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Our Responsibility

Writer's picture: Moments with JesusMoments with Jesus

Dearest Ones,

My message to you today is of utmost importance, for I am about to do something in the world that is a further step in loosening the winds of strife. The nations are already angry, but angels are belting the world to hold back the actual engagement of armies and untold chaos that the enemy desires to bring about to stop the progress of my people in getting the last warning message to the world before the close of probation. I have not committed this task to you, my little band of workers on the mountain. To you I have given the responsibility of getting out the light of the cleansing, and this is necessary only for those who have accepted all the light that has already come to them, and are seeking greater light in addition to what they already have. I know every heart, and I know the ones that are seeking to go all the way with me. Not all of these, even, will go the last mile, but some will. This is not to concern you, for I will carry that responsibility. It is enough for you to know that the church at large is yet doing a great work of harvesting souls, and you are a part of the vanguard of workers who are preparing the 144,000.

But now I am bringing you counsel that is specific concerning the important events of this coming year. The problems in the weather will continue to get worse, sporadically around the earth. Pray that I will protect the environment of each of you so that you will not be in the path of danger, and I will hear you and send angels to protect you. But begin now to make provisions for the immediate future. By this I do not mean to store up food, for your bread and water will be sure; but secure your homes and provide alternate ways of heating and light before next winter.

Also, I want a renewed thrust for getting the light out on a regular basis that I have given each of you to share with the world. Keep to your assigned tasks, and I will guide you. Pray together and look for opening providences; don't neglect the little things when searching for bigger opportunities, for you do not know which will prosper, either this one or that one. In general, I am pleased with all that you are doing in the cause of the kingdom, and for my sake, and I am blessing and will bless you accordingly.

Now go to the activities of your day, but do not neglect to listen for my still, small voice speaking to your heart, and if you do not hear it, take a moment to reconnect with me. I know the pressures of daily life are continually calling for your attention, and I want you to successfully accomplish all your duties, but I want you to take me along with you, for I can make your burdens light with my guidance and the sunshine of my presence. I know you are already doing this -- at least most of the time -- but I am just reminding you that there is not a moment in time that I am not aware of you and wanting to guide, comfort, instruct, enlighten, and fill you with my presence and my love; so tune your heart to the wavelength of heaven, and you will always be full of rejoicing. That is the privilege of the saints in light, and so it can keep you out of darkness and worry as you walk the narrow way to glory! Lovingly, Jesus.

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