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[Note: The following message has been translated from Spanish and edited for clarity]


Beloved Pilgrims in all parts of the world :"Jehovah makes the council of the nations null, and frustrated the machinations of the peoples". Psalm 33:10. I am Leonardo Robles, a fellow believer with you in the blessed hope and a fellow worker with those all over the world who are proclaiming the last message of mercy. I write to you from the mountains, but the announcement of the soon and imminent return of our great God and Lord Jesus Christ must be heard in every city, village and country.


In recent days the world has witnessed global demonstrations (marches, strikes, proclamations) from different sectors of society, demanding governments comply with the environmental agreements of the Paris pact of January 2015, and requesting the Execution of the papal encyclical "laudato si". Many of us are aware of the demonstrations made by millions of people on 5 Continents, the activism of Swedish Teen Greta Thunberg, and the worldwide strikes that occurred September 20 and 27, demanding measures to curb the effects of climate change and take care of our "common house" to cite Francisco's frequent expression when referring to the planet. As Christian believers and scholars of biblical prophecies, we know that behind the good reasons presented to "save" the planet, there is a fatal and challenging purpose, because the Vatican and the UN seek, in joint agenda, to take control of the world by imposing regulations and laws contrary to divine laws [ see here for more ] . This is a clear and flagrant challenge to God and his law, which sets the seventh day (Saturday) as the day of rest. Everything indicates we are approaching with lightning speed the fulfillment of the events described in Revelation 13, where the false Sunday worship or mark of the beast will be imposed by legislation. Remember that the imposition of Sunday as a holy day instead of the Biblical Saturday, is "the last act of drama" and immediately after that terrible apostasy, the planet will be plunged into the biggest crisis ever seen by mortals.


The following presents the papal agenda to confront climate change, which according to the bishop of Rome would have an annihilating effect on the globe, so he has declared the planet to be in a state of emergency, and that the measures must be taken immediately.


1) On Sept. 11, 2019, in his residence at the Vatican, Francisco ratified an agreement with the great imam (leader of the Arab Emirates) Al Tayyib.  This agreement with the Muslim world, aims to achieve universal human fraternity and achieve world peace. That news was delivered by the press office of the holy headquarters. 


2) Vatican News highlights the events of September 20-27 climate strikes which included marches and protests in 150 countries, claiming environmental measures for the earth "rest". 


3) The Catholic Page Ecojesuit (Ecology And Jesuits) announces that in October, 2019, the synod for the Amazon will be held with all representatives of the Amazon forests and other indigenous people. In that synod the Vatican will raise the need to preserve the great natural reserves and the need for an immediate global alliance to achieve it.


4) On December 2-13, 2019, Santiago, Chile will host a world summit on climate change, where 197 countries of the world will seek to launch the agreements of the Paris Agreement (2015 ) ratifying the papal proposal.


5) On March 26-28, 2020 in the city of Assisi, in Italy, there will be a Papal Summit meeting with financial magnates and bankers from all over the world to reach a a "common pact, and establish a change in the world economy", establishing new rules for the economy and global trade. This should remind us of Revelation 13:17 that tells us that only those who are part of the evil system of the beast will be allowed to buy or sell.


6) For May 14, 2020, the Pope is summoning all world leaders to the Vatican to agree on a world educational pact of Concordia, where under common religious agreements, policies and a global economy, "a global alliance with a new humanism" is established"; which looks to be the launch of the new world order. The Bible says: "these have the same purpose, and they will deliver their power and authority to the beast." Revelation 17:13. Also Revelation 13:8 says that all inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast except those who have their names written in the book of the life of the lamb.


Are our names written in the book of life? That question is vital.


As we have seen friends and brothers from around the world, from September 2019 to May 2020 (9 months) the papacy has scheduled six (6) great world events to take absolute control of the planet and its inhabitants, And those who do not submit to their plans will be considered enemies of law and order.


But be faithful to death and God will give you the crown of life.


"... so the Lord has said to the land of Israel: the end, the end comes over the four ends of the earth ". Ezekiel 7:2.


In regards to the distress that will soon come to all the earth, and face to the anguish that we will also be as faithful of God, I leave you with this promise and this hope:


"For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us." Romans 8:18.


Maranatha-Christ is coming.


Yes, come LORD JESUS.





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