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You are the Apple of My Eye

Writer's picture: Moments with JesusMoments with Jesus

Dearest Ones,

I am happy to tell you today that I am moving forward in the earth to bring everything in the world and in society to the great culmination of history. I can do this because you, my chosen ones, are going forward in your cleansing and are being restored into my image. Yes, there are yet things that must be cleansed from your characters, and work to do to help the stragglers and those who are just beginning their journey toward holiness, but as long as I have leaders who are at the head of my work of cleansing, I can bring others quickly into the fold of safety, and they can learn from you. So do you see how important it is for you to keep in step with everything that I bring you through in your cleansing? Everything depends upon whether I have a cleansed bride -- a representation of what I can do in fallen human beings through my grace and my intercessory work in the heavenly sanctuary. I love each one of you with an everlasting love, and I will not allow a hair of your head to fall without my notice.

Now go to the activities of your day, but do not allow one moment to pass when you are unmindful of my love and care for you. Although you cannot see the angels that I have stationed around you to protect, guard and guide you, you can by faith know that they are there, that they love you, and that you are never alone to face the wiles, temptations and plans of the devil to hurt and destroy you. You are safe in the shadow of my wings. But I will caution you to never be presumptuous about my care for you. Remember the old prophet who disobeyed my counsel and was killed by a lion along the way. I will not protect those who deliberately disobey my express commands and walk unbidden on Satan's ground. Avoid presumption at all cost, for the evil one is ever looking to find a way to hurt and destroy my people. But you, my beloved ones, are the apple of my eye and you are in the center of my will for you, and I will never allow you to be the sport of the enemy. I have paved the way to heaven with my blood, and as long as you travel the same path of obedience, faith, and self-sacrifice, you will be safe from the enemy! Keep your courage today, my chosen ones, for it is one day closer to my coming! Lovingly, Jesus.

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