Dearest Ones,
I want to talk to you today about "fortitude." You are facing the end of all things and know not what it will be like when I let the winds go, which I am about to do. This does not mean the immediate close of probationary time, but a short time of trouble coming upon the world which will worsen and precipitate the beginning of the big time of trouble. It will also cause the "man of sin" to arise and lead the world to bring about the Sunday law, which comes before the close of probationary time on earth. You will be safe in my pavilion of protection, but it will still be a difficult time to go through because the natural things of earth and society will be interrupted and turned aside as people try to find ways to survive. This does not mean that the lines of communication and travel will be cut off, for the last invitation of light and mercy must go forth to every person on the globe before I step out of the Most Holy Place to begin the time of vengeance upon the world and its inhabitants for rejecting my salvation which I have provided so freely and at such great cost to me and my Father. But our love is well requited by those who accept me at the last hour of earth's history, and love not their lives to the death. But I will protect you through the time of trouble that is just ahead of you, and I will send angels to guide you through what I am going to do at every step. You must listen carefully and obey me as we go forward together into the future. Though the waves roar and society tumbles and is in chaos, I will see you through as I did Noah and Daniel and Lot. Not a hair of your head will perish, and I will sustain you and your families through this time. So get ready for the open door that I will provide for you to do the loud cry and accomplish everything needed for probation to close. Watch for my providence; listen for my voice and obey everything I tell you to do, and you cannot fail. Worry should not be a part of your thinking, for a worried person is not fully trusting in me, but in self. I will guide and protect you at every step and provide for and sustain you in everything that you need. Look up to me and rejoice, for your redemption draweth nigh! Lovingly, Jesus.