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  • Writer's pictureMoments with Jesus

Working Together in Love and Divine Unity

Dearest Ones,

I want to be with you today in a special way because you are growing so much in your love for me and your membership is growing and I want to give you courage and support in the direction that you are going. The future is unknown to you, but it is known to me, and there will be a need for you to stay close and in tune with me, because as the membership grows there is a tendency to rely more on each other for support and programming. But let each of you be subject one to another under the leadership of the Holy Spirit and avoid all wrangling and criticism, suspicion or backbiting, as tends to happen as membership grows, which of course is my goal for you. If there are problems, pray together and singly until you know my will and come into harmony in the Spirit as did my disciples in the early years after Pentecost. The latter rain is now falling, and will continue to fall to prepare you for what is ahead, but that does not negate the need for oneness of mind and spirit between you. I will help you if you will look to me and follow my directions, and blessings will be upon all as we work together in love and divine unity.

Now go to the activities of the day, but keep your heart and mind in tune with my Spirit and you cannot help but receive the blessings I have for you today. Lovingly, Jesus.

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