Dearest Ones,
My heart is joyful today because of the progress of my people toward holiness. My true followers are divesting themselves of doubt and worldliness, and accepting my invitation to be cleansed of earthliness, and receive the showers of the latter rain. The more light you receive the more light you shall have, until every corner of your heart and mind have been cleansed and filled with my righteousness. Therefore my topic for today, is "the latter rain."
This has been a goal of my people throughout history, for even the prophets of old have spoken of it through the unction of the Holy Spirit. [Hos. 6:3; Zech.10:1.] But even though many Godfearing people received the natural outpouring of the Holy Spirit in their lives as they moved forward in the process of spiritual growth and cleansing of known sin, no generation has received the latter rain which has been prophesied for the cleansed remnant at the close of my ministry in the Most Holy Place. But this singular baptism of the Holy Spirit is now available, because my people are cooperating with me in the full cleansing of all hereditary and cultivated sins, both personally and also back to the third and fourth generation. Now the antitypical Day of Atonement is coming to a close so that I can carry out the promise of the latter rain upon a fully cleansed and prepared people as a reward and fulfillment of my promise throughout Scripture.
Lift up your heads O ye gates and open up ye everlasting doors, for the King of glory to come in, bringing his cleansed and beautiful bride to live with him forever! And everyone who reads or hears these messages is invited to the wedding! [Ps. 24:1-10; Rev. 19:1-10.]
Now I want to explain in greater detail the process by which you may be among the wise virgins who are ready for the coming of the Bridegroom. The first concept to understand is that everyone is born with inherited tendencies to evil. Although you are not held personally responsible for the sins of your ancestry, it is inevitable that you will follow in their footsteps because it is passed on in the genes and DNA of body cells and brain pathways. Thus you are also susceptible to the demons who are associated with these weaknesses, and they begin as early as possible to influence you to follow in the sins of your parents and ancestry.
But my Spirit is also present at the conception of each child, and from the beginning of life works to influence their choices. As you may imagine, the greater the sins and rejection of the influence of my Spirit by the parents, the less chance there is for the child to respond to the Holy Spirit. But some children do, and I follow them throughout their lives to woo them to fully surrender to me and fulfill the blueprint plan which I have for their lives.
But now I want to return to the subject at hand - the latter rain at the close of earth's history. It has always been my plan to finish the work of salvation at the close of time, because I must have a finished product of my grace and saving power to redeem mankind fully from the sins of the fathers upon the children from the beginning at the fall of mankind in Eden. I have presented progressive truth through every generation, but the full light of my righteousness and salvation will be displayed to those who follow me through the judgment of the living, and are cleansed completely of both hereditary and cultivated sins. The amount of light that is necessary to accomplish this is called the latter, or finishing work of the Holy Spirit in my people. This means that all the light and power that is necessary for the finishing of the work will be displayed for and by my remnant who keep the commandments of God and have both the faith and the testimony of Jesus. [Rev. 12:17; 14:12; 19:10.]
The good news is that this is now available to all who seek to go all the way with me to complete victory over sin and sinning, and the presence and power that the evil one has had in your lives because of hereditary and cultivated sins that have not been overcome. The latter rain means that as you move forward in cooperation with me in the final atonement, the progressive light of the latter rain will be poured out upon you and thus the work will be finished as this light flashes around the world to reap the harvest of souls who are ready to be garnered in.
Is the subject and understanding of the latter rain more clear to you now? Sin darkens the mind and keeps you from knowing truth. The cleansing of sin brings light and agreement between us as your mind becomes open to all the showers and fullness of the Holy Spirit. So to all who hear my voice and open the door of their hearts to me, I say, Come, my beloved ones and drink at the fountain of my love for you and all the blessings and deliverance that is yours through my perfect life and my blood that has been shed for you. As I said to my disciples, ask me for anything, and I will give it to you, for you are asking to further the kingdom of light, and everything I have won for you is now yours. [John 14:12-14; 16:12-15; 17:20-26.]
Now go to the activities of your day, but on this preparation day, remember that you are preparing to enter into the eternity of peace in my heavenly kingdom by my side, and before the Father! Lovingly, Jesus.