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Stand up Boldly for the Truth

Writer's picture: Moments with JesusMoments with Jesus

Dearest Ones,

It was a pleasure visiting with you today. I came because you are all following me more closely each day, and becoming more cleansed and filled with my Spirit. It is a joy to me to see at last a remnant in my church on earth who are willing to step out from the crowd and be cleansed of all filthiness of the flesh and spirit and represent the faithful of all ages who have loved and followed me through sorrow, suffering, persecution and martyrdom for the sake of my truth and my kingdom. And now the time has come for me to call my final people to a relationship with me which no one before you have experienced as a collective group. I have always had faithful ones through the ages that have loved me more than life itself, and they will shine like stars forever in my kingdom. But never since Pentecost have I had a people who were a representation of the finished product of my grace. For a time after Pentecost, the believers were as one. But soon factions broke out and eventually became the church of Ephesus who had lost their first love for me and each other. Then as the centuries went by, the papal system of Rome was revealed, which displays the very character of Satan himself, and through them he set himself up as ruler of this world, which is always what he wanted to do, even while he was in heaven.

Now this satanic spirit is rising again as you know, and I am calling you to expose him and unmask the stealthy progress of world control that is surfacing and being accepted by people around the world. My people are asleep on the verge of my coming, and they know it not. I can no longer intercede for such ones, for they are allowing my arch-enemy to grow in power without protest. I am asking you, my beloved ones, to take your stand against the papacy's stealthy but bold assault against truth, and unmask his advances before he takes the world into his lies and comes out boldly against my truth and my people. Do not stand idly by without protest. The fallen churches have said that the protest is over. But they do not know that I have a faithful remnant who, like the reformers of old, will not allow my truths to be trampled underfoot, but will take a bold stand against error. Thank you for being willing to stand up for my truth when champions are few, and the church is looking only for the Sunday law as the sign of my coming. When that actually happens, it will be too late to prepare for most.

Now go to the activities of your day, but never forget that I am with you always and I am counting on you to get the last warning message out to the world, and to preach the second angel's message, which will be followed by the third and joined by the loud cry of the fourth. My angels are even now preparing for this final message to the world. You may think you are only a small group, but others will join you, and so by the power of my Spirit in the latter rain, the work will be finished. Farewell for now my beloved ones, but do not forget how much I love you and prize your devotion to me and my cause in the earth. Because of your dedication and obedience, the great controversy between good and evil will finally be ended, and my reign of glory will begin! Lovingly Jesus.

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