who have capitulated under the the threat of the loss of life's comforts, or even of life itself. But millions who have truly loved and served me have given up everything rather than lose their connection with me, and to these I bequeath eternal life in heaven where there will be only peace, joy, love, and safety from the threats and persecutions of the evil one. He will then be banished to a thousand years of suffering for his crimes against my people, and finally his extinction from existence. I do not look forward to the eternal death of anyone. But I will do what I must do - as I have always done - to secure the universe from experiencing the tragedy that sin would ever rise again. And that brings me to the topic for today. I am a God of love. But what is love? I have described the characteristics of love throughout the whole Bible, and especially in 1 Corinthians 13. I have demonstrated love in all my dealings with mankind since the inception of sin, and even in the way I have dealt with the rebellion of Lucifer in heaven, and the angels who fell with him. I have allowed the results of sin to play out in all its facets in full view of the whole universe as long as necessary to reveal everything that can be revealed, and answer every question that can be asked. I could have forcibly squelched the rebellion at any point along the way. But that would leave questions unanswered for eternity in the lives of all intelligent beings. And since true love always gives freedom of choice, all the evidence that is necessary to have full disclosure must be permitted. I want only followers who choose to follow me because they understand my character and are in full agreement with my law as the best possible way to live a life of purity, happiness and freedom, and to have the most supreme lives of productivity and joy, both here in this life and in the life to come. Those who rebel against my full disclosure of the principles of life and love and happiness are choosing death because they love the principles that bring death. In destroying them I am accepting their right to choose death. I have granted Satan and all his followers extended life to give them and the whole universe the opportunity to see the complete and full results of what they have chosen to believe and have set their lives by, and the principles which they have followed. But my goal will be reached when all will be disclosed and every being will fully see what happens when anyone chooses to disregard the principles which are encapsulated in my perfect law of love and freedom, and be securely convinced that obedience brings the greatest love, joy and freedom. Now the display is almost finished, and only one thing remains. That is the final perfection of my people who will voluntarily choose to be among the 144,000, and will live through the time when the plagues are poured out without mixture of mercy, and without my mediatorial work in the heavenly Sanctuary. This requires perfection of character and perfect agreement with me on every issue that has caused the problem of sin. You can see why this is necessary, can't you? If I cannot bring a people back to the original sinlessness - or perfect agreement with me on all issues and questions that Satan has raised, then he would attempt to proclaim victory over me and my laws and government. Don't you see the eternal issues that are involved in the complete perfecting of the final generation? The whole issue of the sin problem is about freedom of choice to believe or disbelieve in my character and the principles of my government. Sinlessness means to be in perfect agreement with me on everything. My people at the close of history must be in perfect agreement with me, or the great controversy is not over! If my people still have the roots of sin in their minds - even subconsciously - how and when can they be cleansed after I step out of the Most Holy Place and there is no more covering of my precious blood before my Father? Remember - sin is disagreement with me and my principles of life. If there are roots of sin hidden in the subconscious mind that have not been cleansed and blotted out, would they not spring back to life to bear fruit in the future life in heaven? Sin began in heaven, and I will not take back to heaven anything that would allow the same problem to arise again. As I have said in Matthew 15:13, 18-20: "Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by the roots....The things that come out of the mouth come from the heart, and these make a man 'unclean.' For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. These are what make a man unclean." Roots start in childhood when the person has not yet given their hearts and lives to me. These roots can be removed by my intercessory work now. If you cooperate with me, I will reveal them to you. And as you acknowledge them and repent of these wrong ways of thinking and acting, even back to childhood, I will forgive you freely and cover you with my blood, which represents the perfection of my own character, and blot out every vestige of sin from your mind and memories from my books of record in heaven, according to the prophecy of Isaiah 43:25, 26: "I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more. Review the past for me, let us argue the matter together; state the case for your innocence." As I am pleading for you before the Father, so I'm pleading with you to cooperate with the work of my final atonement for you, and be among those of whom it is said: "Then I looked, and there before me was the Lamb, standing on Mt. Zion, and with Him 144,000 who had His name and His Father's name written on their foreheads....These are those who did not defile themselves with women, for they kept themselves pure. They follow the Lamb wherever He goes. They were purchased from among men and offered as firstfruits to God and to the Lamb. No lie was found in their mouths; they are blameless." Rev. 14:1, 4, 5. The question remains: will you submit to my work of love for you and receive the complete cleansing from sin that I am offering to you? If so, you will be among the special group of cleansed ones who will stand before my throne and the throne of my Father without a veil between, representing the saved of all ages. And you will sing the song which no one else can sing because they have not experienced the final work of atonement, or "at-one-ment" with me while they were yet alive. You will represent the great work of the salvation of all my people throughout the ages, and you will be my chosen representatives before the universe, and be able to share what it was like to be cleansed completely in cooperation with me during my final work of atonement in the Most Holy Place. This is what I am calling you to do for me. Will you accept the call? I'm rejoicing that you already have; but you can be messengers to invite others to experience the same privilege while probation still lingers. And soon we will be in heaven together when all my true sheep have been gathered into the fold. Listen to my voice today and every day, for I am calling you to be among the 144,000 if you will respond to my love, for if you love me you will keep my commandments, for my commandments are the terms of my covenant of love with you that you will be my Bride throughout eternity. Will you accept the terms of my marriage vows and completely renounce all agreement with my enemy? If you do, your reward will be great for all eternity, and you and your children I will save. Lovingly, Jesus.
The Three Sections of the Sanctuary
Dearest Ones, I want to share some things today from my heart that will help you understand more fully the issues that we are facing in the area of my Most Holy Place work in the heavenly Sanctuary. You see, each part of the Sanctuary has something to do with the human mind, and the three areas that need to be brought into full harmony with me. As you already know, the court represents the behavioral section of our relationship. Some people think that correct behavior is all that I require in order to be ready for my coming kingdom. In fact, they live on the behavioral level in all their relationships. These people have been stunted in childhood by their relationship with their parents, who did not teach them the deep love and bonding that every person needs, but is not always available in every home situation. So they have no reserve to give back to me what they have never had. As long as such people have genuinely given all of themselves that they know how to do, I accept that as their best service, and they will be with me in heaven because they have given me their all, and I make up the difference by crediting my perfect righteousness to their account. Thus it has always been throughout the history of mankind since the fall in Eden. Salvation through behavioral obedience is represented by the court section of the earthly Sanctuary, and began with the altar at the gate of the Garden of Eden, facing the flaming swords of the angels who were protecting the place of their innocence and perfection before they fell. And no one will ever pass through that gate again who has not been restored back to the original perfection, purity, and innocence of Adam and Eve before they listened to the serpent and partook of the fruit from the forbidden tree of the knowledge of both good & evil. The next section of the Sanctuary is represented by the Holy Place. Notice the wording, "Holy" Place. As Ellen White has correctly penned, "Holiness is agreement with God." 5T 743. This denotes a higher level of obedience than behavior only. In behavioral obedience, the person has come into agreement with me on the veracity of the principles of the law as being best for the happiness and well-being of mankind, and if their obedience springs from a true heart of love and respect for me, I accept that as righteousness. But if it is only tacit obedience to earn or win my favor to avoid being lost, the motive is centered upon self and is not salvational, for there is no true heart agreement with me and my principles. In other words, they really never knew me or connected with me in a relationship of love, and their motives for serving me were purely from self-preservation. But Holy Place obedience involves your heart, and an emotional experience with me that includes your feelings, and a love relationship with me personally, that permits emotional bonding; it also includes hearing my voice and understanding my principles and my law from an attitude of love and mutual respect. At this level a person is capable of having such a deep and growing relationship with me that they would rather die than purposefully do anything that would break our relationship. However, that same person, when dealing with other people on a personal level, may display human emotions, attitudes, and behaviors which do not represent me and my loving ways of dealing with the faults, mistakes, and sins of fallen mankind. Impatience, angry words, and things that wound self and others, are behaviors that stem from childhood, and must also be overcome. They must be recognized as sin, and repented of daily in the continuing maturation of every Christian. That is why the first apartment of the Sanctuary was called The "Daily," because it represented the daily cleansing needed in the growing Christian experience, with the goal of becoming more and more healed and Christlike in thoughts, emotions, and behavior. But in order for the problem of sin to be ended, there must be a cleansing of the heart and life from the presence and power of sin completely. This is represented by the Most Holy Place. It is here that I have been ministering since 1844. The goal of my work is to make an end of sin and sinning as was prophesied that I would do in Daniel 9:24. That is why the blood of bulls and goats could not bring an end to sin because it was only behavioral obedience to the laws of the old covenant. [Heb. 9:11-15.] But I came with the blood of my perfect righteousness to apply to the altar of your heart. And when you agree with and accept my perfect sacrifice in the innermost temple of your heart, sin is done away with completely, and you live my life by the power of the Holy Spirit, and the records and memories of your sins are eradicated and blotted out, nevermore to come into mind. [Isa. 26:12-14.] This is the new covenant of my grace which I give you when you surrender your whole heart to me - your behavior, your thoughts and feelings, and the motivations behind your thoughts and feelings [1Chron. 28:9], which include the behaviors that spring from hereditary and cultivated sins that come from your childhood. These thoughts and behaviors cause you to do and think and feel and react from roots of sin which were set in you before you even possessed the intellectual ability to know me and give your heart to me. These you must examine with me as I walk through your memories with you and reveal them to you as you are able to understand. I don't cleanse and blot out anyone's sins without their agreement and permission. These are the terms of the new covenant. [Jer. 31:31-34; Heb. 8:8-12.] So what is the experience that you can have with me in the Most Holy Place? It is called Most Holy because it represents the conscience area of the brain, and contains all the motivational reasons behind what you think and do. These must be cleansed, because they come from the seeds of sinful thoughts, feelings, and urges that were sown by the evil one throughout your life, especially in the beginning, or childhood years. As Paul says: "For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears. When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me." 1 Cor. 13:9-11. You must step quickly, for the hour is late. Put all your powers of reasoning into action, and seek me for cleansing and regeneration on every level of your mind. I will not fail you nor forsake you until the process is complete. Then the devil will have no more access to you! [EW 271.] Your sins and mistakes will be blotted out forever from the records of your mind and the corresponding records of your life. Only my righteousness will appear there, and by the application of my blood and my righteousness, you will be a fit candidate for heaven. Will you accept my invitation today to walk with me and become a finished product of my sacrifice and my intercessory work for you? Come to me and be healed of all the damage the devil has done to you, and I will heal you completely and wipe away your tears and take away your fears, and banish the evil one forever from taking you down into darkness because of his accusations. I am looking forward to walking together with you today and every day until I come and take you home. Take my hand, now, and I will walk with you as I did with Enoch. Lovingly, Jesus. Addendum notes: "The truth is kept altogether too much in the outer court. Bring it into the inner temple of the soul, enthrone it in the heart, and let it control the life. The word of God should be studied and obeyed, then the heart will find rest and peace and joy, and the aspirations will tend heavenward; but when truth is kept apart from the life, in the outer court, the heart is not warmed with the glowing fire of God's goodness." 5 T 547.
The Seven Trumpets of Revelation
Dearest Ones, I have a special topic to discuss with you today. Many are wondering about the significance and meaning of the seven trumpets of Revelation 8, 9; 11:15. These deserve more study under the inspiration of the Spirit of God. The basic purpose of the trumpets is to alert the people of the world that the end of all things is approaching, and to announce the coming of the day of wrath and the close of probation. Each trumpet is another stage of the withdrawing of my Spirit, and the effect that this has upon society and the physical world itself. Mankind was created to dress the earth and keep it in the same condition that I created it in the beginning, plus improve upon its beauty and functionality to give happiness and usefulness to the needs of all living things upon the earth. After the fall of man this responsibility became more difficult because of the curse caused by sin, but there was still an abundance for everyone, and every need of man and earth's creatures were supplied. After the flood, the earth was greatly marred, but with additional effort and caretaking, life on earth could be maintained. There has always been a direct correlation between the abundance of sin in man, and the condition of the earth and its creatures. Without proper maintenance, anything will rot and decay and become useless. Sin has caused the undoing of my perfect creation that is described in Genesis when I first created the world in all is pristine beauty and gave it to Adam and Eve to dress and keep. But they failed in their calling, and you, their progeny, have not yet received the abundant inheritance that I had intended for you to have. There has been a breach for 6000 years because of sin, in which I have displayed before the universe the results which sin has caused to earth and its inhabitants. But all things are about to be restored to the first dominion, and I will recreate the earth and give it to my beloved ones who have faithfully followed me and have obeyed my precepts through all the ages of the delay that sin has caused. Therefore, the recreated world with all its beauty will be a wedding gift to my Bride where we can dwell together forever in happiness, peace and joy. The New Jerusalem will descend and be the capital of the universe, and I will sit upon the throne of David beside my Father, and we will rejoice to see the fruits of our labors to bring an end to sin and fill the newly created earth with the redeemed who are perfectly in agreement with the principles by which we run the universe. They will have our covenant of love written upon the tablets of their hearts. [2 Corinthians 3:3.] But what does this have to do with the seven trumpets of Revelation? First of all, trumpets in the Bible were made to announce something of vital importance to the hearers. Trumpets were blown to announce a change in the status of regular life. It could be imminent danger, a call to be alert for instructions, or to gather the people for a convocation before the Sanctuary, especially upon the Day of Atonement. In any case, they were sounded to alert the hearers that something of vital importance was about to take place. Remember the trumpets that were blown in the march around Jericho? Seven trumpets were blown for seven days, and on the seventh day they were blown seven times, and the walls of Jericho came down [Joshua 6:4, 5]. The correlation between that incident and the seven trumpets of Revelation is direct. Something of great importance is about to happen when seven trumpets are blown. This is indicated in Revelation 8:1-5. Study these verses, because they contain much meaning. They are announcing the events which God himself is revealing which will happen in the time of the opening of the seventh seal. God does nothing but that He reveals His secrets to his servants the prophets [Amos 3:7]. And can there be anything more important than the events that are to take place in the earth immediately preceding my coming in the clouds of heaven? This is the meaning and purpose of the seven trumpets. They are announcement of things that I will allow to transpire to awaken every soul to hear the messages of truth that my people will bring in preparation for the end of time, and especially for the close of probation. No further preparation can then be made, for my number will have been made up and sealed, for every soul will have already made their final decision for or against my law and my truth. The seventh trumpet, of course, is blown by me at my coming. It is a shout of victory and triumph over the devil, the beast, and his image. It is also a shout of joy that my people can hear to let them know that I am approaching the earth, and that the glad reunion is imminent. And it is a shout of the power of my own victory over death and the grave as I call the sleeping saints from their dusty beds to meet me in the air. Oh how I long for that day so soon to come! But first I must awaken the sleeping saints in the churches who are not listening to my trumpets which have been sounding since the fall of the New York towers in 2001. These trumpets are meant to be visible signs of the withdrawal of the Holy Spirit from the earth, and warnings of what will happen when the withdrawals are complete. I have permitted the historicist view to predominate until now because of the pattern it provides through the history of the fall of Rome, the rise of the papacy, and the Muslim domination of Europe during the Dark Ages. If these things had not been previously studied out and recognized, there would be no foundation of scholarship to support the present understanding of the trumpets now, for these follow the same pattern, with the exception of the sixth trumpet being the close of probation. The understanding of the imminence of the close of probation wasn't present truth then as it is now for the final generation who are facing this important deadline in history, and the end of life as you know it now. That is why the only light that I gave to Ellen White on the trumpets of Revelation was their purpose in warning people to get into the hiding place to be safe when the plagues fall. "The seven angels stood before God to receive their commission. To them was given seven trumpets. The Lord was going forth to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity and the earth was to disclose her blood and no more cover her slain." Maranatha, p. 284. "Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut the doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast. For, behold, the Lord cometh out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity: the earth also shall disclose her blood and no more cover her slain." Isa. 26 20, 21. "What are the chambers in which they are to hide? They are the protection of Christ and holy angels. 4 BC 1143. The seven trumpets are a progressive countdown to the seventh trumpet when I come. Each one displays a portion of what will occur at my coming. The number "one third" is symbolic of the proportion that is given to Satan to display the results of his rulership. The last trumpet is at my coming when I bring to an end Satan's kingdom and the reign of sin, and the beginning of the 1,000 years of his captivity and his judgment. During this time all his sins will come back upon him and be brought up in his memory, just as I am doing now for my people in preparation for their sins to be blotted out, nevermore to be remembered or brought to mind. But for Satan and his angels there will be no slain Lamb, and no scapegoat to take his sins and bear them away in the wilderness, because he is the scapegoat, and must bear the constant memory of all the sins he has committed and his crimes against the government of heaven. All the sins that he has caused the righteous to suffer will bring him exceeding suffering because he will know that in spite of his every attempt to destroy them, they will be in heaven out of his reach, enjoying the glories and pleasures of heaven that he once enjoyed, but forfeited through rebellion. His only relief will be his hope that when the New Jerusalem descends upon the Mount of Olives, which has become a great plain to receive it, he will have a chance to recover himself and march upon the city to take it. In anticipation of this event he will distract himself and his followers by planning the strategy they will use to take the city by force. When the time fully comes for his final confrontation between good and evil, I will arraign before me the vast forces of the evil hosts and each one will see arrayed before them every sin they have ever committed [GC 666], as has been judged by my saints during the thousand years. Then all will bow before me and acknowledge that their punishment is just. [Rom. 14:10-12.] For a moment Satan will concede that he has lost the great controversy between good and evil. But then his rage and determination will return, and he will lead his army forward to take the city. Then fire will come down from the throne and devour sin and sinners and the earth that has been defiled by sin, and the battle between light and darkness will come to an end. Perhaps you can now see that the seven trumpets are a vital part of my activities at the conclusion of the reign of sin. I must give every person on earth the light that is needed to make their final decision. Just as I have given the inhabitants of earth 6000 years to see the display of what Satan's kingdom and government does to bring eternal death and destruction, so now I am giving the final generation 6 trumpets to bring warnings of the close of probationary time. Each trumpet announces a portion of my judgments. Just as the historical trumpets brought about the fall of pagan Rome and the rise of the papacy, so the current trumpets are announcing the downfall of America, the lamb-like beast of Revelation 13 [vs.11, 12], who is now supporting the healing of the deadly wound [v.3] between Protestantism and Catholicism. All this is contained within the messages of the seven trumpets. But although these events are in full view of the whole world, my people are not seeing the implications for the awakening that the trumpets are supposed to bring. Trumpets of themselves cannot preach the last warning messages that people need to hear to make their final decisions for or against me. They must be preached by my people in order for me to bring the plan of salvation to a close. That is why you must use the different types of media to get the messages out to the people. Only then can it go around the world in the time limit that we have, for I will not lengthen the time which is indicated in the trumpets. To lengthen the time would mean that more people would be lost, for the harvest is now ripe and ready for the reaping. So listen to the trumpets sounding, and explain their meaning to the people. Each trumpet is an announcement of the progressive stages of the withdrawal of my Holy Spirit from the earth and its inhabitants, in preparation for the final withdrawal in the sixth trumpet, and my coming in the 7th. Study these things together, and I will help you understand their meaning. Ask me for anything and I will give it to you if you are listening to my Spirit's guidance, for it was He who wrote the Bible, and it is He who will interpret the inspired writings. You can never tire me by asking, for I delight to give you all the wisdom and strength you need to preach the last warning message to a world whose inhabitants are on the edge of eternity. Now go to the activities of your day, but continue to seek me earnestly for light and wisdom, and I will never disappoint you, for it is for my honor and glory that you ask. Share this message with everyone you meet as the Spirit directs, for it is a message of life to all who will receive it. And lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Lovingly, Jesus.
The Fear of the Lord
Dearest Ones, What a joy it is to commune with you this morning as you worship me in spirit and in truth. Your minds are becoming more tender and pliable as you continue to seek me and find me in greater measure and openness of heart. I will reward you with greater light as you move forward in the light you already have, which is shining upon you from the Father in response to your acceptance of my sacrifice for you, and your willingness to cooperate with me in my intercessory work in the blotting out of sin from your lives and correspondingly from the books of heaven. This is a progressive work, and enrages Satan against you, but fear not, for I am with you and I will finish the work in you that I have begun. Now the topic for today. It is the fear of the Lord. Study the meaning of this from Isaiah 11:1-4. This is referring, of course, to me as the Messiah, the rod or Branch that comes from the lineage of David. All the qualities of the Holy Spirit are referred to here as being bestowed upon me by my Father. But the one that is least understood is "the fear of the Lord," because the word fear immediately brings up thoughts and feelings from the carnal nature and experience of man, where fear is terror of punishment, trauma, rejection, or loss of some kind. As you can see, this cannot be the true meaning of this text, since I have received it from my Father through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. So I want to discuss with you the kind of fear that I want to give to you from me. First, godly fear springs from love. Yes, love! It means respect of your special blueprint, your feelings, desires, wishes and needs. The more you value a person, the more you love them, and want to protect their feelings from being hurt, and do everything you can to make them happy. That is how my Father and I feel about each other, and that is how we feel about you! In this case, fear of the Lord protects the rights, feelings, and personal identity of the person you value and love. It is fear of hurting them or being the cause of any harm coming to them, or seeing their reputation being marred. So can you see now how the fear of the Lord is positive instead of negative? I prefer the translation of Isaiah 11:3 from the NIV: "And he will delight in the fear of the Lord." In other words, my greatest desire and pleasure is to please and honor and glorify my Father and uphold his reputation. I delight to be in His presence and feel His love for me and His approval of me. So this kind of fear is supreme love that would rather die than bring ill repute upon the object of your love. And that is how I feel about you! I chose to die on the cross of Calvary rather than to allow you to be a helpless captive of the enemy of your souls. You cannot completely fathom the depths of my love, but you can receive it and reflect it to others around you. That means that you, too, will fear ruining the reputation of others by criticism of them verbally, or even in your heart. Criticism is the fruit of the evil one and comes from him. Godly fear promotes love and respect and carefulness to protect them, their feelings, and their reputation and their well-being and happiness. This kind of fear is the by-product and result of unselfish love. So please don't ever confuse godly fear with the fear so common in fallen humanity, which is self-focused and originates from Satan, and comes from fear of punishment or loss of status or personal safety. Godly fear is outward focused upon others and is a respect and desire to protect their physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional well-being and happiness. So lift your eyes up to me today and receive the love that I have for you. I gave my life to set you free from the fear of death which holds the people of the world in slavery. I will set you free from the fear of punishment and death because I took your punishment and your death on the cross of Calvary. Will you accept my love for you just now and be forever freed from the fear that is the result of sin? My arms are open wide to receive you unto myself and heal the wounds that Satan has made in your life. I will set you free from earthly fear so that you can live forever in heaven where there is complete freedom to have the value that I have placed upon you, and to love and be loved throughout eternity. Lovingly, Jesus.
Harmony of Spirit
Dearest Ones, I am so happy today to see your dedication to me and your untiring efforts to spread the messages of Latter Rain truth around the world. Without this dedication the truth would languish; but as you go forward at the unction of my Spirit, I will vastly multiply your efforts through the methods I have provided to speed the light which is now shining from the second apartment of the heavenly Sanctuary that will ripen the grain and bring my people into harmony and perfect agreement with me on every issue. Now for the topic of today. It is harmony of spirit. Rebellion started in heaven when Lucifer, the highest covering cherub and leader of the angelic host, stepped out of harmony with the laws and principles of the government of heaven, and determined in his mind and heart to set up his own kingdom based upon freedom from law and order, and being able to follow the dictates of one's own mind and conscience. That experiment, so glibly entered upon, has brought untold grief upon the family in heaven and upon earth, and even the demons themselves. Such a venture, which they set about to do in following the leader whose reasonings they trusted, has destroyed the blueprint with which I originally created them, and reduced them to miserable beings with imbecilic minds whose only goals center around destruction and greed and self-centered ambition to win the battle against my laws, my kingdom, and my people. There is no harmony between them except for the accomplishment of these goals. But in reality, it is my government that gives freedom from the slavery of sin, and joy and happiness and oneness of spirit in all who love my law and my precepts of life, because these principles guard and guide the lives of all who accept and agree with them and allow them to be written on the tablets of their hearts. There can be no tacit, outward agreement to the law, without a heart of agreement with me that produces holiness of life, for the law is an expression of my character, and it is my Covenant of Love with you that binds us together, so that the fruits of your life spring from an inward commitment and agreement with me in every area of your life. Let's take the example of food. Every day you must make the choice of when, what, and how much you will eat. Most people do not even consider that I need to be involved in these choices. I have your best interest in my heart and I know everything that is going on in your body constantly through the monitoring of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. I also know what is going to happen to you that day, how much energy you will need, and what vitamins and minerals you will need to give you proper support for your life. I know the germs you will come in contact with, and how to see you safely and healthily through the day. Do you see how, even in your food and health habits, you need to be in living connection, harmony, and submission to my Spirit in order to be in the best condition and quality of performance? I will never force your will, but I will guide and counsel you if you are in tune with my Spirit. This will simplify your daily task of maintaining your best level of health. Observe the results of Satan's premise that everyone should be allowed to choose for themselves without any interference from me or my laws of life. You can certainly do what you want to do, and I will not stop you; but this is like sowing to the wind and reaping the whirlwind. Being out of harmony with me, your Creator and sustainer, is similar to making the decision to commit suicide. On the contrary, living by my laws of life through the power of the indwelling Spirit of life, brings physical health and happiness. Now consider the mental emotional, spiritual, and social side of your nature. There are laws for these things too. I will guide and direct and teach you in all these areas as well so that you may be well-balanced and happy and productive in all areas of your life. If you will listen carefully to my guiding Spirit each moment of the day, you will be safe from the wiles of the devil, for although you cannot see him lurking around you, he is hoping to pounce upon you at your weakest moment. But my angels are right there to guide and protect you and provide for your safety and well-being. Then in your spiritual well-being, I will guide your Bible study to just the right texts and give you insights for the day to warm your heart and instruct you and give you guidance and joy and hope directly from me. If you listen to my instructions for you throughout the day, I will give you wisdom and efficiency so that you can fulfill all of your duties for that day. This is how my Father guided me in my life on earth, and this is how I will guide you if you will connect with me and allow the still small voice of my Spirit to direct you. This is also how Enoch walked with me, and this is how everyone who is translated will walk with me, even until you walk through the portals of the gates of heaven. Now go to the activities of your day, but don't forget to keep the door of your heart open to my counsel, for to be in harmony with me is to be in harmony with the original blueprint plan for your life, and it will bring you the greatest joy, happiness, and success, and true freedom to be all that I created you to be! Lovingly, Jesus.
Dearest Ones, I am in the courts of glory today administering before my Father in behalf of my people, for the battle is becoming more fierce as the devil is more enraged because he knows that his time is short, and that his opportunity to work his deceptions upon the people will not be extended. His main target is the little band of my followers around the world as he sees them preparing for the last great battle between good and evil, and coming into the pavilion of my protection in the Most Holy Place in preparation for the close of probation and the pouring out of the plagues. Satan's company is all astir as they prepare for the last battle. But I and my angelic forces are also preparing for the last confrontation, and now I have my beloved ones by my side, ready to go through the end together. What a day of rejoicing that will be when the war between good and evil is over, and the victory is won! In the meantime, I want unbroken communion between earth and heaven to instruct and guide and guard my people. Now for the subject of today. It is "struggle." It is natural to desire peace and tranquility every day, and nothing to disturb the smooth surface of your life. That you will certainly have in heaven. But it is a battle and a march every day from here to the peaceful shores of eternity in heaven with me when the evil one and his followers will be no more. But you must learn to stay within the shelter of my presence to find the peace that you desire, for I am your shelter and protection from the storm and the rain that the devil stirs up in your lives. Remember to stay in my Sanctuary through the pattern I have given you - praise, confession, the promises of Scripture, the infilling of the Spirit, and walking with me and the angels that I send to aid and assist you, and help you join with us in ministry for others. This is the sure path way that you can walk every day and be safe under the shadow of my wings where no harm can befall you, and nothing can take you out of my hands. But what is the struggle that I'm referring to this morning? It is the struggle that it takes to leave behind the pull of the world, the flesh, and the devil's constant temptations to take you out of my hands. I want to warn you of his diversions and tactics to distract you, hurt or harm you in some way, or take you into discouragement so that you will take your eyes off of me and my love and care for you. I want you to be triumphant over the devil and the temptations of this world. And you can only do that when you are vitally connected with me, for in your own power you can do nothing to secure the gift of eternal life. But with me, all things are possible. This connection with me involves a struggle everyday - not because I am unwilling, but because of the carnal nature, and the cares of life that press upon you. What is the essence of the struggle? It is to keep your eyes focused upon me and your ears tuned to my Spirit. It is to look upward and not downward at the devil's distractions. It is to stay in praise, faith, and trust. It is to live by the Spirit and not the lusts and responses of the fleshly nature. It is to hear my voice speaking to you in the Word, the impressions of the Spirit, and the providential leadings that I send to you. It is to react to the people around you as I would react to them. It is to be outward focused to bless others rather than inward focused to want others to meet all your needs in order for you to be happy. As long as life shall last in this world, you must be willing to make the struggle for eternal life if you want to reach the golden shores at last. But I want you to realize that if you open your hearts to me, I will walk every mile with you and carry the heaviest part of the load for you, and we can enjoy a heavenly relationship of love, joy and peace even now. That is what I offer you today and every day until I come. I am looking forward to our journey together. There is so much I have to reveal to you if your heart is open to my still, small voice. There will be no strangers in heaven! By that I mean that no one will be there who has not walked and talked with me on earth. Even today I have some things to reveal to you if you are listening. Remember that I said to my disciples, when I come, will I find faith on the earth? That is because it takes faith to have a personal relationship with me, because you can't see me and you can't hear my voice audibly. It has to be a faith relationship with me in the Spirit as you train your ears to hear my voice and commune with me. But if you do this, your reward will be great in heaven, because we will then be together in person, and continue our walk together for eternity. Don't you long for that day? I do! So in the meantime, put forth every effort to know my voice in your heart and respond to my love and guidance, and by faith you will triumph over the world, the flesh, and the devil, just as I did when I was on earth. And I will give you the victory that I won for you on the cross of Calvary. Now go to the activities of your day, but always keep me in your heart so that your day will be bright with my presence. You will find that my yoke is easy and my burden is light as we walk together to the kingdom. Lovingly, Jesus.
Dearest Ones, I am with you today as you go forward in spreading the gospel of my soon coming around the world. As I have told you before, I have ways and means to speed the good news forward so that the world will be warned in the time allotted. You are my messengers and my chosen watchmen on the walls of Zion, and through your efforts it will be as the five loaves and two fishes that fed thousands. Now for the message of today. The subject is prayer. I have not spoken to you about this topic before because all of you are mighty in prayer and reach the throne of heaven every day to connect with me and hear my voice and eagerly submit to my counsel and leadership in your lives. This is why the work is going forward so rapidly, each one in the position to which I have called you and anointed you with my Spirit. It is a joy to work with you and see your willingness to move forward in faith at my command. Now I have some words of heavenly wisdom to make your prayer life more effective. In your next Friday evening meeting, make prayer a topic of consideration, and get a prayer box to use for specific urgent prayers for the ministry and others as things come to you for your immediate attention. Do not use it for generalities and personal prayer list items that belong in your private devotions. When you do this, it loses its power and focus. But pray together as did the disciples in the upper room and the men and women who were leaders in the 1844 movement. Pray with faith and fervency and expectancy, and your prayers will be answered if you are not asking amiss, but are seeking for ways and wisdom for the work to move forward. Do not keep people on the prayer list for long periods of time. Move on to the most compelling and urgent needs. I do not forget any prayers that have been prayed. Even when people die, I still have their prayers before me, and I continue to work to answer them if it is for my will and my name's honor and glory and the furtherance of my cause on earth. When you are praying I will send my Spirit and my angels to inspire you with fervor, faith and power, and sometimes I will pour out my Spirit in abundance upon you. This is to encourage and strengthen you and give you surety of my approval of your request and that I'm about to answer your prayers. This is how my servants in heaven and upon earth are connected with each other and work together to further my cause to finish the great controversy. I love to hear your praises, your confessions, and your petitions. So keep your needs and your thoughts and feelings before me, for you cannot tire me or weary me, for my heart is tuned to the hearts of my people, and I look forward to our walk together each day. Open up your hearts to me constantly and make every breath a prayer of communication through the Holy Spirit who dwells in you and guides and sustains you every moment of the day. Remember that I can give you new insights and flashes of wisdom and guidance all throughout the day if you keep the lines of communication open and are listening eagerly for my counsel. "Blessed is the man who listens to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway. For whoever finds me finds life and receives favor from the Lord." Prov. 8:33-35. This is the privilege that I extend to every child of mine. This is how to walk with me moment by moment. This is why Paul says to pray without ceasing. [1 Thess. 5:17.] It doesn't mean to be on your knees all the time. It means to keep the lines of communication with me open all the time for my guidance, instruction, and insights. I will give you wisdom and efficiency beyond your own abilities, to meet the challenges of each day. It is my joy and pleasure to do this for you. Just call upon me and I will answer you. [Ps. 50:15.] Persevere in prayer, not because I am loathe to answer you, but because the intensity of your yearning desire opens your heart to the movings of the Holy Spirit and prepares the pathway for my gracious answers. Now go to the activities of the day, but remember to keep the channel of communication open between us, and I will bring you light and peace and joy and guidance sufficient for your day's needs, pressed down and running over [Luke 6:38], for as always, I am just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.
Dearest Ones, Today I want to commend you for going beyond the call of duty to excel in character development, and for pushing forward in the judgment and cleansing process in every area that I bring to your attention. At the same time you are keeping up with your daily duties and responsibilities in the strength that I give you each day. You are workers that need not to be ashamed when the Master calls for an accounting of your labors, and you will certainly receive your reward. Now for the topic of today. I want to discuss the subject of generosity with you. Do you recall the parable of the workers in the vineyard [Matt. 20:1-16]? The master of the vineyard was thought to be unfair because he gave to everyone the same wages at the end of the day. But this is the way I deal with the workers in my vineyard! Those who accept my salvation receive all that I have to give. The fruits of the Spirit are available to anyone who accepts me as their Savior and lets me live in their heart. Each one who does this receives love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance, and all the other aspects of character that can satisfy the deepest needs of your soul. I am no respecter of persons, and I do not give less to some and more to others. All are invited to come and partake freely of my bounties. Then why do some who claim my name seem to have more of these attributes than others? It is simply that some drink more deeply from the fountain of my love for them than do others. As the parable said, I am generous. But the amount you receive will be in direct proportion to the amount of time you spend with me, and the amount of self you lay aside and make room for the working of my Spirit in your life. In the parable, the 11th hour workers received the same pay because they manifested the same ardor, devotion, and self-sacrifice that I expected from the first hour workers. But notice that the first workers were jealous and complaining about my generosity of giving to everyone alike. This act was a test for them, and showed the selfishness of their hearts and their motivation to earn their wages, rather than to please the master. So it will be in the last generation. Many who are lost will come to me and say, "Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles? Then I will tell them plainly, I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!" Matt. 7:22, 23. The point of this is that it is not works that please me. It is works that are done in love for me and others that please me. Yes, demons can be cast out by the power of my name because demons fear and tremble when my name is used against them. But they will come back with greater force and power when the person is unaware and least expecting it because they have not kept up a relationship with me, and therefore lack the infilling of the Holy Spirit to prevent their reentry. [Matt. 12:43-45.] Casting out demons is no assurance of salvation or spiritual purity and oneness with me. In the end of time Satan will work with deceptive power to do miracles which are designed to capture the minds of people and confuse them as to who has the truth and the signet of heaven's approval. Do not be tempted or deceived by the manifestation of power to do miracles, even among persons from your own denomination. "To the law and to the testimony, if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them." Isa. 8:20. But what does fruit bearing and miracles have to do with the subject of generosity? It is because of my love for you that I want to give you every good gift that will meet your needs physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and socially. Because you are living in a sinful world where iniquity and suffering abounds, it is not possible for you to receive the perfection of all good things here and now. But when you are wedded to me and have an ongoing personal relationship with me, I will give you everything you need to accomplish my work and experience all that it is possible for you to have here. Then why do some people seem to receive more bountifully from me than others? "You have not because you ask not." James. 4:3. "If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples." John 15:7, 8. Fruit bearing is the result of the life of a Christian who is truly connected to me. If you are vitally connected to me you cannot help but bear fruit. But beware! People can appear to bear fruit and do good deeds from selfish motives, for they are looking for the reward of blessings and eternal life as a payment for their works. In other words, anticipation of the reward is their chief motivation. But true generosity comes from the influence of the Holy Spirit in you, and the outflowing of the fruits of the Spirit through you to others. The first hour workers should have been blessed and happy that my generosity gave the same pay to the 11th hour workers as they themselves had received! So it is now that the work on earth is closing up, and many will come to the light that you have received concerning the judgment, the blotting out of sin, the sealing, and the latter rain. Rejoice with me that people around the globe are responding to the call of my Spirit and are coming to join the ranks and make the preparation that is needed to give the loud cry. Your reward is that you have had many years to walk with me and know me. And your reward will also be the joy of seeing the bountiful harvest of souls that your hard labors have made possible. So open up your hearts and see the multitudes that are gathering from all nations who love me as much as you do, and want to be a part of the 11th hour workers who help to give the loud cry around the world. Their coming precedes my triumphant return to earth to welcome my loved ones home. Great will be your reward in heaven for your devotion and generosity in opening up your arms of love to receive my chosen ones from all nations who will also go through the closing events and receive the reward of eternal life together with you! I will reward you as co-partners with me in the final harvest of the earth. Now go to the activities of your day, but let me flow my generosity and love through you to everyone you meet and associate with each day. Your reward will be the happiness and joy you spread to all around you, and the satisfaction of knowing that you are co-workers with me. And the cup of happiness that you give to others will return back to you, pressed down and running over, for gifts that are shared are gifts that are multiplied. Lovingly, Jesus.
Dearest Ones, You are a joy to me as I see your faithfulness to the tasks that I give you each day, and your love and devotion to me. The work is progressing around the world as both my leaders and my people are coming into line as they see the day of my coming approaching. The sleeping saints who have gone before you would rejoice with exceeding joy to know that their captivity is coming to an end and that soon we will all be in heaven together. Keep up the good work that you have begun, for my angels are beside you to guide and protect you, and the Holy Spirit is with you to be your Comforter and Counselor. Now for the topic of the day. It is fellowship. When I created mankind, I put in them a desire for fellowshipping with others of like kind. No two people are exactly alike, and no one is an island unto himself. Only my Father and I are equals and can converse with each other on any topic with equal knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. But even in our relationship we have a need for fellowship with each other, because love cannot exist alone, and the interplay of thoughts from one to another sparks other thoughts that flow between the two. All of nature is on this pattern of interaction between two that produces activity and life. So anyone who withdraws within himself breaks down the very essence of life and joy and productivity and robs himself of continual growth and development. In the human family I have divided the number of temperaments into 12, represented by the 12 tribes of Israel. "When the Most High gave the nations their inheritance, when he divided all mankind, he set up boundaries for the peoples according to the number of the sons of Israel. For the Lord's portion is his people, Jacob his allotted inheritance." Deut. 32:8, 9. While these varieties of temperaments come from the mistake of Jacob in having two wives and two concubines, which is not my plan for families, I still overruled for my eternal purposes. In the seed of every man is the potential for producing these 12 temperaments, for this pattern for mankind came from me. In Jacob's family I had control over which child would be born and which temperament would be passed on through the seeds of Jacob, for he would be the progenitor of the nation of Israel, my chosen people from the seed of Abraham. Therefore, since Abraham was a symbol of all people from all races who would eventually become the Israel of God, his progeny must not only represent all the Israelites through his natural lineage, but also all the saved of all nations until the end of time. That is why I promised him that his seed would be as the sands of the sea, the dust of the earth and the stars in the sky. [Gen. 13:16; 15:5; 22:17.] This is also represented by the great multitude that no man can number [Rev. 7:9-17], because it represents the saved of all ages from all the tribes of Israel, both literal and spiritual. Therefore, the 144,000, who are the representatives of the saved of all ages from the last generation, must represent everyone from every tribe of Israel throughout history who has, like Jacob, struggled with God and overcome. [Genesis 32:28.] It is a great honor in heaven to be among the 144,000, because each one among that number will have overcome the root of all sin which is self-preservation, just as I struggled to the point of death in the Garden of Gethsemane and on the cross for you. Those who will not struggle with the sin in their lives to the point of victory will not be among the 144,000. I can have no fellowship with you if you do not follow in my footsteps and struggle to the point of death with me to overcome the sins that so easily beset you from the world, the flesh, and the devil. In all your struggles I will be right there beside you, because I trod the way first, and overcame the desire to escape from death, in order to provide the pathway of victory for you. If you are fellowshipping with me through this experience, I will help you to come to the place where you would rather die than sin. Only those who are willing to die to self and every sin in their lives, will walk with me through the end and be alive through the time of trouble after the close of probation when there will be no intercessor to stand in for you should there be any remnants of sin which you had not overcome. The saved of all ages are accounted as overcomers also, because they surrendered everything in their lives that they knew would separate them from me - even to the point of martyrdom. But all the light had not been revealed to them that you have now, and they were not held responsible for what they did not know. Nevertheless, my perfect righteousness still covered them and was placed upon their records, for they were accounted as righteous as a result of their complete surrender in every area of their lives that had been revealed to them. But now there is no more light to shine upon this generation, for their sins of rebellion and blasphemy have come up before me and must be dealt with, for it is Satan himself who is raising himself against me and is planning to obliterate my truth and my people. The earth and its people are now at the same point of rebellion that existed when I cast Satan and his followers out of heaven. When I say there is no more light to be revealed, I mean that all the light that is necessary for every soul on earth to make their final decision is now available for everyone. But in the camp of my saints who love me and keep my commandments, there will be continuing light shining for them that will rejoice their hearts until the end of time and throughout eternity. [Prov. 4:18.] That is why fellowshipping with the saints who are journeying to the kingdom is so vital. Each person among the 12 tribes of overcomers has a unique testimony to give, and precious light that I have revealed to them that is to be shared with others of like faith. Because of the different temperaments and different gifts of each person from every tribe, I can give insights that can be shared with all believers which will add to their store of knowledge. So it was with the disciples after Pentecost. No two were alike, and they often gathered to fellowship and share the light that they were receiving from me. And because they were together and sharing the light I had given them, I could send down showers of more light and understanding that would benefit everyone. So it must be with you in the time of the latter rain. Ask for rain in the time of the latter rain and see if I will not send you bright showers of light to gladden your hearts and bring forth ripened grain in the field of your labors for me every day. [See Zech. 10:1.] Now go to your duties and activities, but do not forget to fellowship with me as you go through your day, for I have interesting thoughts and insights to give you if you remain open to my Spirit. And remember that I am doing the same thing for all your brothers and sisters, and you will benefit by sharing these insights with each other at appropriate times as I shall guide you. Especially upon the Sabbath hours I will give you a double portion of light as you fellowship and study together. This is the purpose of the Sabbath hours which I have given you each week. They are designed to give you the opportunity to bring new light that you have garnered from me during the week and share it with each other on Sabbath. Sadly, I cannot do the same for those who worship on Sunday, for they have ignored me and worked upon my Sabbath, then come to me for blessings on a day that I have commanded them to work. Nevertheless, I do have many true sheep that are yet in the other churches, and I will guide you to rescue these and call them out of Babylon, which accurately means confusion. As you fellowship with people of different faiths, let it not be to absorb their spirit, but to bring enlightenment to their minds of my soon coming, and how to prepare to be ready. The harvest of the earth is ripe for reaping, and you, my dearly beloved ones, are the reapers who will participate with the angels who are sent forth to guide and inspire you in your labors for me. Isn’t it a joy to fellowship with these emissaries from heaven every day? Open your heart to hear their words of admonition, counsel, and encouragement, and you will be enriched as you realize that you are not alone, but that you are a part of the fellowship of heaven. Lovingly, Jesus.
Dearest Ones, Today I want to talk to you about regeneration. From the time that Adam and Eve sinned, there has been a need for the regeneration of the human family back into the original purpose for its creation. Generative or generate means to produce something that is capable of reproducing after its own kind. If Adam and Eve had been true to me, they would have produced holy children who would grow up knowing and loving me, with the ability to produce children after their own kind as well. The earth would have been filled with godliness, and when, after a period of test and trial, everyone was fully prepared and perfected in wisdom and holiness, they would have taken the place of the angels who fell. You see, when I created the angels, sin and disagreement with my character and my law did not exist. Such thoughts as Lucifer began to feel and meditate upon had never come into the mind of anyone. So because of his defection, the angels and the whole existing universe were tested. But because I do not create anything randomly, the specific and unique blueprints of the angels who fell must be replaced in order for my kingdom to be complete.* [See Addendum.] Every flower that grows, every blade of grass, every tiny insect that floats in a sunbeam has a specific purpose in my creation. Nothing is random or expendable. All are a part of the wisdom of God. So when Lucifer defected and took a third of the angels with him, there was suffering and sorrow among the remaining angels that you cannot comprehend. Tasks and responsibilities had to be redistributed. There was a time of grieving when tears flowed freely. All of heaven suffered from the gaping wound that was left behind by the defectors. But after a period of time, the Father and I explained to the loyal angels our plan of redemption. We told them of the beautiful new world that we would create, and the human race which, after a period of test and trial, would replace the angels who fell. Tears turned to joy and anticipation that they would be able to participate in this recovery plan, and that someday the universe would be clean again from the blight of sin. It has been a long, arduous journey for all of heaven, because in order for perfect agreement and perfect holiness to be restored once more, the plan of salvation had to include my life as a human being on earth, my sacrificial death on Calvary, my resurrection, and then the mediatorial work which I am now doing in the heavenly Sanctuary. Now the long journey is almost over! Can you imagine the excitement and joy of the angels as they see you striving with all your heart to learn and grow in holiness as you respond to their efforts to point your eyes upward to the straight and narrow way that Ellen White saw in vision, high above the earth, and the little band of my chosen ones who are traveling to the holy city? [EW 14.]You have not let the bright light of truth that was given to the pioneers in 1844 go out, but have kept it burning brightly to cheer you on in the rugged pathway upward. You are the reward of my sacrifice and the centuries of service that has been tirelessly given by the loyal angels. If your eyes could be opened, you would see angels ascending and descending constantly to give encouragement, light, and hope to each of you. They see your tears and your devotion and your determination to succeed in reaching the goal of finishing the work in the last generation, both in your hearts and in the earth. They are your helpers and protectors, and they love you more than you can know. They are looking forward to bearing you upward to meet me at my coming. They are looking forward to the wedding supper of the Lamb where they will serve you and honor you for your participation in the great plan of salvation. And I will also gird myself and serve you [Lu. 12:37], for you are my beloved Bride who has made yourself ready and is clothed with the white robe of my righteousness. [Rev. 19:6-9.] Now I want to come back to the subject of regeneration. The beautiful scene that I just pictured for you is made possible by the regeneration of my people on earth who have chosen to love and serve me. Sin and sinning is your natural inheritance at conception, and unless you accept me and learn to love me and let me change your heart in the new birth experience, you cannot be a part of my kingdom of love and light; for by nature you belong to the kingdom of darkness, and your inheritance from the fall of Adam makes you a servant of the evil one who won the victory over Adam and Eve in the garden. Therefore all of their progeny has come under the curse of sin and the power of the devil, as has been shown throughout the 6000 years allotted for the display of the results of sin, and heaven's plan for the recovery from sin. Nevertheless, I have always provided a way out for those who choose to accept me as the Lamb slain in their behalf, and live a life of recovery through the regeneration of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Can you now see where I am going with this topic? All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Therefore all have become fatally infected with the roots of sin, both inherited and cultivated. But the moment you accept me as your Savior and the Lord of your life, you have the regenerative power of my life lived out in you, and you are no longer a child of the devil, possessing his characteristics and thought patterns, but you are a child of the King of Kings and the blood flowing from Calvary is flowing in your veins as your inheritance. Then why does the Christian life sometimes seem so hard? It is because many Christians try to straddle the fence and have some of both the flesh and the Spirit. If you continue to yield to the lusts of the flesh and feed the carnal nature by partaking of the sights and sounds and tastes of the world around you, and tolerating in your daily life the temptations of your original father, the devil and all of the wares he puts before you, your relationship with me will be compromised. But if, when you are under temptation, you turn to me immediately for my help, I will connect you with me and your new life of regeneration in holiness and agreement with me, your new Father. You see, I will never force you to stop sinning. My kingdom is based solely on love and free choice, for love and obedience cannot be forced, or it ceases to be love. You cannot force yourself to do right, for force is not a part of my kingdom, but is of the kingdom of the devil. If you are a child of mine, you must voluntarily connect with me and my love for you and allow the power of my love and my perfect life to flow from me into your heart, and then my victory becomes your victory. This is the regeneration that I offer you - my genes, my life, my perfect obedience is my continuing gift to you every moment of every day if you will choose to connect with me instead of connecting with the thoughts and feelings of your old life, whatever it may contain. You can never overcome by focusing upon the thoughts and feelings you inherited and cultivated from your earthly parents. When you are born again, it means that you have accepted me as your heavenly parent, and my perfect life is now your new inheritance. It may take time for you to know how to partake of this new life all the time, but the privilege of doing so is what I constantly hold out to you. Won't you accept being my child now and leave off the lure and appeal and habits of your old life? I can change you in a moment, but you cannot change yourself in a lifetime of effort without a constant relationship with me. This is what regenerative means - it is a restoration back to the original purpose for the creation of this earth before the fall of Adam and Eve. After they sinned they could only produce children after their own kind with the seeds of sin in their natures. But I not only took their place and died for them to restore their salvation, but also to take their responsibility of producing a godly, perfect race through the regenerative power of my perfect life which is free to all who accept salvation through my sacrifice. Then the purpose for the creation of this world will be accomplished through the second Adam [1 Cor. 15:45-49.] - the head of a race of people who will take the place of the angels who fell, and serve around my throne and help me to protect the universe from sin ever rising again, for all the questions about my character and my law of love will have been answered. Now go to the activities of your day, but let the sunshine of my love for you eclipse anything that the devil might throw in your pathway to dishearten or discourage you. He doesn't want anyone to take his place and prove his accusations against me to be wrong. But look to me and I will sustain and protect you from every dart of the enemy. Just keep remembering that you are a child of the King and a member of the royal family of heaven, and nothing that the devil does can change that as long as you keep your connection with me, for my spiritual inheritance is now yours throughout eternity, for you have been regenerated by the blood of the Lamb! Lovingly, Jesus. *Addendum: “God created man for his glory. It was his purpose to repopulate heaven with the human race, when after a period of test and trial, they had proved to be loyal to Him. Adam was to be tested to see whether he would be obedient. Had he stood the test, his thoughts would have been as the thoughts of God, his character would have been molded after the similitude of the Divine character." ST 5-29-01. "The vacancies made in heaven by the fall of Satan and his angels will be filled by the redeemed of the Lord." 7 BC 949. "Jesus came to our world to dispute the authority of Satan. He came to restore in man the defaced image of God, to raise him, to elevate him, fit him for companionship with the angels of heaven, to take the position in the courts of God which Satan forfeited through rebellion." R&H 5-08-1894.
Dearest Ones, Happy Sabbath from the Father and from me and all the angels in heaven who are singing today around the throne of glory. We are one with you as you join with us in worship today. My subject today is kindness. In your activities with others, difficulties and differences may arise that can irritate and drive a wedge between you and another person. It is natural to want agreement and oneness of spirit in your associations with other people. This is where the fruits of the Spirit must come into play. Each person has a unique personality and background; therefore each person looks at the same thing through different eyes and from different experiences. One person may have passed through experiences that make him/her timid and fearful and cause them to withdraw from challenges with other people. Another person may have a personality that causes them to attack and overcome every obstacle or challenge. All these characteristics need to be brought under the influence of the Holy Spirit and cleansed of earthliness and replaced with the love, patience, and graces of the Spirit. In the meantime, while these graces are being cleansed from earthliness, each of you need to seek me for love and mercy for your associates, for in doing this you will be developing the attributes that will make you citizens of the heavenly kingdom. It is my desire that when you are faced with disagreeable characteristics in another person that you connect with me through the Holy Spirit and prayer, and ask me to open your eyes to see how I would treat that person and feel about them if I were in your place. If a person is rough and irritating, seek me for guidance about how to meet their needs so that I can flow through you to heal them. All negative characteristics come from a lack of proper love and home training in childhood, combined with inherited and cultivated traits of character that come from the fallen nature of man and the influence of the evil one upon them. As you come into contact with these things, just remember that love can hide a multitude of sins and make a pathway in the heart of the person through which I can melt their heart and give them hope and healing. So in your interactions with people today and every day, dart a prayer to heaven when you feel challenged by the behavior of someone, and ask me to give you my love for them and to see them through my eyes, for I know their whole history and background, and if your heart is open to me, I can give you just the proper thing to say and the loving way to respond to them so that my Spirit can bring healing to both you and them. Then Satan's desire to bring conflict or hard feelings between you will be thwarted, and peace and harmony restored. Do you realize how much healing this plan could bring about in all your relationships? Healing of lives, hearts, and emotions stunted from childhood could begin to grow and mature and flower out because of the sunshine of my love flowing through you! How I long to have people that I can use to be healing agents for broken, hurting people! So join me today and every day in being conduits of my love and grace. Your reward for being my undershepherds will far outweigh the effort you put forth to help your brothers and sisters along the way to the heavenly city. Now go to the activities of your day, but keep your hearts and minds open to the Holy Spirit to guide you in all your relationships. Thus you will become like unto me, who came to earth to be a servant of servants, and as you bow in service for others you will be elevated in the eyes of your Father in heaven, for He will see my image reflected in you! Lovingly, Jesus.
The Abomination of Desolation
Dearest Ones, The outpouring of the latter rain is increasing in power and scope as you open up your hearts to receive it from heaven through your connection with me. I am pleased to be able to share as much light with you as you are able to receive, understand, and share. Now for the topic of today. It is the abomination of desolation. [Dan. 12:11; Matt. 24:15.] This is a term that is used to describe the work of the devil through the papal power. It means that when the lies and teachings of the Catholic church are accepted and believed, the mind is so diverted from truth that the Sanctuary of the heart is left desolate, and my work of connecting with my people on earth through the ministration in the Holy and Most Holy places is cut off, for the minds of the people are focused upon the false teachings and ministry of the Catholic priests who think they are directing the people to salvation, when in reality they are connecting them with the devil's counterfeit. You see, the devil is not a creator of anything except lies and evil, so he tries to counterfeit what I do in the true Sanctuary in Heaven, and use the symbols and rituals of the Old Testament Sanctuary to connect the minds of the people with himself, because he has observed that the purpose of the symbols in my Sanctuary are to connect people with me. But these counterfeit symbols lead to death instead of life. In Catholic churches there are symbols and relics that depict me as though I am still dead on the cross. There may be statues or pictures of people who are also dead, such as Mary and other supposed saints who are to be revered. Even the wine is fermented, which also symbolizes death, for it is in the process of decomposition. The wafer, which is supposedly transformed by the blessing of the priest into pieces of my body, also has to be dead, because you cannot eat the flesh of a living person's body. Then the rosary is a way of methodically praying and hoping to receive blessings from those who are already dead. Another deception of the evil one is his claim to live in, and have jurisdiction over, the people who have died and supposedly gone to purgatory or hell, a place of everlasting burning, when actually they are also dead. So perhaps this helps you to see more about the master deceiver whose kingdom leads only to eternal death. That is why I have used the words "abomination of desolation" in the Bible to describe this power. Desolation means to destroy, make empty, ruin for further use. This is why the devil will be punished for a thousand years at the end of the world in the place of death that he has caused. Death itself is an abomination to me because I am life and I create and sustain life, and I want nothing to do with death, for it is a stranger to me. But I also have been subjected to the tragic results of sin, not only through the destruction of my created works, but also by becoming subject to death myself in order to finally destroy death and bring back a perfect universe where death will never rise again. In the meantime, I have allowed the great controversy to go on until everyone has had a chance to clearly see the results of the destruction of life and goodness that Satan has caused in rebelling against my government and my laws, and claiming that they are not in the best interest of my created beings, and that he has a better way of life for all. Observe, oh earth - observe, oh universe and dwellers in heavenly places - have I not now given enough time and evidence to prove that the claims of the evil one are false and lead only to literal and eternal death? Even when people are physically alive, their spirits die under the weight of the taskmaster they have chosen. So will you now expect me to extend probation a little longer when I have already decided that sin has reached its zenith and that there is nothing more to be gained, but only lost, by extending probationary time? No, my beloved ones, it would not be love that would extend time at this point in history, it would be weakness on my part, and a lack of love for my people who are suffering around the world, and are crying out to me, "How long, oh Lord, how long before you bring to a close the probationary time given to the devil and his followers?" I will now arise and take back my kingdom of life and love and justice from the usurper. I have my number made up among those who are alive in this generation, and I will not back down on my promise to come and get you and take you home to be with me forever. You cannot comprehend the depth of my love for you, and how much I desire for you to be with me. So now my message to you is this: Get ready, get ready, get ready, for I am coming soon and my reward is with me to give to every man severally as his works shall be. Then preach it to the house tops and let it be known around the world that the harvest of the earth is ripe and I am preparing to put in my sickle and reap. Fear not to give this message, for souls will be lost if you refrain from doing all you can to keep in step with my Spirit's call to the world. Angels are now waiting to speak through your voices, to help get the message out. Thank you for listening to me today. I am not meaning to sound harsh, but I am just letting my beloved ones know the intensity of my desire to come and receive you unto myself, that where I am there you may be also. My message to you today is one of the ardor of a loving husband that wants to come and get his bride. So don't become weary or discouraged or distracted from the goal ahead. I am about to arise and shake terribly the earth [Isa. 2:19] and its inhabitants, but not until I have all my beloved ones safe under the shadow of my wings. Hide yourselves for a little while until the indignation be over past. [Isa. 26:20, 21.] Unfortunately I will come as a thief in the night to most people, even to professed Christians who really don't know me or keep the laws of my covenant of love. But to those who love me and keep my commandments from a heart of love, I am coming with healing in my wings. Look up and lift up your heads, for your redemption draws nigh! Lovingly, Jesus.
Dearest Ones, I love you with an everlasting love, and my heart is full of determination to finish the work that I have begun. When I won the victory over Satan on the cross, I trod the winepress alone. [Isa. 63:3, 5.] At that time I looked and there was no one by my side to help me. All of my disciples had deserted me except my beloved friend John, to whom I committed the care of my mother before I died. And just as he was faithful to me at my crucifixion, so I saved him from a martyr's death at the end of his days, although all the other disciples died as martyrs. I also committed to him the visions of the great sweep of time as is recorded in the book of Revelation, for his mind was the most open to my teachings, my character, and my mission. Everything that is contained in the stages of my ministry for my people in the Heavenly Sanctuary is recorded in the book of Revelation. It is prefigured in Daniel, and revealed, finished and sealed in Revelation. But it is purposefully written in code language, because it is only for those who know me as John did, and can hear my voice and have a deep love relationship with me. To these I open my heart and share the secrets and light that only those who listen to my voice can comprehend. The topic for today is "reward." All throughout my teachings in both the Old and New Testaments, I have tried to show the cause and effect of cherished sin, or character defects that could, and should have been overcome if the persons maintained a faith relationship with me. All sins come from pride, self-sufficiency, self-protection, and allowing oneself to disconnect from me. Without me you can do nothing. [John 15:5.] All rulers who have failed have done so because of pride. David, Solomon, Nebuchadnezzar, and Belshazzar are examples, and even Satan himself and his followers who fell from their high positions did so because of pride and self-sufficiency. There is always a continuing need for faith, humility, and a consistent trust in me that is necessary to persevere to the end. Many who begin well fall away because of a lack of perseverance. Behind all these things is a lack of faith in me and my principles. Why persevere in the journey to Heaven if you don't believe in my Word and trust in my faithfulness? Satan will tempt you to think that after all your faith and efforts there will be no reward at the end, but only disappointed hopes and shame. Don't listen to him, or it will cause you to be discouraged and fall away. Faith isn't faith unless it leads you to persevere until the victory is won. This is the essence of righteousness by faith. Many are becoming weary in the pursuit of righteousness, and because of their failures, they are accepting the theory that faith means believing that my righteousness covers their unrighteousness, and thus it will ever have to be until I come in the clouds of Heaven and change their characters in the areas that they have not overcome. This is not faith at all, but presumption. Faith moves forward in the battle against sin and Satan and by faith and connection with me the victory is won. No half-hearted followers will win the prize of eternal life, for when I come, my reward will be with me. This means that the effort to seize the victory will have already been accomplished, and the reward of eternal life will be in recognition that you are safe to save because you have taken hold of me by faith while you were on earth while probationary time was yet open. Thus you received the victory - the seal of the full and complete indwelling of the Holy Spirit - before my ministry in the Most Holy Place ended. Righteousness by faith means receiving my victory over sin by a constant faith relationship with me. It is not faith that believes that I will cover known sins that you have not overcome and have decided to live with because you don't know how to stop failing whenever circumstances push you beyond your ability to keep up your guard against temptation. Faith continues to seek me until the victory is won! For those who go to sleep before I come, I will judge according to my knowledge and understanding of their comprehension of the plan of salvation, and the sincerity of their love for me. But for those who live through the end, there cannot be anything less than perfect love, perfect faith, and trust, and perfect obedience. Why is the standard so high? It is because they must be in complete and total agreement with me on everything in order to be cleansed, sealed, and empowered by the Holy Spirit and protected after the close of probation when I have finished my atoning work in the Most Holy Place and shut the door of mercy. I have talked to you about these matters before, but there are still many in my church who have completely accepted the Protestant version of righteousness by faith which teaches that the salvation process will not be finished until I perfect their characters at my coming. Not many realize that every sin must be cleansed from the life before the close of probation, which is prior to my coming. This issue needs to be made very clear in order to wake up my people to realize the seriousness of the few remaining days in which to prepare to be like Daniel, of whom no sin is recorded. He was rewarded by living through the fall of Babylon and serving into the reign of the next kingdom. You see, there are rewards for being faithful to the end, for this qualifies you to receive all the blessings of those who persevere and are faithful to the end of any task, calling, or journey. And you, my beloved ones, are called to persevere to the end, to gain the victory over every sin, to run the race all the way to the finish line, and to display what the plan of salvation can do to save sinners completely from the power and presence of sin in their lives. If I were unable to demonstrate this to the watching universe after 6,000 years of the great controversy, I would lose the confidence and faith of the unfallen beings in my government, which has been Satan's plan from the beginning. So can you see how vital it is to understand these issues right now at the close of history? My government is based upon freedom to choose from experience and an enlightened mind. From the beginning of the great controversy I have seen that I would have a victorious Remnant at the end of time who would transcend over every lie and every temptation of the devil, and keep my commandments through a faith relationship with me. [Rev. 12:17.] I now have that Remnant in you, my beloved ones, who are willing to persevere to the end. So your reward will be commensurate with your faith - You will live to see me come if you keep your faith strong by a continual connection with me. So if tempests roar and mountains fall into the sea and islands disappear, and the waters are turned to blood, yet will I not forsake you, for you have kept my Covenant of Love and nothing can destroy you because you are safe under the shadow of my wings until the storm is over, and I will take you home to eternal peace. That is your reward for never letting go of my hand! Lovingly Jesus.
Peace in the Midst of the Storm
Dearest Ones, Today my mind and heart are set on the deliverance of my people from this world of sin. When you are one in heart, mind, and purpose with me, there is no more reason for you to be held captive in a foreign land, for heaven is your home. I have set myself for your deliverance and I will not turn back. Look around you and see the disintegration of society and see the signs of your deliverance! Look around you and see the wars and rumors of wars, and the upheavals of nature. These are all because I am withdrawing my Spirit and allowing the evil one to demonstrate what the results of his kingdom and power brings about. He cannot hold anything together, and everything he does produces death and destruction and disintegration. All these things that I am allowing are messages of my love to anyone who will listen and respond to my call to prepare for my coming, for the time draws near. Now the topic for today. It is "peace in the midst of the storm." I would be seriously remiss if I did not provide a safe haven for you where you can abide and be safe in the days ahead, just as Noah and his family were saved in the ark. However, this time it is a spiritual ark that no human eyes can see. It is the Most Holy Place where the ark containing my law is enshrined, not in a box made by human hands, but enshrined in the heart of every person who permits me to cleanse them from every sin and fill the void with my love. For my law is the expression of my love and protection for all my children who want to dwell under the shadow of my wings until the storm passes by. Now I hope you can see what it means to be cleansed from every sin before probation closes. It means that you and I have such a constant close relationship that I can reveal to you what is on my heart when I see where Satan still has access to you through your mind and emotions. Anything where Satan would have control over you because you are in agreement with him on some point always comes under the heading of selfishness and self-protection. So how can you be under my protection when you are still trying to protect yourself in some manner? You can't have it both ways. Either I am your protector or you are your protector. When you are trying to be your own protector, I don't leave you, because if I did, Satan would love to snuff out your life, because you belong to me and have accepted me as your Lord and Savior. But I do allow you to experience some amount of cause and effect so that you can see and learn how dangerous it is to try to be your own protector, for without my constant guardianship over you, you are in danger of Satan's sudden attacks when you fall into temptation and your guard is down. Satan is a ravening wolf looking for any way to get into your heart to gain permission to harm or destroy you as he did with the old prophet who listened to the advice of the false prophet with whom he stayed overnight on his journey home. [1Kings 13.] This tragedy was a result of direct disobedience to a clear command of God and is not in the same category as the sins that you are struggling to overcome and are in agreement with me in the conscious mind, but have not yet been cleansed in the subconscious root level. The blood of my covenant of love with you stands in place of your sins of ignorance and the sins you hate but have not had victory over as yet. But sins of rebellion against my direct commands and consciously walking in direct opposition to what you know to be truth is a dangerous thing to do, especially at this time in history. There may not be immediate retribution, but if this course is continued, it will surely lead to disaster and loss of eternal life. I have described this to you because this is the condition of most people in the world today. I certainly have my people all over the world who love and serve me faithfully, and these will receive their heavenly reward. But many have already closed their minds to the wooing of my Spirit. This is especially true of those who are soon to be faced with the Sunday law movement. This will be the deciding factor in the lives of many people in this final generation. Those who are tolerating sin in their lives now will be unprepared to stand firm on the issue of a clear and direct command from me concerning the Sabbath as my day of worship. This is the final battle between good and evil, and for those who put off their preparation until that time, it will be too late to build a character that will stand under that kind of pressure. Like the old Prophet, they will listen to the voices of the false spiritual leaders, and will capitulate to the common demand. Nominal Sabbath keepers will change their day of worship as the overwhelming pressure grows upon everyone. Only my cleansed ones will stand unflinchingly in face of loss or even possible death. Then it will be seen who are my true followers, and who are those who have only been giving lip service when the stakes for obedience were not high. Then it will be that the storm will break upon my chosen and faithful ones. But their spirits will already be hidden under the shadow of my wings, and their sins will have been forgiven and blotted out. Then they will cry out and I will answer them, for they are one with me and no powers of hell can hurt them. They will be safe until the storm passes by. Don't you want to be among the ones who will be protected in the bosom of my love? I am calling on those who hear my voice to come now while the door of salvation is still open. You will never be sorry that you have listened to my voice and have followed me into the ark of safety - the Most Holy Place where you will be hidden away from the tempter's power. Some of my people will be laid away, but you, my beloved ones who know and love and obey me, will walk with me through the time of trouble which is just ahead, and you will stand on Mount Zion with me when I make up my jewels for the kingdom. Will you respond and come to me today? You need never fear that Satan can snatch you out of my hand, for my arms will be about you and you will be protected from all harm or danger, for you will be among my sealed ones who go with me through the end. And because of the peace that I give you, you will have my peace through every storm that Satan may stir up against you. Will you accept my invitation to be among my beloved ones? If you do, you will soon be with me on the peaceful shores of heaven, for I am coming soon! Lovingly, Jesus.
Dearest Ones, Today I want to convey to you the scope of the work that I have commissioned to all my dedicated workers around the world who are hearing my call in their hearts to prepare a people for my coming. You do not need to worry about how to reach every soul on earth, for that is my responsibility. But the target of your calling is to reach the hearts of those who are seeing the signs of my coming and longing for further light, truth, and guidance in order to be prepared. Let it be your goal every day to do this work for me! Actually, you are cooperating with the angels whom I have sent out into the earth to find the honest souls who are hearing the sound of my trumpet calls and are searching for light. You may think that your numbers are small, but I can actually use smaller numbers who are dedicated wholly to doing my will and focusing upon the task at hand, and are listening to my instructions. Take for example Gideon's 300 men. They had one goal in mind and that was to accomplish the task that I had given them. I can use a small number of fully dedicated people more than multitudes of half-hearted workers who are just there to receive their wages. Others respond to my call out of duty, and some for the excitement. But all these will fall away in the heat of battle. So my topic today is "dedication." It will take dedication to the purpose for which you are called to survive in the days ahead. I want no half-hearted soldiers in my army, for they would tend to discourage those around them and bring down the morale by their influence. In a war, it takes focus of purpose, intelligence of mind, and devotion to the cause. We are now entering into the final stage of the war against God's government that Satan started in heaven. The battle between good and evil forces, as recorded in Revelation 12, will be repeated as I lead forth my warriors to finish the final battle against the evil one and his followers. Both my angelic host and my faithful ones on earth will join together to win the victory. As you know, this is not a physical battle, although war will rage on earth until the end. It is a battle between good and evil, wickedness and righteousness, truth and error. With my faithful ones by my side, the final victorious triumph will be accomplished. You see, the whole purpose of the great controversy is to reveal the fallacy of Satan's accusations that my government and my laws restrict freedom, and that my character is punitive and controlling when anyone disagrees with me. I have given 6000 years to show my true character, allowing for freedom of choice and revealing the eternal love I have for every person by paying the price for their sins, and granting salvation to all who understand my principles and freely choose to follow and obey me because they are in perfect agreement with the principles of my government. These are those who are safe to save, and will be rewarded with eternal life in heaven, wherein dwells righteousness and peace, love and joy. But it takes complete dedication to reach this point of maturity and spiritual growth. As long as the world and society give a certain amount of security and the rewards and comforts of life, many choose to accept this level of living, and do not aspire to reach the heights of the mountain top that I hold open to anyone who catches the vision of success that is possible through obedience and relationship with me. This calling for spiritual greatness is for those who are willing to forsake the lowlands of human existence, and choose to climb to the mountaintop of experience with me that I gave to Moses. He was my friend, as was Enoch, Abraham, John and Paul, and all other great men and women of history who persevered past the veil of mediocrity into the very presence of God and obtained a Most Holy Place experience with me. How I long to have your friendship and loving fellowship, for I made the human race for that very purpose. As I walked and talked with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden before they sinned, so now is the time for that Edenic experience to be restored in my people. This is the experience of the last generation - the 144,000 in whom is no guile, no lies of the evil one, no disagreement with me on any level or any point of truth. This cannot be attained by human effort. The topmost heights of the sacred mountain [Isa. 14:13] can only be reached by walking with me daily, moment by moment, as did Enoch and Elijah, and all who have completely dedicated their lives to me through the ages. You cannot scale the heights of Mount Zion by yourself. But if you daily walk with me side by side as friends, I will guide you, imperceptibly to yourself, up the steep slopes to victory over sin in your lives and every discrepancy between your heart and mine, and we will reach the mountaintop together, step by step until all evidences of your years under the control of the lies of Satan and his power over you will be cleansed away and forgotten as a result of our journey together and the love and trust between us. Not only do you need to learn to love and trust completely in me, but you must also be able to share my love with others, for love is the very essence of heaven. In order to be a fit candidate for heaven, I must be able to trust that all your love for sin has been washed away in my blood and that we will forever be in perfect agreement on all issues so that your presence in heaven will not endanger the possibility of sin ever rising again. Do you see now why it takes total dedication to reach this level of intimacy and trust to be among those who will live with me forever? Sin shall not rise again, for all doubt about my character will have been removed during your relationship with me while on earth. There will be no character change after the close of probation, which is so soon to come. Therefore I am appealing to you now to lay aside every hindrance that so easily besets you and grow up into fit citizens of heaven while you are still upon earth. I am looking forward to walking together with you today. Will you take my hand just now? You will see how many burdens I shall carry for you, how many fears I will calm for you, how many tears I will wipe away, how many victories over the enemy I will win for you, and how many battles I will fight for you. That is how you learn to trust me. There is no other way! Just take my hand and walk with me today and you will have fullness of joy! Lovingly, Jesus.
Dearest Ones, You are in my mind this morning concerning the heaviness of the duties and responsibilities that I have put upon you, and I am so pleased at how you bear your burdens with eagerness to serve me and joy at co-partnering with me in the sealing work that is now in progress. I have given you light and understanding commensurate with the times in which you are living and the light that has to get out to the people before I can close probationary time and focus entirely on the last events of earth's history. But the light of truth must shine brightly so that all may enter into the ark of safety if they choose to do so. In answer to your prayers and the prayers of my people all around the world, I am about to open up the windows of heaven and pour out special light and blessings that are commensurate with the holy calling that I have given you, because you have accepted my call and your highest desire is to get out the message of how to prepare for my soon coming. Therefore, the topic for today is "rejoice!" There has never been a time when truth could get across the world as quickly as it can now. I have opened up the windows of heaven and shared with men the secrets of communication that is a part of the communication system of heaven. This is the only way light can get around the globe to every person at the same time. Without this ability, the knowledge that is needed to be ready for my coming would never happen in the short space of time that we now have. Of course I have anticipated this and provided a way for it. It is for my honor and glory that the light of the Three Angels messages will be spread around the world in the shortest possible period of time. In order for this to happen, I am bringing about the trumpets to awaken people to feel the urgency and seriousness of the times, and be alert and watching to see what it all means. Thus when they hear the announcement of the nearness of my coming, they will be much more open to truth if they are honest in heart. Of course, the wicked will continue to be wicked, and even more so as fear of the things that are happening in the world grips their hearts. This condition will bring about a polarization of the inhabitants of earth, and prepare the way for every person to make their final decisions for good or evil. Thus the whole world will be prepared for the final battle between good and evil, truth and lies, my kingdom against Satan's kingdom. It is the battle of Armageddon - the same battle that was fought in heaven between Satan and his forces who stormed against me to take my throne. And so it will be again when he attempts to destroy my people on earth who have followed me and stood staunchly for my truth and would rather die than yield one inch to the lies and attacks of the evil one. It is also the same battle that will be fought again at the end of the thousand years when he and his followers will march upon the Holy City in one last attempt to take it from me and my beloved chosen ones, my Bride, to whom I have given the right to enter into the city and live there forever without fear of harm. Revelation 22 14 and 15. So rejoice and be glad [Rev. 12; Ps. 97:1], for your accuser has been cast down to the pit [Isa. 14:15] and nevermore shall he bring disaster or sadness into your lives, for his destruction will be eternal, and even the memory of him will pass away. And my beloved ones will live peacefully in the new earth that I shall create for them, and every Sabbath and every month they will come up to Zion to worship and rejoice before me as the years of eternity roll on. And never shall there be any more pain or sorrow or crying, for my kingdom of love will have triumphed over the kingdom of darkness, and my beloved ones will be with me forever, nevermore to part throughout eternity. I am looking forward with yearning to the end of the great controversy, but my heart is made glad to have you with me now and through the days ahead until I come to take you home with me. Lovingly, Jesus.
Dearest Ones, I am so grateful and pleased with your open devotion to me and the cause we all hold so dear - the spreading of the good news of my soon coming. People around the world are awakening to the trumpet sounds of wars and rumors of wars, volcanic eruptions and earthquakes, strange trumpet sounds in the sky, fires and weather patterns out of control, and the increasing unrest in society. If you could see as I do, your heart would be sickened at the violence in homes, the drug abuse, unnatural sexual addictions, and so forth. I am not trying to burden you with these things, but just to give you a small eye view of what I see around the earth, in vivid contrast to the joy it gives me to visit my true people who love and serve me, and especially on the Sabbath hours. You may think I have no suffering about these things because I am always in the presence of my Father, and around the throne the angelic choir is singing rapturous songs of praise. But my Father and I often weep when we see the desperate condition of the world and its inhabitants, and there are so many people that we cannot help because they have no love or desire for righteousness or holiness of character. That is why I consistently tell you what joy we receive when we have your fellowship and love and dedication to our common goals of finishing the great controversy and cleansing the world and the universe of sin and all who love evil. So the topic for today is "cleansing." In order to be cleansed, something has to be soiled and imperfect. The goal of cleansing is restoration to the original perfect condition of mind, spirit, soul and body. If you have an automobile, it is in pristine condition when it comes from the factory. Its appearance is bright and shiny, all the moving parts work perfectly, and it is a joy to its owner. But when with use it becomes tarnished, imperfections begin to multiply, and eventually breakdowns will occur. This is an example of what has happened to mankind. I made your first parents beautiful and perfect in the beginning. If they had always obeyed my instructions, they and their progeny would have remained in perfect happiness and freedom throughout eternity. But they chose another master, or owner, we could say, who did not care for them or their children, but only wanted to use them for his own evil purposes, and to take the fine qualities with which I created them, to degrade and destroy them, and then blame me for the results which he caused. My only recourse was to come as the second Adam and redeem fallen humanity from the condition into which they had plunged, and restore them back to the original perfect condition which I gave them in the beginning. I came to restore and heal body, mind and character to be even more beautiful and useful than in the beginning, because now all my chosen ones will have a greater comprehension of my character and the principles of my kingdom than could have been possible had not sin entered the universe through Satan, and unveiled the contrast between good and evil, holiness and rebellion. It was not my purpose for this to be so, but it is the risk of creating intelligent beings with a free will to think and choose. And now that sin and rebellion have taken place, the goal of my Father and I is cleansing and restoration. Therefore, I want to make more clear what cleansing means. In order to need cleansing, something must have been lost from the original perfection of mind, soul, and body which I gave mankind at the time of their creation. The basic key to understand the need for cleansing is "disagreement." Things that man creates have no will or choice. But beings that I create in my image and likeness have free will choice. Before sin entered there were no examples of what the results would be to disagree with me. That is why Satan and the disloyal angels were so bold in their rebellion. They could not comprehend what the consequences would be, although my Father and I strove with them and tried to help them see what would happen if they disobeyed. But you know the rest of the story of their experiment into rebellion. Now the whole universe is cured forever of rebellion and sin, not because of fear of a punitive reaction against it from my Father and me, as Satan claimed would happen, but because all can now see the demonstration of the consequences of disobedience to the perfect law of liberty, love, and eternal joy and happiness that constitute the foundation of my government. Now that this has been perfectly displayed, complete cleansing and restoration to the original beauty and perfection of the character of mankind can be restored, and thus sin and disharmony will be eradicated forever from the universe. Do you want to know the secret of cleansing? It is coming back into perfect agreement with me in every area of your life. Think about the experiences with sin and sinning that you personally have had. Did breaking my law and departing from my precepts bring you love, joy, and happiness? Or has it contributed to your pain, suffering, and brokenness? I am here to help you back to perfection of character. I have the healing you need to be completely restored. I will never force you or take away your free will to choose. But if you want sincerely to be restored, I will walk you through your memories to the places in your life where you listened to the temptations of the evil one and got off the path of obedience and purity. If you repent of these things that I reveal to you, I will wash away your guilt and give you my perfect character in place of your failures. And I will blot them out of my book and deliver you from the memories and the continuing presence and influence of the demons whose voices you listened to when you departed from my will for you. I will forgive all your sins and heal all your diseases. [Ps. 103:3.] And I will restore you completely from the damage that Satan has done to you, and prepare you to live in my presence forever. Do you want to experience this cleansing process with me? I am eager and waiting to experience this with you, for I have a remedy for all your ills, and happiness for all your sorrows. Come to me now and I will be to you a friend that never fails or forsakes you, and I will arise for you with healing in my wings! [Mal. 4:2.] Lovingly, Jesus.
Dearest Ones, I am rejoicing today to have another Sabbath to spend with my beloved ones around the world. So many are now opening up their hearts and looking to me with longing desire for my coming. The condition of the world and society is crying out and groaning under the weight of sin. This is the perfect climate for my gospel to go quickly as fire in the stubble. So lift up your heads with confidence and holy joy that your work for me will reach the hearts of those who are longing for salvation. Now for the topic of today. It is "germination." When a seed is sown in the soil, within each seed is the power to reproduce after its own kind. It needs just the right condition for life to spring up and begin to sprout and grow into the plant that I created it to be. So it is with human beings. Every person has a specific and special purpose in my eternal plan. I have spoken to you about this before, because unless you realize the sacredness of each life including your own, you will not realize the infinite value of every soul. I would have given my life for just one soul, for I cannot separate myself from the connection I have with my creation, for it is a part of me. Virtue went out from me when I created each living thing that I have made. That virtue and life flows out from the Father and me together as we create. We do nothing on our own, for we are One. And when we create life and living beings, they are a part of our life. So to ignore the needs all of the things that we have created would be to ignore our own needs to give and sustain life and be involved in everything we create. Only the free will choice of a person can cut off the life-giving flow of energy that comes from us to them. And even then we bear long with sinners until there is no hope of their recovery. Now I want to return to the subject of germination. A seed can lie dormant for years, apparently lifeless to the visible eye. But when it is placed in the proper environment with soil, moisture, and sunlight, the seed will come to life, sprout, and grow just as it was created to do. So it is with people. Many seem to be dead in trespasses and sins, and their condition hopeless to the observation of those around them. Satan has hedged them in with circumstances so that they cannot perceive the light of the love I have for them and the special plan that I have for their lives. But if they have just the right environment of a loving, Spirit-filled person to touch their lives with love and hope and grace, they can sprout and grow into the person I created them to be. When I was upon the earth, that is exactly the work that I did for the people as I walked among men. Even as a child I brought the love and caring and nurturing atmosphere of heaven, and hearts who were susceptible responded as living water brings life and beauty to dry ground. Of course, Satan is always on hand to resist the light and keep his captives in darkness. But if they will cry out even in their hearts for something better than they have, I will break the bonds that Satan has put upon them and set them free. Would you have chosen my twelve disciples to be the ones that were the foundation upon which I would build my church and give the power to take the message of my love and grace around the world in one generation? But they responded to my love and came and followed me and became the founders of the Christian church. And so it can be with you. You may think that your ability to do anything important is very small. Satan may tempt you to be discouraged because of your weaknesses and failures. But I want to encourage you to go forward today and every day with courage and faith, trusting in me to germinate the seeds that you sow in your daily life for others. If you give out the love that I have given you to sow, hearts that are hungry and thirsty for love will respond to you, for love is the soil that is necessary to germinate the dormant seeds in broken and discouraged people everywhere. It produces hope, and when hope springs forth, the light of truth and the pathway to salvation can shine into the hearts of people who otherwise have no hope. So today on this Sabbath day, open your hearts to the eternal love that I have for you and the connection to my heart that I desire to give you every moment of every day, and then share this light and love with other souls who are struggling for help and have nearly given up hope. In this way, you will become the conduit through which I can pour out my germinating power, for you will have provided the soil of love which softens their hearts so that they can connect with me, and receive life and courage to break free from the bonds that have held them. Thus you will be my co-workers in reaching people that otherwise have no hope of eternal life. Will you enter into a covenant with me today to bring my truth and light to the people around you so that I will have many souls in the kingdom of heaven because of you? In so doing you will be my disciples and you, too, will reign with me when the numbers of my kingdom are made up! Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are no greater than the weakest saint who is a conduit of my love to others. So rejoice with me today that the harvest is ripe and my reapers are at my side. Soon the harvest will be finished and heaven will begin. Rest and rejoice in my loving presence with you today and every day until I come! Lovingly, Jesus.
Probationary Time
Dearest Ones, I love you with an everlasting love today, and today is the beginning of eternity. Do you know what everlasting means? It is the very foundation of life for those who believe in me, for when I create life, it is meant to be eternal, for I am life and I am eternal. So when I bequeath life, I am giving eternal life that never comes to an end. But because I give freedom of choice to everyone, each person or celestial being has the power to choose death. I will do everything I can to preserve the life that I have given, but I will not take away the freedom to choose to rebel against my principles that are the foundation of eternal life, and thereby to choose death. In the probationary time allotted for each person, I will also provide the evidence they need to make a final decision for or against my principles. I have covenanted to continue life as long as there is a desire in the person to know me and respond to my love. But when the person chooses to rebel, and there are no more avenues to their heart, their probation is closed forever without hope of recovery. So today I want to discuss with you the topic of probationary time. Come and listen to me, and I will share with you the secret of eternal life and eternal death. When I create a living being, I give them the ability to think and reason from cause to effect. Even a young child can quickly learn this by experience. Therefore, I strive through my Holy Spirit to reach the hearts of every man, woman, and child to hear my voice and respond to my teachings to learn cause and effect and choose life. For those who respond positively to my Spirit, I fan the flame of life and throw around them influences and circumstances that will lead them to search for me and find me and know my love and my ways, which are the ways of life. But for those who rebel against my Spirit, even from childhood, the light of the Spirit goes out, for they have chosen darkness instead of light. [Ps. 58:3-5.] Eventually by their own choices the devil takes full control of them. So you can see how the early years are so important, because this is where the choices and decisions are formed that are the basic foundation for the person's future life. This present generation is exceedingly wicked and rapidly filling up the cup of iniquity because of the major impact of the media upon the children from birth. The collective ideas of society are impacted upon the tender, open consciences of the children so early that their power to reason and think original thoughts are almost ruined. I say almost, because I have reserved a place for myself to speak through the developing conscience, since I am responsible for allowing the media for my own purposes of spreading the gospel around the world in the shortest period of time. By nature in any generation, the law of heredity and environment passes on the sins of the fathers to the children in the third and fourth generation. [Ex. 34:7.] The ripening of the harvest is greatly accelerated now, because of the influence of the media. But the use of the media for my purposes is also greatly accelerated so that the harvest of the earth can take place quickly. Because of this I can now bring to an end the progress of evil vs. good, and reap the harvest of both the wheat and the tares, and by persecution separate out my chosen ones from the tares. Woe to those professing Christians, even from my own church, who want to cling to the world and at the same time be among the number who will be saved. In other words, if you and your children are allowing yourselves to enjoy the exhibitions and sounds of the culture and opinions and feelings of the world around you and mix that with your daily thoughts and times of worship with me, you will be among the five foolish virgins who expected to be saved, but were unready to meet me and go into the banquet feast at the marriage of the Lamb. I beg you, I plead with you, to stay clear of the worldliness around you. Let your heart and your home be a haven for yourself and your children and people who are a part of your lives. Let your time be spent in getting closer to me and doing whatever is necessary to shut out the sins that are enveloping the world in darkness, in preparation for the loss of their lives, both physically and eternally. Now is the time to decide for or against me! Do not linger and look longingly at the worldly things that so easily capture your thoughts and attention. It is better to turn your face to Zion and leave the lusts of the world behind. Remember Lot's wife! Even though I took her by the hand and led her out of Sodom, her heart still remained in Sodom, and she chose death instead of life. So you, too, must make a decision for life or death. Will you forsake anything that causes you to compromise with evil? Will you choose to connect with me 100% of the time so that I can constantly flow eternal life to you through my indwelling Spirit? It was the Spirit who gave you life from the beginning, and it is the Spirit that will cleanse you of all connection with the lies of the devil who brings death. I am waiting with arms outstretched to give you eternal life, eternal love, eternal joy and happiness. Will you heed my call and accept my gift to you? And then will you pass this message on to others so that they, too, can accept life before the door of mercy closes forever? When probationary time closes, I want you to have your family and friends and loved ones with you to give you joy throughout eternity. I will help you win them to me if you let me guide you, for I love them, too, with an everlasting love, and I want them to be in my kingdom. So I am counting on you to help me reach their hearts, since the attractions of the world are stealing their attention so often when I want to speak to them. If you are willing, I will set up opportunities for you to speak to them about heavenly things. Do not be harsh or overbearing with them, but by kindness and love speak the truth in ways that will soften their hearts and get their attention. Pray to me and I will help you. Lean upon my wisdom and the opportunities that I provide for you to share, and you will have many souls in the kingdom that without your loving care would have been lost. Thank you for being my willing servants and co-workers! I am counting on you to be my hands that reach out to others, and my voice of truth spoken in love that will break the fascination of evil that Satan puts upon them. Now go with hope and courage into the harvest field today, for the grain is ready to be picked. And in so doing you will be facilitating your own reception of my eternal life flowing through you! Lovingly, Jesus.
Time Management
Dearest Ones, As time marches on toward my coming, I see that my people are coming into harmony with me in every area of their lives. There is harmony and obedience in appetite, relationships with others, daily battles with self, and all the other facets of life that I am bringing to your attention. But there is yet one area that I want to talk to you about today, and that is the area of using the golden moments of time at the unction of my Spirit. Please do not feel that I am displeased with you, for you are so intent on keeping in step with me in every way that I do not want to bring a shadow of any kind in our relationship, or cause you any reason for discouragement, for you always seek the light of my face and desire with all your heart to please me and honor my name. My purpose in talking with you about the subject of time is to help you to be open to suggestions on time management. Time, like money and all other gifts of life, are from your heavenly Father to be used for your happiness and the happiness of those around you, and for the glory of God. If these moments are used wisely, you will be able to accomplish everything that is on the agenda for that day. Remember the passage from the Psalms that says, "Every day ordained for me was written in your book before one of them came to be." Ps. 139:13-16. You see, I have a perfect plan for you, and every day if you allow me to influence your mind and thoughts, I will work out that perfect plan. Even if you have made mistakes in your past life, I can and will reorganize your life to bring it back into harmony with the original blueprint plan I have for you. That is because I can see your future, and I have a knowledge of what will happen during your life, and I have planned from the beginning of your life how to bring you back into harmony with my original plan for you. I can make something out of nothing, and if you look to me and cooperate with me I will take your brokenness and the years you have spent wandering in the wilderness, and help you to march successfully to the original goal of victory over the evil one, and enter into the promised land of the original purpose and plan that I have for your life. This is where the topic of time management enters into the picture. Satan can have an endless list of things for you to do, even apparently good things well disguised (for he knows he cannot be successful in tempting you to do evil things), to take up the golden moments of your day. The only way that you can be sure that you are using your moments wisely is to constantly keep your heart open to my guidance and follow the directions of my Spirit. As Solomon says, "There is a time for everything that is done under the sun." Eccl. 3:1. And he also says, "The wise heart will know the proper time and procedure. For there is a proper time and procedure for every matter." Eccl. 8:5, 6. Kingdoms rise and fall on the matter of the use of time. A person can be great or mediocre because of the use of their time. So I invite you to come to me each morning and dedicate your life and your time to me to be carried out according to the leading of my Spirit. Remember - every day ordained for you is written in your book before one of them came to be. When you seek me in your morning worship, your book is open before me and I have the outline of your day written on that page. If you yield to my Spirit's guidance you cannot fail to accomplish everything I meant for you to do that day. The outcome at the end of the day may be different than you had planned for it to be. You may have had to do a task you didn't plan for, or help a person you didn't know would cross your pathway. But if you are following my guidance you can trust and be assured that it was all by my design. That is why it is so vitally important to follow my leading moment by moment. But do not despair because of your mistakes. Because I know you, I have anticipated even these errors of judgment, and have provided a way for you to recover and redeem the time. So trust in my love and care for you, and go forward with courage into your day today and every day until I come. Just remember that every moment is a golden jewel to be used at my discretion as I continually guide you through each day. That is the experience I had with my Father, and I offer to you the same privilege. It will give you peace amidst the storms of life, and the unexpected challenges that come your way. That is why you can walk trustingly and securely through the days ahead, knowing that I am weaving a beautiful pattern of your life that will stand through the ages of eternity to reveal what I can do through the lives of the people who love and serve me with their whole hearts. Now go to the activities of your day, but look to me as a little child looks to and trusts a loving parent. I will never disappoint you or lead you through anything for which I have not planned a glorious ending. So trust me today and every day and see if I will not open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so many blessings that you will not have room enough to receive them. [Mal. 3:10.] Lovingly, Jesus.
Heart Preparation
Dearest Ones, I have a heart of love and compassion for you today as you go about your labors for me! You are the delight of my eyes and the consolation of my heart because of your devotion and willing eagerness to do my will and glorify my name. I say this not because I desire adoration for my own sake, but because of the beautiful characters you are forming as we fellowship together. That is how it will be forever as you grow up as calves in the stall [Mal. 4:2] and rejoice forever in my presence. Now for the topic of today. It is "heart preparation." It may seem obvious that this is necessary for the reception of the Holy Spirit and fellowship in an ongoing relationship with me, but there is more to it than is generally considered by most Christians. Every person on earth has been given by me a heart that has the capacity for love and holiness. Without that there would be no hope for anyone to seek after and find me, although I am not a God that is far away [Acts 17:27], but I am ever near, waiting for the slightest indication of a desire to reach out to me with a yearning desire to connect with me and receive my love. I have planted that desire within everyone to guide their hearts toward me so that they would want to seek me and find me. However, this is what gives Satan such power over humanity, for he takes advantage of this natural desire for God, and tries to fulfill that desire himself. Since there is a desire to worship that I have planted within every person, if they do not know me or about me, Satan forms gods for them that suit this desire for his own diabolical purposes. The gods of the heathen were created and formed to be after the desires of their own evil hearts to fulfill and satisfy the lusts of the flesh. Egged on by Satan, they formed images of gods who they could see and worship and plead for the things they desired. This so degraded them that they would sacrifice their own children to appease their gods in order to receive the things that ministered to their lustful desires. But modern society is no better! How many millions chase after the gods of the flesh and forsake the natural love and care that should be in family life. Instead of parents who nurture and care tenderly and faithfully for their children, they put them in the hands of babysitters or educational institutions, or just as bad or even worse, in front of the television where they are trained in foolishness and triviality, or lust and violence, until their minds and emotions are seared to the point of losing their capacity for hearing and responding to the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit. All this is a direct attack upon this generation to capture their hearts when they are young and sear it without hope of regeneration. But I am not absent during this attack by the devil, and I try to bring into the lives of children someone who will bring light and hope in the darkness. It might be grandparents or teachers or a godly neighbor, or whomever I can use to keep the light of truth flowing to the heart by which I can speak and woo them to me and free them from the captivity of the evil one. Another deadly tool of the devil to capture the hearts of this generation is music. Satan writes the songs and the music that best suits his purpose to direct the thoughts and emotions to himself, and for those who are addicted to his music there is virtually no hope for their salvation unless they are willing to break away from it and escape from the trap of the devil. Music is a part of my creation to draw the hearts of my created beings into a rapturous love experience with me. Music bypasses the frontal lobes of the brain and goes directly to the heart and emotions and draws the listener into emotional fellowship with the one who has inspired both the music and the words. Can you just imagine how many people are worshipping the devil all day long as they listen to his music at home, in the car, plugged into their ears, and even being played over the loudspeakers in stores, offices, over the phone, workplaces, public buildings, waiting rooms, and so on? Do you see how this is a direct assault by the devil to program the minds and hearts of people to recognize and listen to his voice when he speaks to them? They are already under his control and respond automatically to his commands and enticements. This is why it is imperative to stay as clear as possible from the worldly enticements which are found in the media. Be as Joseph was when he fled from Potiphar's wife and left his cloak behind him. He dedicated his mind and heart to me and to listening only to my voice, and he was greatly honored for so doing. And so it will be for each one of you who keeps his/her mind and heart clean from the present enticements of this evil generation. It may be difficult to maintain the integrity and purity of your mind and emotions, but by the power of my Holy Spirit living in you and guiding and protecting you, you may remain unsullied by the world and its temptations and fleshly lusts and pleasures. And great will be your reward, both in this world and in heaven, for you will take your place among the heroes of the Bible, and shine as stars in the universe for me forever. [Daniel 12:3.] Now go to the activities of your day, but do not forget to keep your heart pure and clean from the temptations of the devil through the world around you. If you must be in a place where you will be exposed to evil, pray to me that I will keep your mind unsullied. Do not voluntarily and unnecessarily place yourself at the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Breathe the atmosphere of heaven by keeping your mind stayed upon me at all times, and you will be kept safe. It is only when you voluntarily place yourself in temptation as Eve did that Satan has access to your heart and mind. Guard your heart faithfully, for out of it are the issues of life. [Prov. 4:23.] Let your heart be the citadel through which I can reach you and commune with you and protect you from all evil and harm. Don't break down the walls of the citadel. But if you do, run to me and I will envelop you in my arms and heal the wounds that you received in the camp of the tempter and under his influence. Will you now commit your heart to me for this day? If you do, I will see you as my vineyard to dress and keep and protect, and drink the sweet juice of our communion together all day long, and we will experience the joy of working together in the fields of labor, for the harvest is ripe, but the workers are few. [Matt. 9:37, 38.] Pray to me that more harvesters will join us in the joy of laboring together for the Lord of the harvest, who is my Father and yours! [John 20:17.] Lovingly, Jesus.
Dearest Ones, I am thinking today about the nearness of my coming and the amount of work that has yet to be done. I am fully able to accomplish this task, for I have an army of dedicated workers around the world that are doing their utmost to spread the good news to every corner of the globe. But even this is not sufficient for the enormity of the task. So I am commissioning my angels to belt the world and seek out every person to bring the test of truth to their hearts in whatever way is possible. For those who respond, I will provide every opportunity for them to come to the full light and understanding necessary for this time, for every person must have sufficient light to make their decision. Thus I can gather into my barn of protection and safety the honest in heart who truly want to serve me. [Matt. 13:30.] On the other hand, Satan is stepping up his efforts to take those who are truly honest seekers and divert them into his camp before they have an opportunity to have all the light that is necessary to discern between truth and error for these last momentous hours of earth's history. So it will be a battle to the end. But I will blanket the earth with my light during the loud cry of the fourth angel [Rev. 18:1-4], and during that time all will have an opportunity to choose between my truth and the lies of the beast power and his counterpart, which is apostate Protestantism. At this time I'm allowing these powers to merge, as has been prophesied in Revelation 13, and they are about to take the world by storm with the rapidity in which this will take place. It will be the final battle between good and evil, truth and falsehood, and for Satan's kingdom of darkness versus my kingdom of light. Every person will be caught up in this battle, and as a result, will make their final decisions for eternity. Many honest souls who have heard the truth but have not acted upon it will come out and take their stand against error. Many others who have seemed to be solid in the truth will leave and join the opposite side. It may be difficult to understand how this can be so, but these are people who, although they have ascribed to the truth, have not been sanctified by it. Perhaps you can see now that my subject today is "truth." Susceptibility to truth is a result of decisions that are made throughout life that are based upon the principle of what satisfies the needs of the heart and mind of the person. If a person's perception of truth is based upon self-advancement, such as, "What does this do to enhance me or my prestige, or my cause or rank or respectability?" or, "How does this concept put me in a position where I can have my needs met, whether it be physical, mental, emotional, social, or spiritual?" then those who search for truth with these concepts will fail to reach the pinnacle of truth that is required for entrance into heaven, for it is self-centered instead of God-centered and others-centered. That is why many of the brightest lights will go out, because their climb to the top was fueled by a desire to achieve over others and receive adulation and respect as a result. But where is truth in all of this? Have you noticed that my true followers have often been chosen from among the poor, the uneducated, and what would be considered by some as the riffraff of society, and yet have become great as they yielded themselves to the working of my Holy Spirit? Thus, as they became educated in eternal life-saving truth, they were changed and made great in the eyes of honest men, and of angels, as well as receiving the approval of their Father in heaven. I, too, was not educated in the schools of the prophets, but by studying the word of God at my mother's knee. In all of this I am not suggesting that higher education is evil and should be avoided, for I myself have commissioned my church to establish institutions for the education of those who wish to enter into the calling of public ministry. But this alone does not make a person great in the eyes of God. It is a humble, teachable spirit with an open heart to learn the deep mysteries of salvation which can only be learned through the guidance and enlightenment of the Holy Spirit. Happy and blessed is the person who has learned truth from birth through godly parents, and then went on to higher education for one purpose only - to glorify God and serve humanity at any level of society to which he or she is called by the Spirit. Education can qualify a person to do this, but if the person trusts in his education and goes no further in a continuing search for light and truth, he will stagnate, for truth and light are progressive, and it is absolutely vital to keep in step with the developing truth for these last moments of time. The latter rain, which is beginning to fall even now, is specifically designed to help my people understand and cooperate with my closing work in the Most Holy Place of blotting out the sins of my people, which prepares them to go through the time of trouble. Without this understanding, it will be impossible for them to be prepared for the close of probation. Truth is vitally important in any age of history. But now it is a matter of eternal life or death. When the devil unveils his end-time plan to capture the world into keeping Sunday - his day of rest - only those who have already been grounded in eternal truth and have received the power of the latter rain will be able to stand against this deception. Those who stand will have been sealed in by truth on every point, for it is truth that seals the minds and hearts of my faithful ones so that they would rather die than sin. Only these will survive during the time of trouble, because sin - which is untruth - will have been eradicated completely from their minds and they will be blameless before me. They will wear white robes and carry palm branches which symbolize their victory over the world, the flesh, and the devil. They are free from any lies or deceptions. They are completely cleansed and blameless before the all-knowing, all searching eyes of my Father and I as we search our beloved chosen ones through and through at my coming. Then we will welcome you into the eternal joys and happiness of heaven where sin and disagreement with me will never rise again. Are you ready for that day so soon to come? You can be if you let me search your hearts now during this cleansing, blotting out time when I am making up my jewels. Hasten, oh, hasten into the Sanctuary with me, for this work will be finished before much longer. The door is yet open for you! I love you with an everlasting love, and I want you to be with me in the ark of safety. The choice is yours. Will you choose to love the truth more than anything else in your life? Buying the pearl of great price takes all, but it also gives all so that you receive much more than you give. Come to me now and buy gold tried in the fire, and eye salve that you may see truth clearly, and white raiment that you may cover your spiritual nakedness! [Rev. 3:18.] In return, I will give you the privilege of sitting beside me on my throne, for you will have overcome just as I overcame and sat down with my Father on his throne. [v. 21.] You really can't know me and understand me or reign with me if you do not have the experience of gaining the victory over the temptations and solicitations of the evil one. But I have won that victory in your behalf, and now it is my gift to you as you walk with me every day. And as you walk and talk with me, I will reveal truth to you that will help you to overcome in every area of your life. Do you want to begin your journey with me now, just now? Do not be like the Rich Young Ruler, who sadly turned away, for his possessions were great. Do not be like Felix who put off salvation for another more convenient time. [Acts 24:25.] That time may never come for you, because Satan is waiting at the door to take advantage of your hesitancy. So will you take my hand just now and turn your back on the devil's solicitations to wait? I am knocking at your heart's door, and if you open the door, I will come in and eat with you and sup with you and give you the victory and peace that you long for. Today is the day of salvation. Will you join me at this last hour of earth's history? If you do, we will soon be going home together to glory! Lovingly, Jesus.
Dear Ones, This morning I want to talk to you about something that is deep within my heart. So many of my people are waiting for the Latter Rain and the Sunday law to prepare for my coming. In the meantime they are going about their business not realizing that these things are already happening. In other words, life goes on as usual, and the Sunday law issue is stealing upon the world as a great surprise. Already the pope is speaking about his desire to have it put into place. But like a lion partially hidden in the tall grass waiting for just the right moment to spring upon its prey, so the devil is carefully planning his attack while my people are still unready. It is a great mistake to wait to prepare until the last moment in time, when everything comes out in the open. Satan is a wily foe, much more intelligent in his deceptive plans than human beings can anticipate. Like any predator, he keeps his prey occupied with other things until it is too late to escape. So you see how the world and its daily pressures can keep my people in a round of activities until the time has passed for getting to know me and having a daily walk with me so that I can guide and help and protect you from the wiles of the evil one. Therefore, my topic for today is "Watch!" It is a fatal mistake to play on the beach until the storm comes and takes you away, when if you had been watching and looking to me for guidance, I could have warned you to seek higher ground where you could stand and see the destruction taking place below you. Take heed to the message of Psalms 91. This was written especially for those who live at the end of time. Read it now in conjunction with this message that I am giving to you. "A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you. You will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked." Ps. 91:7, 8. And what is the place where you may hide safely in the time of trouble? It is the Most Holy Place experience of cleansing from sin that I am taking my willing people through right now. All others will find themselves outside the camp when the door of mercy closes. You must have a conscious, ongoing relationship with me, for only I can guide you safely through the days ahead. I will not force you to do this, because I give free will to every person to choose their destiny. I will try to woo you; I will attempt to get your attention through allowing trials to come into your life to cause you to look to me for help. But the ultimate choice to connect with me or not to connect with me is in your hands. I sometimes weep when I see you struggling with the burden of care that Satan puts upon you to distract you from hearing my voice calling to you in your heart. As I have said before, I am just a prayer away. But it takes time and effort to get to know me and recognize the still, small voice of my Spirit, because your ears are tuned to the raucous sounds of the world you live in, which blunts the fine sensitivity of the mind to hear the gentle whisper of my Spirit. I do this specifically to preserve your free will to choose to follow me because you desire to know and love me and receive my love for you. Love cannot be forced or demanded. I could speak to you with the thunder tones of Sinai. But that would not make you love me. As with Elijah, I was not in the wind, the earthquake and the fire. I was in the gentle whisper that my servant knew so well. [1Kings 19:11:13.] And so I come to you in gentleness and love and kindness, not with a whip but with a whisper in your heart to draw you to my love for you. Please do not put it off, for the time is late and the days of preparation are few. I will take you safely through the end if you come into the hiding place of a daily relationship with me. There is no other way to be prepared for the things that are just ahead. There is no time to prepare when the lion springs upon its prey. So it will be for those who have waited until the Sunday law to get ready for my coming. These will be the foolish virgins who slept through the time of preparation, and while they were rushing to get the extra oil of cleansing from sin which the wise virgins had, the bridegroom came and went into the wedding and the door was shut. I do not want to frighten you, but only to arouse you from your slumbers in time to prepare. Awake! My beautiful Bride, and come with me to the banquet hall [SS 2:4; 10-13] of a daily relationship with me, and you will never need to fear that you will be unready or unprepared for my coming, for I will gird myself [Lu. 12:37] and meet all your needs, and cleanse you and dress you in fine linen, pure and white, which is the robe of my righteousness [Rev. 19:7-9]. But you must say yes to my overtures, for I will never force or try to coerce you. Did I run after the Rich Young Ruler? Did the father run after the Prodigal Son? No, it must be love and free will choice which brings you to me, and the gentle wooing of the Holy Spirit. In the ardor of my love I call to you, but in the fairness of my love I let you choose to love me in return. Today is the day of salvation! Today is the day to open your heart and let me prepare you for my coming. My arms are outstretched to welcome you into the company of my beloved chosen ones who are always with me wherever I go. [Rev. 17:14; 14:1, 4.] I am looking forward to having this kind of relationship with you! Lovingly, Jesus.
Freedom to Choose
Dearest Ones, My thoughts are with you today as you begin the round of activities that will comprise your labors on this preparation day. I remember the experience I had when I created Adam and Eve on the first preparation day at the beginning of earth's history. It was a joyful day for me to see their beauty inside and out, and their eagerness to know me, and their love for me and for each other. I did not permit my foreknowledge of what would happen so soon to dampen the joy of that day, for even though I knew that they would fall to the tempter's solicitations and that I must someday die in their behalf, the love I had for them superseded all that would happen as a result of their creation. I also knew that someday I would conquer the enemy, and I looked down through the ages of history and saw you, my beloved ones, and I saw my reward of having all my saved family from earth with me throughout eternity. [Eph. 1:4, 5.] So on this preparation day, keep your mind stayed upon me as you go about your work and activities, and I will speak my messages of love to you personally, and I will guide you successfully through the day. Now for the topic of today. It is “freedom to choose." Do you know that the blueprint of your life that I have written for you in my book is unchangeable as long as you walk with me and accept the plan I have for you to fulfill each day? As David says in Psalms 139:16 - "All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." Before you were born, I knew you and I had a plan for your life. I even saw the trials you would go through and the mistakes you would make because of your fallen nature. But I also saw the wonderful future that I have planned for you if you will consent to let me order your life. Whatever deviations and errors you have made up to now can be counted as learning experiences on the highway to truth. Mistakes are experiments in cause and effect, and if you learn from these, you will be but stronger in your determination not to repeat these experiences that led you into pain. I walked with you through these things, though you did not always perceive my presence. But now you can throw back the curtain and see my face clearly and let me be your Counselor and Friend and daily Companion. I will guide you and help you to avoid further mistakes in judgment. But if you do make mistakes, I will not leave you or forsake you to become a plaything of the enemy. You belong to me, for I have bought you back by the price of my shed blood and my death on Calvary for your ransom. Nothing can harm or destroy you if you let me lead you day by day. Now go to the activities of your day, but don't let the hustle and bustle drown out my still small voice speaking to your heart. Just remember that I will never override your power of choice, because I have given freedom to choose to all my created beings. Don't forget how much I have loved you from the foundation of the world, and how long I have waited with anticipation for your arrival, just as a mother looks forward to the birth of her little one. You are important to me and I have a plan for your life. But you must seek me every day to find it, for the evil one is jealous of my love for you and the destiny that I have for you to be saved and take his place in the courts of heaven. He wants to put thoughts into your mind, and because of the fall of Adam and Eve, I must allow him to do that to preserve your free will choice as to whom you will serve. But if you want to serve me, just remember that I will never speak to you with dark and discouraging thoughts or thoughts of condemnation. If you hear those things in your mind, send a prayer to me immediately, for I will never speak to you that way! You can be assured that dark and discouraging thoughts always come from the evil one. When I correct you, it will always be with love and compassion and wisdom to help you persevere and win the victory. Keep your mind ever upward toward the light of my countenance, and my love, joy and peace will dispel all the darkness and temptations of the evil one! Lovingly, Jesus.
Dearest Ones, Be joyful today as you see the time approaching for the wedding of the Lamb, for my Bride is making herself ready and drinking largely of my Spirit, Who gives light from the Throne of Heaven to my people. Now for the topic of today. I want to reveal to you the secret of success in having a vital and regenerative relationship with me. It is "peace." In this world you shall have tribulation [John 16:33], but in me you can have peace and calmness of spirit, and joy in our relationship with each other. No one has ever been born into this world who did not have trials and tribulations. This is because Adam gave his kingship over to the devil, who is now the prince of this world [John 12:31] and he now claims the right to rule over the kingdoms of this world [Matt. 4:8, 9]. I have purchased back the kingdom by my death on Calvary, but my kingdom is not of this world [John 18:36]. Instead, it is made up of those who choose to follow me and love me and follow the principles of government by which I rule my kingdom. While the devil is the ruler of darkness [Eph. 6:12], I am the Prince of Peace [Isa. 9:6]. Therefore it is vital that you test the spirits [John 4:1] and be able to discern what spirit you are listening to during the day. You can be sure that the devil is a tireless foe, and the easiest way he can reach you is to bring a spirit of darkness through discouragement, worry, stress, sadness, fear, sleeplessness, physical ailments of various kinds, etc. I have not promised my followers freedom from tribulation and problems of one kind or another, just as I was not free from trials when I was upon this earth. But I have promised peace amidst the storms of life. Sometimes I even allow problems to come to you when your hold upon the world and your attachment to the things of earth are greater than your attachment to me. But come what may, you must remember that I have promised you that I will never leave you nor forsake you [Heb. 13:5, 6], and I will always be faithful to the Covenant of love [Deut 7:9, 12] that I have made with you. Therefore, Satan has learned how to affect the human mind to cause you to feel forsaken by me. He brings a feeling of darkness over you, oppresses your mind, brings a sense of guilt, impending doom, feelings of separation from me, despair, hopelessness and fear, or whatever he can use to cause you to focus upon yourself and your feelings and lose your hold upon me and our relationship. As I have said before, I give everyone the freedom of choice. If you do not reach out to me during these times of temptation and trial by the enemy, you will be buffeted by him and be tempted to believe his lies that I am angry with you and have turned my face from you, or have left you. He will tell you that you are hopeless and lost for the most trifling things. I do not turn away from you when you fall - I am bending over you to help you and put my arms about you and carry you on my shoulders back to the fold of safety [Lu. 15:1-7]. When I suffered and died on the cross of Calvary, the Father purposefully withdrew the sense of His life and light and the feeling of his presence from me so that I could feel what you feel when the devil hovers around you and tells you that you have displeased me and therefore I have withdrawn myself and my love and protection from you. This is what it means that I took your sins upon myself. I did not actually take the feelings and thoughts of sin, or the lusts of the carnal nature upon myself, or I would also have become a sinner. I took the feelings of separation and the sense of the withdrawal of my Father's acceptance, presence, and love that sin causes, which of course brings suffering and eventual death, for without connection with me, Satan has control of you and death is the result. But as I hung on the cross, I did what you must do when you are surrounded by the oppression and darkness that is brought on by the evil one. I clung by faith to my Father and his love for me and his eternal plan for me, and all the promises that he had given me throughout my life on earth. And by these I triumphed over the kingdom of darkness. So you also may triumph over every temptation of the evil one if you take my victory for you as an example of how to go through trials. I did these things for you so that you may triumph gloriously with me. Determine just now to gain the victory over the evil one by connecting with my love and my promises to you. I will never fail you nor leave you to succumb to the evil one if you just reach out and grasp hold of my hand by faith. My victory can be yours if you take it. I will walk you through the deepest valleys of your life, and bring you out on the Mountaintop of Victory. And you shall have my peace in exchange for the darkness and despair of the evil one. Do you want to accept my offer of peace and freedom from darkness just now? Resist the thoughts of darkness that the evil one puts upon you, and walk with me out into the light [1 John 1:9] and I will give you my peace and my victory over the darkness of the devil and all his host, for you are my beloved ones in whom is all my joy! Lovingly Jesus.
First Fruits
Dearest Ones, May your day today be blessed with the outpouring of my Spirit and the love and care that I have for each of you. This is the beginning of another busy week. I enjoyed the Sabbath respite with my people around the earth. More and more I am seeing an awakening to the reality that the end of time is near. But so many do not have any idea of how to get prepared for my coming. I have waited long for this final generation when I could pour out the full light and understanding, of my righteousness and how to prepare to receive its fullness in the latter rain. But when the master tarries, his servants attend to their own business and forget the call to be about the master's business. I have not tarried beyond what was necessary for the fruits of the Spirit to bring about the harvest. It may seem that I am tarrying, but such a concept can be fatal for those who wander off to their own business and forget that the master will come at an hour that they think not. [Matt. 24:44.] I am looking for my Bride to love me and follow me through this cleansing and blotting out process that is at the close of my ministry in the heavenly Sanctuary, and which is now in progress. But the difference between the past and the present is that I now have a people who are aware that this process is going on in heaven, and are cooperating with me so I can finish the work in due time, close the door to the Most Holy Place, and come and receive my cleansed Bride to myself and present her, pure and holy, to my heavenly Father and to the waiting universe. The 144,000 are the first fruits of the earth - the first generation of my people to go to all the way through the Sanctuary services with me. Therefore they shall represent me forever as the wave sheaf of the harvest of the earth. They will have proved that the resurrection of all the righteous at my second coming is accurate, because if they had lived in the last generation, they, too, would have persevered to the end. Thus my work for the plan of salvation is completed with you as you walk with me in the days ahead that remain until I come. We are now in the final countdown to my coming, for my numbers will be made up by those who will respond to the loud cry which will sound throughout the earth, and then the end will come. Now I will introduce my subject for today. It is "first fruits." Why is the final generation of my people called the first fruits? It is because the whole plan of salvation is for the purpose of completely eradicating what Satan and sin have caused to the human race. It means that I can and must display that I am able to completely restore people who have hereditarily received and consciously or unconsciously chosen to cultivate those sins and weaknesses of character and then pass these traits on to the next generation. This has been happening in the centuries following the fall of Adam and Eve. But I, as the second Adam, must show my ability and my authority over the evil one, to rescue the human race from the depths which continuing sin has taken them, and restore them to the loving, willing obedience of Adam and Eve before they fell. If I would not be able to do this, Satan would claim that his power of rebellion and sin is greater than my power of love and freedom to choose one's eternal destiny. Thus you can see how imperative it is for love to win the battle for the allegiance of men's hearts to willing intelligent obedience to the covenant of my love [Deut. 7:9, 12], which is my law, the standard of eternal life. But I invite you to rejoice with me now, for I see that development of the ripening grain of the harvest that I am looking for in my beloved chosen ones. For those who are willing, I will continue the cleansing process until my work brings my Bride to perfection, and I will put upon her the rich white robe of my righteous character, woven for her in the loom of heaven, and worked out through my life while I was on earth. It is for you that I have done this, my beloved ones! It is for you that I suffered and died upon the cross, and it is for you that I am ministering in the Sanctuary in heaven in the presence of my Father. Do you realize how much I long to have you here at my side, forever safe from the tortures and suffering that sin has caused, and receive the joy of your presence with me? Every bridegroom longs for his bride to be with him, and I have prepared the way for you to be with me where I am. I have prepared a home for you, and the robe and the crown is ready for the angels to place upon you at the wedding celebration in heaven. Now all that remains to be done is for you to accept my proposal to join me in the full cleansing of your heart from sin. All that I ask is that you take my hand and walk with me every day until I come. In the process of walking with me, your sins will be cleansed away by the relationship of the love that is between us. I have chosen you and called you and prepared the way before you. Now all that I ask is that you be faithful to me in the days ahead until I come to take you home to live with me forever. In the meantime, you can call others to the banquet of my love for them, for "The Spirit and the Bride say, "Come!" And let him who hears say "Come!" Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life." Rev. 22:17.
Dearest Ones, My joy and delight is ever in my chosen ones who love me and desire to commune with me each morning and throughout the day. I have many treasures of wisdom and love to share with you to strengthen your hearts and help you to walk more closely with me. Today the subject is "wisdom." There are seven aspects of the Holy Spirit that are frequently spoken of in Scripture, all of which I want my beloved ones to have freely and abundantly in their lives. As you have studied them before, they are: wisdom, understanding, counsel, power, knowledge, fear of the Lord, and righteous judgment. [Isa. 11:1-4; 4:4.] All of these are aspects of my character that I desire to share freely with you. [Rev. 4:5; 5:6.] But so much has to do with your response to my overtures and the reception of my guidance in your life. Every day I come to your heart's door and knock for entrance. Can you imagine my joy when you open your heart and welcome me into a loving fellowship with you that day? But can two walk together unless they are agreed? [Amos 3:3.] The obvious answer is - no! And so I want to bring you into agreement with me each morning in your worship time. As you pray and study, always remember that my thoughts and feelings toward you are thoughts of peace, not of evil. In other words, I do not bring to you a list of grievances that I have against you before you can connect with my love for you. My love is constant and unchanging. But if you have wandered from me and listened to the dark voices and taunts of the evil one, you will need to turn from the darkness and face the light and the assurance of my constant love and care for you, in order for us to have fellowship together. [1 John 1:9.] Tell me about your griefs and your fears and your temptations. You cannot weary me or make me turn my face from you because you are sharing these things with me. But your confessions must be intermingled with faith in my forgiveness and mercy, and my promises of healing for body and soul. You do not see ahead and know what my plans are for you, but they are plans of hope, joy and peace, and holiness and healing of mind, soul and body. Your sufferings now are preparing you for a greater infilling of my Spirit and a future of hope and fulfillment of my original plans for you. But please remember that the future is always bright when you place yourself in my hands and trust me. Now I want to return to the topic of wisdom. All aspects of the Spirit fall under the category of wisdom. [Prov. 8:11-14; 9:1.] It is a gift that is given to those who seek it with all their hearts. [James 1:5.] But wisdom is reserved for the pure in heart, because my wisdom cannot reside in the mind of fools. A foolish person is one who feels that they can get through life without God and without the instruction and counsel of the Spirit and the Word on every matter. The carnal mind is filled with foolishness and error, and does not desire to subject itself to the discipline that is necessary to seek to know the wisdom of God, or obey the leading of the Holy Spirit, for that would take self-denial, and the application of oneself to the Word of God. Happy is the man or woman who grows up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, and because of a vital connection with me becomes wise unto salvation. How many sins and mistakes would be left uncommitted, and how many pitfalls would be avoided, if a person would heed the wisdom that is found in the Word of God! But it is never too late to reach out to me for healing, mercy, and forgiveness. The lessons you have learned by the mistakes you have made can be a beacon of warning to yourself and to others. The greatest reward of wisdom is that it comes from me through the avenue of the Holy Spirit, and the value of understanding and wisdom grows with its usage. For example, whenever you have a question about anything, feel free to ask me. Some people feel that they should not bother me with anything unless it is impossible for them to come to a conclusion by themselves, and then seek me for help as a last resort. Where is this principle found in the Bible? The Scriptures are full of invitations and urgings to come and drink freely at the fountain of wisdom on any and every matter. It is a part of our daily relationship with each other, and gives both of us joy and heavenly companionship. Do you remember my friends Abraham and Moses? We always conversed together about whatever needs they were experiencing. I enjoyed revealing things to them that were a part of the future events in their lives, as well as scenes from the future of the world. Now time is running out, and the days are few. I have much that I can reveal to you to guide you in the days ahead that you are not aware of at this moment in time. I do not like to take anyone by surprise. I want to help you to walk securely in the present moment and also be prepared for the future. This is what I have to offer you as you face each day. But it takes willingness and effort to maintain a daily walk with me. And it takes a heart that is open to the leading of my Spirit, who gives wisdom to all who seek it with a pure heart. Some are afraid to open their heart and mind to me because they are afraid they will be deceived. Don't you have the Scriptures and the Spirit of Prophecy to give you a sure guide to wisdom and truth? Cannot you compare Scripture with Scripture so that you can recognize the still small voice of the Holy Spirit speaking to your heart and guiding you day by day? Enoch did not even have the Scriptures, but he set his heart to know me, and he was rewarded by being translated. And you who are alive now at the end of days can also be among my faithful ones who are translated. However, you must first learn to know me and hear my voice speaking to you, guiding you moment by moment as I did Enoch. My voice in your heart never supersedes the Scriptures, for the principles of truth by which I guide you must agree with the things that are written down in the Scriptures. I want all of you to be Enochs, Abrahams, and Elijahs - men who heard my voice and obeyed me, and thus became the mighty warriors of old. But now I need men and women who walk beside me through the end of time, who will hear and obey my voice and not turn back when the going becomes difficult. You cannot cleanse yourself, you cannot prepare yourself for what is coming. But if you listen to me and cooperate with me, I will cleanse and prepare you and use you as an instrument to help others. Do you long for the wisdom and strength and guidance that you need to get through each day? "Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest!" Matt. 11:28. That is what I am offering to you as the reward for looking to me moment by moment as a child looks to its parents and trusts in their guidance and wisdom. As your heavenly parent, I will see you safely through each challenge that you will face until I come! Lovingly, Jesus.
Dearest Ones, I am thinking of you today and desiring to share with you the thoughts of my heart on the nearness of the close of probation. The world is sitting on the brink of the end of all things and they know it not, and neither do they want to know. It is natural for the human heart to put off the day of disaster until it is too late to receive salvation. For example, the people in the time of Noah scoffed at his message for 120 years. Then when the door was shut and the rains began to come down from the sky, they realized that they had put off the day of salvation until it was too late to find refuge in the ark of safety. So it will be with this wicked generation. They will eat and drink and scoff at the signs I am sending about my soon coming, and carry on their lives as usual until the voices of my messengers are silent, for probationary time will have closed forever on the world and its inhabitants. But there is a joyful side to all of this, for my true sheep are hearing my voice calling them to get ready, and they are responding to my call and are following me. This is my focus right now, and I hope it is yours, too, for I count on you as my undershepherds to seek out my sheep, for many of them are slumbering on the brink of eternity, and must be given the chance to awaken and prepare themselves and their families to be ready to meet me in peace. I appreciate your cooperation with me on this matter, because I know it can be fearful to speak about my soon coming to people who would prefer to stay asleep and not heed the call of the Good Shepherd. So my topic for today is, "prophesy!" Do you remember the text in Revelation 10 that encouraged the early pioneers who remained faithful to me during and after the disappointment in 1844 as they diligently searched the Scriptures for answers? I was very pleased with that little band of believers and I used them to establish the Seventh-day Adventist Church. But there is a statement at the end of that chapter that still must be fulfilled. It reads like this: "And he said unto me, you must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings. Rev. 10:11. When they read this prophecy, my Holy Spirit communicated a message that rings down the years to you. They gave up everything they had or held dear to preach the message of my coming to the world at that time. They misunderstood the location of my coming, but they were true to my calling and the importance of the message. But now my church is languishing on the very borders of the Kingdom, for this time I will appear in the clouds of glory to take my faithful people home. Now there needs to be the same fervor, the same message, and the same conviction. You must prophesy again is not a suggestion, but a command. And with that command, I will provide for the propagation of the truth. Whether it is money or strength or openings of Providence, I will provide whatever is needed to preach the warning around the earth. The problem is not means, but men. Where are my messengers who will clearly preach the message that is needed now, for it is present truth! "Prepare to meet thy God!" Is the message that should be ringing from the pulpits all over the world? You must prophesy again! You must prepare the way for me in the hearts of people just as John the Baptist did before my first coming. That was an Elijah message, and so is yours. John's message was: "The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight. Every valley shall be filled, and every mountain and hill shall be brought low; and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough way shall be made smooth; and all flesh shall see the salvation of God." Luke 3:4-6. Those who refuse to see the importance of this work at the present time have allowed the light of the glory of the 1844 message to go out of their hearts, and therefore are unmoved at this vital time when the message of my soon coming is to go forth to the world. If you find yourself among that number it is not too late to arouse from your slumbers and join the wise virgins who are announcing the coming of the bridegroom. Your eternal destiny depends upon it, for there is no reward for the slothful servant when the master returns from his long absence and finds them unready. And now, my beloved ones, examine your hearts and ask yourselves: Am I ready and willing to "prophesy again" of my Master's return? Am I ready and willing to pick up the Advent message where the pioneers left off, and preach it until the return of my Lord? I am counting on each of you, my beloved ones, who have my truth for these last days. If your lamps have gone out or are burning low, rekindle the fire of your love and your witness for me from the golden candlesticks in my heavenly Sanctuary, which are constantly burning to light your way to the throne of God. Do not linger, for the time grows short and the days are evil. I am waiting with arms outstretched to welcome you. The journey is short, for I am just a prayer away! Do you remember the song, "In a little while we're going home"? We can sing it as we journey together today. Give me your whole heart, and I will give you the power to "prophesy again" of my soon coming, and we will see souls responding to the invitation to the wedding of the Lamb! Lovingly, Jesus.
The Blotting out of Sin—An Experience
Dearest Ones, My heart is with you today and every day as you struggle with the challenges of daily life. I am pleased to see you reaching out to me for help on even the smallest matters. This is why I have planned to give you these messages every morning, for I know that your daily activities can swallow up your time, energy, and thoughts so that you may forget that I am walking beside you and want to be a constant part of your life. Do you remember the story of the two disciples who were in shock and grief as they walked to their destination at Emmaus? I came to relieve them of their burden of sorrow and to answer their questions about me and my death on Calvary. But they perceived me not, for their eyes were holden [Lu. 24:16, KJV], because I first wanted to spend time with them to explain the Scriptures concerning myself before revealing my identity. And so it can be with you! I want you to be grounded in Scripture and the principles and teachings of the Word, and not be shaken by the trials and tribulations that are even now coming upon the earth. I also want you to allow me to have a personal relationship with you because otherwise your concept of me can deteriorate into a form, or a doctrine about me rather than a relationship with me. I want to raise your consciousness level to a friendship rather than someone that you read about, but with whom you do not have a personal relationship. And I want to teach you as I did those disciples the things that pertain to you here at the end of time, which is my work for you in the cleansing and blotting out of sin in your lives, and how to cooperate with me through this experience. No one has ever gone through this part of my mediatorial work, for it comes at the very end of time, just before I close the door to the Most Holy Place and pour out the plagues upon the wicked. If your sins have not been cleansed and blotted out by that time, there will be no more hope of salvation after probation closes and I am no longer pleading my blood for you before the Father. I hope you will open up your heart to understand this and teach it to others, just as the disciples preached the truth for their time during the early rain. Their message was the good news of the remission of sin through the application of my shed blood [Acts 2:38], and your message is the cleansing and blotting out of sin, corresponding to the Day of Atonement yearly for the Israelites. [Leviticus 16:30.] I know that you know this, but until now, this has been a doctrine, not an experience. People have continued to trust in my daily work of ministry, but have not understood how to cooperate with me in the yearly ministry of the cleansing and blotting out of sin, which is now present truth. As you are experiencing this and learning how to cooperate with me, so now you must tell it to others who are longing for more light about how to be free from the continual round of sinning and repenting. That era is waxing old and phasing out, and the new vital message of blotting out is what the people are yearning to hear. In every age there has been a development of truth which is pertinent to that generation and applies the message of salvation to what is happening in their time. Now truth must be expanded to meet the needs of the people to be prepared for the close of probation and the end of time. So rejoice that you see and understand the light of present truth that is streaming from the Sanctuary, but do not forget that I have other sheep that must also be brought into the fold of safety. These also I must bring in before I close my work in the Most Holy Place. The light that was perceived by the pioneers in 1844 must now be preached with the additional light of how to understand and participate in the final work in the Most Holy Place of the cleansing and blotting out of every sin. Are you prepared and willing to be my friends and co-workers in this vital closing ministry? I need you to be by my side, hearing my voice, and sharing this message of truth with others. You do not need to worry about the time that is left, or how this message will spread throughout the earth, for I have my army of angels who will multiply and spread the message to every person on the globe. But they must have human hearts, human hands, and human voices through which to work, for you are the human agents who will cooperate with the final work of the three angels’ messages and combine them with the loud cry of the fourth angel, which is soon to take place. Join me now as we prepare for the last great battle between good and evil, and together we will obtain the victory over what Satan has done to my creation. When the war is over, I will bring the earth back to an even greater beauty and glory as a gift to you, my beloved ones, and forever you will enjoy the fruits of our labors together and you will forget the scenes and experiences of your sojourn here, for the memories of what sin has caused you will have been forgiven and blotted out, never more to come to mind. Join me today in the finishing up of the work of my atonement, and our days will be sweet as we fellowship together! Lovingly, Jesus.
Be of Good Cheer
Dearest Ones, I have a special topic for you today to gladden your hearts and uplift any drooping spirits or feelings of discouragement you may have. It is, "Be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world!" [John 16:33. Meaning of cheer: to have courage, comfort, confidence, boldness.] The world you live in is full of desperate people who go through every day with heavy burdens caused by living in a world of sin and suffering and eventual death. It is especially so now, because I am withdrawing my Spirit, preparatory to the close of probation. This withdrawal is sensibly felt by people whether they realize it or not. This is also coupled with the upheaval in nations and in the earth itself with daily tragedies which people either experience themselves or hear in the news. All this produces an uneasiness and foreboding of worse things to come. I am allowing these things to happen to cause people to look to me for help and solace, and in fact many are doing just that. But the majority of people are under the influence of the evil one whether they realize it or not. His presence is more pronounced as I withdraw my light and protection. Therefore, people look to other things to cope with their feelings and fears. Entertainment has always been a way of distraction from fears and darkness, and is much more so now that the media provides constant access to people of all ages. Money is a comfort for those who have it. Relationships help to stave off loneliness and despair. But none of these meet the needs of the heart and soul. You might be surprised at the number of people who take drugs of one kind or another just to get through the day. But these things are only temporary measures to keep from drowning in the feelings of despair, fear, discouragement, and depression. But I want it to be different for my beloved ones. Life has always been hard on this planet since sin entered. Can you imagine the feelings of guilt and remorse that weighed upon the hearts of Adam and Eve after they sinned? There was recrimination against each other, bitter tears of suffering and sorrow, self-blame and blaming each other, loss of love and respect, etc. Eventually they learned to cast their cares upon me and accept my assurances of forgiveness, but the memory of the loss of their beautiful home and the peace and tranquility they had before they sinned was a part of the emotional burden they carried throughout life. I am looking forward to restoring their Eden home to them, even more beautiful then they remember it. I have assigned angels to dress and keep it until the original caretakers are welcomed back home. And that is the point of my message today - "Be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world!" The first Adam failed and passed on to his progeny the broken relationship with me that his sin caused. Instead of entering into a higher realm, the devil then had access to them as a result of their choice to eat of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil which I commanded them not to do. As a result, the evil one gained access to every child that has ever been born or ever will be. He brings his spirit of darkness and evil thoughts and feelings with him when he comes to tempt you. Not now are you being tempted to eat of the forbidden tree. Your temptation is to imbibe and agree with the thoughts and feelings of the devil that he brings with him to tempt you away from the fruits of the Spirit that I offer you from the Tree of Life. We have talked about this before, but just as a reminder, they are: love, joy, peace, long-suffering (or patience), gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance. As Paul says, "against these there is no law." Gal. 5:22. Do you realize what this means? Satan tempts man to think that my law is a yoke of bondage from which you want to escape. But in actuality, it is his ways that bring you into bondage, for sin brings you under the law of sin and death from which you cannot escape. I came to unlock Satan's prison house and set you free from the fear of death which holds people in Satan's captivity all their lives [Hebrews 2:14, 15]. Isn't it amazing that the very bondage that Satan accuses me of causing by the requirements of my law is actually the key that unlocks Satan's prison house of bondage and death and sets you free! [Jam. 1:25; 2:12; 2 Pet. 2:19, 20; Deut. 30:19, 20.] My way is the way of life; Satan's so-called freedom from the law of God is the way of death and self-destruction. I came to set you completely free to serve me without guile or fear. When you love me and serve me, you will love the law of liberty also, for that is the law that governs everything I do, for the law is in the center of my being [Ps. 40:8]. Therefore if you love my law, you will love me; and if you love me, you will love my law, for they are one and the same in motive and purpose. By that I mean, when you see me you see the law lived out in flesh, and when you see the law, you see the principles of my heart written out in words. You cannot separate these, for they are one. So when men "think to change" my law [Dan. 7:25], they are destroying a relationship with me, for you cannot know me apart from my law, for the law is at the center of my being and is a verbal expression of my character. The law is as permanent and unchangeable as I am, and those who think to change it are not my friends but my enemies, and will reap death. Therefore, my beloved ones, choose the pathway of life and liberty and happiness! You can see what the enemy has done to himself and his followers. Hasn't the world had enough of this experiment into death? I have eternal life in heaven waiting for all who choose to accept life and liberty from me and reject the lies of the evil one. So what I often said to my disciples, I will now say to you: Be of good cheer! In this world you shall have tribulation, but I say to you, Rejoice! For I have conquered the world! Lovingly, Jesus.
Take Courage
Dearest Ones, I have a message for you today which will encourage your hearts, for there is much yet to be done before I come, and Satan wants to discourage you. He sees you moving forward; he sees the beauty of your lives and the devotion you have for me, and he knows that if he cannot stop you and discourage you that soon the victory will have been won and that his doom is sure. Therefore, you are the center of his focus, and he is determined to discourage and dishearten you and distract you from the commitment you have made to me. But as long as you look to me and listen only to my voice, you are secure from the tempters wiles. Although he is a tireless foe, and is determined to tempt and overpower you, he cannot harm you or take you out of my hands as long as you keep your eyes upon me, and the truth uppermost in your focus. You see, Satan's power is in lies and deception. As I have said in Scripture, "I am the way, the truth and the life." [John 14:6.] "Come unto me all ye that are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest." [Matt. 11:28.] The rest that I give to you is not necessarily physical rest, although that is important also. But the rest that I offer to you is rest from worry, fear, shame, discouragement, and all the other ills of fallen mankind. I offer peace in the midst of the storms of life; but in order to have this you must spend time with me at our designated times of meeting, especially in your morning and evening devotions and upon the Sabbath hours. During these times I have planned spiritual food for you that is just what you need to refresh you and give you spiritual energy for that day. But all through the day you can be reaching out to me to receive ever-flowing water from the rock, and manna to feed your souls. Too many people do not really firmly connect with me in the morning and lay all their burdens down at my feet for me to carry for them during the day. They read something quickly and perfunctorily and rush out the door still carrying their burdens and perplexities with them. As a result of not connecting with me in the morning, their journey through the day is heavier and more stressful than it would have been with me at the helm paving the way for them. When I give you rest, it is not rest from activity, but spiritual, emotional, and mental rest from worries and burdens you don't have to carry if you have me as your Counselor, Guide, and best Friend each day. Together we will still get the necessary things done - and even more than you expected - without the stress and worry that wears out your life forces. But what about those who have already come to the place in their life's journey where they feel that they have already passed the meridian of their productivity and usefulness, and have nothing left but to wait for the end to come? I have good news for you! If I can resurrect the dead, I can provide new life for you now until I come! Some of you who are in your older years will yet live to see me come. The truth is that if I did not give supernatural strength to your life forces, no one young or old would be able to live through the end. There will be a great slaughter of men against men at the end because of the plagues and wars and natural disasters after the close of probation. But although it will be difficult for my people, yet I will put a hedge of protection around them and feed and care for them as I did for my people Israel as they were going through the desert to the Promised Land. And you too, are going to the heavenly Canaan, and I will provide for you everything you need as you pass through the Valley of Baca [Ps. 84:5-7]. So the topic for today is "courage." Take courage, my friends, for we are on our way to the Promised Land, and I am with you, even as I was with Moses and Caleb and Joshua, my faithful leaders of my people. You, too, are my leaders for you have the truth that will bring my people through. They must hear the message of the cleansing and blotting out of sin that I am presently doing in my closing work in the Sanctuary. Those who go through with me to the end will be among the 144,000. Some will of necessity be laid away to preserve them for me. But others of all ages will go through with me and be alive when I come. Be of good courage, my friends, for the time of deliverance is near, and you will soon be at home with me! In the meantime, look up and lift up your heads, for your redemption draweth nigh! [Lu. 21:28.] Lovingly, Jesus.
Dearest Ones, Today on this Sabbath day, I want to welcome you into the family of God. Around the world people who love and serve me are coming into the churches and groves and home gatherings to seek and find me in association with others of like faith. This pleases me greatly and I assure you I will be visiting with a retinue of angels as my people come to meet with me. Unfortunately, not everyone will be coming to meet me. Many have forgotten how to worship me in spirit and in truth. [John 4:23, 24.] For some it is little more than a social club and they are coming to meet together with friends. For others it is obedience to a requirement, but there is no love in their hearts for me or even for the others who are in attendance. For some it is a place of entertainment where the voices and instruments of music are praising someone other than me. But I choose not to let these things deter me from visiting with my people every Sabbath day, just as I have promised to do; and for those who truly come and worship and fellowship with me I will pour out a blessing! Now for the topic of today. It is "faithfulness." Have you noticed that this word contains the word faith? I am requiring nothing that I myself do not have as a part of my character. In fact, I could not give you something that I do not possess. That is why my name is called "Faithful and True" [Rev. 19:11]. But I want to speak about the word "faith" first, because the word faithful must of necessity begin with faith. It is a word that is often spoken of but seldom understood. A great many see righteousness by faith as meaning that my righteousness covers their unfaithfulness and sins that have not been overcome. But I want a Bride who is willing to cleanse herself from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit [2 Cor. 7:1] through my indwelling Spirit which gives cleansing and victory over every sin. Sin is disobedience, and disobedience is a result of unfaithfulness to me and my marriage covenant of love [Deut. 7:9, 12]. Would you want a wife who is unfaithful to you? No, you wouldn't want someone who gives you assurance of her love for you, while yearning for other lovers, and responding to their overtures. My beloved ones, please see me as your husband. I long for your entire devotion, and I am not going to ignore the sins in your life that are a result of the lusts of the flesh that you permit to be a part of your daily life. Satan is the other lover and he presents his allurements to capture your obescience unto him. When you willingly yield to his overtures and take the bait that pleases your senses, you are learning to be more in tune with him than you are with me. It is taking the forbidden fruit all over again. I am not speaking here about genuine believers who follow me with their whole heart, but still have sins in their lives as a result of hereditary weaknesses and cultivated habits from childhood that have not yet been cleansed. I am talking about deliberate choices because you love the sin, and then expecting me to cover that with my righteousness so that you can continue in sin, yet hope for salvation. Does this make sense to you? Satan sinned in heaven and I had to cast him and his followers out. Do you think that I am now going to take sinners back into heaven when I have provided by my death on Calvary and my intercession in the heavenly Sanctuary a way back to complete recovery from sin and its results in the human heart? But it takes faith to believe this, and faithfulness to persevere until it has been accomplished. You can be assured that I will be faithful to you as you are seeking for holiness of heart, mind, and spirit and even in your body as much as possible in this life. I must have a Bride whose mind, heart and spirit are completely in love with me and faithful to my marriage covenant - which is my law - and who is in complete agreement with me on the issue of sin. You can understand this, can't you? If Lucifer, who was created perfect, sinned while in heaven and was cast out, how could sinners on earth who are born with sinful propensities and tendencies cease to sin if taken into heaven unless they have been cleansed and proven faithful while here on this earth? Oh, my beloved ones, I have been and will continue to be faithful to you. Will you not yield to the constraints of my love for you, and cooperate with me now, while there is yet time? I have loved you with an everlasting love, and I require an equal heart of devotion and faithfulness to me if you want to come to heaven and live with me forever. Will you surrender completely to me and leave off every sin and all sympathy with the devil, who is my enemy and yours, and allow me to fill you with my Spirit of love and faithfulness in every area of your life? In Revelation 14:5, my Bride is described as "blameless!" What a beautiful description of those who follow me through the complete cleansing that I offer you as you walk with me day by day! Will you surrender your heart to me today and allow me to do this in you? If so, you will soon be with me and sit on my throne as my beloved Bride! I am looking forward to that day so soon to come! Lovingly, Jesus.
Dearest Ones, The message today is about "genuineness." You may think that this is a strange topic, but it is really about the present condition of my people. Do you remember what I said to the Laodicean church? "Buy of me gold tried in the fire, white raiment, and eyesalve." [Rev. 3:18.] This counsel covers the complete need of my people at this time. I have spoken to you about this before, but this time I want to let you know that there are two sections of my church today. The first section is my true people who love me and serve me with their whole hearts. These are looking forward to my coming with eagerness and anticipation, and have not let the bright light of the 1844 message grow dim or be forgotten. They are actively involved in whatever I ask them to do, and are hastening my coming with intensity and fervor. I look upon these with great joy, and I am sending upon them the latter rain in answer to their prayers. Those who comprise the second group are my people in name only. They care nothing about my message in 1844 announcing the beginning of my ministry in the Most Holy Place of the heavenly Sanctuary. They keep the Sabbath perfunctorily if they keep it at all. They see no light in the writings, instructions, and prophetic utterances of my testimonies and messages through Ellen White, my messenger for the final days of earth's history. These vital messages are down-played or forgotten completely by those who pretend to be my people, but are not. They are imposters sent by the evil one to lead my weaker sheep into a stupor, and eventually spiritual death. And this is all gaining ground on the very verge of my coming. These will certainly receive their reward when I separate the sheep from the goats. [Matt. 25:31-46.] So I am appealing to my true sheep who do hear my voice, to seek out those who are wavering and being influenced by the false teachers. Bring to my people the message of my soon coming, and teach those who respond how to be a part of the 144,000. It is not up to you to discern who will be among that number, and who will not. Just preach the truth, and leave to me and my angels the work of calling out who will go all the way through and who will not. But scatter the seeds of truth everywhere. Some will rise up against it and oppose you, as Satan's agents always do when truth is presented. Do not try to use arguments against them, but keep the Holy Spirit in your heart and speak only what He tells you to say, and He will attend your efforts, and protect you from all harm. There will be some martyrs, but that is not for you to worry about, for I am calling you to be among the 144,000 to glorify me. Truth spoken in love must be the cutting edge of your message. It will win the hearts of those who are my true sheep, as I have said in John 10:2-5. The progress toward the end has begun, and nothing can turn back the clock now. It is onward to the kingdom with my called, chosen, and faithful ones by my side. [Rev. 17:14.] So what will happen to those who oppose this last warning message? They will join the ranks of the opposition and be among your most bitter opponents, because when the hearts of those who have heard the truth turn from it and accept error, there becomes a hardness of heart to oppose everything which would cause them to question their course and turn from it before it is too late. On the other hand, many will come to your light and to the brightness of your rising [Isa. 60:1-3], for they are hungering for truth and will recognize it when it is brought to them. So the race to the end is on, and I am at the head of my army. Nothing can stop us now! Not the baying of the wolves or the roar of the lion, for the kingdom is coming, made up of my faithful ones. Now, what does genuineness have to do with all of this? I am just pointing out that the members in my church are not all genuine followers of me and my truth. At this time it is a mixed multitude, as it was when Israel came out of Egypt. The mixed multitude often led my people into rebellion and idolatry, for though they came out of Egypt with my people for fear of the God of Israel, they were not converted and they still had Egypt in their hearts. So it is now with people who come out of other churches, but bring the theories and concepts with them from the churches to which they belonged. It is the devil's plan to use these people to infiltrate their ideas into my church and mix their teachings with mine. It was the mixed multitude who wanted to either bring Egypt's gods and ways with them, or go back to Egypt. So beware of false prophets and teachers who have no light in them or in their teachings. [Matt. 7:15-20; Isa. 8:20.] I implore my people to return to the pure teachings of my remnant church as best taught and exemplified in the writings of Ellen White, for they are inspired by me. Remember how the people wanted to reject Moses as their leader and return to Egypt? [Num.14; 1-4.] So now some are wanting to make the Spirit of Prophecy of none effect. Do not listen to them, for they speak not the truth. Only those who have and believe in the genuine messages written for the last generation from the Word of God and the Testimonies will be able to go through the end safely. All others will fall by the wayside, for they are not genuine believers in my truth for these last days. I am speaking these things to you because you do hear my voice and obey me and have not followed the world and mingled with unbelievers to learn their ways and imbibe their errors. Therefore I'm calling you to be as lights set on a hill for all to see the truth that I have given to my Seventh-Day Adventist church which will produce the remnant in whose mouth is no guile [Rev. 14:5]. Do you wish to follow the light that is shining from my throne all the way to the end? I know that you do, because you are already my spokesmen for those who want to go through to the end. I value your love, your friendship, and your obedience more highly than you can know, for it means that my work on earth is nearly finished and eternity is about to begin. Hold on to me and I will hold on to you with a love that will never let you go or let you be deceived. And as always, please remember that I am just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.
Dearest Ones, My heart of love and concern is with you today to watch over you and guide you safely through the day and every day until I come. As I withdraw my Spirit from the earth because of the wickedness of mankind, the devil takes advantage of the opportunity to be more involved in the affairs of men, and works to bring about his desire to rid the earth of anyone who does not agree with him and his purposes. That is why my angel guard around my people has doubled, for Satan would destroy my people if he could, because he wants to set up a dynasty of his own apart from mine, as he always has wanted to do. But he and his purposes will come to naught, for my kingdom is comprised of my beloved ones who love and serve me and understand my ways and love my law, and they shall prevail against all the plans of the evil one. Now for the topic of today. It is "shamelessness." This may sound like a strange topic to you, but it is what I have offered to my people who are completely cleansed from the effects that sin has caused in their lives. You may not realize what a huge part shame has to do with the thoughts and feelings that are produced by sin. Breaking my law has an automatic reaction in the human heart, because I created mankind to be sinless and in perfect harmony with my law, which contains the principles of life and happiness. When the law is broken, shame is the automatic response, coupled with guilt and fear. Do you remember what Adam and Eve did when they ate the fruit of the forbidden tree, and their robes of light disappeared, and they came to the sudden realization that they had sinned? They immediately began to cover themselves with fig-leaf garments of their own making. So it is with all sin; people try to cover themselves with whatever eases the pain of the shame and guilt that sin produces. I want you to consider a text in Malachi 2:16: (NIV, 1987 ver.) "I hate divorce, says the Lord God of Israel, and I hate a man's covering himself with violence as well as with his garment, says the Lord Almighty. So guard yourself in your spirit, and do not break faith." As I look down upon the world, I see so much anger and violence in homes and all of society. Anger and violence are self-protective reactions resulting from feelings of shame, guilt and fear turned into violence against another person, or even toward animals or inanimate objects. When one is at peace with God, anger does not have a place in the heart. Do you see anywhere in the Bible that the fruit of the Spirit is anger? Anger is a carnal reaction whose root is fear and self-rejection. If a man [person] does not get his way or reach his goal, he first blames himself, and then strikes out against others or anything which stands in the way of accomplishing his goal. Do you see why "covering himself with violence" is an accurate description of what happens in the unregenerate heart when guilt and shame produce fear, and fear strikes out in anger and violence at others who are perceived to be standing in the way of getting rid of the shame and guilt caused by sin? No one wants to feel the agony of shame and the fear of divine retribution that sin causes. It is impossible to stop this from happening, because I created mankind to be in harmony with my law, and sin brings you under the law of sin and death. Therefore the only solution to the problem caused by sin was to take the shame and guilt of my broken law upon myself and pay the price by my own of death [Isa. 63:1-6]. Then anyone who looks to me as their substitute and the complete payment for their sins can be free to accept my sacrifice in their behalf and thus be freed from the penalty of death. However, that freedom does not mean that they are free to go on sinning, as so many seem to believe. The promise is freedom from sin and sinning by faith in the power of my righteous life indwelling the forgiven person through the Holy Spirit. It is a progressive walk of faith, growing throughout life, and the end product is peace and holiness and agreement with all my principles, and the reward is life eternal. Satan has produced a counterfeit for those who wish to have the reward but not the process of moment-by-moment surrender to me and walking with me in loving companionship. For these the cost of discipleship is too high, for they want the world and the pleasures of the world, but also want to be saved when I come. These are Christians in name only and will be bitterly disappointed when my Spirit is completely withdrawn from them and they realize that their chance for salvation has passed and they are lost. Money, fame, and fortune will mean nothing to them then. Worldly entertainment will no longer absorb their attention. Nothing of this world can compare with salvation and a loving relationship with me. Too late they will realize that they have covered themselves with spider webs [Isa. 59:4-6] and daydreams until the time for salvation has passed. But you, my beloved ones, are watching faithfully at my doors. [Prov. 8:34.] Every day you seek me and find me and desire my friendship above everything else. And you shall receive your reward both here and throughout eternity. When you are troubled I will give you peace. When the storms of life buffet you, I will be your anchor. When others hurt your feelings, I will be your solace. When you are perplexed, I will be your answer. When you have problems, I will solve them for you. If you have sickness, I will be your healer and raise you up to glorify my name. If you need funds, I will supply them for you. In this way, heaven begins here, for heaven is in your heart. For those of you who are alive now in the final hours of earth's history, you can live to see me come in the clouds of glory if you learn to walk with me moment by moment with unwavering trust in my leading in your lives. And I will give you the white robe of my perfect righteous life, and you will be shameless before me -the perfected Bride that I promised to present before my Father as the completed work of my redemption. I offer that privilege and honor to each of you today. Be not afraid to trust in my love and finished work for you, and you will receive the reward of my chosen and faithful ones, both now and throughout eternity. Come my precious and beloved ones! Take my hand and we will go out into the fields of labor and service, for the harvest is ripe and we will reap it together! Lovingly, Jesus.
Dearest Ones, You are the apple of my eye as you cooperate daily with the leading of my Spirit in your devotions and send up your prayers to my throne. It is my joy to see how you are growing in your strength to resist the advances and temptations of the evil one - not in your own strength, but in the strength of the Holy Spirit and the power of the Word. Now for the topic of today. It is "cleanliness." I am not referring to physical cleanliness, although that is important also. But I am referring to the necessity of mental, emotional, and spiritual cleanliness if you are to battle successfully against the devil and his wiles. The world with its lures and siren sounds is all around you, and it takes determination to be able to walk in the midst of evil and not be contaminated by it. But if you look to me for help, I will put a hedge about your mind and protect you from the sights and sounds that bombard you from every side, so that nothing will enter your mind to contaminate your feelings and thoughts when you have to be in worldly environments in order to carry on your daily affairs. But be careful not to deliberately invite the thoughts and ideas of the evil one into your mind through the avenues of the five senses, for remember that I give everyone the power of choice, and I do not restrain you from making poor choices which will war against your Christian growth. I try to warn you by my still, small voice, but I will never force you to do that which is right. It would be well if you would learn to always pray to me when you are tempted to do wrong or make wrong choices. Send up a prayer as soon as you see the temptation coming. I will send help to you immediately. But if you linger longingly, the power of your will is weakened, and you will succumb to the temptation if you do not call upon me for help. Do not become discouraged by what I am saying and allow yourself to imagine that when you sin I become angry and turn away my face from you. That is what the devil wants you to think so he can fasten you in his grip through discouragement. When I say I will never leave you nor forsake you, I mean just that. When you sin, I am there to pick you up and help you to be forgiven and cleansed and strengthened for the next battle with temptation. The problem is that so many people love their pet sins and don't even desire to be victorious over them, and thus don't look to me for help. They are satisfied in their lukewarm condition and don't consider the changes they must make to be saved alive when I come. They are counting on my mercy and feel that my righteousness is an automatic covering which will protect them from being among the lost when probation closes and when I come in the clouds of glory. Theirs is a vain hope, for I will save only those who have made the effort to know me and love me and come into perfect and complete agreement with me and my righteous requirements. Love and respect and agreement must be the condition of every heart that wants to walk with me in white and receive the crown of eternal life. There will be no sinners taken to heaven, for an eternity in heaven would never change the hearts of those who refuse to be cleansed while living upon earth. Love has to be the motivation, for if you love me you will love to keep my commandments. What is the color of the robe that I place upon my chosen ones? Yes, it is pearly white, for it represents the characters of those who receive it. What is the color of the twelve gates of the New Jerusalem? They are also pearly white, representing the cleansed and perfected characters of those who will enter through the gates into the city. Nothing sinful or uncleansed will go through those gates, for all the tribes and nations of earth who come up to every point and pass every test will represent my character and have a perfect hatred against sin in every form. This is the victory that overcomes the world - even faith in me and love for my righteous requirements, which are simply the laws of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health and wholeness. These will eat of the fruit of the tree of life and live forever in holiness and agreement with me before my throne and the throne of my Father. Does this sound like the experience you want to have with me now as your eyes are opened to understand the deeper levels of the principles which are the foundation of my government? Everything is built upon love! My love for you and your response of love back to me. I love the sinner, but I do not love the sin, for it is a product of the mind of the enemy of your souls and leads to eternal death. My heart is yearning for my people everywhere to come into the ark of safety while there is yet time. The hour is fast approaching when the door will be shut. But not while there is one person who truly and sincerely wants with all their heart to leave off sinning and be perfected by knowing me and having a personal relationship with me. However, the days will not prolong, for I nearly have my number made up at this time. I know where they are all over the world, and I am calling them now by my Spirit and the angels who attend them. All that is waiting now is that my Bride will second witness my call to them, for both the Spirit and the Bride say come! [Rev. 22:17.] And those who respond will say come to others until the good news of my final call will be spread around the world in the loud cry of the fourth angel. [Rev. 18:4.] Do you see the progression that will finish the work? I give the first call, then my Bride joins me, and then those who hear swell the message until every soul on earth is warned. This will not take long in this day and age when the media is utilized. So go to your day with rejoicing, for the journey is almost over, and eternal day is about to begin! Lovingly, Jesus.
Dearest Ones, I am thinking of you today, for my mind and heart are ever with my people who are serving me with their whole heart and following my counsel every day. It is for this reason that I am able to move forward to bring the reign of sin to an end. The trumpets of God are sounding around the earth to announce the coming of the King, just as trumpets were sounded to announce the approach of the Day of Atonement for the nation of Israel. We are now in the antitypical Day of Atonement, and the time has come for the blotting out of sin in preparation for my coming. All who participate with me as did the whole camp of Israel on that day will be sealed and ready for my appearing. Those who do not participate will be cast out, and there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth when I come and they find too late that they are unprepared. [Matt. 13:40-42.] Now is the time of preparation. Now is the day of salvation! Let my people know this so that no one will be unwarned. Now for the topic of today. It is "watchfulness." Satan is a wily foe, and has increased in subtleness as the centuries have gone by. But his intentions are always the same - he constantly endeavors to distract the people of God from their work of building up the kingdom of God and preparing a people to stand in the great day of God. Do you recall the story of Ezra and Nehemiah who led out in rebuilding the temple and the wall of Jerusalem? [Ezra 4:1-5; Neh. 4.] Satan stirred up enemies to harass them and try to stop their work. But I inspired the leaders of my people with determination to continue the work until it was accomplished, and when the people saw their zeal, they were inspired to do the work and finish the task of rebuilding, for the appointed time had come, as I had prophesied by Daniel in Daniel 9:25. Now the appointed time of the end has come [Dan. 8:19], and I am calling leaders to preach the glad news that I am about to come. I am calling for leaders like Ezra and Nehemiah who are not afraid of opposition, but who will find their strength in me to persevere and to lead and inspire the honest in heart to finish the task that the pioneers in 1844 began with such valor and determination. Unfortunately, many have lost the vision of the pioneers to persevere until the work is accomplished. But I have dedicated and sincere men and women around the globe who are looking wistfully to heaven for more light and understanding on the subject of my coming, and will gladly join you in your efforts to awaken people to action and to realize that the time has come to understand the fullness of the Sanctuary message as it relates to the blotting out of sins, the judgment of the living, and the sealing and the latter rain. These things have fallen into obscurity and misunderstanding, just as the rebuilding of the temple and the wall had been abandoned for years. But now I want the understanding of these things to be revived, for the time has come to finish the work that was started in 1844 by the pioneers. As you know, most people believe that the judgment of the living is a secret process. How, then, can they cooperate with me in the work that I am doing in cleansing their lives and blotting out their sins? I have never worked in secret concerning the things that require the cooperation of my people. I have always raised up leaders and prophets to proclaim my messages and to inspire my people to cooperate with me in whatever I am doing for them. There are many honest hearted people who have never heard such things and are not familiar with the light that was given to the world during the 1844 movement. At that time the truth was revealed to them that I had moved from the first apartment work of ministry into the second apartment to finish transgression and stop the continuation of sinning [Dan. 9:24], and bring to a close the work of redemption. This cannot happen unless I have the attention, understanding, and cooperation of my people, for I do nothing for my people without their cooperation. [2 SM 236.] As I have said before, I give everyone the power of choice, and I died on Calvary to purchase back the human race from the power of the devil, who wants to control the will of his subjects. He cares nothing for freedom, and his kingdom is built on force and subterfuge. For example, see the demonstration of the principles of his kingdom during the 1260 years of papal persecution. I allowed this to take place so that the whole universe could see the true nature of the Beast who is controlled by Satan himself. The devil accused me in heaven of being a despot whose laws prevent freedom of choice, which is, in fact, just the opposite of my nature and my kingdom. It is he who is the despot who rules his subjects with an iron hand and kills those who disagree with him. Observe even today his treatment of my followers in lands where he has control. But this reign of sin is soon to come to a conclusion, and it is my work in the Most Holy Place of the heavenly Sanctuary that will make it so. Now, does it seem more clear to you why I must have a people who are in tune with me, who know what I am doing, and are intelligently cooperating with me in my closing work for my people in the heavenly Sanctuary? What would Satan say to accuse me before the universe if I blotted out your sins without your knowledge and cooperation and willing involvement? While I am not afraid of the taunts of the evil one, because he is a beaten foe, I am concerned for the majority of my people who think that I am doing a work for them in the heavenly Sanctuary that is secret. It is only secret for those who are not watching and for those who miss their appointed time [Daniel 8:19] in the judgment of the living, and therefore I must finally blot out their names from the Book of Life. That is why I said to my disciples, "Watch and pray: for you know not when the time is." [Mark 13:33.] When I spoke to them, I was also looking down to your day, and I plead with you to take my counsel to them, for when my work is finished, the cases of all will have been decided [GC 489-91]. I do not wish to discourage or disheartened my people who are in tune with me, who know what I am doing and are intelligently cooperating with me and my closing work for my people in the heavenly Sanctuary. But I want to give a message of warning to those in Zion who are sleeping or unconcerned and unaware of the times in which you are living. Lift up your voice like a trumpet, [Isa. 58:1; Joel 2:1] and proclaim my message to those who are ignorant of the true meaning of the judgment hour message which was first preached in the 1840s to prepare the people for my imminent return. It is the first angel’s message which is to be preached now with even greater force and power, for the hour of my judgment requires understanding and willing cooperation in order for the people to be prepared for my coming. Do you want to be a part of my watchmen on the walls of Zion? Do you want to blow the trumpet to awaken the sleeping virgins? I have chosen you to do just that, and I am pleased that you are putting forth every effort to fulfill your calling. The hour is late and the true workers are few. The harvest of the earth is ready to be reaped. Put everything that is unnecessary out of your life and cling to me moment by moment and you will not fail to be successful workers in my harvest field. Take courage, my friends, for I am ever beside you to encourage, strengthen, and supply you with everything you need and every necessity for doing the work of spreading the message of my soon coming around the world, and in due time you will reap your reward if you prove to be faithful in the days ahead. Let nothing discourage or dishearten you, for I will guide and protect you and give you victory against all the onslaughts of the enemy. Nothing can harm you, because you are my ambassadors to a dying world with a message that will save the honest in heart. Go now to the activities of your day, but keep your eyes upon me and your heart uplifted to the heavenly Sanctuary where the light is shining forth to save all who come to me before probation closes. Then I will hide you under the shadow of my wings until the disasters are past, and I come to claim you as my own. Lovingly, Jesus.
Dearest Ones, I am with you today as you travel to 3ABN camp meeting. You are my ambassadors to take the good news of my soon coming. The topic for today is "cheerfulness." I am not speaking about the levity of worldlings who are always seeking ways to cause laughter in the people with whom they associate. Heavenly cheerfulness is inspired by a heart of love for God and for the people with whom you associate. Cheerfulness comes from joy of a heavenly origin. People who possess this characteristic can be happy amidst pain and suffering, stress, or times of trouble and tribulation, because the origin is not from earth, but comes from a close and continuing love relationship with me, and is a product of the individuality of the Holy Spirit and the peace that comes from knowing that you are loved of God and freed from guilt, worry, and fear. How does one get this quality? It is by walking day by day, moment by moment with me as your best Friend, for I will always be by your side to give you peace, calmness, hope, advice, mercy, forgiveness, and all the gifts and graces of the Spirit. Mercy and forgiveness are two of the most important graces of the Holy Spirit which promote and augment cheerfulness, because a heart burdened down with guilt is not able to see or comprehend my love and forgiveness no matter how I try to get through to the mind. A depressed person is focused upon the cause of their depression and is laden down with negative emotions. That is where my beloved ones can do what I cannot do unless the person yields to my Holy Spirit. But I can work through your hands, your love, your ministry to those who need your love and support. You can lend a helping hand where I cannot. You can give a cup of cold water to the thirsty, food to the hungry, encouragement to the downtrodden. You can clothe the naked, provide shelter for the homeless, and hope for the hopeless. When I was on earth it was my joy to minister to those around me, and I taught my disciples to do the same. Now it is your privilege to carry on the work of the kingdom of God. You are my representatives and through you I can continue to reach out to the suffering ones and bring smiles of gratitude to their faces and hope to their hearts. But all of this is predicated by a personal walk with me that seals your own heart with peace and love and freedom from worry, fear, or depression. If you find yourself tempted to give in to any of these things, come to me and I will rescue you and guide you to the words of Scripture that are just what you need in order to connect with me. I know your feelings and your needs, and I will give you courage and hope and wisdom for every challenge that you will meet. It is just this personal experience with me that will give you a testimony to others that will give them hope and courage also. So how is it with you today? Are you drinking at the fountain of my endless love for you and my watchcare over you, or are you discouraged and dwelling in the lowlands of your experience? Always remember that I am just a prayer away, and you have your Bible nearby. Open it and I will guide you to just the right passage to touch your heart and give you instruction and peace. There is nothing like the Word and prayer to get your mind back on track and focused on heavenly themes. No one has to be a pawn of the dark thoughts of the evil one. Raise your thoughts to heavenly things and I will meet you there by my Spirit. Then your life will be a blessing to everyone around you and bring a little bit of heaven to everyone you meet. That is what is meant by the word, "Sanctuary." My Sanctuary points the way to such a relationship with me that you will be men and women that are wondered at by those who look only to the world and it's sup