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Restoring the mind to its Original Perfection

Writer's picture: Moments with JesusMoments with Jesus

Dearest Ones,

I am so pleased with your response to my message of love to you today. I used the writings of my servant, Ellen White, to speak to you personally with these messages which were written especially for you. I knew that my message of righteousness by faith would not penetrate the minds of these faithful pioneers. But they will be rewarded in my kingdom for their faithfulness and courage to take the truth that I gave to them to the ends of the earth. Nevertheless, I knew that they were not ready for the final cleansing, and that a great work had to be done before I could pour out the latter rain upon a cleansed remnant. I have been patiently waiting for the precious fruit to appear, and now I have my remnant people who comprehend what no other generation has understood -- the cleansing of the roots of sin that lie deep within the unconscious mind. No one understands that I, the Creator, have specifically organized the mind so that I can have access to every part of what I have created. I am not an impotent God who has created something that I cannot cleanse and restore to my original design. When I came to earth I came to demonstrate what a fully perfect mind looks like in human flesh. And I can restore your mind into my image by the transforming power of my Holy Spirit; and by that same power I will restore to perfection those who will cooperate fully with me.

How I love those who love me and allow me to do this for them! As a bridegroom rejoices over his lovely bride, so I rejoice over you and all who will follow me completely at this time in history. You will forever be by my side throughout eternity, for I would have something missing in my heart without you. My soul yearns with unspeakable yearning to have the great controversy finished and the devil and his followers destroyed. But I must exercise divine patience to follow the prescribed pathway for the deliverance and restoration of mankind from the clutches of my enemy, who desires to strip me of my people and my kingdom. But he will not prevail, for his power is from lies, deception, and force, while mine is with love, truth, and freedom of choice. Only those who choose my way and my kingdom will live with me throughout eternity, and the devil and his followers and his kingdom will be destroyed forever. And that day is soon to come, my beloved ones. So keep up your courage and your faithfulness to me and my cause in the earth and your reward is sure in my soon-coming kingdom. Lovingly, Jesus.

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