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Writer's picture: Moments with JesusMoments with Jesus

Dearest Ones,

You are so precious to me in your love and devotion to me and your sensitivity to my every wish and command. Not that I have to command you, for you are seeking my will every moment to see what I have in store for you that day, and you are eager to walk with me no matter what it holds for you. My soul is requited by your love and obedience, and my Father and I rejoice, for because of your response to our Spirit, which is sent out into the whole earth to gather the remnant of our people who have served so valiantly in previous ages, we can now bring the great controversy to a victorious end!

Now go to the activities of your day, but rejoice with us, and let there be constant communion between earth and heaven as the hours draw close for my coming. In the meantime there is much work to be accomplished and you can be sure that I will not leave you nor forsake you to the wiles and plans of the enemy to do away with my favored ones who are obedient to the call to be among those who live through the end and receive the prize of being translated at my coming. These will sit with me on my throne throughout the ages of eternity to reveal to the universe forever the principles of my government as lived out in the lives of the redeemed.

Because you will have gone through the effects of the plan of salvation from beginning to end, you will reign with me forever because you understand what no other generation has understood -- the complete eradication of every vestige of sin from your character, and the restoration of the perfection with which mankind was created. But this time there will be no ignorance, because the man of sin will have been fully revealed and overcome. You see, the man of sin is in every person who has sinned, which includes all of mankind. The root of the man of sin is pride and self-sufficiency, which caused rebellion against God and the holiness of character which is necessary for eternal life.

Agreement with me and my principles of love gives freedom and eternal life; disagreement with me and my wise eternal principles equals sin and death. Why will mankind refuse to recognize this? Because they have imbibed the character of Satan in the lies that they love, for they believe that this will set them free from being under my government and having to submit to me. So be it. They will have what they so desire and long for. I will set them free to meet the full extent of their rebellion, and so they will die in their sins, and never shall they be anymore.

But you, my beloved ones, are the rejoicing of my heart in loving obedience and response to my law of love, and so shall you be forever with me and the host of angels and the redeemed. Hold on, my loved ones, for I am coming soon and my reward is with me to give every man according as his work shall be! Lovingly, Jesus.

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