Dearest Ones,
As you can see, I am opening up further light on the trumpets, as I promised I would do when you were ready to perceive it. I want this message to be spread far and wide, because it gives the understanding of the last days that no one else has, which tells precisely where we are in time. It is a vital message to the Laodiceans to wake up before I throw the sensor down and pronounce the sentence for the whole human race that I am finished with reconciling, and probationary time has closed. We are nearer that time than most people realize, and it is hasting greatly. Only a moment of time is left, but in that moment I want all of you to work as quickly as possible to warn the world of its coming doom. Satan has his soothsayers who have their own interpretation of the disasters around the world. But no one but my faithful people know the real story and you must publish it without delay. I have been lenient in the past, but now I am requiring a steady dissemination of light coming from your watchtower, and I will help you to do everything that I am asking you to do.
Now go to your rest for the night, but do not forget what I am telling you now and let the days go by without productivity. If you ask me I will tell you individually what I want you to do each day. Do not worry that I will be a hard taskmaster, for I know what you can do and what you cannot. But watch for my providences and listen for my voice in your heart and you cannot fail to do the work that I am asking you to do and I will multiply your efforts. Rest well and tomorrow I will pour out my Spirit upon you. Lovingly, Jesus.